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Powertechs the new FOTM overpowerd


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oh look, more QQ


See, if I'm Bioware, I know I'm doing PvP class balance reasonably well. Why? Because there is QQ about almost all classes being OP on a given day.


WoW never had this problem, because it was always bad/unbalanced globally. It was the same 3-4 specs out of dozens that were OP and no one else was close. It just depended on what patch you were in.

Then again, Blizzard could never get PvE right, much less PvP.

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Now after you've read all the numbers, here is the video itself:



I see other videos of PT's/Vanguards hitting this hard, i'm in Cent gear with a Champ rifle, and my crits are more like 2.5k with the lucky 3k on an un-geared 50....does full Champ/BM really provide that big of a boost?

Edited by jokerxdragon
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why would you ever be a pyro merc when you can be a powertech


Because Pyro Merc has better AOE's and Does everything at 30m range...


Mercs best Rail proc is unload -7.5k dmg, 3 second channel, with 60% chance to proc rail ,30m range.


Powertechs best Rail proc is Rocket punch, instant+1j.5sec GCD, -2.5k 45% chance to proc railshot, 4m range.



Merc has higher burst dmg in fewer GCD's because of Unload and +missile dmg... and add in FUSION+incindiary, which can be cast in 1 GCD if you use TS override and Powersurge to insta cast your fusion.

Youll literally see the fusion missile and incindiary almost stacked on top of eachother... it looks like you just shot twice...which in fact...you did :p


So you go Merc if you like AOE's and long range and Upfront/Spike dmg with less CC and lower dot's, or PT if you like melee and better DOT's and CC..

Edited by blackadda
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I see other videos of PT's/Vanguards hitting this hard, i'm in Cent gear with a Champ rifle, and my crits are more like 2.5k with the lucky 3k on an un-geared 50....does full Champ/BM really provide that big of a boost?


Yes, yes it does. Powertech is very gear dependent. Centurion --> champion is a massive stat boost, and you will notice your damage going through the roof with every new item!

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The fact is that video doesn't show anything other than someone with gear blowing up someone without. which happens with any class. He then faces off against a marauder but the video cuts off because he most likely wasn't going to cheese him since they both had gear.
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With fully modded combat tech gear using mostly power/surge from gunslinger gear, if everything crits and I have red buff + power trinket, this is what that would look like:


Fire dot ~ 2k over what, 8 seconds?

High impact bolt (railshot) - 3800

Stockstrike (Riot strike) - 3200


You couldn't kill a bolstered level 49 in 3 hits. Add in Assault Plastique and MAYBE, but most don't go all the way up assault tree. I've seen that crit for around 4200.


Most use the carolina parakeet spec which doesn't get AP, or a version of Assault/Tactics. Not many people go full assault.

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the ones that actualy know how to pvp and know how they work know how to just run and 3 shot people.


Sounds like you just ran into someone that knows their class. I destroy Powertechs on my Shadow Consular... They can be a ***** but still dont touch healing merc's with biochem medpacs and stims. Just saying, there is a difference between a class being "FOTM" and running across one of the better pvpers on your server. And I'm not calling you out here cause pvp in general in this game is F*%ked right now... But it's a new game gonna take some time.

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I see other videos of PT's/Vanguards hitting this hard, i'm in Cent gear with a Champ rifle, and my crits are more like 2.5k with the lucky 3k on an un-geared 50....does full Champ/BM really provide that big of a boost?


I didn't see the date on that video (nor watched it) but if they are hitting those numbers that must be it was from post surge nerf. You also have to look at your spec, and what he posted is correct, in the right circumstances Pyro's do mad amount of damage, but they lack any realy utility other class have. So if you are in a situation where you have to 1v1 a PT and you're not a marauder, you might want to use those utility to run away.


Against Ungeared(no PvP gear with maybe 1-3 cent gear) I hit 4.2k max on my RS crit, 4.6k max on my TD. In the condition that I can TD > IM > RS > RP with all crit, I do get a chub and grows fully if my RP resets mt RS and I get another RS crit off. At this point if they are still alive I just throw a fee FB down. Which actualyl doesn't happen all the time, in fact it's rather rare.

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Although OP has no clue where the damage is coming from or what's causing it, and is exaggerating the damage done- a pyro can indeed do very heavy burst in a short time, and without needing to stay in extremely close range- so it's usable against classes with some distance makers like sorcs and mercs.


The PT is a pretty amazing damage dealer with gear.

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I see other videos of PT's/Vanguards hitting this hard, i'm in Cent gear with a Champ rifle, and my crits are more like 2.5k with the lucky 3k on an un-geared 50....does full Champ/BM really provide that big of a boost?


It does once you power/surge stack your gear as well...


As an almost full BM Pyro/Merc (698 expertise)I geared up and stripped a bunch of power/surge enhancements from champ gloves to replace the BM ones



Since 1.1.3


My Railshots crit for up to 4.2k on light armor wearers, typically 3.7ish on heavy.

Thermal Detonator crits for up to 4.8k, typically at least 3.9k


The big thing with champ vs cent vs BM is the access to surge... Pyros ability to kill is all centered around proccing rail, which has a high percentage to crit so it benefits a lot from surge.


POWER+Surge are the stats which really boost your railshot and therefore your lethality.. and thats the main thing Champ vs Cent brings.


Apply same to trooper/vanguard... different skins, different skill names, same class.

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another one of these threads?


powertech, and more specifically the pyrotech tree of bounty hunter, is not OP. it is a very resource intensive spec, it has very high mobility, and the potential for large amounts of spike damage.


the spike damage is not from one massive attack. it is from a combination of several. incendiary missile/flame burst to apply a dot, thermal detonator, power shot, and finally rail shot. this 4 ability cooldown can deliver upwards of 8-9k damage in the span of a second. this is for several reasons:


thermal detonator has a time delay before it explodes. you can use almost 2 full gcds in the time it takes for thermal det to pop.


power shot has a travel time before damage is delayed. it also has a cast time, so while youre casting the gcd is ticking down.


thermal det goes, cast power shot, hit rail shot as soon as power shot is done casting, and you are likely going to have all 3 attacks apply damage at the same moment. each typically hit for 2.5-3k (thermal det and rail shot occasionally get much higher), totaling 7.5-9k damage. it is easy to see why people would find that overpowered.


it takes a lot to set-up for that kind of spike, and you also need to get extremely lucky by landing crits on all 4 attacks. you also need to hope youre target isnt smart enough to clear their fire dot, preventing you from using rail shot. you also have to hope that they dont go out of LoS while casting power shot.


not to mention that the powertech side of things must be within melee range to get the full burst, as they use rocket punch rather than power shot


a lot goes into powertech. if you figure out how to play it right, and play it intelligently, you can see devastating results

Edited by cashogy
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another one of these threads?


powertech, and more specifically the pyrotech tree of bounty hunter, is not OP. it is a very resource intensive spec, it has very high mobility, and the potential for large amounts of spike damage.


the spike damage is not from one massive attack. it is from a combination of several. incendiary missile/flame burst to apply a dot, thermal detonator, power shot, and finally rail shot. this 4 ability cooldown can deliver upwards of 8-9k damage in the span of a second. this is for several reasons:


thermal detonator has a time delay before it explodes. you can use almost 2 full gcds in the time it takes for thermal det to pop.


power shot has a travel time before damage is delayed. it also has a cast time, so while youre casting the gcd is ticking down.


thermal det goes, cast power shot, hit rail shot as soon as power shot is done casting, and you are likely going to have all 3 attacks apply damage at the same moment. each typically hit for 2.5-3k (thermal det and rail shot occasionally get much higher), totaling 7.5-9k damage. it is easy to see why people would find that overpowered.


it takes a lot to set-up for that kind of spike, and you also need to get extremely lucky by landing crits on all 4 attacks. you also need to hope youre target isnt smart enough to clear their fire dot, preventing you from using rail shot. you also have to hope that they dont go out of LoS while casting power shot.


not to mention that the powertech side of things must be within melee range to get the full burst, as they use rocket punch rather than power shot


a lot goes into powertech. if you figure out how to play it right, and play it intelligently, you can see devastating results


"These threads" are all started by the same person and people keep falling into his little troll trap over and over. :rolleyes:

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I wonder when people are going to realize they're crying about ALL classes and how OP they are.


People, there will not be nerfs, just learn to play.


Yeah. It's the same forum posters that start it. The fact they are still allowed to post this constant nonsense just to troll and incite the community bothers me on what type of moderation Bioware has on these forums...

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The main issue is that most players haven't figured out how to best take advantage of their abilities. Pyros are absolutely ridiculous when played properly. The only reason you don't hear more crying about them is because of the low overall population combined with people who have them built incorrectly.


It's coming though. It is hard to nail down facts considering we don't have battle logs, but anecdotally, as a healer, I can tell you that no other class does that kind of prolonged damage. The tradeoff should be their lack of survivability, yet their defensive cooldown is, again, absolutely ridiculous.


To be clear, I am not really calling for nerfs, but once people start seeing Powertechs routinely in the 350-600K damage range, it will inevitably come. For some reason, I only see Powetechs doing this kind of damage. Vanguards don't seem to spec the same way for soem reason.

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The main issue is that most players haven't figured out how to best take advantage of their abilities. Pyros are absolutely ridiculous when played properly. The only reason you don't hear more crying about them is because of the low overall population combined with people who have them built incorrectly.


It's coming though. It is hard to nail down facts considering we don't have battle logs, but anecdotally, as a healer, I can tell you that no other class does that kind of prolonged damage. The tradeoff should be their lack of survivability, yet their defensive cooldown is, again, absolutely ridiculous.


To be clear, I am not really calling for nerfs, but once people start seeing Powertechs routinely in the 350-600K damage range, it will inevitably come. For some reason, I only see Powetechs doing this kind of damage. Vanguards don't seem to spec the same way for soem reason.


No so sawbones healers who stay alive against 4 players in ilum, alone, by spamming 2.5k insta heals and managing to kill players isn't OP either, right.


You can point out something at any class, they all do the same damage / healing if well played.


It's situational based aswell, if you are at the right place at the right time to do decent damage then you can.


Go away with your nonsense fingerpointing, a well played warrior / inquisitor takes you down just as hard, I've seen assassins do 12k burst in about 3 seconds, goodluck outhealing that.


Classes are only OP if played properly and when used a 100% properly , every skill has to be used at the right moment, every interrupt has to be timed.


A sniper can burst the exact same damage as PT's, but without all the setup.


A sorcerer can get 3k DPS on a target if DoT'd properly, and with some stim help.


A sentinel can eat a sorcerer in a matter of seconds while taking nearly no damage.


An operative can still burn through a focused enemy.


It's all about HOW the class is played and just because YOU met ONE strong powertech doesn't mean they ALL deserve a nerf and you should just learn to play better if you can't accept that.

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I have purple adrenal, purple aim boost, my crit ability, a crit relic and the highest I have ever gotten on a rail shot being full dps was 4.8k. Whoever started this post is on crack.


BM gun and chest, rest champ gear.

Edited by gofortheko
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I have purple adrenal, purple aim boost, my crit ability, a crit relic and the highest I have ever gotten on a rail shot being full dps was 4.8k. Whoever started this post is on crack.


BM gun and chest, rest champ gear.


While she doesn't know what she's talking about- consider that rail shots plus thermal detonator plus rocket punch (and the dot damage on top) can indeed cause well over 10k damage within 2 seconds- which means over 2 thirds of champ geared player's health.... and you only need to be in melee distance for the rocket punch.


The linked vid for example showed about 13500 damage in under 3 seconds.

Edited by fungihoujo
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I have purple adrenal, purple aim boost, my crit ability, a crit relic and the highest I have ever gotten on a rail shot being full dps was 4.8k. Whoever started this post is on crack.


BM gun and chest, rest champ gear.


The OP is actually on crack, just go to his profile, check threads created, and start laughing.


He has created 39 threads of which 35 are full of crap. He likes to troll or force his weird twisted ideas of how the game should be upon us.


People like the OP deserve to be banned from the forums, simply for going here every single time they face an opponent that can actually play their class properly.


I'm a sorcerer, I get owned in less than 10 seconds by ANY guardian / sentinel, and I don't care. I know they're my counter class, I will have to find ways to beat them, rather than to beetch and moan on the forums.


Oh and FYI powertechs are so easy to take down. Either kite them as ranged, or just zerg them as melee.

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t's coming though. It is hard to nail down facts considering we don't have battle logs, but anecdotally, as a healer, I can tell you that no other class does that kind of prolonged damage. The tradeoff should be their lack of survivability, yet their defensive cooldown is, again, absolutely ridiculous.


Wait what? I have useful defensive cooldowns?


I shall go see my trainer right away!

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