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To put it gently, I agree with these guys..


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This is pretty much the exact same sentiment that I feel. EVERY MMO that has come out in the past 5 years has suffered because a small, but very vocal, minority of MMO "players" have come out with extremely divisive rhetoric that basically causes negative feelings towards the game to ripple through the community which in turns causes people to think twice about subscribing and eventually the game dies due to lack of funding. (sniped but generally agreed with)


Because the krap management companies behind the games keep releasing titles which are absolutely not ready for market.

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That has nothing to do with it... I'm not sure "putting up with it" is the trait of a gamer at all. Expectations were high, and generally not met.


Because no game can offer what some are looking for. They want a magical unicorn that sh***ts tacos to come out of the screen of their computer and fly them away to a world full of sparkly vampires that they can befriend and eventually marry.


You will never find what you are looking for, so you should just stop gaming. Even Skyrim has bugs, and that game is a single player game that was developed for years. The programming doesn't even have to deal with other players and there were issues that will take time to iron out.

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Me and my wife's enjoyment >Some random blog posting guys opinion of that game that doesnt matter if we are enjoying it.


Yes but... you should care that A LOT of other people like it, or BioWare will be unable to roll out their "A" content plan, and resort to B, C, or D depending on how many players there are.

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You've started thinking this through but not completed the process, I fear. You're quite right; if something truly is obvious (as opposed to just being something YOU THINK is obvious; you might be horribly mistaken after all) then there's not a lot of value in posting it. The problem is, this applies far more to obvious statements such as "The UI isn't very customizable" than to suggestions such as "the chat box is often in my way and I'd like to be able to move and resize it". The former is completely obvious; the devs already know that the UI isn't very customizable.


So the complaints honestly provide little to no actual benefit. They're generally composed of a lot of subjective opinions couched as objective fact (e.g. PvP in this game sucks), along with some dreadfully obvious statements of actual objective fact (e.g. there's a faction imbalance on many servers that affects open world PvP).


On the other hand, actual constructive criticism isn't just composed of complaints, which again aren't helpful at all. Constructive criticism provides suggestions for how YOU think things could be improved. Note that your opinions about how things can be improved are just that: your opinions. Despite the fact that you've played some or many MMOs, this doesn't actually make you a dev nor qualify you to speak on behalf of any players except yourself.


Thanks Teach I feel oh so humbled and I just don't know what I would do without your condescending speech. Although it really didn't refute anything I was talking about.


The UI flaws are obvious smart people aren't going to waste time listing things the dev's knew before Dec. and people have a right to rant about paying for beta until March or whenever the patch is supposed to be in.


As for opinions yes you are correct everyone has an opinion thanks I really feel enlightened by that knowledge I don't know why I didn't think of it myself.

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Sorry but if I as a gamer who has played Online Multiplayer games since Terris and UO have to explain to a game developer how he /she should make it possible to move around my windows

and be able to scale them

and not have every window close when I close one

and have a auction house that takes after what has worked for years

and have tooltips that show me if I have a schematic already when searching the GTN and...and... and....


If I actually have to tell him that this basic stuff should be in the game( should've been at realease ) then A: He should be fired and I should get his job and B: He hasn't played a MMO in his life.


So these people who complain about the UI without "solutions" have the insight and common sense to know that listing these obvious things does nothing.



P.S. I love the genre, and SW and I have hope for fixes but I fully back quitters right to rant and feel offended that the developers would release such an unfinished game.


Now if you will excuse me I have to go move all of the stuff I want to sell to the right of my inventory so I will be able to click on them :)


Now thats just ridiculous, you dont have to move your stuff, all you need to do is to open ah with your inventory on the left hand side, post all the unobscured stuff from the left then close and reopen inventory, so it pops from the right side and finish up! Freaking easy.... Oh make sure none of your pets are due to return while browsing. I fixed that issue by not bothering with sending them out anymore, since theres absolutely no point in doing that

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Because no game can offer what some are looking for. They want a magical unicorn that sh***ts tacos to come out of the screen of their computer and fly them away to a world full of sparkly vampires that they can befriend and eventually marry.


You will never find what you are looking for, so you should just stop gaming. Even Skyrim has bugs, and that game is a single player game that was developed for years. The programming doesn't even have to deal with other players and there were issues that will take time to iron out.




No, players aren't asking for a mythical beast that's never been seen before. Players only wanted the things they HAVE seen before, and in fact use every day in WoW and other games. It just wasn't delivered...


Players can understand bugs and lack of content, those will be taken care of over time. But a bleak feature set means they're always going to be playing catch up (and never will, because the competition isn't standing still.)

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Now thats just ridiculous, you dont have to move your stuff, all you need to do is to open ah with your inventory on the left hand side, post all the unobscured stuff from the left then close and reopen inventory, so it pops from the right side and finish up! Freaking easy.... Oh make sure none of your pets are due to return while browsing. I fixed that issue by not bothering with sending them out anymore, since theres absolutely no point in doing that


Or you can work around the bug by positioning yourself when you click on the GTN instead of doing all that. Slightly to the right when you open. Is it perfect? No. But some people are smart enough to figure out how to work around it.

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No, players aren't asking for a mythical beast that's never been seen before. Players only wanted the things they HAVE seen before, and in fact use every day in WoW and other games. It just wasn't delivered...


Players can understand bugs and lack of content, those will be taken care of over time. But a bleak feature set means they're always going to be playing catch up (and never will, because the competition isn't standing still.)


Oh because I can remember that the players were asking for new and different rather than WoW in space. Make up your mind, which one is it?

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That has nothing to do with it... I'm not sure "putting up with it" is the trait of a gamer at all. Expectations were high, and generally not met.




"Putting up with it" is what you do when you're forced to stand in an elevator with some one who smells like crap.


But when we're paying $60 of our money and an additional $15 a month for some kind of "Service" expectations are naturally high and "putting up with it" is just stupid. Especially when, for the past 10 years, we know exactly how much value we want out of our $60 purchase and $15 a month subscriptions.

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So I did a bit of research. This Keen's blog guy is a total sandbox fan. *** was the blog guy thinking swtor was going to be?


Of you look at the comments below the blog post you will see that most people has played Ultima Online the longest out of all the mmorpgs they have played. Please note that I personally played Ultima Online for 7 years and wow 6 years so a sandbox still has kept my attention the longest without any breaks from it.


I say, let the sandbox guy rant, he got into a theme park game expecting it to be a sandbox.

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Or you can work around the bug by positioning yourself when you click on the GTN instead of doing all that. Slightly to the right when you open. Is it perfect? No. But some people are smart enough to figure out how to work around it.




A game with the budget of Swtor, plus the time it had to develop should not have to " work around " anything!

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A game with the budget of Swtor, plus the time it had to develop should not have to " work around " anything!


Im assuming people generally play a game because they like it or dont if they dont like it. What the game should/could have been has no meaning...

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Or you can work around the bug by positioning yourself when you click on the GTN instead of doing all that. Slightly to the right when you open. Is it perfect? No. But some people are smart enough to figure out how to work around it.


Question (there is honestly no tone to this other than pure inquistiveness) Is there an overlap problem with the GTN? I make a living off the GTN and I never noticed any overlap (though the whole crew skills return is annoying). Is it because I use a Widescreen monitor to play?


This next statement is probably really going to invalidate anything I say to a lot of people and I know I'll get flamed but, I don't have a problem with the UI. It never bugged me. /shrug

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Because the krap management companies behind the games keep releasing titles which are absolutely not ready for market.


While at the same time gamers keep demanding "release it now". The fact of the matter is, in order to release the sort of game that people "expected' TOR to be would have taken the better part of a decade and would have cost an extreme amount of money (way more then what TOR cost even), all the while the community of gamers would be blasting BW for "taking too long".


Still wish I would have saved all those threads from people saying "Why is this game taking so long to make" and "Release it now, fix it later".

Edited by otakuon
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No, players aren't asking for a mythical beast that's never been seen before. Players only wanted the things they HAVE seen before, and in fact use every day in WoW and other games. It just wasn't delivered...


Players can understand bugs and lack of content, those will be taken care of over time. But a bleak feature set means they're always going to be playing catch up (and never will, because the competition isn't standing still.)


Such as?


What does WoW have that SWTOR doesn't, ranked WZ? Aside from that I think what's being offered is pretty similar. Zones to quest in, instances, raids, and PvP.


You mean there isn't 7 years of increased content in a game that was released 2 months ago? Any MMO is going to be playing catch up to EQ2 or WoW from a content stand point. Thus you will NEVER get what you are looking for and you should either stop gaming or go back to WoW. Or you can enjoy the ride and be part of something new as it grows. You can also wait and come back in 5 years.

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i just read the article linked by OP


isn't this part a contradiction?




I have no desire to make alts. Maybe this falls under questing. I can’t do it again. Only a few of the classes felt fun or interesting, and the mirrors were a little too obvious. I can’t, for example, go play a Juggernaut after playing a Guardian. They are the same thing."


If the reviewer doesn't make alts how can he say only a few classes were fun? You must make alts in order to try all the classes.

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I started with original EQ, with trains, no instances, a PVP server, brutal corpse runs, and I had more fun and pain with that game than any in my lifetime.


Can you imagine the tears from gamers these days with a game like that?


Looking back that game was like hardcore mode.


EQ was a terrible game. Only the most dedicated wearer of rose colored glasses would even attempt to dispute that.

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"Putting up with it" is what you do when you're forced to stand in an elevator with some one who smells like crap.


But when we're paying $60 of our money and an additional $15 a month for some kind of "Service" expectations are naturally high and "putting up with it" is just stupid. Especially when, for the past 10 years, we know exactly how much value we want out of our $60 purchase and $15 a month subscriptions.


Ah you are right - you don't have to put up with it. No one is putting a gun to your head saying this is the game you are required to play and forcing you to pay for it.


Sometimes you buy games you think you're going to like, and end up not liking them. It happens.


You're not entitled to anything except access to the game when you pay 15 bucks/month. The developer puts out a game they think/hope will be enjoyed by the people who choose to pay for it. If those people don't like it, they have the option in the case of mmo's to not pay for it and no longer play it.


You have the right, this being the internet, to gripe all you want about a game. You are not entitled to have the developer listen to you and do as you say.


If that means the developer ends up losing all of it's customers - thats the what running a business is all about - calculating risk/reward and making choices.

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i just read the article linked by OP


isn't this part a contradiction?




If the reviewer doesn't make alts how can he say only a few classes were fun? You must make alts in order to try all the classes.


I wouldn't say its contradiction. Perhaps he heard some of the story and/or played some of the levels.


What it is indicative of is that he just doesn't like the game. Not everyone will. He just seems to think the reasons he states for disliking the game are universally accepted by everyone. Bloggers are known for their egos though.

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It's a fair write up. I wonder how quiet TOR will be come ME3 and GW2 - curious...


We shall see...


But most people will beat ME3 within a month (if not sooner) and GW2 will still be a disappointment for the same "we demand everything" MMO crowd that is currently dumping all the hate on TOR.


Which probably won't be a bad thing for TOR and this community...

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This is one of the reasons I so willingly left WoW and the constant whining about how bad every expansion pack was to the upcoming inclusion of pandas to the game. A large portion of the gaming community suffers from self important delusions of grandeur. They're the gaming community version of the idiots in the Tea Party who believe, first and foremost, that ideological purity takes precedence with their idea of purity being only what they want a game to be is a legitimate game and anything else is either unplayable or just plain stupid. You would have guessed a group of people dismissed by society only a decade ago would become so obnoxiously opinionated and demanding as if their opinions were the be-all-end-all of gaming opinions. Edited by malevolentmuse
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EQ was a terrible game. Only the most dedicated wearer of rose colored glasses would even attempt to dispute that.


Naggy raid outdoes anything this game could come up with. And I'd rather do it over and over than any of the FP's or ops here.

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