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To put it gently, I agree with these guys..


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So the TL;DR version of that was: "I don't like MMO's"


It's no real wonder that he doesn't like this or any other MMO...


Uhhhh... Keen and Graev have been doing MMOs forever. They are actually pretty well known names if you've been playing MMOs for any length of time.

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Reading that was like, DUH


This is a filler game, no more. I spent hours on one planet and I was the only person to chat!!!!


Here is a hint, if you do not want to disappoint yourself with the lack of community DO NOT have chat timestamps turned on.


Combat still sucks, probably because companion AI is so bad. So bad its laughable.

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The 'new content' should of been there at launch. But was held in an attempt to look like they were adding 'more' content after launch.


Many people in the forums are the hardcore base of the game. BY LISTENING TO THE POSTS, IT WILL GIVE YOU A GENERAL DIRECTION IN HOW THE GAME IS DOING.


Fact is, there is still many many broken things in game. And the pvp is beyond bad. I could go on and on but really dont feel like it.


U hit the nail on the head... That content wasn't developed after launch, it was with held, much like Bioware with held ME3 DLC and releasing it unfinished only to make u pay for the extra content after buying the game.

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I haven't been keeping up closely with these guys. But Keen is uncannily right in his perceptions a vast majority of the time. Besides his assessments, in addition I can not tolerate the bugs and poor design elements which just make you wonder about the designers professionalism, if not their talent. Also the general game management structure and failure of proper public relations and in game support.


It was great while it lasted and save something biblical in effect to change how the game plays and feels, I do not see this title lasting. I'll hang out a while longer, probably go back to an older title like DDO.. I'm sure they've added content by now..


i love DDO but can you explain how DDO doesnt suffer from the same problems as this game? I mean you want to talk about a solo mmo or one that suffers from bugs, design flaws gear grinds and of course being on rails

Edited by jarjarloves
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The thing is, some of us were saying this in the beta months before release. And all the fanbois tried to shout down our observations saying that we didn't know what we were talking about. So, yeah, now that the game is released and our predictions have come true, I do take some pleasure in knowing I was right all along (pleasure in being right, despite disappointment that the game did not reach its enormous potential).


Hell, several of the fanbois who swore I didn't know what I was talking about didn't even make it a week after hitting Level 50 before they cancelled. They never even started an alt... just quietly walked away from the game. I wonder how much they really "tested" during the beta test.


At least I'm still here trying to point out the issues why players are leaving the game. And Bioware at least pretends to care, even if you do not. Otherwise, they wasted a lot of time sending me a survey asking me why I cancelled.


its actually you who are wasting the time , since you are here posting on a forum board of a game that you DONT PLAY as you just stated..



im with the person who you quoted...


im sick of people trying to change my mind and trying to make me join their bioware hate bandwagon.....


either play , or dont but these kinds of threads are pointless and nothing more than a sorry attempt to get attention


if it were " feedback" as you say it would at least be in the proper forums, as it is , this is nothing more than glorified ranting

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Uhhhh... Keen and Graev have been doing MMOs forever. They are actually pretty well known names if you've been playing MMOs for any length of time.


Been playing MMO's for a decade, never heard of them.


But in any case, they sound burned out on MMO's. I have no doubt that they used to love MMOs but now they don't like them.


For example I used to be able to play 4x games like CIV for days on end. I literally would stay up all weekend playing CIV. Now I can't play one for 10 minutes without getting bored. Is that because the new 4x games suck? or because I'm burned out on them?

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So you agree with them. That's great. Why post it here I wonder? If you don't like it, that's perfectly fair. We can't all like the same things.


So, if you want the game to improve and stay on, there is a suggestion forum.


If you just wanna come here and prove how right you are to have your opinion, I suggest there's no point to that. People who like this game, will of course disagree with you. The people who agree with you, probably are wasting their time posting and talking about it here as it is.


Again, if you want the game to improve from your point of view (and I've posted suggestions myself), then go to the suggestion forum.

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Kinda makes me wonder. People have put up with far worse and even now tout how awesome it was. Has the gamer nation as a whole turned into such wusses?




You have people like this posting stuff who don't work in the industry, completely ignore the history of the genre, look at other aspects of the genre with rosie colored glasses, and spew nonsense. People may agree, but that doesn't make them right, it just proves my point that most players today have unrealistic expactations and are selfish and clueless beyond belief.

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im done even listening to these kinds of threads, i will comment nothing from now on and flag and rate 1 star...



you call the trolls ...well....trolls and you get the warning, awsome


this is still , a pointless thread....


Just as pointless as your post.

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So you agree with them. That's great. Why post it here I wonder? If you don't like it, that's perfectly fair. We can't all like the same things.


So, if you want the game to improve and stay on, there is a suggestion forum.


If you just wanna come here and prove how right you are to have your opinion, I suggest there's no point to that. People who like this game, will of course disagree with you. The people who agree with you, probably are wasting their time posting and talking about it here as it is.


Again, if you want the game to improve from your point of view (and I've posted suggestions myself), then go to the suggestion forum.




I read too many of these "ohnoes the game is dyyyyying" and "hey go read this blog post, everyone thinks the same way I do because the opinion is being published on some nerdboy's blogs"


Suggestion forum is that way ----> Please use it instead of the General Discussion forum.

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Your typical gamers nowadays are entitled, self-important, generally immature (at least as far as their public persona goes), unrealistic, and have no idea what they want out of a game. This isn't a troll or "rude behavior", it's just what I notice on a regular basis.



I should also point out that the bloggers' main problem with SWTOR is fairly obvious; it's not World of Warcraft. On several occasions, they bemoan SWTOR in direct comparison to WoW, but they never compare SWTOR to any other MMO (except once compparing it, negatively, to Warhammer Online and DCUO).


Anyone whose first MMO was WoW is going to feel this way about any game released. In fact, since WoW hit the market, can anyone here name one single MMO which has "made it"? No? That's because you have 12+ million MMO newbies who got into the genre with WoW and who have no other real point of reference. Every MMO they play gets compared to their first love, and fails, be it AION, WAR, DCUO, STO, Champions Online, DDO (until it went F2P), EQ2, Auto Assault...*all...of...them*.


It isn't that WoW is such an awesome game, because it's just not. It's a simplified MMO-with-training-wheels which took the genre's best (Everquest, Asheron's Call and DAOC) and made it accessible to the masses with simplified graphics and gameplay.


it's just that all these millions of ex-WoWers want all MMOs to be WoW 2.0, and nothing else at all will satisfy them.



These 2 post pretty much sum it up.

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I read a number of the posts because it is not a SW moderated forum or a SWTOR forum at all so people are more likely to give an detached opinion. The one comment that struck me the most was as follows:


"I made it past a month in SWTOR which says something in itself, but being used to the perfect control of WOW – particularly in PVP, its just impossible for me to truly enjoy a game that just feels inferior in that most crucial area – gameplay.


WOW is so successful because the ultimate hook is the combat itself. Fighting other players is fun, competitive, skillful and therefore exciting. Killing mobs is even fun. Its all perfectly smooth, fluid and responsive and SWTOR is “clunky” whatever the hell that means."


I am in the group that so badly wanted swtor to be great and a success and feel sad about the game in many ways. I am still playing and still having fun and will probably play for a few more months to finish character story lines. There are still new worlds for me to discover and see. This is my wife's first mmo (we are both SW fans) and we love playing together, so I will always be greatful to BW and swtor for getting her started.


But when all is said and done, whether you pvp, pve, explore, gather for crafting, play with guildies, or whatever an mmo is about game play and combat. The quality and feel of the gameplay in general and combat specifically is the foundation on which everything else is built. To me this is where BW failed big time. The issues termed ability delay have been fixed to some degree and you can fight well enough to get by. But the combat is still broken. I still get misfires and non fires, see hits register seconds after they land, see mobs with zero health points continue to fight and then fall seconds later. The targeting is terrible and find myself at times mashing the tab key to try to pick up a mob next to me who is pounding the heck out of me while my ability bar is grayed out. I have died with HPs after killing an elite. All in all the combat is broken and clunky and just does not work as well as it should and if you do not have great combat in a game how can it really be a quality mmo experience.


I would mention things like bugs, bugs, and bugs, worst AH system possible that is almost useless, disappointing crafting with no real value other than Biochem, linear worlds and linear questing, fps and graphics issues experienced by some players, and so on. I think that if the quality of game play was top notch that I (and perhaps most) could put up with the rest and hope for fixes and growth. But with poor game play and combat that is hard.


This is just my take, but to me if the game just does not play well it is hard to see a long term commitment.

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the blog is dead on, as are the comments.


only thing that would keep me subbing is cross server LFD and combat log/dps meters


if not, i can always go back to wow with buddies



dps meters? thats what will keep you playing?


not the game, not the content, but dps meters?


lol yeah go back to wow, there is enough catering to personal epeen there to keep you happy

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I haven't been keeping up closely with these guys. But Keen is uncannily right in his perceptions a vast majority of the time. Besides his assessments, in addition I can not tolerate the bugs and poor design elements which just make you wonder about the designers professionalism, if not their talent. Also the general game management structure and failure of proper public relations and in game support.


It was great while it lasted and save something biblical in effect to change how the game plays and feels, I do not see this title lasting. I'll hang out a while longer, probably go back to an older title like DDO.. I'm sure they've added content by now..


It doesn't matter who has an opinion on SWTOR and whether they are right or wrong. This game is getting closer and closer to being too far gone. The people that will be left here to deal with Bioware till they get their head out their asses will be in for a long ride.


I shake my head every time someone just goes blindly into the fray in an attempt to defend Bioware and SWTOR.


Give them time.. "Blazayy Blah.." The games only 'X' old.. "Blazaay Blah".. Look that give them time ***** only going to work for so long. A fix shouldn't be on some dated timeline IF the fix is ready to be implemented.


People are left hanging onto the hopes of March and 1.2 patch the silence all the negativity. For their sakes I hope that patch works, cause if it's ****ed. They will be slack-jawed and I'll be wondering how much more 'Y' time people will be saying to give them.


MMO's are hard to make, they need to be refined over time. Still not an excuse to put out sub-part product and act like it's AAA..


If you can consider SWTOR an AAA title I'd be interested to see what that check list looks like. If we gotta give them time to work out there bugs and exploits and bad game design (Illum) then people should be just as hesitant to give this title some free-pass cause its new.


There is nothing new about MMO's. Bioware didn't create story telling or cutscenes of voice overs. That ***** been done for years too, the more I look at it, the more this voice over and dialoge trees seem like some gimick.


I could see in expansions how decisions made now could maybe have different gameplay for people who made different choices in the game, but we don't know if Bioware is thinking that far into it.


TL;DR How much longer is? "This game just came out going to work.." ?


The games been out since Dec 15th technically, it's now Feb 25th.. Thats two strong months... No ********..


The game is really not that new anymore.. Time to fix **** and stop giving these dudes free passes..

Edited by Opapanax
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People who like this game, will of course disagree with you.


I love the game but agree with several points stated in the article under discussion.


PvP class balance isn't polished and Republic abilities feel sluggish compared to mirror classes on Empire.

PvE being the same planet order on every character class feels repetitive and mind-numbing.

I don't mind the rails shooter space combat, it's a nice break when I don't feel like questing and is a shorter respawn than planets from pvp.


Due to finding out that all the warzone bugs favored Empire in addition to all the class "features" I cancelled my sub. The fix is said to be coming in 1.2 so I hope it will be enough that I can come back.


My friend offered to buy me a second account for the game shortly before I found mention of the favoritism bugs, and I turned it down. I'll need to see mega fixes before I make that kind of time and money investment.

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