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the 'bubble' is overpowered, nerf it!


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because your class is OP.




has nothing to do with my server population and complete lack of competent players, it's just my class.


hint: I regularly am allowed to freecast in warzones because of how dumb people are.

Edited by TetraCleric
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I rarely struggle to kill a sorc 1v1 as a shadow, especially if I get the opener on them. When I am beaten I give them their respect (they used a good stun and healed themselves up at a smart time or went on a crit streak that I couldn't counter).


With that being said, all the BM sages/sorcs on my server have roughly 16.5k hp. If you add to this 3.2k bubble (twice because they can almost always put a 2nd bubble on themselves) you roughly need to do 23k damage to take down a sorc/sage. This is against a class that is pure healing/DPS so even though they are hit harder then tanks, they still can take the same amount of damage as a tank and put out serious damage which most tanks can only dream of.


They are a "squishy" 23k hp DPS with 1 GCD wasted (lets face facts they *always* have the bubble up prior to any 1v1), but still a 23k hp DPS. I am not speculating whether or not the bubble should be nerfed, that’s not my place. I am just saying I can see why people would be frustrated with this as the class can deal some serious damage.


EDIT: Oh, and I acknowledge that the bubble is not subject to any damage reduction, so that 6k of the 23k is even "squishier."

Edited by Innercalm
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Acting as if every attack does 3k+ damage is really, a stupid argument though.


better than acting like every sorc who has ever been attacked in the history of the game had a 3.8k shield up that was casted exactly 17 second before they were attacked...


also, you can't compare dmg a player takes to the damage a shield absorbs because shields aren't affected by any damage reduction.

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better than acting like every sorc who has ever been attacked in the history of the game had a 3.8k shield up that was casted exactly 17 second before they were attacked...


also, you can't compare dmg a player takes to the damage a shield absorbs because shields aren't affected by any damage reduction.


But I thought Sorcs didn't have any armor zomg, so the damage is the same right? :rolleyes:

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Originally Posted by OldManRelic

It's a GCD traded before they matter. And, from my POV, it's not the bubble that's OP. It's Force Speed + AoE KB/Root + channeled attack that slows + self-heals + Bubble that's the issue.


nerf those 31/31/31 sorcs I say!


Only 1 of those abilities is a specced ability. Everything else is baseline.

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better than acting like every sorc who has ever been attacked in the history of the game had a 3.8k shield up that was casted exactly 17 second before they were attacked...


also, you can't compare dmg a player takes to the damage a shield absorbs because shields aren't affected by any damage reduction.


It doesn't matter if it was 17 seconds before or not. They just need to have the fight last long enough for the 17 second debuff to wear off. Double bubble doesn't have to occur at the very start of the combat. If it does, you might end up in TRIPLE bubble territory.


And Sorcs have the escapability tools to do it.

Edited by EternalFinality
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what's really funny is the bubble is usually 1 shot by any decently geared player, so anything but a "pre bubble" is basically just a traded global CD.


The bubble is saving many early 50 PvP players from instant death from the "vets" if it were nerfed then we would all feel a great disturbance in the force...as if millions of new 50s cried out as they were one-shotted into oblivion by DPS classes in war zones.

Edited by Ewgal
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I am a battlemaster immortal juggernaut. By the time I can get a sorc/sage bubble gone I am around 50% health and he is recasting it. So what gives here?


You farmed kills when ilum was broken and are still in green..


I think thats what happened.

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Last time I checked a Sorc/Sage without bubble would still have sprint, a 4 second stun, cyclone, aoe knockback snare...... and still with the best CC/escape ability of any class in the game by far.


Go play something else nub.


Actually, I think I will continue beating down whiny losers like you. Until you get sick of it and quit. Perhaps I could lend you some tissues for your tears?

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I am a battlemaster immortal juggernaut. By the time I can get a sorc/sage bubble gone I am around 50% health and he is recasting it. So what gives here?


This just in: Tank does crappy DPS against a DPS class in a game in which Shields and Defense are worthless in PVP. More news at 11.

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you keep making those silly arguments, and when you see another set of patch notes without sweeping sorc changes you can cry yourself to sleep at night...


You're exaggerating Sorcs being bad just as much as some others exaggerate them being OP.


The average fight doesn't really last less than 10 seconds in PvP unless its a terrible-geared person being ganked or someone being focused down. If a fight lasts 30 seconds you're saying during that entire time you'll never LoS or have the enemy CC'd? Never have a chance to cast a second, or potentially third bubble?


If a Sorc doesn't pre-bubble before a fight they know they're getting into they're just being bad.


What's Tracer Missile's actual base damage, something like 1800 if the person has no armor? Maybe a 3k crit now?


30% chance of critting means the average damage is that 7 of them hit, and the other 3 crit. That's still only an average of 2150~ damage. Meaning it does not blow up a bubble in one hit.


Quit acting like Bubble is weak. It's the best instant cast heal in the game for non-healer-specs, and can be cast on other people every 4.5sec and only has a 17sec cooldown to cast on yourself.

Edited by savionen
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The bubble is saving many early 50 PvP players from instant death from the "vets" if it were nerfed then we would all feel a great disturbance in the force...as if millions of new 50s cried out as they were one-shotted into oblivion by DPS classes in war zones.


Yeah, so....what are classes who do not get a recastable bubble supposed to do when they ding 50, then?

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The value is not too broken (~2500-3000) but a bubble does absorb the damage portion of certain cc's making them not fire off on the person (Force Push, etc.).


So besides the damage mitigate it is a form of cc evasion. Don't believe me? test it.


It is one of the best defensive abilities in game. Some classes (like Guardian) just suck defensively so the bubble is an easy forum target since Guardian's would love to have it.

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Its very rare to find Sorcs bubbling other people in WZ. Some people do and its great, but once the match is going, you will be lucky to see 1 bubble the whole match. Its practically self-only based on useage.


That's the metric I use to tell how good a Sorc is. Are they using their most powerful heal on other players at every opportunity?

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how so? precast a bubble, 20s later debuff wears off and you can instantly recast another one once your current one goes off. free 6k+ dmg absorbed.


It's not "free" though, and the way you originally worded it, I thought you mean starting a fight with a 6k absorb, as in the bubble absorbed 6k. If you meant using a double bubble, then yea I suppose it is 6k absorbed over the whole battle.

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