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Will CE stuff EVER be made available on normal vendors?


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Firstly let me clarify; I have the CE.


I also run a Heavy RP Guild of Imperial Troopers and when we found out a while ago Trooper Armor had made it in we were over the moon, being able to look like these iconic figures as part of our RP made things all the more worth while. The idea of our entire guild kitted out in Trooper armor and RPing around Dromund Kaas or on the Ziost Shadow was epic at just the idea of it.


So imagine my utter disappointment to find that this armor (which essentially is RP armor because anyone who isn't an RPer probably wouldn't care as much about it) is only going to be available to people who purchased CE, was BoP and would cost 100k for the set. The credits, whilst frustrating, we could live with. However, there being absolutely no viable way to get a guild wearing this armor, like the many Stormtrooper guilds of SWG, is a real disappointment and just another blow to the credibility of this being an RP game.

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I cannot think of a response that won't come off as mean in print. So, you'll have to accept my apology in advance. (-。-;


It would be a bit of a slight to the people who went and shelled out the dosh for the CEs. You will still be able to get some cool stuff, but any of the special CE store stuff should stay in that particular space.

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It'd be nice if the CE stuff was periodically updated with some kind of timed exclusive deal. As I recall they're going to be adding stuff to the CE vendor over time. Put a new set in every 3 months and release the previous set to the VIP vendor. I got the CE and would have no problem with something like this.
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The odds are that it will not ever be made available to people who do not own a CE version of the game or possibly an expansion.


No one can say, for certain, that they may not open up access to the CE vendor for people who buy the $150 CE version of a future expansion. That is about the only way I can see them letting people in after all original CE's are used up.


Then again, they could simply add entirely new CE vendors for the expansions, and keep the original content locked like Blizzard did for WoW's original CE pets.

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With some of the stuff EA has pulled, I am kind of expecting them to eventually have CE stuff available.


However, I hope they're intelligent about it and charge for it via microtransaction. $25-$50 would be fair maybe 6 months or a year down the road I think.


And yes, I am a CE purchaser. I actually wouldn't mind people getting access eventually as long as they pay for it with real money.

Edited by Kashaan
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Paid $171 and some odd change for mine after tax and next day shipping. No I would find it unfair, "as others have quoted", that the content of the CE be available to people who don't deserve it, or in other words, don't want to pay that much, or spent all their money on beer instead... whatever the case.. NO.


I am imagining riots in the streets, anarchy, and the downfall of society if BW made a terrible mistake and made those features available right away.


I agree that maybe down the road a bit make it available for a price. This is a wonderful proposition for BW. For all we know it has already been meticulously planned.


There are vendors specific to the Digital Deluxe edition as well. Not sure what is on those yet, but possibly something comparable, maybe not either.


If you are so intent on the guild RP thing, I would suggest that you make it mandatory for all members to own a CE. That would solve your issue.

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CE is still available at GameStop...


I was bummed when I found out I would not have access to the CE store. There were no available copies when I wanted one early DEC.


However some just came in, and I got one and canceled my old order. Only 7500 made copies? No brainer for me. If you like the game as much as I do.


However; I can see this being a big issue, overtime going to be hard to keep this exclusive, they may just charge for an upgrade later.


Honestly this is the only reason I really wanted CE; and hope they always keep some exclusivitiy with CE edition.


However I must admit; a LOT of people will want to looke like StormTroopers. :p

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CE is still available at GameStop...


I was bummed when I found out I would not have access to the CE store. There were no available copies when I wanted one early DEC.


However some just came in, and I got one and canceled my old order. Only 7500 made copies? No brainer for me. If you like the game as much as I do.


However; I can see this being a big issue, overtime going to be hard to keep this exclusive, they may just charge for an upgrade later.


Honestly this is the only reason I really wanted CE; and hope they always keep some exclusivitiy with CE edition.


However I must admit; a LOT of people will want to looke like StormTroopers. :p


Some one must have canacled at your store case I tired and they said they were out.

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In fairness my biggest problem is that they put an iconic set of armor that only most RPers would give a toss about on an exclusive vendor. I was pretty much dancing to the same tune saying "CE stuff should be exclusive only to CE accounts" right up to the point they put Trooper armor on it :)


No reason they couldn't have put some equally epic looking armor on there, but Trooper armor... /facepalm. Most people just care about the slots and once they have the armor and pose in it for a little while they will quickly forget that it is trooper armor that they are wearing; the same would not be said for an RP guild who would forever feel immersed in their role.


My CE is currently on pre-order and ready to collect next week from GAME, the main reason I bought it was for the VIP store and available in game items, but honestly now that I've seen what is available on the VIP/CE/Security Key vendors.... just not worth it.

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In the VIP area there is a VIP Vendor and a CE Vendor. You can access the VIP area with a Deluxe or CE copy of the game, or buying the 1mill ticket in game so you can access the VIP store. However I believe the CE store will remain a CE only store.
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In beta you could pay an obscene amount of credits to access the CE store. The idea was that getting the CE simply saved you a lot of blood, sweat, and tears. No idea how it's working in release.


That's probably what I saw a day or two ago. I think it was 1,000,000 credits.

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In beta you could pay an obscene amount of credits to access the CE store. The idea was that getting the CE simply saved you a lot of blood, sweat, and tears. No idea how it's working in release.

There's a wristband that lets you up to the VIP area on Carrick Station (and presumably the imp fleet too) for the reasonable and affordable price of... 1 million credits.


Not sure if it lets you actually trade with the CE vendor though.

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There's a wristband that lets you up to the VIP area on Carrick Station (and presumably the imp fleet too) for the reasonable and affordable price of... 1 million credits.


Not sure if it lets you actually trade with the CE vendor though.


It does not.

Edited by EJedi
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I don't care about the items, but since when do collector editions are about giving a better in-game experience to the rich? I thought they were for, you know, collecting things beside the game, instead of enticing players like OP into paying premium for a complete game.

RP is as much a part of the game as competition (especially for SW), and people don't like it when they pull that trick on PvP, it's called F2P shovelwares. But they're not coming for us... So we don't care.

Once again Bioware display first-class taste in marketing.

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