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Please buff Sorc/Sage DPS


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Please don't reply to this thread if you don't know the difference between "total damage in the WZ due to AoEs which don't kill anyone" and "DPS" (Damage Per Second).




p.s. that guy LOST HIS WARZONE doing that. Thanks for agreeing that DPS is too low.


You got me, I bow down to your logic.

Edited by lijahrobinson
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Wonder when anyone gonna catch on to the hint of sarcasme, from OP :)


EDIT: Or am i only one who detect that signature link thread suggest the OP is simply tired of whine rants going on endlessly through several post, everytime no solid arguements can be made in favor of a nerf, people just make a new and bump it for attention, hoping nobody will defend with arguements against the nerf, or hoping majority of spam threads, will built a stronger case.


I think OP meant to be sarcastic and simply make a thread opposite to the others, to make a parody on this trend for nerf whinning.


Thought that at first, but now i'm pretty sure he's just angry about nerf threads because they're generally about sorcerers.

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Youre probably full Balance or full Telekinetics. The only good Specc for Sages is Hybrid. Balance and Tele is **** overall :s


Thanks for agreeing that the DPS (again, stands for Damage Per Second) is weak on Sage/Sorc and needs buffing.

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Well hell, while we are at it let's buff the Arsenal tree BH to allow mobility while hitting you with a dozen tracer missles. I mean, everyone knows how to kill a Arsenal BH is to stun lock em and interupt so at least with mobility I can try to run away while Tracer Missle-ing you to death.
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Well hell, while we are at it let's buff the Arsenal tree BH to allow mobility while hitting you with a dozen tracer missles. I mean, everyone knows how to kill a Arsenal BH is to stun lock em and interupt so at least with mobility I can try to run away while Tracer Missle-ing you to death.


Are you crazy? Their DPS is already high!


We only need to buff Sorc/Sages. Their DPS is low.

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Thanks for agreeing that the DPS (again, stands for Damage Per Second) is weak on Sage/Sorc and needs buffing.


You're playing the class all wrong. You should be in melee range swinging your light saber, not putting on a light show at an Avicii concert.

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A-BH dps is only high when not being stun locked/interupted. I mean if your never-get-killed Sorc/Sage needs more DPS and still never dies, my BH should be able to use my DPS on the move right?


Since I die all the time, I guess you don't get your DPS on the move.


So sorry.


Myth: sorc/sages never die.

Truth: if you can't kill them, its you.

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That lowers your DPS even further.


Thanks for agreeing that Sage/Sorc DPS needs a buff.


I'm still not sure if you are trolling. If you are, IF you are... you need to find a new game to play. The sorc is fine, the sage is fine, their damage is more than fine, their unlimited tools are fine, their bubble is OP, their utility in all three warzones are fine (and godlike in Huttball).


You need to learn that you are very much a utility class and not a Turret like the Merc/Commando

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I'm still not sure if you are trolling. If you are, IF you are... you need to find a new game to play. The sorc is fine, the sage is fine, their damage is more than fine, their unlimited tools are fine, their bubble is OP, their utility in all three warzones are fine (and godlike in Huttball).


You need to learn that you are very much a utility class and not a Turret like the Merc/Commando


Utility cannot take a turret.

Utility cannot plant a bomb.


Only "killing the defender" can accomplish that.


Utility allows us to actually affect the score in only 1 warzone: Huttball. And even then, utiliy isn't all that great at defending against most ball carriers (they have leap, their own stuns, knockbacks, etc. Using utility to defend rarely works in lvl 50 Huttball.)

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Utility cannot take a turret.

Utility cannot plant a bomb.


Only "killing the defender" can accomplish that.


Utility allows us to actually affect the score in only 1 warzone: Huttball. And even then, utiliy isn't all that great at defending against most ball carriers (they have leap, their own stuns, knockbacks, etc. Using utility to defend rarely works in lvl 50 Huttball.)


Actually, utility can plant a bomb and take a turret without killing the defender. It's called CC.

Edited by EternalFinality
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I Roll sage and i am quite content, as long as i keep my DoTS up and my sheild up while not on CD i have plenty of abilitys at lvl 20 to keep me at range why still pulling very good dps with all the possible cc we have we can also throw in critical heals to turn the fight i rarely die and when i do its normally me doing something i shoulded getting mixed up into 3+ hostiles even at that point i can usally pop my movement freeing ability and my sprint to get out of LOS or back to my allies. But i like these threads makes for less chance of getting nerfed :p
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Actually, utility can plant a bomb and take a turret. It's called CC.




You have 2 CCs you can use to CHANNEL a turret or bomb cap (i.e. you can't be interrupted):



Force Lift


Lets analyze:


If I stun, they get a partial Resolve bar. It does not last long enough to CHANNEL a cap, so I will be interrupted.


If I Force Lift, its long enough, BUT it gives a FULL resolve bar. If they CC break, I cannot stun, therefore I cannot channel.


So, the ONLY WAY for a Sorc/Sage to cap a turret/bomb, is to Stun, and the target must MAKE A MISTAKE AND CC BREAK THAT STUN, so that we can then Force Lift and cap.

Edited by Zaodon
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If I Force Lift, its long enough, BUT it gives a FULL resolve bar. If they CC break, I cannot stun, therefore I cannot channel.


If they don't CC break, you're good. It's not always up you know.


All you need to do is stun them then start capping. Most people will use their break assuming you know something they don't, like someone else is nearby.

Edited by EternalFinality
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If they don't CC break, you're good. It's not always up you know.


All you need to do is stun them then start capping. Most people will use their break assuming you know something they don't, like someone else is nearby.


To counter your point, my stun/force lift is not always up either. So, its a wash.


My point remains uncontested: you cannot use CC to cap, since it only works if you use both CCs in succession, and the other player makes an error.

Edited by Zaodon
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Useless link, as it doesn't show any other classes for comparison.


Wasnt for comparison. Just showing you that they have good sustained dps with very little burst. I am willing to bet that most other classes sould have many more ups and downs because they have more burst and less sustained. But it all equals out.

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