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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

NOW = 1.7 Million Active Subscribers | 3 Months from now = Guess What


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Of that 1.7 Mil....


500,000 On the Fatman With New Rerolls Everday... (The Fatman is about to have a brain aneurysm)


500,000 On the Swiftsure.... (Why hello queue times!)


700,000 dispersed over the rest of the servers makes for lonely players!


1 on the General Discussion forum, making up numbers

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Really? How many MMO's have you developed? Funny how people think they "know" how to do it, yet it would be like a patient telling his surgeon how to perform the operation when said patient works at taco bell.


It's not about how many MMOs we developed. The community are the ones playing the game, so in a sense they actually know more than DEVs on what they want implemented and what works for a game. There are people like you that want the same repetitive system where kill X, collect Y for quests. That's fine. But majority are bored with the same system that is used in other MMOs.


Beside numerous bugs, no end-game content, and the same MMO layout, the only really thing setting this MMO different from others is light-sabers. We are bored of it. Thus, why we are voicing our concern.


Some people really need to stop trying to shoot another person down just because they are voicing the concerns about this game. I know you are a fan-boy, but geesh, give it a break.

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It's not about how many MMOs we developed. The community are the ones playing the game, so in a sense they actually know more than DEVs on what they want implemented and what works for a game. There are people like you that want the same repetitive system where kill X, collect Y for quests. That's fine. But majority are bored with the same system that is used in other MMOs.


Beside numerous bugs, no end-game content, and the same MMO layout, the only really thing setting this MMO different from others is light-sabers. We are bored of it. Thus, why we are voicing our concern.


Some people really need to stop trying to shoot another person down just because they are voicing the concerns about this game. I know you are a fan-boy, but geesh, give it a break.


The word majority gets kicked about way to much, because you want something in doesnt infact state that the rest of the 'majority' do too, and for everyone who wants something in dependant on what it is there is another majority that do not. That said no where near the majority of the playerbase even use the forums.


So this is why the devs do what they do and not pander to people who think they are the majority, and the only people who know what is going into development for the game are the devs for stuff that hasnt been announced. Not the so called mmo experts from a bedroom near you who spout out chinease whispers and how they would have done it.


So no matter how much you whine you wont be getting any cheese unless the devs say you can have it. simple as that.


And stating people who dont agree with you are somehow fanbois is just laughable, seriously just because they disagree with you. Geesh give it a break.

Edited by Shingara
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The word majority gets kicked about way to much, because you want something in doesnt infact state that the rest of the 'majority' do too, and for everyone who wants something in dependant on what it is there is another majority that do not. That said no where near the majority of the playerbase even use the forums.


So this is why the devs do what they do and not pander to people who think they are the majority, and the only people who know what is going into development for the game are the devs for stuff that hasnt been announced.


So no matter how much you whine you wont be getting any chese unless the devs say you can have it. simple as that.


And stating people who dont agree with you are somehow fanbois is just laughable, seriously just because they disagree with you. Geesh give it a break.


First off, I could not fully understand you due to grammar errors and bad sentence structure. Now for the parts I did understand.


Majority is directed as the favorable side. So there can not be two majority when we are talking about one community. I can have 51% players agree with me and 49% don't, and our side will still be called the "majority." If you look at how many threads that are complaining on the forum, I can safely say that "majority" of us wants a change.


Second, I never called players that do not agree with me "fan-boys". If you actually read my post. I actually said if players disagree with what I thought, it was fine. I was directing my fan-boy comment to players that put down others just because they were voicing their concern. People like you.



Really? How many MMO's have you developed? Funny how people think they "know" how to do it, yet it would be like a patient telling his surgeon how to perform the operation when said patient works at taco bell.
Edited by heikaze
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First off, I could not fully understand you due to grammar errors and bad sentence structure. Now for the parts I did understand.


Majority is directed as the favorable side. So there can not be two majority when we are talk about one community. I can have 51% players agree with me and 49% don't, and our side will still be called the "majority." If you look at how many threads that are complaining on the forum, I can safely say that "majority" of us wants a change.


Second, I never called players that do not agree with me "fan-boys". If you actually read my post. I was directing my fan-boy comment to players that put down others just because they were voicing their concern. People like you.


As you now know you have lost the arguments as you are attacking my disability which just shows the type of person you infact are, we are well aware of what you think are the majority but i and others have not been passed any survey to carry out.


I saw no post about this said information being required by bioware from the entire playerbase.


Also the majority can have many parts because within the majority's there are sub sections of people who overlap, pure pvpers who like to rp, pure pve'rs who sometimes dabble in pvp, people who just play for social and pvp in the offtime.


All belong in main to the majority defined by there prioritys yet not all follow the same ideals of what they wish to be in the game, so your ideals of what you want in the game will only allign perfectly with a small % of the majority dependant on what your basing your needs upon.


this is not some do you like black or white question where you get a clean cut 51%- 49% answer but feel free to show me anywhere that there has been a poll of the entire playerbase where the entire playerbase has answered.


And just to itterate the type of person you are by attacking me over my disability you are also a liar. As the fact stands the only reason you are calling anyone a fanboi is because they disagree with you thus by your reply history, evidence is in thank you and good day.


Some people really need to stop trying to shoot another person down just because they are voicing the concerns about this game. I know you are a fan-boy, but geesh, give it a break.

Edited by Shingara
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As you now know you have lost the arguments as you are attacking my disability which just shows the type of person you infact are we are well aware of what you think are the majority but i and others have not been passed any survey to carry out.


I saw no post about this said information being required by bioware from the entire playerbase.


Also the majority can have many parts because within the majority's there are sub sections of people who overlap, pure pvpers who like to rp, pure pve'rs who sometimes dabble in pvp, people who just play for social and pvp in the offtime.


All belong in main to the majority defined by there prioritys yet not all follow the same ideals of what they wish to be in the game, so you ideals of what you want in the game will only allign perfectly with a small % of the majority dependant on what your basing your needs upon.


this is not some do you like black or white question where you get a clean cut 51%- 49% answer but feel free to show me anywhere that there has been a poll of the entire playerbase where the entire playerbase has answered.


And just to itterate the type of person you are by attacking me over my disability you are also a liar.


I am sorry if I am attacking you. I simply said you should put a comma and a period once in a while, if that is a disability to do so then you should stay in school.


You were replying to my post, so when I said majority, I meant is as a whole. Why would I put "sub-majority" (whatever that means)? If there are no poll, then why do you considered yourself as the majority?


Anyway, I was simply responding to another persons post. He was putting that person down, despite that person raised up some good points and concerns about the game. Why did you response to my post anyways? Seems like you just wanted to argue.


I probably won't respond to you anymore, because you just seem to mindlessly type pointless stuff. And it is very hard on the eyes where you lack the intelligence to put a (,) or a (.) in your posts. I am sorry if I made you feel bad, but there was no point for you to respond to my post in the first place. Have a nice day.


Edit: What argument did I lose? The part about the definition of majority? Because I was talking about players voicing their concerns, and you seem to turn this into a whole different topic about "majority". lolz

Edited by heikaze
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Actualy what makes it an estimate is that it is there estimate, so it still is an estimate and not a baseless assumption, that is the meaning of an estimate as it is a guess and not a fact.


I know this, if I have a pain in my foot and the surgeon cuts off my finger, I say something. If the guy then asks to cut off a second finger, I generally would argue maybe he should look at my foot which hurts instead. If the doc then cuts off a third finger and my foot still hurts, its time to see a new doctor.


This is what is happening with MMO's. Players keep telling developers to open up the game to territorial PVP and more sandbox elements for endgame and they just keep shoving on more instances that people blow through in 2-3 weeks and wonder why server populations are dropping.



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I am sorry if I am attacking you. I simply said you should put a comma and a period once in a while, if that is a disability to do so then you should stay in school.


You were replying to my post, so when I said majority, I meant is as a whole. Why would I put "sub-majority" (whatever that means)? If there are no poll, then why do you considered yourself as the majority?


Anyway, I was simply responding to another persons post. They were putting that person down, despite that person raised up some good points and concerns about the game. Why did you response to my post anyways? Seems like you just wanted to argue.


I probably won't respond to you anymore, because you just seem to mindlessly type pointless stuff. And it is very hard on the eyes where you lack the intelligence to put a (,) or a (.) in your posts. I am sorry if I made you feel bad, but there was no point for you to respond to my post in the first place. Have a nice day.


And yet again another attack on a disabled person, how low can you get. I probably have more qualifications than you could dream of so dont even try the stay in school argument.


And i class myself as part of the majority because im an active subscriper, player and involve myself within endgame pve, pvp and space combat. I am an active tester on the PTS and i but forward content suggestions and take part in content suggestions and help to fully test future content which most of the majority also do.


And i think its best you not reply to anyone anymore as you cannot have a constructive debate without slanderous arguments and baseless attacks on people.


Edit: What argument did I lose? The part about the definition of majority? Because I was talking about players voicing their concerns, and you seem to turn this into a whole different topic about "majority". lolz


And the arguemnt that you lost is that you think you ARE the majority and that everyone in the majority of people for pvp, pve, rp and space combat all fall within your ideals and want everything you wish to have in the game.


But as we can see by you posts that you suffer from megelomania and realy do think your the brightest person in the building :cool:

Edited by Shingara
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And i class myself as part of the majority because im an active subscriper, player and involve myself within endgame pve, pvp and space combat. which most of the majority also do.



So majority now is because you play more? lol.


"quote"Majority - "the greater part or number; the number larger than half the total ( opposed to minority): the majority of the population."




What are we arguing about? I didn't know we were having a debate. My original post was players should not put down other players for voicing their concern. Then you started going on how the word majority was used wrong, because there was no poll or survey about it. Then stating you are part of the majority. Lol?



Why do you keep bringing up you're disabled? What does that have to do with grammar error and bad sentencing structure. What qualification are you talking about? Seems to me you're just randomly sprouting about stuff that have nothing to do with these posts.


I don't understand what you are trying to say.

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So majority now is because you play more? lol.


"quote"Majority - "the greater part or number; the number larger than half the total ( opposed to minority): the majority of the population."


Why do you keep bringing up you're disabled? What does that have to do with grammar error and bad sentencing structure. What qualification are you talking about? Seems to me you're just randomly sprouting about stuff that have nothing to do with these posts.


What are we arguing about? I didn't know we were having a debate. My original post was players should not put down other players for voicing their concern. Then you started going on how the word majority was used wrong, because there was no poll or survey about it. Then stating you are part of the majority. Lol?


I don't understand what you are trying to say.


It is funny that you bring up intelligence then show your lack of reading comprehension by stating that i think im in the majority becuase i play more ????


No i think that a part of the reason im in the majority is because im an active subscriber and i play. There is a clean distinction between them both yet you seem to be unable to understand the difference.


And i think you understand well enough what i and others are saying but your megelomania refuses to let you be wrong which is shown by your post history. :D and you steam on about intelligence :cool:

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And the arguemnt that you lost is that you think you ARE the majority and that everyone in the majority of people for pvp, pve, rp and space combat all fall within your ideals and want everything you wish to have in the game.


But as we can see by you posts that you suffer from megelomania and realy do think your the brightest person in the building :cool:


I said I was the majority because of numerous posts on forum that are complaining. What about you? You even stated yourself there are no poll or survey, so how do you know you are the majority? O I'm sorry, it must be....



And i class myself as part of the majority because im an active subscriper, player and involve myself within endgame pve, pvp and space combat. which most of the majority also do.



Not because of....


"ma·jor·i·ty   [muh-jawr-i-tee, -jor-] Show IPA

noun, plural -ties.


the greater part or number; the number larger than half the total ( opposed to minority): the majority of the population.


a number of voters or votes, jurors, or others in agreement, constituting more than half of the total number.


the amount by which the greater number, as of votes, surpasses the remainder ( distinguished from plurality).


the party or faction with the majority vote: The Democratic party is the majority.


the state or time of being of full legal age: to attain one's majority."

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I said I was the majority because of numerous posts on forum that are complaining. What about you? You even stated yourself there are no poll or survey, so how do you know you are the majority? O I'm sorry, it must be....



Not because of....


"ma·jor·i·ty   [muh-jawr-i-tee, -jor-] Show IPA

noun, plural -ties.


the greater part or number; the number larger than half the total ( opposed to minority): the majority of the population.


a number of voters or votes, jurors, or others in agreement, constituting more than half of the total number.


the amount by which the greater number, as of votes, surpasses the remainder ( distinguished from plurality).


the party or faction with the majority vote: The Democratic party is the majority.


the state or time of being of full legal age: to attain one's majority."


And this is where i stated you were not, as the majority of the playerbase do not use the forums. nor is there any show of a majority in the people with negative feedback over positive feedback as the majority of negative feedback is infact in the most part by the same small group of people.


And under your defined rules of a majority then you also drop flat on your face as the active subscriber numbers have stayed healthy despite your calls to the other end of the spectrum.


Which would infact put you within the minority and not the majority.

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And this is where i stated you were not as the majority of the playerbase do not use the forums, nor is there any show of a majority in the people with negative feedback over positive feedback as the majority of negative feedback is infact in the most part by the same small group of people.


And under your defined rules of a majority then you also drop flat on your face as the active subscriber numbers have stayed healthy despite your calls to the other end of the spectrum.


Which would infact put you within the minority and not the majority.


Ditto. lol. Arguing with you is like trying to break a wall with eggs.

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I came looking for some statistics on the current state of the game right now. Instead, I now have a thorough understanding of the definition of majority. Thank you, On-Topic SWTOR community. On a different note, I regrettably have to agree with the players who say that ToR is on a steep decline. Personally, I love the game and I understand its merits and its failures somewhat well, but I can see why players are unsubscribing. Time is not something you can simply expect from a game audience. Players expect their enjoyment here and now. Hopefully, Bioware can salvage what's left of this game. It's a shame to see such a visionary project die. =[
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Add a Random FP LFG tool for same server & this game will exceed 2.5M subscribers easily!:rolleyes:


Actually, I'd say one of the major features holding the game back from a PvE side right now is the ease of access to Flashpoints, especially at high level. Unless you're in a guild which is highly active, it's hard to find a group of people to complete HM Flashpoints with.

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I know this, if I have a pain in my foot and the surgeon cuts off my finger, I say something. If the guy then asks to cut off a second finger, I generally would argue maybe he should look at my foot which hurts instead. If the doc then cuts off a third finger and my foot still hurts, its time to see a new doctor.


This is what is happening with MMO's. Players keep telling developers to open up the game to territorial PVP and more sandbox elements for endgame and they just keep shoving on more instances that people blow through in 2-3 weeks and wonder why server populations are dropping.




This times a million. Why would it be so hard to to bring a sand-box element to the game that involves fluid land/gear -property rewards, along with a fluid ranking system? Illum does not do this b/c a) there is no real ranking b) there are no real rewards c) any kind of territorial ownership is way too simplified. You guys move a fraction of your efforts towards this and you got a dedicated end game player base. In reality though, over 50% of your efforts should be spent on some persistent, sandbox endgame scenario. You will not repel newcomers to the game by doing this, you will attract them, by giving them a good reason to continue playing after solo content. There is enough technology to allow current gen MMOs to evolve into a sandbox scenario at endgame, where the player-base can contribute to a persistent environment, politics etc.... Hell, some of the earliest MMOs did this. Focus on enforcing technical fair play & fostering viability for every tier of end-gamer, but give the most dedicated players the ability to shape something besides a guild of instance raiders or instance pvpers. If you build it, they will come, they will Stay, and they will help Build. You guys got the budget to actually experiment no?

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My rough estimate is 2.5M Active Subscribers

What's yours?:p


they would have 3 million but now they are loosing existent players if they haven't shoot their legs with all these mistakes ( easy xp when the game started , worst client performance compared to the open beta client , wrong loots in hard/nigtmares , missing basic mmo features , etc )


In life you are taking what you deserve .

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This is what I see is going to happen with swtor. I think the numbers are going to steadily climb. we are not going to fail sometime in the future we are really forgetting that most of the numbers that are there now, are people of the gaming community that knew about the game when it came out, and those friends that we told about it. this is star wars, it is incredibly popular. I think the way of the jedi is an official religion at this point. It is so much more popular than the numbers we are showing for this game. the reason we get all of these trolls talking about how the game is gonna die is over the endgame content. the game is based on story, so the leveling is very good. i admit endgame content is now what it should be, but even WOW failed at open world PVP.


Star wars has a huge fan base, mostly of people who are not big gamers. so as the word gets out on this 4 month old game, they should have higher subscription rates. I am a huge star wars fan, as a most of the gamers that are playing this game. if you really hated it, you would just leave. some have left, and those are the hardcore, I only play MMO's for endgame content, and I'm not really a fan of SW. this franchise is absolutley huge. that is why you see the trade mark everywhere. from toys, to movies, to other games and T-shirts. I personally never knew a thing about the Warcraft universe before I played WOW for 4 months. so 10 million over 6 or 7 years? someone correct me on that, but that is a great amount of players. But star wars is known around the world and has a huge fan base of die hard fans. I mean I have know star wars since I was about 5. So the market is huge.


since it is a story based game, this will attract a lot of regular gamers and non-gamers. people who love star wars are going to want to be that sith lord, or jedi master, or blast some ******e as a personal Boba fett. they may not have endgame content to where it needs to be right now, but it is getting better. and for fresh MMO players, they will be content with playing pvp, doing raids, and getting some gear that will make them that powerful character they dreamt of being as a kid. In short, the game is not going anywhere. it is a real thing that is here to stay. you may as an old MMO gamer not like the endgame, but the true fans will stay for the long haul. i predict at least equal to if not greater numbers compared to current WOW in 2-3 years. Over 2 mil in next 3 months. Have at it trolls!!!

Edited by soldierfan
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  • 1 month later...
This is what I see is going to happen with swtor. I think the numbers are going to steadily climb. we are not going to fail sometime in the future we are really forgetting that most of the numbers that are there now, are people of the gaming community that knew about the game when it came out, and those friends that we told about it. this is star wars, it is incredibly popular. I think the way of the jedi is an official religion at this point. It is so much more popular than the numbers we are showing for this game. the reason we get all of these trolls talking about how the game is gonna die is over the endgame content. the game is based on story, so the leveling is very good. i admit endgame content is now what it should be, but even WOW failed at open world PVP.


Star wars has a huge fan base, mostly of people who are not big gamers. so as the word gets out on this 4 month old game, they should have higher subscription rates. I am a huge star wars fan, as a most of the gamers that are playing this game. if you really hated it, you would just leave. some have left, and those are the hardcore, I only play MMO's for endgame content, and I'm not really a fan of SW. this franchise is absolutley huge. that is why you see the trade mark everywhere. from toys, to movies, to other games and T-shirts. I personally never knew a thing about the Warcraft universe before I played WOW for 4 months. so 10 million over 6 or 7 years? someone correct me on that, but that is a great amount of players. But star wars is known around the world and has a huge fan base of die hard fans. I mean I have know star wars since I was about 5. So the market is huge.


since it is a story based game, this will attract a lot of regular gamers and non-gamers. people who love star wars are going to want to be that sith lord, or jedi master, or blast some ******e as a personal Boba fett. they may not have endgame content to where it needs to be right now, but it is getting better. and for fresh MMO players, they will be content with playing pvp, doing raids, and getting some gear that will make them that powerful character they dreamt of being as a kid. In short, the game is not going anywhere. it is a real thing that is here to stay. you may as an old MMO gamer not like the endgame, but the true fans will stay for the long haul. i predict at least equal to if not greater numbers compared to current WOW in 2-3 years. Over 2 mil in next 3 months. Have at it trolls!!!


somehow, I think this prediction might not be accurate

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This is what I see is going to happen with swtor. I think the numbers are going to steadily climb. we are not going to fail sometime in the future we are really forgetting that most of the numbers that are there now, are people of the gaming community that knew about the game when it came out, and those friends that we told about it. this is star wars, it is incredibly popular. I think the way of the jedi is an official religion at this point. It is so much more popular than the numbers we are showing for this game. the reason we get all of these trolls talking about how the game is gonna die is over the endgame content. the game is based on story, so the leveling is very good. i admit endgame content is now what it should be, but even WOW failed at open world PVP.


Star wars has a huge fan base, mostly of people who are not big gamers. so as the word gets out on this 4 month old game, they should have higher subscription rates. I am a huge star wars fan, as a most of the gamers that are playing this game. if you really hated it, you would just leave. some have left, and those are the hardcore, I only play MMO's for endgame content, and I'm not really a fan of SW. this franchise is absolutley huge. that is why you see the trade mark everywhere. from toys, to movies, to other games and T-shirts. I personally never knew a thing about the Warcraft universe before I played WOW for 4 months. so 10 million over 6 or 7 years? someone correct me on that, but that is a great amount of players. But star wars is known around the world and has a huge fan base of die hard fans. I mean I have know star wars since I was about 5. So the market is huge.


since it is a story based game, this will attract a lot of regular gamers and non-gamers. people who love star wars are going to want to be that sith lord, or jedi master, or blast some ******e as a personal Boba fett. they may not have endgame content to where it needs to be right now, but it is getting better. and for fresh MMO players, they will be content with playing pvp, doing raids, and getting some gear that will make them that powerful character they dreamt of being as a kid. In short, the game is not going anywhere. it is a real thing that is here to stay. you may as an old MMO gamer not like the endgame, but the true fans will stay for the long haul. i predict at least equal to if not greater numbers compared to current WOW in 2-3 years. Over 2 mil in next 3 months. Have at it trolls!!!


Queue the music for when the game has 750,000 subs and this poster too looks like an idiot.

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his is what is happening with MMO's. Players keep telling developers to open up the game to territorial PVP and more sandbox elements for endgame and they just keep shoving on more instances that people blow through in 2-3 weeks and wonder why server populations are dropping.


But this is not at all what is happening. Different players are demanding different things. Some players claim what will save the game is housing and the ability to customize their ships. Others demand rated war zones. Many say cross-server LFG will save the game. You demand sandbox. A while ago there was a thread where people where livid because they couldn't swim. Others threaten to quit because they can't change their legacy name.


Personally, I would rather see removing the ability of using colored fonts in the forum before territorial PVP.


tl;dr – What you want is not what everybody wants.

Edited by Kthx
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It's funny to look through these old responses. Who was right and who was wrong?


3 million subs... LOL


Someone who claimed 3 million subs was just as wrong as someone who claimed 750,000 subs. Never mind those who said in January that the game would go f2p in three months.

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