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Where would you take SW if you had the keys to the kingdom?


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Personally, I'd like to see a Kinect type interface on the computer. That's the biggest change, short of holographic displays that could be a game changer for the entire industry. Let's face it, the computer has been shackled to pretty much the same input interface for a long time. Let's innovate that side of things.


Very interesting thought! And, I agree about the PC being shackled for far too long.


What about headgear with eye, ear, and mouth devices to project and take input. That could revolutionize the PC, and by extension, the gaming industry as well.

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I tend to agree. MMOs are the future if done well.


I want a MMO with:



2) WoW's raiding potential and world bosses

3) SWTOR's quests, graphics and companions

4) WAR's public quests

5) RIFT's class customizations

6) POTBS' "crafting" with goods needing to be transported by ship through PVP zones

7) Neverwinter Nights' player-designed content

8) Allegiance's top down strategic layer for PVP and maybe even PVE content


In short, I want a MMO where I can decide the path for myself, where I can create the character I want and where the possibilities are virtually limitless (from running a profitable business in a city to leading an empire to acting the lone thief to bounty hunting to become a master crafter and more).


It will be doable someday. Maybe not in my lifetime... but someday.


Who wouldn't buy this? I like it too. Can you create a theme park within a sandbox?

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1) Next patch I would raise the level cap by 1 and make it take about as long as 45-50 did. I'd do the same thing every month for the next five months to buy some time and keep people playing.


2) I'd stick a defendable base in the middle of Ilum and add assault equipment. The type of assault and defense equipment would vary over time based upon how long one side held the base and the Republic/Imperial population in the PVP zone in an effort to balance the sides enough to make it fun.

a. Daily quests revolving around the base.

b. Special crafting of PVP items only at the base.

c. Rewards for a variety of PVP objectives in Ilum.


Those two things alone would make me renew.


3) I'd start planning solo, group and Ops PVE content to accommodate a gradual cap raise to Level 60 over the next year. This would start easy with few additions Levels 51-53. I'd spend the time on 54-59 and ESPECIALLY 60.


Thus, Id just try to hold onto the playerbase while making up for the monumental mistake of letting everyone level to 50 in about 15-20 percent of the time it should have taken.

Edited by Yozbick
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I think maybe if you manage to create a real life animus from assassins creed and managed to put this game on that, it would be so awesome :D


Sure there would be things like the bleeding effect but if you could fix it so people didn't go insane then i imagine it would be great fun.

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I think the mmo as we know it will change, as the world becomes more networked, I hear the term next gen, thrown around allot, and I don't believe ther can ever be next gen until, we have break through in internet, hardware, programming.


I have played mmo's since the genre started, and they are pretty much the same today as they were at the start, AI has improved, companies put thier own twists on things, but really you play one mmo you have played them all just depend on the theme of the game you like.


I don't think the mmo is going away, I think the market is getting saturated with games, but 99% of them are fantasy games. I see the standard sub based mmo going away, or at least going to the hybrid model of free to play or sub.


We have to look at the desktop computer, sales are down with all the tablet sales, and smart phones, xbox, ps3 limited play on the mmo front, the next round of consoles I am sure will be more powerful, the plans are intergrate computer tv, phone, and cross platform, there are many directions the industry can go, time will tell us where, it's still an open book..:)

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Who wouldn't buy this? I like it too. Can you create a theme park within a sandbox?


The world is the sandbox. The quests and reward system are the theme park. That way you can do whichever you prefer.

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We have to look at the desktop computer, sales are down with all the tablet sales, and smart phones, xbox, ps3 limited play on the mmo front, the next round of consoles I am sure will be more powerful, the plans are intergrate computer tv, phone, and cross platform, there are many directions the industry can go, time will tell us where, it's still an open book..:)


I like this! Totally integrated technology that can be leveraged in gaming!

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This is my first MMO. Only tried it because I'm an KOTOR fan and I figured some of the concepts would remain true. I'm an FPS guy with some love for RTS and RPG. Now some of us say that FPS gets repetitive after a few months of playing it. This game was repetitive nearly immediately.


If it were up to me, I'd change how the leveling system worked and how you are rewarded for things. Secondly I'd go with ME style fighting over the idea of just queuing up your next ability. I say ME because it mixes the run/gun style with casting abilities.


For MMO's to really survive, they don't need to just appeal to MMO players... but people like me. If it wasn't for the whole repetitive nature and the length of time it takes to get through a story, I'd keep my subscription for quite a while. But the idea of me starting a new character in the same faction just makes me sick... to do all those stupid side missions all over again... no thanks.




outside of that, I would focus on developing the social aspect. I like crafting and using GTN. What would be cool is if you could have your own storefront or even have property and develop NPC factions.

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This is my first MMO. Only tried it because I'm an KOTOR fan and I figured some of the concepts would remain true. I'm an FPS guy with some love for RTS and RPG. Now some of us say that FPS gets repetitive after a few months of playing it. This game was repetitive nearly immediately.


If it were up to me, I'd change how the leveling system worked and how you are rewarded for things. Secondly I'd go with ME style fighting over the idea of just queuing up your next ability. I say ME because it mixes the run/gun style with casting abilities.


For MMO's to really survive, they don't need to just appeal to MMO players... but people like me. If it wasn't for the whole repetitive nature and the length of time it takes to get through a story, I'd keep my subscription for quite a while. But the idea of me starting a new character in the same faction just makes me sick... to do all those stupid side missions all over again... no thanks.




outside of that, I would focus on developing the social aspect. I like crafting and using GTN. What would be cool is if you could have your own storefront or even have property and develop NPC factions.


Great perspective! How do we incorporate more social aspects and make the game challenging as well? When we throw the net wider, we have to make it more accessible, yet challenging. Are they mutually exclusive?

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First and foremost, I would fix the development and release processes to ensure consistently high quality in releases.


Second, I'd improve communication with the fan base. I would figure out a way to provide the community weekly detailed status reports describing what we're thinking about / planning, what we're working on producing, and what is close to release. I would provide a level of detail on features commensurate with progress through the pipeline, so features in the planning stage would be described at a high level and features close to release would be described in detail.


Finally I'd look at what the players are doing and seem to want to do and use that to determine how I assign team resources. This is tricky because some things are easier to do than others, and the effort to do things might sway populations. For example, it seems much easier to get into Warzones than Flashpoints, so you have to take that into account when comparing Warzone players to Flashpoint players.


Since I don't know what those numbers are, I can't really say what I'd do with the game after fixing the development and release processes and communication plan.

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MMO's will always have a decent market in North America, in other parts of the world though, it is a dying genre, nowadays in Japan if it isn't an Ecchi JRPG or some sort of hentai visual novel


Yeah lets all sit around watching cartoon ****.... Uh yeah... That's just creepy. If i'm going to watch **** its going to at least be real. :rolleyes:

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I would work what is working well in this game, companions. They are wonderful for casual gamers with broken stretches of time to game.


Let us eventually keep out 2 companions and battle each other in mini-squads. Scaling then makes 12 ops groups into 36 vs 36. Now that would be awesome to see and fight.

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Merge the servers. Convert all role playing servers to PvP servers. Turn all PvP servers into true PvP servers where everyone is perm-flagged for PvP and allow all players to travel to all zones and beat the bejesus out of eachother.


On the seventh day. Rest. Maybe drink. Probably drink.

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Great perspective! How do we incorporate more social aspects and make the game challenging as well? When we throw the net wider, we have to make it more accessible, yet challenging. Are they mutually exclusive?


Well for social, we don't have to change the game drastically in style of play. There is a lot of time I'm just hanging out on the fleet waiting for a friend to get on or waiting for my entire group to get ready. This is where the social comes in. Some ideas:


1. Storefronts

The ability to browse a single player's items that are for sell as well as items that can be crafted. You see a type of helmet that could be crafted, and you have a system that allows you to buy it and have it mailed.


2. Class Uses

Outside of the story and companion quests, everything is generic for all classes, so why not add some social features that are unique to a class. Lets use the BH for example. Have a bounty board, post a hiring for a BH to go take someone out. This could be a PVP thing, but the idea is to play on the mentality of each class. Hire an agent to steal or sabotage something. etc...


that's all I've got at the moment.



The goal is to get you to interact with people outside of hey, I need TANK for HM....




As for the combat and leveling.... take some of the mechanics from Call of Duty. You have levels that unlock the basic essentials.... but you have to use what you get to unlock extra features. So in this MMO, we allow people to get a hold of the gear and items more quickly, but they then have to develop a proficiency with them. CoD for example, the more kills you get with a weapon the more modifications you can have. A perk (ability) ranks up as it gets used in various ways.


I just feel that there is a massive disconnect between FPS action and MMO action... and it doesn't have to be. But then again, in TOR I'm just hitting hotkeys in a particular order. FPS, my skill is based on how well I can move, aim, and my understanding of the map.

Edited by sumoftwosins
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At one point in my youth, I designed pinball machines for fun. But, as with all gaming genre's, their staying power waned as consoles and other video type games took over the market (although I recently owned a Pinball machine and enjoyed it a lot - but, boy are they loud).


MMO's have probably peaked at this point and are now headed toward obscurity/austerity in the gaming industry as a whole (some years down the road).


The key is... What is the next big trend in gaming? And if TOR could morph in to a new gaming genre, what would it be? Can we move away from PC's and Consoles? And if we do, where do we go?


Interactive/Virtual Reality gaming? How is this accomplished?


Let enough years go by without Pinball machines and when they are all but forgotten reintroduce them and they will be popular again for a short time. :)


I say that console games will always be where the main market is at, the only difference is that every game developer should release mod tools on consoles for their games.

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It would seem that the majority of this thread has turned into "what would you do if you were in control of SWTOR, instead of being in control of Star Wars."


If I were in control of Star Wars:



Star Wars Rebellion 2 (not Empire at War). Where you can build on each planet like Imperium Galactica 2.

X-Wing/Tie Fighter sequel. Story-driven technical flight sim (power management, etc).

Battlefront 3 (heard they may be working on it again anyways).



Continue Clone Wars series.


TV or BluRay Mini-series:

Thrawn trilogy

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It would seem that the majority of this thread has turned into "what would you do if you were in control of SWTOR, instead of being in control of Star Wars."


If I were in control of Star Wars:



Star Wars Rebellion 2 (not Empire at War). Where you can build on each planet like Imperium Galactica 2.

X-Wing/Tie Fighter sequel. Story-driven technical flight sim (power management, etc).

Battlefront 3 (heard they may be working on it again anyways).



Continue Clone Wars series.


TV or BluRay Mini-series:

Thrawn trilogy



I would do this BlueRay edit of Porkins:

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