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Where would you take SW if you had the keys to the kingdom?


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At one point in my youth, I designed pinball machines for fun. But, as with all gaming genre's, their staying power waned as consoles and other video type games took over the market (although I recently owned a Pinball machine and enjoyed it a lot - but, boy are they loud).


MMO's have probably peaked at this point and are now headed toward obscurity/austerity in the gaming industry as a whole (some years down the road).


The key is... What is the next big trend in gaming? And if TOR could morph in to a new gaming genre, what would it be? Can we move away from PC's and Consoles? And if we do, where do we go?


Interactive/Virtual Reality gaming? How is this accomplished?

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At one point in my youth, I designed pinball machines for fun. But, as with all gaming genre's, their staying power waned as consoles and other video type games took over the market (although I recently owned a Pinball machine and enjoyed it a lot - but, boy are they loud).


MMO's have probably peaked at this point and are now headed toward obscurity/austerity in the gaming industry as a whole (some years down the road).


The key is... What is the next big trend in gaming? And if TOR could morph in to a new gaming genre, what would it be? Can we move away from PC's and Consoles? And if we do, where do we go?


Interactive/Virtual Reality gaming? How is this accomplished?


MMOs are the future, just not crappy ones like this.

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At one point in my youth, I designed pinball machines for fun. But, as with all gaming genre's, their staying power waned as consoles and other video type games took over the market (although I recently owned a Pinball machine and enjoyed it a lot - but, boy are they loud).


MMO's have probably peaked at this point and are now headed toward obscurity/austerity in the gaming industry as a whole (some years down the road).


The key is... What is the next big trend in gaming? And if TOR could morph in to a new gaming genre, what would it be? Can we move away from PC's and Consoles? And if we do, where do we go?


Interactive/Virtual Reality gaming? How is this accomplished?


MMO's will always have a decent market in North America, in other parts of the world though, it is a dying genre, nowadays in Japan if it isn't an Ecchi JRPG or some sort of hentai visual novel it won't be popular, and i think they have the right idea, MMO'S are lacking quality and i haven't seen anything that has been able to topple WoW yet, so excuse me while i join them.

Edited by PeacefulViolence
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If I had the keys to the kingdom, I'd do a cross-universe invasion where Warhammer 40k moves in, wipes the other races out of existence, set up a 5 faction game, gut all the PvE zones out of it and turn it into a good and proper RvR game with 40k lore.
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MMO's will always have decent market in North America, in other parts of the world though, it is a dying genre, nowadays in Japan if it isn't an Ecchi JRPG or some sort of hentai visual novel it won't be popular, and i think they have the right idea, MMO'S are lacking quality and i haven't seen anything that has been able to topple WoW yet, so excuse me while i join them.


Do you have an example of a Ecchi JRPG, first I have heard of these?

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Do you have an example of a Ecchi JRPG, first I have heard of these?


You're kidding right? Well, one would be Star Ocean The Last Hope for 360 and PS3, it has some funny Ecchi scenes in it. although i don't know if they were cut from the international version or not, you probably haven't heard of any because most JRPG's get censored if they become available in other countries because some of the content is considered illegal in places like North America (Nude females that resemble children.)

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You're kidding right? Well, one would be Star Ocean The Last Hope for 360 and PS3, it has some funny Ecchi scenes in it. although i don't know if they were cut from the international version or not, you probably haven't heard of any because most JRPG's get censored if they become available in other countries because some of the content is considered illegal in places like North America (Nude females that resemble children.)


Not kidding at all. You probably didn't catch the fact that I am not in my early 20's from my reference to designing pinball machines in my youth. That was a loooong time ago. :D


Anyway, I am not sure if I want to check those out or not, based upon your description. But it did pique my interest when you mentioned something in the gaming industry that I wasn't aware of. Although, at this point, there is probably way more stuff in gaming that I am not aware of than that I am aware of...


That's what growing older does to you! :p

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Not kidding at all. You probably didn't catch the fact that I am not in my early 20's from my reference to designing pinball machines in my youth. That was a loooong time ago. :D


Anyway, I am not sure if I want to check those out or not, based upon your description. But it did pique my interest when you mentioned something in the gaming industry that I wasn't aware of. Although, at this point, there is probably way more stuff in gaming that I am not aware of than that I am aware of...


That's what growing older does to you! :p


Sorry if i seemed a bit hostile, i just assumed that you would know because i didn't really catch the line about designing pinball machines in your youth lol, but it's all good bro, i like to help people learn new things, i was taught that instead of judging and criticizing someone you should teach him, depending on the situation, it may be teaching him how to be a better person, or simply sharing facts with eachother, remember, no matter how smart someone may be, there is always another person out there that can give you something that you don't have, be open minded, love people, and they will love you back. If they don't, no loss, there are plenty of people out there that have respect for good people so you shouldn't let it bother you.

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MMORPGs will probably stick around for a long while, I cant think of anything better to replace them.


Thing is, non-MMO type games always reach the point of repetition. FPS games, single player RPGs, Simulators, Real Time Strategy games... they always get to a point where you're doing the same thing you've been doing for the past three years, and content updates to those games, which are extremely rare to begin with, almost never bring in something truly 'new' to spark you into playing again.


MMO's, on the other hand, receive constant updates. Every 2-3 weeks you'll get bug fixes and small content changes. Every month or two you'll get a small amount of completely new content added to the game. About once a year you'll get a major content update, usually in the form of an expansion, that completely changes the game - from things as small as class abilities up to entire world/environment changes as the game's overall story progresses.




Of course, not everyone needs that constant change (and many fear it). There are still people playing the original starcraft, or counterstrike, games that are far older than any MMO at this point - Personally I cant understand what draws people to continually do the same bland thing over and over again for 10 years straight, but if you look at the current lifestyle of the modern world I guess people seem to do that in real life too =P

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MMORPGs will probably stick around for a long while, I cant think of anything better to replace them.


Thing is, non-MMO type games always reach the point of repetition. FPS games, single player RPGs, Simulators, Real Time Strategy games... they always get to a point where you're doing the same thing you've been doing for the past three years, and content updates to those games, which are extremely rare to begin with, almost never bring in something truly 'new' to spark you into playing again.


MMO's, on the other hand, receive constant updates. Every 2-3 weeks you'll get bug fixes and small content changes. Every month or two you'll get a small amount of completely new content added to the game. About once a year you'll get a major content update, usually in the form of an expansion, that completely changes the game - from things as small as class abilities up to entire world/environment changes as the game's overall story progresses.




Of course, not everyone needs that constant change (and many fear it). There are still people playing the original starcraft, or counterstrike, games that are far older than any MMO at this point - Personally I cant understand what draws people to continually do the same bland thing over and over again for 10 years straight, but if you look at the current lifestyle of the modern world I guess people seem to do that in real life too =P


I hate to call you out on this but i believe you are wrong, new content being added to an MMO is no different than the next big RTS game coming out or whatever, a new flashpoint is still a flashpoint, a new raid is still a raid, and so on, a new expansion does not completely change a game, it just adds new features, that every other game in the industry does (except maybe Call of duty lol.)


If you want to talk about repitition, then MMO'S are the most repititous games in the industry, it's all the same stuff, the only thing that changes is the last boss, instead of killing SOA you are killing a giant Yoda or whatever, lol.

Edited by PeacefulViolence
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I hate to call you out on this but i believe you are wrong, new content being added to an MMO is no different than the next big RTS game coming out or whatever, a new flashpoint is still a flashpoint, a new raid is still a raid, and so on, a new expansion does not completely change a game, it just adds new features, that every other game in the industry does (except maybe Call of duty lol.)


If you want to talk about repitition, then MMO'S are the most repititous games in the industry, it's all the same stuff, the only thing that changes is the last boss, instead of killing SOA you are killing a giant Yoda or whatever, lol.


This is kinda what I was driving at. At some point, there has to be innovation in the hardware and software that drives the next generation of gaming. Now, maybe we aren't the right audience to try and brainstorm about this, but someone/others are.


What is on the horizon? (and no, I don't think more sexually themed games is the future, sorry PeacefulViolence) :)

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This is kinda what I was driving at. At some point, there has to be innovation in the hardware and software that drives the next generation of gaming. Now, maybe we aren't the right audience to try and brainstorm about this, but someone/others are.


What is on the horizon? (and no, I don't think more sexually themed games is the future, sorry PeacefulViolence) :)



That's a shame... :p

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The first thing I would do is add Full Control Space Combat (FCSC)


Also, I would add more dynamic weather patterns.

More ships.

Player housing.

Ability to customize current ships.

Remove most space stations.

More races.

Faster speeders.

Fix Ilum PvP lag. (not easy I'm sure, but it's there)

More voiced emotes like LOL.

More NPCs with voice acting (VA).

Add quests in the leveling zones that make you cross faction areas.

Remove invisible walls. I can handle not being able to get over a ridge, but an invisible wall?

More community driven events such as User Created VA

More enemy NPCs that patrol the area. Take existing NPCs and give them longer routes to walk.



I can keep going, but that is a good start to what I would like to see done.


I enjoy the game and everything above is my own humble opinion and should be taken as such.

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All instanced content scalable; group quests could be done by 1 or 8, with mobs and drop rates (not items) to match. Similarly, instanced solo quests could scale up.


For Endgame: Not one piece of loot would be an exclusive drop from a named boss. Bosses of equal level could drop any piece of loot in the appropriate range. Run the instances you want to get the loot you're after.


Classes: Do away with 'em. Skill points would still be awarded upon leveling, and every tree would be open to every character. You want variety in builds? There ya go. No need to try to balances classes if there aren't any.


Less predictable combat: bosses would have much bigger bags of tricks to draw from, and wouldn't have stuff trigger at predictable times (40% health, after 3 minutes, etc). This unpredictability would extend to lesser mobs as well, sometimes many adds might show up, other times a mob might be weaker or stronger than they 'con'.


More randomized drops: it would be mathematically possible for lesser mobs to drop uber loot. Currently when fighting trash, there's no need to check their drops as possible upgrades, they never are. This would change, you'd actually get a moment of joy when a trash mob dropped something.


Non-combat activities: I hesitate to use the word sandbox, but I can't see how adding things like Pazaak tables, Swoop racing, etc. could have a negative impact. Heck, there's lots of casinos in the game, turn on those machines!


"If I were king...."


"That's no king, that Mon - ty." <---- (doubts anyone will get this reference)

Edited by TheSwamper
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MMOs are the future, just not crappy ones like this.


I tend to agree. MMOs are the future if done well.


I want a MMO with:



2) WoW's raiding potential and world bosses

3) SWTOR's quests, graphics and companions

4) WAR's public quests

5) RIFT's class customizations

6) POTBS' "crafting" with goods needing to be transported by ship through PVP zones

7) Neverwinter Nights' player-designed content

8) Allegiance's top down strategic layer for PVP and maybe even PVE content


In short, I want a MMO where I can decide the path for myself, where I can create the character I want and where the possibilities are virtually limitless (from running a profitable business in a city to leading an empire to acting the lone thief to bounty hunting to become a master crafter and more).


It will be doable someday. Maybe not in my lifetime... but someday.

Edited by Yozbick
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Personally, I'd like to see a Kinect type interface on the computer. That's the biggest change, short of holographic displays that could be a game changer for the entire industry. Let's face it, the computer has been shackled to pretty much the same input interface for a long time. Let's innovate that side of things.
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Along with additional bug fixes and fine tuning, I'd start to add in some sand box elements as were found in their ME series. Plus additional 'time burners' like pazaak and pod racing. Make it PvP style to boot. I'm not sure if you can do that with Pazaak because folks would gamble for real, but running folks off the track in a pd racing style WZ would be cool.
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