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Dealing with Operatives in PVP


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As an arsenal merc, what is the best way to deal with an operative when they attack you out of stealth? My current go to is just break cc/push but vs very good operatives they stun again immediately (if you don't break then you are basically dead by the end of 4 seconds).


Help plz

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I have the same problem when a well geared Smuggler gets on me from stealth.... I guess best aproach is bubble to mitigate dmg, then knockback, try using your next cast instant ability (forgot the name) then CC the target... they will most likely break it, then use the normal stun... atleast that way you can fill them full of missiles and an unload to slow them down
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I have similar problems with Operatives. If I'm able, when the first CC breaks, I'll try Electo Dart and then get some distance and break LoS. Then it becomes a hunting match between the two of us until we re-engage or another target presents. But, if I get re-stunned I know it's pretty much back to the clone banks for me. Edited by Wargamed
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If you are on Huttball, try your hardest to fight on the ramps. NEVER stay on the ground. This way you can trinket-jet boost the stealther off the edge and rain fire on them outside of their range.


On any other map... try not to turret/tracer from an isolated location. Be aware of your fastest routes to other players for assistance, and get into the habit of dropping stealth scan on yourself before you start attacking from a specific location (use this ability as much as possible - cost 0 heat and can only benefit the player). If you get jumped, trinket and shield ASAP, because you are going to get instantly stunned again (If you can, try and get your rocket punch knockback before the stun). You should be able to survive the stun lock. Jet boost when the lock is over. At this point, I usually try to draw out their interrupt with a tracer cast, and then cure/heal self.


Surviving the initial lock is key to winning this fight. If you can get that part down, you can easily burn them down since they are squishy.



1) Apply a DoT as soon as you are ready to start your damage rotation to keep them from stealthing.

2) Never discount stealth scan. Be ready to use this ability as soon as you are jumped by a stealther (most likely to re-stealth when they are on the ropes, or after you create distance).

3) Use rocket punch and jet boost when CDs are up to keep range.

4) Always use your teammates! If you fight alone, you will most likely die.

Edited by AHawtRhino
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They usually open with their knockdown ability. Resist the urge to break it, it only lasts like 1.5 seconds. they are usually behind me at this point so i jump backwards over them and use my electro dart. If they break it then i use my jetboost knockback. They are slowed, so pop a medpack and start unloading (more slowdown). Get more distance. If they close, use your rocketpunch knockback. If they stealth again, drop your scan prob thingy right on top of you. This will buy you time to cast your heal on yourself to get to full. If things start to go south quickly, use your instant cast ability to pop off a concussion missile for the 8 sec stun to get out of there. Save your CC break for their real stun.
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I know this is for Arsenal, but since the best answer was just a couple posts previous to this, I'll provide my strat while on BG.


Laugh and run away.


To preface this, I'm in full champ. OPs love to get the jump on me and try to take me down. Fortunately, I have ~18k health and usually have kolto shell up. So I let them try to do their stuff, pop all their cooldowns, stun me, blah blah. I pop a quick HS + RS and walk away since they really have no way to threaten me anymore. I'll give me a quick stun or jet boost sometimes to get distance, and pop some instant cast heals on the move.


I honestly can't remember the last time an OP has solo killed me since I got decent gear. It's those pesky sorcs that run around in swarms that perma-slow me that...grrr...


As reluctant as I was for picking BG Merc early on, I don't ever regret it. Such a powerhouse in PVP and ease of grouping and always having a spot in the NMM guild ops.

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As an arsenal merc, what is the best way to deal with an operative when they attack you out of stealth? My current go to is just break cc/push but vs very good operatives they stun again immediately (if you don't break then you are basically dead by the end of 4 seconds).


Help plz


First, arsenal spec is not a good 1v1 spec. Tracer missile is your best abilitiy and you have to be immobile to use it. Not saying you can win, but most skilled Operatives will have ya on the ropes if nto dead.


As a Pyro, I see allot of operatives and this is normally what I do:


1) Operative stealth attacks you (IE: knock down/4 second dps burst). You have to eat it and thank goodness for heavy armor and high expertise (higher the better).


2) Hit Jet Boost. (This will give ya some space to open with your rotation.)


3) Move away as far as you can, but within ranged of your abilities. Hit Incendary Missle/Thermal Detonator/Rail Gun. (Massive burst here). if you follow up with Unload, then you are allowing the Operative to close on ya. Only use Unload if they are low on HPs.


4) Continue to "kite" the Operative since they have ZERO closing ability. Use Rapid Shots so that Combustible Gas Cylinder procs.


5) If Operative is either trying to heal or below 50%, then Stun them. The pop your relic/stims and repeat #3 for the kill.


I never have an issue if my abiliites are up or health above 75%. Operatives are masters of ganking folks that are usually under 50%. So, don't let your HPs go below 50% otherwise you are asking for trouble and probably death from a skill Operative.

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