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Thursday Morning Wrath


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Great, wonderful, funny stuff.


I came here from a reddit post titled "Great fan fiction, or BEST fan fiction?" last week. I let this sit in my browser unread until 2 days ago, when I finally started reading at work.


I've now gotten to the end of this thread, and am awaiting more.

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This post is dedicated to my friend Jay, whose hard mode raid I didn't attend because I was posting to this thread instead. Once Jay finds out this thread exists, I'm sure he'll understand.


This post is also dedicated to my good friend IKnow AlyssaJones, who is the single most horrifyingly immature, foul-mouthed, compulsively self-destructive polyamorous lesbian in all of San Francisco. I would actually hotlink to her blog, but its way to sexually powerful for Bioware's TOS to allow on the forums. google it.






lets start a war! start a nuclear war! at the gay bar! gay bar! gay bar!


Servant Two: Just get it out of the way now.

Servant One: Get what out of the way now?

Servant Two: The gay joke?

Servant One: Nah man, that's just not funny anymore.

Servant Two: Interesting.

Servant One: What?

Servant Two: it's just that your sudden shift in attitude about sexual humor coincides with the gaydar unit the Wrath brought home, is all.

Servant One: Pure coincidence, I assure you.

Servant Two: mmmhmmm.





"Got any plans for tonight?" Pierce asked.


"We were gonna go to the bar." The Wrath shrugged, painting Vette's toenails.


"What bar?" Pierce asked.


"Rainbow Room on Upper Promenade, Nar Shaddaa." Vette replied, painting Wrath's toenails.


"Rainbow Room? Sounds gay." Pierce observed.


"It is." Vette replied.


"What?" Pierce asked.


"Rainbow Room is a gay bar. The best one in the galaxy." Vette explained. "Unless you count Mojito Monday happy hour at Sunken Sarlacc, that's a pillar of the galactic gay community."


"Well. I'll be staying here then. Work on my model." Pierce turned on his heel and walked back into the crew bunks.


"What crawled up his ***?" The Wrath asked.


"Eh, you know him. Big strong alpha male. He just crushes *****." Vette shrugged.


"What does that have to do with anything?" The Wrath blinked.


"When you measure your self esteem by your sexual conquests, its easy to trick yourself into believing that everyone else does too." Vette replied.


"I don't understand." The Wrath asserted. "Do my left foot now. Is he a homophobe?"


"He's not afraid of gays, per say." Vette explained. "He's just afraid that a gay man would objectify him the way he objectifies a woman."


"Huh." The Wrath thought. "Vette, did I ever tell you that you're way smarter than what everyone else gives you credit for?"


Vette could only shrug. "When you grow up in chains and your own life revolves around satisfying someone else's fantasy, you learn a thing or two about psychology."


"Interesting perspective." The Wrath observed.


"He's not bad boyfriend material, he's just a little simple is all. I'd hate to have a boyfriend I had to second-guess."


"To each her own." The Wrath mumbled. "You're done. Black nail polish is easy, one coat and you're finished."


"I don't know why you wear it." Vette grumbled. "I'm red. Its the only thing that matches. You can at least wear pink or purple or something."


"Pink nail polish is for 12 year old girls." The Wrath replied.


"Says the woman with the pink lightsaber."


"Pink lightsabers are fearsome. They undermine your foe's confidence. Nobody wants to get beaten by a woman with a pink lightsaber." The Wrath explained.


"So who else is coming?" Vette asked.


"Jaesa said she'd go, but she doesn't drink so she's no fun." The Wrath shrugged.


"She does everything else." Vette said.


"I heard that!" Jaesa yelled.


"Doesn't make it any less true!" Vette returned.


"And I didn't bother asking Quinnie." The Wrath said. "He'll say, 'I apologize my lord, but I'm on duty.'"


"Well you should at least ask him." Vette prodded.


"QUINN, COME TO THE BAR WITH US!" The Wrath yelled across the ship, to rude to use the intercom.


"I apologize my lord, but I'm on duty." was Quinn's reply, through the intercom.


"Its okay. He'll get a visit from the lieutenant later. My sex life has massively improved since I figured out what he can't resist." Wrath smiled.


"Girls night then. Who needs boys when you've got alcohol?" Vette clapped.


"I kind of prefer alcohol to be a lead-in to boys, actually." The Wrath contributed. "I need to be taken to the bedroom and pinned to the mattress before I can drink myself into the dark side."


"That's a significant problem." Jaesa came out of the medbay.


"It was until the lieutenant showed up." The Wrath explained. "But the lieutenant always gets the captain to stand at attention."


"Who is the lieutenant?" Jaesa asked, unfamiliar with the innuendo.


"Malavai has a thing for the uniform that's an automatic in." Vette volunteered. "So the Wrath bought a uniform."


"Oh. Do you think that's why Chris keeps asking me if I still have my padawan girls school uniform?" Jaesa asked.






"Well, lets go to the bar already! I heard Rainbow Room has a mai thai that's to die for." The Wrath insisted.


"In about an hour." Vette replied.


"Huh? The boys are dedicated to being boring. I want to get buzzed now." The Wrath commanded.


"The drying time for nail polish is longer than your attention span, short bus." Vette pointed to her toes.


"Oh. Right." The Wrath remembered. "And don't call me short bus, shock therapy."


Okay fast forward us to the bar, nobody cares about my nails.

Even though they're fantastic?

Even though they're fan-****in-tastic. I JUST GOT MAH NAAAAAYALS DONE!


"Let me get 2 mai thais and whatever you serve boring sober people." The Wrath told the bartender.


"Right. 2 Mai Thais and a 4 dollar watered down coke." The bartender nodded.


"WHAT?" The Wrath asked.


"I know right, and then you're gonna tip me, too." The bartender shrugged. He was wearing a ****-eating grin and a name tag that said HELLO, MY NAME IS DYLAN DIGGLES.


What the hell does that even mean? Is that a gay joke?

Its an inside joke.


"Screw that noise, gimme 3 mai thais, I'll just tell little miss healthy living that hers is virgin." The Wrath commanded.


"I can actually make it virgin, if you want." The bartender suggested.


"Would you still charge as much for it?" The Wrath asked.




"Screw it, give me the liquor. Its gonna be a night of new experiences for princess lightweight." The Wrath sneered.


Get to the part where we're drinking.

Wrath, I always joke about this, but I think you might actually legitimately have a problem.

The problem was when I stumbled into that other thread and nobody helped me kill that box of wine. This is just saturday night.

I think you might be abusing your meta privileges a bit. Especially if you just use them to skip forward to sex and drinking.

What, you don't?

I'm not a fictional character, Wrath. I have to do all the profoundly boring things like sleep and ********** and use the restroom.



That's terrifying. What were you saying about the meta?

I said I think you're abusing it.

Oh yea, well, I'm doing that part on purpose.


Because that guy on reddit posted that comment where he said he thought we were funny until we started doing meta gags.

Well, that's his opinion, Wrath.

Meta gags are our entire thing. We're doing one right now.

Well, admittedly, yes. We do lean on it pretty hard.

So I'm gonna troll him. We're going to be meta as hell.

You're really dedicated to this, aren't you?

Come on, really? How can you not like the meta gag! Its hilarious. This is a fan fiction forum where people write stories about their video game characters. We all know going in how thin the 4th wall is here, so screw it. I'm gonna tear it down.

Well you have a good point.

Oh yea baby, take that meta. Take it all, show me how much you love me with your throat.

Wrath that's a little graphic.

I know, sometimes I just imagine how much fun it must be to have a wiener and say really disgusting stuff like that.

Nobody actually says stuff like that. Unless they're with girls like Vette.

I'm suddenly not interested in this topic anymore.


"This is an amazing mai thai." The Wrath observed.


"Its delicious, except for this bitter, biting taste." Jaesa complained.


"That's the alcohol." Vette explained.




"Nothing." The Wrath insisted.


"Hey, isn't that your sister?" Jaesa indicated to a couple on the other side of the bar.


"Oh my god. That is your sister." Vette confirmed.


Wait, what?

That is your sister.


"We have been spotted, and are being pulled in by her

" The Wrath groaned.


"Isn't that her best friend? The bounty hunter with the weird name?" Vette asked.


"Eau. Apparently they're better than friends." The Wrath rolled her eyes. She went to turn her shoulder and sneak off to some other corner of the bar, but was promptly grappled.


"Sis! What are you doing here?" PE#1 asked.


"I was avoiding an awkward family moment, but apparently my CC break is on cooldown. I could ask the same of you, aren't you married?" The Wrath sneered.


"Torian? Oh, this isn't about him. Eau and I go way back. Bounty Hunter college. I'm wingmanning her tonight." PE#1 explained.


"Oh, just college?" PE#1's friend grinned.


"You guys didn't..." The Wrath blushed.


"Experiment? Please. It was college." PE#1 shrugged.


"She experimented. I'm a lesbian." the lets-be-friend insisted.


"Sis, you're married!" The Wrath proclaimed.


"Only in this galaxy. Besides, boys love it when you keep that option on the table." PE#1 rolled her eyes.


"Its pretty immature." Lets-be-friend observed.


"I only deal in concrete facts, hun." PE#1 replied. "You can trust blood, money, and boys to get excited about girls kissing girls."


"Wait, how do lesbians wing each other anyways?" The Wrath asked.


"Its easy." PE#1 explained. "Bring in a token bi-curious straight girl. Works the same way for gay guys."


"I'm straight." The Wrath insisted.


PE#1 clapped her hand over the Wrath's mouth. "SHUT UP, DO YOU WANT TO GET US ALL KILLED?"


"All gays love going for the conversion achievement." Lets-be-friend explained. "Say you're straight where people can hear it, and you'll have sharks circling in the water."


"Which is fine with us," PE#1 added, "Because then she'll just pick off the stragglers and we'll accomplish our mission. But for you, it will be very awkward."


"Check out the femme over there with the twi'lek. She looks susceptible." Eau pointed at Jaesa.


"That's my apprentice." The Wrath realized.


"Then you can introduce us." Lets-be-friends insisted.


"She has a boyfriend." The Wrath countered.


"She has an average gain of 2% on her bi-curiosity quotient every time she takes a sip of her drink. Its climbing nearly equally with her blood alcohol level." Lets-be-friend replied.


"What?" The Wrath was perplexed.


"Bionic eye. Night vision, range-finder, radiation detection, and if you upgrade to the oh so sweet deluxe package, x-ray and gaydar. Oh, she's completely shaved. Bonus." Lets-be-friend explained.


"You think you can land that?" PE#1 asked.


"If she keeps drinking like she's never touched a drop in her life, definitely." Lets-be-friend nodded.


"She has never touched a drop. I told her her drink was virgin." The Wrath facepalmed.


"Is her boyfriend attractive?" Lets-be-friend asked.


"What do you mean? I thought you were gay." The Wrath asked.


"Well yea, but if I have to settle for a threesome, then taking one for the team isn't so bad if he's not a d-bag." Lets-be-friend shrugged.


"He's pretty cool. Cute, too- WAIT WHY AM I HELPING YOU ON THIS?" The Wrath realized.


"Is that twi'lek your friend? Because she just brought her a long island iced tea that could kill a horse." Lets-be-friend pointed.


"Oh yea. That's Vette. She's my BFF. I mean most of the time she's a total twit, but its time like this she reminds me why I love her so much." The Wrath explained.


"SO ARE ALL BOUNTY HUNTERS LESBIANS, OR DO THEY JUST DRESS LIKE THEM?" A loud, surly voice ripped through the bar. It belonged to one Jaesa Wilsaam.


"I never thought this would happen- I'm the one doing damage control!" The Wrath muttered, running over to the booth, her sister and her sister's friend behind her.


"Its not fair!" Vette whined. "She's only 4 drinks in! I wish I got loaded that cheap!"


"No kidding. Jaesa, give me your holo." The Wrath demanded.



"Yea I think he better come here and pick you up. Lets make you his problem." The Wrath started keying in his number.




"She's showing some tendencies." PE#1 observed.


"I think she's ready to try-out for the team." Lets-be-friend added.


"Hey, Chris, its Wrath. Can I talk to you for a minute?" The Wrath called.


"Yea sure... Hey, why do you have Jaesa's holo?" He asked.


"You can talk to me sober, or Jaesa drunk. Rare opportunity." The Wrath replied.


"IS THAT MY BOYFRIEND? TELL HIM I'M *****!" Jaesa added.


"Jaesa doesn't drink." Chris corrected.


"Not before tonight she didn't." The Wrath explained. "How do you feel about sharing?"


"What? Are you girls alright? Should I come pick you up?" Chris asked, concerned.


"Invasive personal questions first. How do you feel about sharing?" The Wrath asked.


"If I answer this, will you tell me where you are?" Chris asked.


"Sure." The Wrath admitted.



"Well she asked me before if we could try with another guy, but I'm not into that so I told her we could if she brought home another girl, and I just figured she never would so I considered the matter off the table. I mean, I guess I would, but I just kind of gave her that reply to shunt her off the other thing." Chris shrugged.


"Well, she's trashed and its back on the table. You better get to Rainbow Room on the promenade or tonight's going to be one of those things where you wonder what could have been." The Wrath explained.




"You're the hottest one, dear." Lets-be-friend leaned in to whisper to Jaesa.


"Chris is coming to pick you up, Jaesa." The Wrath added.




"Oh, I'm not going anywhere. You're the one about to go somewhere new and exciting." Lets-be-friend giggled.


"She's actually kind of charming." The Wrath told her sister. "She's completely two-faced like you, isn't she?"


"Absolutely." PE#1 admitted.


The Wrath went over to the bartender. "Gimme three glasses of water, and whenever my loud bi-curious friend asks for another drink, just charge my tab for a 4 dollar coke and give her a glass of watered down dr pepper on the rocks and tell her its rum-and-coke."


It took about 4 'rum-and-cokes' for Chris to show up.


"Jaesa come on, we're leaving. And we're going to go drink a lot of water." Chris said.


"NOT UNTIL AFTER WE HAVE SEX. AND WE'RE BRINGING HER TOO." Jaesa pointed to Lets-be-friend.


"Well... If that's alright with her." Chris added.


"I'll go quietly." Lets-be-friend grinned.


"That was really cool of you, wingmanning Eau like that, sis." PE#1 thanked the Wrath.


"Psh. I didn't do her any favors." The Wrath replied. "Do lesbians use their hips during sex?"


"...Yeah?" PE#1 stated, confused.


"Your friend is going to spend the weekend in a kolto tank." The Wrath grinned.

Edited by Doozzer
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Haha, that poor girl's hips will never be the same. *snickers*


I love Quinn's reply to Wrath yelling across the ship. Ever notice in the cut scenes the ship looks about 5 times bigger than it is? lol


Nice work!


More Quinn though. I like LS Jaesa, but I <3 Quinn more. =D

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I see what you are saying... but what we really need, i think, is more stuff that involves both Quinn AND Jaessa, that way i can still be content with attention to Jaessa and Quinn can still be an awesome character :p


I do prefer LS Jaesa, especially compared to DS Jaesa. Not really into psychotic people. Probably why my Imp Agent can't stand Kaliyo.

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The sweat beaded down his chiseled, rigid abs.




Hey, have any of you guys seen the Wrath? She told me to get her this class 6 lockbox, but now I can't find her.


Servant One: Huh? Who are you?

Servant Two: And how did you get in here?


Who am I? I've been with the Wrath since Taris. I'm lieutenant Pierce. Why is everything I say a different color than you?


Servant One: Its italicized colored meta text, you get it when you use the force to communicate telepathically, when you talk to the narrator, us, or other miscellaneaous ruptures of the 4th wall.


Neat. Seriously though, where is Wrath?

Servant Two: We don't know. We were gonna ask you.


Is this all you guys do all day? wear black and sit in a room and stare at each other? You're like creepy Sith oompa loompas.

Servant Two: We have to kill him. He knows too much.

Servant One: Shut up! That's a coincidence. He knows nothing.

Whatever. I'm out of here.


Servant Two: How did he know about the Emperor's secret chocolate factory?

Servant One: There's no way he knows about that. The Wrath doesn't even know about that. Now don't talk about it anymore, we don't want anyone knowing where Sith Purebloods are really from.

Servant Two: Or that the Sith Emperor is Gene Wilder.

Servant One: You fool! You've said too much!





"Jaesa come out, Dinners' gonna be on in like 10 minutes." The Wrath entered the medbay.


"I... can't." Jaesa replied, staring at the screen.


"Listen, I'm sure you feel bad about what you did to Eau the other night, but-" The Wrath started.








"No, Eau."


"Me what?"


"No, E-A-U."


"Oh. Who?"


"The lesbian in the kolto tank whose pelvis you broke during a drunk debauchery." The Wrath rolled her eyes.


"Oh! Uh... Well yea I guess I should lay off the kegel exercises right? Don't know my own strength. But that's not what I'm looking at here. You have to see this." Jaesa pointed to the monitor.


"What is this garbage?" The Wrath asked.


"Erotic fiction." Jaesa replied.


"What's that, like **** that you read?" The Wrath asked.


"Exactly." Jaesa replied.


"I don't really need ****, I have a boyfriend and... Oh. Wow." The Wrath trailed off as she began to read the screen.



Beads of sweat rolled down Pierce's sculpted abs as he lifted the weights, grunting in satisfaction. The crew bunk was heavy with his rugged musk, stripped to the waist, he was a picture of divine masculine form. He heard footsteps at the door, but didn't bother to turn around. Living on the ship like this, you eventually learned the stride and clank of all the ship's occupants. The tight, measured steps were surefooted and disciplined. It could only be Malavai Quinn.


"What's this all about?" The Wrath asked.


"Shh... Keep reading. Its totally hot." Jaesa assured her.

Malavai took a deep breath as he stood at the door to the crew bunk, sniffing up Pierce's erotic aroma. When Pierce didn't turn around, he took the opportunity to admire his broad, well muscled back. Pierce felt Malavai's hungry eyes through the back of his head, and grinned. He loved it when Malavai looked at him. He had read about it once in the military academy, something called the Male Gaze, the way a man looked at a woman he wanted.


But Pierce didn't go in for all that academy garbage. He was a grunt, not an officer. He belonged in the field, not polite conversation. What mattered to him was that Malavai looked, and that Malavai wanted what he saw.


"Inspecting the troops, sir?" Pierce grunted without putting down his weights.


"It is essential that an officer be presentable and well groomed." Malavai flirted back, crossing the room and touching Pierce on the shoulders.


"Wait, is this going where I think its going?" The Wrath asked.


"It totally is." Jaesa nodded.


"VETTE, GET IN HERE!" The Wrath yelled.


"Guys, dinner is gonna be in on like 5 minutes." Vette came to the medbay.


"Dinner can wait. Read this." The Wrath indicated to the monitor.


"You should shave your head again." Malavai was saying as he pressed his lips against the back of Pierce's neck, brushing against the rough stubble at the base of his skull. "Or perhaps I should do it for you."


"Attention to detail is more your specialty." Pierce bent over slightly to tease away from Malavai, but also to get closer so that the shorter man could touch him easier.


"We'll just have to work on that together." Malavai breathed into Pierce's ear as his hands circled around his broad waist, wiping the sweat from his hard, rigid abs with his gloved hands.


"You could show me how again." Pierce replied.


Malavai nibbled gently on the bottom of Pierce's ear, applying just enough pressure to make the larger man flinch and lower himself to a more intimate position. He kissed his way under the crook of his jaw, to the sensitive, soft patch of flesh beneath his chin.


"THAT'S HOT!" Vette squeaked.

"Perhaps I will." Malavai whispered. "If I don't have to discipline you for being insubordinate again."


Pierce turned around and grabbed Malavai by the wrists, a mischevious grin twisted his face. "Well, we absolutely must maintain discipline." Leveraging his superior bulk, he threw Malavai to the bed, and pinned him down.


"You're only making it worse for yourself." Malavai breathed as Pierce pulled his uniform shirt over his head.


"I know." He mumbled as he licked a wet line across Malavai's naked collar bone. "Perhaps you'll go easy on me this time, sir."


"You know I never do..." Malavai sighed as Pierce's tongue moved over his chest down to his belly button.



The door to the medbay opened, and Vette, Jaesa, and the Wrath all jumped simultaneously.


"There you are." Pierce grunted. "What's going on in here? Dinner is served. Its Broonie Burger night."


Jaesa cunningly switched off the monitor, and the girls filed out of the medbay, guilty looks on their faces.


Over dinner, the Wrath asked, "So, what's the weirdest thing you ever did to excite a woman?"


"Huh?" Pierce grunted.


"I don't understand." Quinn added.


"Like if you knew it would get you laid." The Wrath explained. "Like if you did a little striptease, or something."


"Or if you kissed another boy." Vette added.


"I'd never kiss another man." Pierce shook his head as he bit into his burger.


"Out of the question." Quinn added.


"Oh come on." The Wrath huffed. "What if it was like, if whatever you did with another guy, you could watch a girl do with another girl, and vice versa."


"I'm only interested in what the girl is letting me do to her. I'm not gonna kiss another dude." Pierce rolled his eyes.


"You guys are boring, you know that?" The Wrath shrugged.


"No, we're straight." Pierce reached for the hot sauce.


After dinner, Wrath, Vette, and Jaesa went back to the medbay.


"Well at least there's fan fiction, right?" Jaesa asserted as she switched the monitor on again.


"I wanna see where that goes. You think they'll do it? Do erotic writers do stuff like that?" Vette asked.


"Honey, its literoticist. And wait till you see the stuff that the smuggler does to Bowdaar the wookiee." Jaesa replied.

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I will NOT go back to writing slash fic, especially not about Pierce and Quinn...I won't, damnit!


Must. Resist....I left HP slash fandom to play SWTOR religiously.


You are an evil genius author.


Totally hot and I love the girls' reactions. It's just like my fellow HP slash writers. H/D lol


More please.


I love Wrath and the gang. =D

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"I wanna see where that goes. You think they'll do it? Do erotic writers do stuff like that?" Vette asked.


"Honey, its literoticist. And wait till you see the stuff that the smuggler does to Bowdaar the wookiee." Jaesa replied.



In the circles I run in, or did before this game, there's ALOT of detailed scenes. Like REALLY detailed.


But I'll keep ya guessing, Vette.

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Well that is something ^^.


This story is getting more and more on the border of stuff :p but as long as it doesn't end up in one giant ship-orgy i dont mind :p


(really dont wanna hear any sort of innuendo towards broomie jumping wrath)

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I will NOT go back to writing slash fic, especially not about Pierce and Quinn...I won't, damnit!


Must. Resist....I left HP slash fandom to play SWTOR religiously.


You are an evil genius author.


Totally hot and I love the girls' reactions. It's just like my fellow HP slash writers. H/D lol


More please.


I love Wrath and the gang. =D


Think you let on a little too much there, sweetheart.

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I feel like with every entry of this I read, the veil that protects my own largely serious story-thread from the dangers of Beyond the Fourth Wall grows dangerously thinner.


Maybe I'll have to slip in a mention of the/a Wrath to alleviate the encroaching interdimensional collapse.

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I have no idea how the hell do you manage to make each piece of this story better than the previous one but I'm definitely addicted to this thread. Just laughing so hard everytime I read a new entry! I usually keep them to read them on monday morning so that I start the week on a hilarious note. :D

Servant One: Ok, you're not gay. Why are we doing this post again?


Writing advice.


Servant Two: Interesting. Like what?


I can list three things that will make everyone who reads them a better writer. Over night. Gaurantee it. With sentence fragments.


Servant One: Show us what you got then, if you think you're so good.


Oh, I never said I was good- As a matter of fact, until I'm able to make a living off of it, I'll deny being good at it. If and when it pays off my student loan, then I'll consider myself good at it. But I can make everyone else better at it.


I had never taken time to read this part of the thread entirely, was too busy browsing at the story. :p


WARNING: I'm French and English is not my main language, I'll try to make this as clear as possible but there will inevitably be mistakes and sentences that will lack of coherence. However, I really want to express my thoughts and feelings on the subject. Feel free to correct me and/or ask for me to rephrase something you couldn't understand.


Two things then:


-You are good at writing. Actually you're way passed that stage.


It doesn't have to pay for your student loan, it's obvious to me that most people reading this thread got addicted with it and are amazed with your talent. Value your readers' opinion, they are the ones who believe in you and know your true potential because they spent so much time re-reading every piece of this story and enjoyed them even more each time. I've read books that weren't half as good as this piece of art and were only published on the behalf of an editor that though it surely was to be good since it was from random XY famous author. A lot of people got praised for skills they don't have and yet the best ones out there remain anonymous. It's almost sad how life seems to never reward those who deserve it the most.


-Second thing is, that post alone was enough to make me want to start writing. Too bad I really don't have the skills for that because your advices are so inspiring...You talk about it in such a way that it totally feels like some sort of accomplishment that's truly fulfilling. See, even when writing about something serious you manage to pass emotions and deep understanding through your writing.


Really, I wish I was as talented as you are.:D Keep up the good work, I've been enjoying every single post of that thread! It's actually a nice distraction that has become a part of my everyday routine and makes me forget about all this crap that is the life of an average student in 2012. Mainly because, as you stated, I can identify myself with some of the characters in most situations. :)

Edited by dnoisette
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Oh come on, Wrath. He's handsome, swashbuckling, a space pirate... did you really think she wouldn't? Really it was only a matter of time. And then there was Alderaan with that Sith in house Thul that looked like the Old Spice guy, you know she got with him too.

Inquisitor gets a hot black guy on alderaan for their class story? All I got was Jaesa's parents! And what the hell is her deal anyways, I thought she was classier than that!


What do you want me to say? She's YOUR sister. She just has a weakness for those half-n-half caramel colored boys is all. That's her thing.


I suppose I should be thankful that nobody in my family is an Imperial Agent.


Well, you know your mom is dating that Chiss guy right? Its going pretty well. You might end up having a blue stepbrother or stepsister.

No. I refuse to believe that. Mom is a lying drunk and she cheats at cards, pod racing, and men. Her affair with the Chiss guy won't last.


I never understand why you don't get along with your mother. Every woman I know can't get along with her mother. Is this a girl thing? All boys are momma's boys.


Oh give me a break- She gave me up to the academy when I was 6, sold my youngest sister to slavers to finance a binge at the Nebula casino on Nar Shaddaa, and the only daughter she did raise grew up to be PUBLIC ENEMY NUMBER 1, the most wanted woman in republic space. My issues with my mother are entirely legitimate. I'm the most morally upright person in the whole family, and I choke people- WITH MY BRAIN.


So when do you think we're going to meet her?

If you ever write my mom into the story I will leap through the 4th wall and strangle you. Literally strangle you. I will have the pleasure of squeezing the life from your throat with my own two hands.


Well, I suppose that suggestion is off the table.

Wait, are we doing SUGGESTIONS AGAIN?


We are.




That's right folks- We did it once a few pages ago, and its time to do it again- Although this time, we're 10,000 pageviews later! So I want to hear really good suggestions this time. The best one, as judged by me-



-actually you don't get a say in the matter-




-Will get written into a future Wrath story. Now, remember the rules- It can be any everyday, mundane tasks. Last time, we had grocery shopping, so grocery shopping is off the table. It can be doing laundry, taking a shower, cooking dinner, shopping, going to the DMV, helping your little sister with her homework.


My little sister has homework?


No not really. She's an assassin. Her homework is running around the galaxy collecting force ghosts. Its kind of like in Dune Messiah, when Paul's sister starts getting all weird with Baron Harkonnen in the back of her head.

I don't think they're going to get a Dune reference.



Actually all of the prequel books and most of the sequels are kind of mediocre. Dune is the only real standout hit. That whole series gets kind of weird when it eventually ends up being 10,000 years long.



I can think of another series that has thousands of years of history that only really had one good moment.


Oh yea? What moment was that?



Harsh, but true.



Well, you've heard it people- Them's the rules! Any mundane, boring, everyday task. Best one becomes a Wrath story. LETS SEE SOME POSTS.

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Following you since 1st march. Love your story.


Regarding the everyday task:


ok it's not really a everyday task, let the Warth and Co visit a Live Huttball Game (like real Basketball/Football/Icehockey) with all the bonuses like sitting in the Empire/Republic Hardcore Fan Block or getting lost in the stadium.


Excuse my bad english.

Edited by Mirak
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I was thinking something along the lines of a picnic on one of the nicer planets could be cute to watch, Take the whole crew (haven't thought about how to convince them) and go somewhere like grassy... or Tatooine, and have a relaxing meal?




also maybe insert shenanigans.

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