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Sorcs and Sages need 2 Stances so they cannot Heal and DPS at the same time.


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sure. but make sure every other class and specs get the same treatment


tanks got a stance for tanks/dpsing

dpsers can only dps sentinels got different stances/snipers are immobile due to the cover system

commando have stances

scoundrels basically on got stealth in there utility

other classess already have something that focuses them

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if they are to nerf socs, they need to nerf the rest to.


This means nerf guard, nerf tracer missle, nerf the huge melee hits, nerf stealth,


If i remember correctly werent you one of the ones that wanted Op/Scoundrels nerfed not once but twice?

I think you are,i have list of forum posters that did that but not on hand atm.

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You're wrong. Bubble scales with healing power only. Not health.


From Torhead.com - At level 50, Static Barrier absorbs 1162 + 327% of Force Healing Bonus before talents.



Also, your calculations putting light armor + bubble = Medium armor = heavy armor are wrong.


A sorc in full PvP gear barely tops 16k HP. A jugg in PvP gear is commonly sporting over 23k. It's a simple fact you quite conveniently forgot to mention. Redo your time to live calculations accordingly.


All classes are around 16500 without endurance talents. Talents would push them up to 17k.


Full BM Jedi Knight still only has about 17k hp. There's no way to get more than that unless you're wearing Rakata gear or wearing full tank gear, you can get up to 23k-ish in full tank-gear. Tank gear is also bad in PvP, so acting as if Sorcerers have a small health pool simply isn't true.

Edited by savionen
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sure. but make sure every other class and specs get the same treatment


Hah and i KNOW you wesley were on of the ones that wanted Ops/Scoundrels nerfed into the ground,you even posted pre 1.1 patch vids even though it was explained to you many times that was not happening.


People we have a number of posters that are Sorcs that do not want balance or any class thats a threat to them,i debated with these people for two weeks ,they are not honest and are utterly bias in every approach,do not listen the them.

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well a stance would be good for emm... separate the people who use the class to heal and the fotm players who use it to dps...this way they cant heal/dps at the same time me personally win most of my fights with them due to ganking but a 1v1 takes forever even when i do interrupt them(always have to interrupt them btw this is from my sniper POV)....bubbles are annoying and yada yada yada....most annoying class to fight against imo.....plus why so scared of a stance proposal?:cool:


So nerf them because they annoy you...and you are lazy..Pretty much sums it up.You can kill them, hence, they are NOT OP. By the way, insulting people's choice of spec if they don't roll the way you want (DPS instead of heals) doesn't show much knowledge of the class either.


You can't DPS well AND heal without giving something up.. We don't need a stance, why should every class be the same? By the way, I have a sin, I work with a stance, doesn't mean I need it on every class that I play.

Edited by Calista_ZK
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Inq's have the most CC, lol, do you really believe that or are you just jumping on the bandwagon? Inq's do NOT have the most CC, not by a long shot, they do low damage, have NO burst. Honestly it's a joke class. I' faceroll them on my Powertech and Mara.


Look up hybrid 0/21/20 sorc/sage, plenty of CC in that build, more than any other class actually.

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So nerf them because they annoy you...and you are lazy..Pretty much sums it up.You can kill them, hence, they are NOT OP. By the way, insulting people's choice of spec if they don't roll the way you want (DPS instead of heals) doesn't show much knowledge of the class either.


You can't DPS well AND heal without giving something up.. We don't need a stance, why should every class be the same? By the way, I have a sin, I work with a stance, doesn't mean I need it on every class that I play.



^ Key word 'we'.

Edited by Jimra
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Inq's have the most CC, lol, do you really believe that or are you just jumping on the bandwagon? Inq's do NOT have the most CC, not by a long shot, they do low damage, have NO burst. Honestly it's a joke class. I' faceroll them on my Powertech and Mara.


Your last sentence I agree with 100%, sorcs are free kills for mara's exclusively and to a lesser extent powertechs. Hell any competent dps especially vs the healing sorcs is just a free kill for them.


I never said they have the most cc, I said the amount of cc they have is entirely to much for a hybrid spec. Roots on overload, instant whirlwind, reduced duration on their stun, reduced timer on force speed.. list goes on. Anyone who thinks otherwise is just trying to protect a easy-mode spec vs all other specs aside from the two mentioned by you. If the resolve system took into account roots/snares, cc's in general would be somewhat fine, but even then, pvp for the most part is just a gigantic spamming of cc.


Taking maurs/techs outta the equation, a weel geared sorc can do a lot of dmg. Again, it boils down to how well geared people are.


Either way the lightning/madness tree need to be reworked. How they'd do it by giving them more burst/dmg while taking away cc so they still have some survivability, who knows. I'm sure at some point Bioware will completely f#$k it up in some aspect.

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So nerf them because they annoy you...and you are lazy..Pretty much sums it up.You can kill them, hence, they are NOT OP. By the way, insulting people's choice of spec if they don't roll the way you want (DPS instead of heals) doesn't show much knowledge of the class either.


You can't DPS well AND heal without giving something up.. We don't need a stance, why should every class be the same? By the way, I have a sin, I work with a stance, doesn't mean I need it on every class that I play.


they've got the best heals of any non-healing spec in the game by a pretty wide margin.


3.5k bubble on a 18 second cooldown, some 4k crit heals with dark infusion.



Hell, hybrid sorcs probably heal as well, if not better than sawbones scoundrels.

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So nerf them because they annoy you...and you are lazy..Pretty much sums it up.You can kill them, hence, they are NOT OP. By the way, insulting people's choice of spec if they don't roll the way you want (DPS instead of heals) doesn't show much knowledge of the class either.


You can't DPS well AND heal without giving something up.. We don't need a stance, why should every class be the same? By the way, I have a sin, I work with a stance, doesn't mean I need it on every class that I play.


i can easily tell you never read all of my posts THIS IS A PROPOSAL NOT A NERF a nerf is lowering your abilities this is a proposal to make the class more focused on if they want to heal or dps and stance make sure they cant do both read the thread before you post and yes currently they can heal + dps lightning lightning (other dps skills) oh no im getting attked force speed heal heal forgot the bubble/knockback/stun in that line up but you get the pic

Edited by jonnyshadow
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they've got the best heals of any non-healing spec in the game by a pretty wide margin.


3.5k bubble on a 18 second cooldown, some 4k crit heals with dark infusion.



Hell, hybrid sorcs probably heal as well, if not better than sawbones scoundrels.


Not to mention that since they have near infinite Force they can actually... heal.


You want to heal with a Mercenary or Operative that isn't healing spec and you'll use all your resources to get like 6k hp.

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ah no


you can heal, you can bubble (yourself and others), you can pull, you can dps, you can CC, you can escape


Sniper can dps (immobile), can CC and ............


play a sniper for a bit, then think about your class.


Need to describe this in more detail.


Heal: stationary 3 sec healing and 1.5 s stationary small heal unless 11 points into heal tree for 200hp per sec mobile healing.

Bubble: 3k with a debuff preventing you from recasting this on the same person for a period of time.

Pull: sage sorc only have rescue/extricate for teammates which is rarely useful outside of huttball in pvp.

Dps: if full out Dps, you can't really heal in combat. 3 sec heal with pushback when hit.

Cc: healers have only 1 short cc and 1 long one and escaping is tough if you know when to do your own ccs right.


A sage/sorc works best when they are allowed to stand. If you force them to move to avoid dmg, you have nerfed them quite a lot.

Edited by forumname
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Need to describe this in more detail.


Heal: stationary 3 sec healing and 1.5 s stationary small heal unless 11 points into heal tree for 200hp per sec mobile healing.


Bubble: 3k with a debuff preventing you from recasting this on the same person for a period of time.


Pull: sage sorc only have rescue/extricate for teammates which is rarely useful outside of huttball in pvp.


Dps: if full out Dps, you can't really heal. 3 sec heal with pushback when hit.


Cc: healers have only 1 short cc and 1 long one and escaping is tough if you know when to do your own ccs right.


A sage/sorc works best when they are allowed to stand. If you force them to move to avoid dmg, you have nerfed them quite a lot.



A sage/sorc is highly mobile though, there's LOTS of places to LoS in, especially with Force Run and a ranged character. You can pop around a corner and heal with your infinite Force. Any class with no heals has to be like "Am I out of combat yet? Am I out of combat yet?" and Operative/Mercenary will run out of resources pretty quickly doing this compared to a Sorc.

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hes mad because hegot into a 1on1 with a heal/DPS spec soc and lost.


SO because of his loss his idea is not to get better or try new tactics, its to post on the forums this topic so that his BH can auto win the 1on1.



SO said Soc is in DPS which is half of what his BH's output is, he wins.


Soc is in heal trying to get away and out heal damage and dies - results his BH wins.



The guy just wants Bioware to help his BH win.


Any sorc who loses to a dps bh/trooper in 1 on 1 is really bad. You might not kill the BH, but you sure as heck shouldn't die to one.


And sorcs/sages absolutely need a nerf.


/playing my sage right now


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i can easily tell you never read all of my posts THIS IS A PROPOSAL NOT A NERF a nerf is lowering your abilities this is a proposal to make the class more focused on if they want to heal or dps and stance make sure they cant do both read the thread before you post and yes currently they can heal + dps lightning lightning (other dps skills) oh no im getting attked force speed heal heal forgot the bubble/knockback/stun in that line up but you get the pic




I can also easily tell that you feel that using caps lock and raging at people will make you feel that you are right- since I have read the entire thread. Please, don't flame/insult me when I respond here.


It's a poor proposal, however you want to call it. I never used the word nerf. I doubt you have played the class, I don't think you understand the limitations of what a sorc/sage can do under full heal, full DPS or hybrid. A full heal doesn't do good damage, a full heal or hybrid doesn't have very efficient heals.


Not everyone has to agree with your proposal, if you can't live with that, don't post in a public forum.

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If it requires multiple people just to take down one sorcerer, I'm pretty sure that's the definition of overpowered.


LOL. It doesn't take long for a sorc to die when focused, unless that is a BAD team.


OMG, do you solo warzones? Game isn't set up for 1x1.

Edited by Calista_ZK
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That's the definition of a bad team.


Lol, couldn't of said it better. That's hitting the nail on the end. People actually thinking sorcs have a infinite force pool in pvp, I'll believe that when hell freezes over. Play the class first in competitive 50's brackets and you'll sing a different tune.

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LOL. It doesn't take long for a sorc to die when focused, unless that is a BAD team.


OMG, do you solo warzones? Game isn't set up for 1x1.


That goes for every single class in the game, the difference is sorcs still last longer than any class barring marauders because of their bubble and crowd control.




it doesn't require "Teamwork" to take down any other class in the game, sorcerers are overpowered, if you're suggesting that multiple people should need to work together to kill the class that's arguably the best at dealing with multiple people then you know you've got a problem.

Edited by Aidank
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