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What determines OPSLeader


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Person 1 has valor 20000 / 40000


Person 2 has valor 31000 / 35000


Person 2 will be the ops leader. The highiest current valor counts.

When I was almost valor 59 I was constantly ops leader all day, when I hit 59 and had 1000 / 42000 valor i stopped being ops leader.


Sounds absurd enough to be true.


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I think it's highest valor rank, but that also it's slightly bugged and doesn't always work 100%. We know the UI is bugged half the time with certain characters not showing up in the operation frame, so I'm assuming that the same or similar bug causes the highest valor character not to get the lead.


Of course, everything in this thread is just guessing, so I'm hoping we can get some dev comment for confirmation.

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here are the observations


. opsleader changes when new people enter before the WZ match starts.

. people with the highest valor do not always get opleader.

. we cant assign/reassign opsleader manually



this is the most likley guess...

the player nearest their levels valor cap get opsleader. But this could be proven untrue by 50 only rank 60 valor players.


I am guessing its a combination of player closest to cap and then random for ties.

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This has bugged me for the longest time.


I am very, very, very, often the opsleader. Some days ill go 7-8 warzones in a row being the opsleader.


I'm not the highest valor rank. I keep joining warzones and voila, im leader again. I keep spamming chat "WHY ME? EVERY DAMN TIME". creeping me out tbh.


i have one interesting fact: there are 2 hidden subgroups in every wz ops. you can discover this yourself by using /p and only your grp (if you queued as 4) will be able to see it. If you queue as 3 then the 4th guy (next to you in the ops display) will be able to see it as well. I originally suspected it was related to group. However, grp leader and highest valour per grp do not affect this.



One other consideration: i have a very fast comp.

Edited by Ahhmyface
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Person 1 has valor 20000 / 40000


Person 2 has valor 31000 / 35000


Person 2 will be the ops leader. The highiest current valor counts.

When I was almost valor 59 I was constantly ops leader all day, when I hit 59 and had 1000 / 42000 valor i stopped being ops leader.


I've observed WZ leaders today and this seems to be true.

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Person 1 has valor 20000 / 40000


Person 2 has valor 31000 / 35000


Person 2 will be the ops leader. The highiest current valor counts.

When I was almost valor 59 I was constantly ops leader all day, when I hit 59 and had 1000 / 42000 valor i stopped being ops leader.


This is also what I have observed


It seems to me like they intended it to be the person with the highest overall valor, but mistakenly referenced the wrong variable in the code and so it ends up using your valor into current level

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The Ops leader is the person the game determined to be the most well geared person in your Ops. This is usually the person with the highest Valor rank for obvious reasons, but not always. Note that the game puts some very unusual values for certain things, like matrix cubes. BM/Rakata gear do not get the weight you think they'd have (it's not even clear if the game weights them as higher than Champion). In fact, full Champion + Matrix Cube is the one setup that will consistently get you the leader spot no matter what other people are wearing.


I verified this because before there were Rakata/BM gear become widely available, you can inspect whoever is leader and it is obvious that the leader is always the guy closest to full Champion/Columi. It's also too consistent to be something random like % of valor to next rank. I know I always had Ops leader before I hit Valor 60 no matter how close (or not) I was to next level.

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Person 1 has valor 20000 / 40000


Person 2 has valor 31000 / 35000


Person 2 will be the ops leader. The highiest current valor counts.

When I was almost valor 59 I was constantly ops leader all day, when I hit 59 and had 1000 / 42000 valor i stopped being ops leader.


its this. /thread

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The Ops leader is the person the game determined to be the most well geared person in your Ops. This is usually the person with the highest Valor rank for obvious reasons, but not always. Note that the game puts some very unusual values for certain things, like matrix cubes. BM/Rakata gear do not get the weight you think they'd have (it's not even clear if the game weights them as higher than Champion). In fact, full Champion + Matrix Cube is the one setup that will consistently get you the leader spot no matter what other people are wearing.


I verified this because before there were Rakata/BM gear become widely available, you can inspect whoever is leader and it is obvious that the leader is always the guy closest to full Champion/Columi. It's also too consistent to be something random like % of valor to next rank. I know I always had Ops leader before I hit Valor 60 no matter how close (or not) I was to next level.


That is really interesting.


Is it possible too that it doesnt rate by highest value but by bighest value for level.


so a level 20 with lots of purple gear ranks higher than a level 49 with all blue?


still it seems to me it the person closest to valor level cap gets ops... but maybe... it gear cap???

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That is really interesting.


Is it possible too that it doesnt rate by highest value but by bighest value for level.


so a level 20 with lots of purple gear ranks higher than a level 49 with all blue?


still it seems to me it the person closest to valor level cap gets ops... but maybe... it gear cap???


Shooting this down;


Our server bot who shows up in starting whites in the 50 bracket gets leader sometimes.


4800 hp, just runs in and dies all the time. Haven't seen him in a few days, though.

Edited by wingsofcover
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