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CC & Diminishing Returns - BW Dev Comment Requested


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Hello All,


I'll start by saying I am fan and I understand the landscape is still developing...with that on to the issue:


The amount of CC in this game is excessive to the point of being unfun. A simple solution (tried and true as most devs would know), is to apply diminishing returns to subsequent CC attempts within 45 or 60 seconds of a previous CC attack.


Case in point - if there are enough opponents with CC off CD, you can literally be CC'd from start to finish and never have a chance strike back. I am sorry to say it, but this is absurd and imho a sign of immaturity in the development of combat mechanics.


Again - I am a fan - please keep me one and address this with either your rationale for lack of diminishing returns, or, an acknowledgement that this will be addressed in the future patch.


Good Hunting,




ps - I am sorry if there is another thread on this....I did not see one....

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If there are 5 people attacking you, you're dead anyways, CC or no, not really a good reason to nerf it. A good reason to nerf it would be a small group using it to kill a massive group with ease. Compared to every other MMO I've played, the CC is pretty light. The only real tough part is how short the immunity is, which really? It shouldn't be insanely long. 30-60 second immunity can be a long time, especially in certain situations.
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If you're getting focused by half their team or more, you're toast, CC or no. If you don't have a healer on your team, that sucks, and you're dead anyways, CC or no.


Resolve works extremely well when there's a healer on the field. The healer makes sure you stay alive to see the immunity kick in. Without a healer, well... you probably won't win the match anyways, unless the other team doesn't have one either.

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Interesting responses....let me just say I am a VERY seasoned PVP'r. I understand odds, and how to beat them.


Good Hunting,




ps - I did NOT suggest immunity - I am suggesting DIMINISHING RETURNS - if you don't know what that means wiki it.

Edited by Ellouhollia
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Interesting responses....let me just say I am a VERY seasoned PVP'r. I understand odds, and how to beat them.


Good Hunting,




I don't give a damn how experienced you are. I've been PvPing since UO. What's your point?

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OK if we're atacked by 5 guys we're toasted that's a fact BUT...


Why even in small scale fight do someone have to suffer a chain stun while being unable to use not even a potion?


What does resolve work for? Only for hutball carriers?


Fact: 90% of the time resolve bar starts doing its job you're already dead and respawning. So you just come out and become facerolled by a chain stun again and again.

CC breaker cooldown its fine btw, in my opinion, resolve is what it doesn't work.


In a game where every class has usefull CC an appropiatte inmunity system is a must.

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I don't give a damn how experienced you are. I've been PvPing since UO. What's your point?




ooo hot button - why you are an excitable one aren't you. My point is the comments about being attacked by 5 people and such being a no win scenario are within my thought process when I make this suggestion - and I didn't even need to pick someone apart to make myself feel superior.


and I don't give a damn that you don't give a damn....so there! ;-)


Good Hunting,





ps - I started gaming on Apple II to give you an indication of my experience, and perhaps age. UO...that was good sheet back in the day.

Edited by Ellouhollia
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CC is supposed to be applied tactically. Not spammed so you die anyways just as diminishing returns kick into full effect.


Again. Resolve works fine when somebody is healing you. Be nice to your healers, and the system works fine. :|

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/agree. The amount of CCs in this game is way too excessive especially with all the pulls/pushes. In other MMOs, it require skills to time your stuns etc. This game is literally spam all your CCs cause in the end, you still have more CCs.
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cc would be fine if it worked like this:


- movement impaired (SNARE) yieleds 5% resolve


- knockback/pull yields 25% resolve


- ROOT yields 50% resolve


- STUN yields 75% resolve


instead of the arbitrary resolve function we have now. there really is no rhyme or reason to how much resolve is added from what forms of CC. bioware would do well to develop a logical system for resolve

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If there are 5 people attacking you, you're dead anyways, CC or no, not really a good reason to nerf it. A good reason to nerf it would be a small group using it to kill a massive group with ease. Compared to every other MMO I've played, the CC is pretty light. The only real tough part is how short the immunity is, which really? It shouldn't be insanely long. 30-60 second immunity can be a long time, especially in certain situations.


I see your situtation and raise you another:


If I'm chain cc'ed: I die


If not: I press force camo. I escape.

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If there are 5 people attacking you, you're dead anyways, CC or no, not really a good reason to nerf it.


You're missing the point. Sure, in most cases 5 on one you'll die.... but it can still be fun to throw a few abilities, maybe stop a team from capping, throw up a damage shield and last a few extra seconds, etc.


Getting chain stunned is not fun at all, it's frankly just stupid. It's an MMO issue that should have been solved years ago.


It's not a "nerf". There's no point to being able to CC someone for that long. If it's 5 on 1 you don't need to CC the guy to beat him anyway.


5 on one you should die... Yes.

5 on one you should be frozen for the entire fight? No.

Edited by Spymaster
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cc would be fine if it worked like this:


- movement impaired (SNARE) yieleds 5% resolve


- knockback/pull yields 25% resolve


- ROOT yields 50% resolve


- STUN yields 75% resolve


instead of the arbitrary resolve function we have now. there really is no rhyme or reason to how much resolve is added from what forms of CC. bioware would do well to develop a logical system for resolve


It's not arbitrary at all, the longer the CC, the more it fills your Resolve bar.


Snares and Roots don't fill it at all.


Roots SHOULD fill it, and snares should not.

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