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Why are MMO players so impatient?


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With everything.


Server not up? (RAAAAAAAAAGE)

Joined a group and takes more than 3 minutes to meet up? ( RAAAAAAAAAAAGE)

Can't sit down in chairs ( RAAAAAAAAAAGE )


I need to do a study on MMO players... I really do feel like a lot of you are so very, very negative..

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With everything.


Server not up? (RAAAAAAAAAGE)

Joined a group and takes more than 3 minutes to meet up? ( RAAAAAAAAAAAGE)

Can't sit down in chairs ( RAAAAAAAAAAGE )


I need to do a study on MMO players... I really do feel like a lot of you are so very, very negative..


The answer to your questions is: WoW. That is all.

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With everything.


Server not up? (RAAAAAAAAAGE)

Joined a group and takes more than 3 minutes to meet up? ( RAAAAAAAAAAAGE)

Can't sit down in chairs ( RAAAAAAAAAAGE )


I need to do a study on MMO players... I really do feel like a lot of you are so very, very negative..


Cauz companies that now make games deliver crappy stuff and fanboys all defend it like their games were miracles. The very next day these fanboys left the game for another and leave all the rest of the community with their broken dream because they didnt feel like defending the right things.


Queue time .... bah ... deal with it!

Early access poorly delivered .... bah .... you should have read the like *legal notice

Server crash : you get back in queue ..... bah ... be happy you have access to the game


Really? What if all of that happened 10 years ago? Just cauz you have access to the Internet doesn't justify the releases of unfinished games.

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With everything.


Server not up? (RAAAAAAAAAGE)

Joined a group and takes more than 3 minutes to meet up? ( RAAAAAAAAAAAGE)

Can't sit down in chairs ( RAAAAAAAAAAGE )


I need to do a study on MMO players... I really do feel like a lot of you are so very, very negative..


These are the same people that will ride your tail on the freeway, even if you are already speeding 15mph over the speed limit... They will also rage when they get a ticket or kill a family in another car.

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We've paid for fun. We're not having fun while we're waiting around. Is this concept really difficult to grasp?


And fun shall be had, once you get in. You paid for the game, which launches on the 20th. Oh, you bought the game FOR EGA? That's ok too, cause it isn't the 20th yet.



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its a video game. We play to relax have fun. Not go through more bull crap than work and other stupid stuff.


Yeah cause last time I had to wait 3-5 minutes more on something, I had a near death experince.


Don't get me wrong here, but argh.. Guys have some common sense.. If you expect everything to run smooth from the get go, try Solitare on Windows 7, so far I've not had ANY problems with it..


You know what? Sad part is, I'm not even joking.. NO gametitle as big as SW:Tor has run flawless right off the bat.


There are a zillon things that need tweaking, constantly, but yeah, shallow minded people just expect something to work when they plug it in.. Wake up, this the real world!


P.s. Oh and yes, I do have a job, in fact i work around 9-10 hours a day, so no, I dont have super much time to play, but I utilize my so called "common sense" and find alternative things to do, when the service isn't working


Edit: fixed a few typos, damn cell

Edited by Koudelka
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I got a lot more impatient as I started to get older.


I don't have huge piles of free time anymore, so I hate hate HATE getting hung up on silly stuff.


I can understand that myself, nearing the 3-0 mark :p However, I look at it as.. I lack as much free time as I used to, and, while I hate waiting for things such as EGA, I think its a bigger waste of my little free time to be all aggro about something I cannot change.


Hmm. Perhaps juvenile bootcamp DID help after all! ^_^


(BTW... not meant as a stab at you at all, quite the opposite, in fact)

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with everything.


Server not up? (raaaaaaaaage)

joined a group and takes more than 3 minutes to meet up? ( raaaaaaaaaaage)

can't sit down in chairs ( raaaaaaaaaage )


i need to do a study on mmo players... I really do feel like a lot of you are so very, very negative..


Because I want my instant gratification NAO!

Edited by CaptNovogrod
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