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Everything posted by CaptNovogrod

  1. Twenty-five... BILLION... That's more than the entire population... if I control SWTOR... I control the world.
  2. Because I want my instant gratification NAO!
  3. I love it, it gives me the feel of class customization. Maybe I don't want to BE a pure Arsenal spec. Maybe I want to play a hybrid? Or just approach the class in a different way. The fact that they are doing this less in WoW is actually the reason I've quit.
  4. I'll be here until I get my access. I'm going to stay awake for the next five days.
  5. I already left WoW, it's just too damn boring now. I got sick of how simple they made the game. Which is why I'm excited that SWTOR has many of the aspects I loved about classic WoW.
  6. You should have tried playing Alliance on my old WoW server. It was a 6:1 Horde to Alliance ratio.
  7. I kinda just messed with it until it looked right. I'm going to add more to it later.
  8. Oh, my bad. You can have it back.
  9. I have no idea, so I will reply to this thread stating such.
  10. It pays to QQ. Look how they extended the grace period by two days.
  11. Because I beat WoW. I got one of each of the ten classes to 85. I did EVERY QUEST.
  12. My fifteen dollars can cure cancer.
  13. Have you read anything on this forum, at all?
  14. Ah that's nothing. Were any of you around for the WotLK launch? Ah man, my server was down for 24 hours.
  15. You mean crew skills? You do those at skill trainers.
  16. Yeah! Look at all those subscription fees they've collected by now!
  17. I hope. That's exactly the path I want to follow with my BH. I'm in it for the money, not the killing or the fame.
  18. Fantastic, you just made me want to go watch that movie now. Brb finding my VCR.
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