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December Pre-Orders will get.... the shaft?


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I will agree that it would be amazing to get in and play with my friends. Hearing all this PVP action in vent is killing me.


I have no problem with the wave system, it seems logical with the number of subs pre-launch. BUT.....huge BUT...they should have gave 1st wave access to ALL CE codes regardless of the date they used the code. That thing was a load of money.

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You know I can make a post too, I in-putted my code on Dec 8th. So boohoo I didn't get in tonight. I'll get in tomorrow. But you dont see me being a *****


Gee, you're right, you're not a *****!


You must be terribly proud of yourself while you're not playing your game.

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boo hoo


guessing you got in on the first wave? You're temporarily taking the strain off your wrists by playing forums, because before you were leveling to hard trying to reach 50 in just 72 hours and nabbing all the world firsts you could find. Am i right?

Edited by PowerTake
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When I went to Gamestop to pre-order my CE, I was given a receipt. It stated pre-order code. I was also told by the employee, this code will get you early access to the game and other pre-order benefits. Then when reading Bioware's email and site where they talk about it, they say up to 5 days early access. Well since I pre-ordered my game on day 1/2, I got access on the 13th, which is 7 days early access I believe.


You need to read what they say and not act like an immature child because something isn't completely spelled out to you. There was no secret about early access. The whole point of early access is to slowly introduce players into the servers. Do you know how annoying it is trying to do an early quest with 20-40 other players doing the same quest at the same time?


The early access is a way of rewarding those that pre-ordered and registered early. If you were too stupid to register early that's your fault. Do you know how long it took to register and verify the code? Less than 5 minutes. I did it right when I got home from the store.


Quit complaining about the fact that you were too lazy to read and now are pissed that you have to wait for the real release date.


Oh and btw, I was given game access during the 2nd wave on the 13th because I registered the day I bought the game.

Edited by KarlSmash
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There was an indication:


You just have to read. They have said its staggered based on when you put it in since day 1 (maybe day 3 actually, because I think initially they had a CE thing for a longer EA, but either way it doesn't matter).

Edited by ReiperX
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Most of us are much too busy to analyze in detail every piece of marketing drivel that's emailed to us even when we're interested in the final product.


Well, then, perhaps becoming less busy when a product is interesting to you would be advised then, yeah?

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Hey look at it this way, by the time you get into the game the major bugs and server issues will be worked out.


That's the main focus of early access, not so much for the players but to make sure the servers can handle the large amount of players and to iron out any last minute bugs.

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Hey look at it this way, by the time you get into the game the major bugs and server issues will be worked out.


That's the main focus of early access, not so much for the players but to make sure the servers can handle the large amount of players and to iron out any last minute bugs.


I dont really care about the wait myself - but I seriously hope you don't really think things will be "worked out" tomorrow.


Obviously, most people will get in tomorrow and its gonna just be crazy long ques (crashes, etc - most definitely worse than we've seen all week, including today).


Basically for anyone ordering in Dec or Nov they really didn't get early access at all, if anything they get late access to launch, followed by long ques, crashes, etc.


No biggie its just hard to see it any other way at this point since they really didn't try to stress the servers from the start. (and thus the stress test weekends where pointless more or less).

Edited by humpacactus
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When I went to Gamestop to pre-order my CE, I was given a receipt. It stated pre-order code. I was also told by the employee, this code will get you early access to the game and other pre-order benefits. Then when reading Bioware's email and site where they talk about it, they say up to 5 days early access. Well since I pre-ordered my game on day 1/2, I got access on the 13th, which is 7 days early access I believe.


You need to read what they say and not act like an immature child because something isn't completely spelled out to you. There was no secret about early access. The whole point of early access is to slowly introduce players into the servers. Do you know how annoying it is trying to do an early quest with 20-40 other players doing the same quest at the same time?


The early access is a way of rewarding those that pre-ordered and registered early. If you were too stupid to register early that's your fault. Do you know how long it took to register and verify the code? Less than 5 minutes. I did it right when I got home from the store.


Quit complaining about the fact that you were too lazy to read and now are pissed that you have to wait for the real release date.


Oh and btw, I was given game access during the 2nd wave on the 13th because I registered the day I bought the game.



successful troll is successful

Edited by FlagrantAbsence
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When I went to Gamestop to pre-order my CE, I was given a receipt. It stated pre-order code. I was also told by the employee, this code will get you early access to the game and other pre-order benefits. Then when reading Bioware's email and site where they talk about it, they say up to 5 days early access. Well since I pre-ordered my game on day 1/2, I got access on the 13th, which is 7 days early access I believe.


You need to read what they say and not act like an immature child because something isn't completely spelled out to you. There was no secret about early access. The whole point of early access is to slowly introduce players into the servers. Do you know how annoying it is trying to do an early quest with 20-40 other players doing the same quest at the same time?


The early access is a way of rewarding those that pre-ordered and registered early. If you were too stupid to register early that's your fault. Do you know how long it took to register and verify the code? Less than 5 minutes. I did it right when I got home from the store.


Quit complaining about the fact that you were too lazy to read and now are pissed that you have to wait for the real release date.


Oh and btw, I was given game access during the 2nd wave on the 13th because I registered the day I bought the game.


When I pre-ordered in October, Gamestop didn't mention a pre-order code at all or early access.


When I found out about codes, I called and they yelled at me telling me that I should check my email. I called back to cancel on Monday and suddenly they had codes.


Gamestop is a farce.

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There has been no game that I know of that has allowed early access with even close to as many pre-orders as SWTOR has.


I'm also a late pre-order, have not gotten in yet, but I see now that even with them doing waves they are getting server queue times and stuff like that.


Think about it man, they open the flood gates, everyone enters - there is no technology in the world that can handle that amount of traffic all at once, servers are going to overload/overheat and break down and instead of 30-60 minutes queues you will have 3 day wait times for equipment to be fixed.


Everyone complaining needs to get over themselves, really. All it takes is a little bit of logical thinking and common sense to see why they are doing it this way.


I will have to correct you on that. World of Warcraft had acrazy number of pre orders, and they even let everyone who pre ordered to have their alloted early access play time. They actually used this time to truly stress the servers to to truly give them better info on what the launch day might look like. I remember it like it was yesterday. There I was all ready logged in and playing, as I didn't want to get caught up in any que time. It was about 15 after midnight and BAM there went the server down quicker then a ****** on two dollar Tuesdays. The servers were down for I would saw 2-6 hours back up and down and up and down, went on for a couple of days tll they got them to balance out.


Same thing happened when I was playing Lord of the Rings, also Wahammer, Guild Wars, Aion. Its inevitable going to happen this whole staggered thing I don't think it's really fair to anyone. So what your saying my money isn't as good as the next person just because they preorded before me. Well that is what is being informed to us by bioware whether they didn't mean it, actions do speak much louder then words do in most cases. Don't give me that someone has been waiting longer then another, I created my swtor account November of '08, and was following the information on this game easily 6 months before that. It's easy for someone already in the game to tell others to quit their QQing.


Aight I done. peace

Edited by Shukke
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There has been no game that I know of that has allowed early access with even close to as many pre-orders as SWTOR has.


I'm also a late pre-order, have not gotten in yet, but I see now that even with them doing waves they are getting server queue times and stuff like that.


Think about it man, they open the flood gates, everyone enters - there is no technology in the world that can handle that amount of traffic all at once, servers are going to overload/overheat and break down and instead of 30-60 minutes queues you will have 3 day wait times for equipment to be fixed.


Everyone complaining needs to get over themselves, really. All it takes is a little bit of logical thinking and common sense to see why they are doing it this way.


So they got a ton of money for a product that hadn't been released yet, and they just put it in a pile? They knew how many people were coming for how long?


I'm not mastermind here, but I get the feeling like they could afford to make the necessary accommodations to take on the population they have been expecting for such a long time. It's not like the preorders piled up and no one looked at the numbers until last week is it?

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Full disclosure: Preorder date 12/9/2011. Not in the game yet.


This thread reminds me how tough life really is. Seriously. I can't believe a company used fine print to cover their butts from excessive litigation. It's not like we live in a country where people are happy to sue for any possible slight against them, because we all know that waiting 3 days to play a game 4 days early is cruel and unusual punishment, akin to water boarding or watching Jersey Shore.


Also, the fact that when they said up to 5 days, and then they gave some people 7 and some people ONLY 4 is... well... crushing to to the spirit. Whoever heard of this crazy idea of "first come, first serve". It's not like I read that when I purchased the game. It's not like my friends who were playing it too told me. It's not like I couldn't find it if i read a teeny tiny bit past the purchase button. Why should I have to take responsibility for my purchase? BAH! I want to go blindly and complain later.


I know, I know, i feel your pain. I will also have to start a whole 3 days behind the people who got in line first. What if they get to level 50 before me? I mean, if i get there Feb 3rd and they got there Jan 30th, well now they have a clear advantage. I don't want to ponder time to deeply though, otherwise the thought of playing for 5 years, and how much 3 extra days really amounts to might sink in. Also, it would require me to think of averages, and that's math. Math is way to close to logic. So forget that.


I also know, there was NO POINT WHATSOEVER to them launching the game this way. I mean, its easy bringing a game online for the first time with an undetermined number of 2 million or so preorders that may log on at any given moment. I did it last week, in my basement. Right after my mom brought me hot pockets...


Also, we know from history that no MMO has ever had a launch that crashed servers and brought the whole thing down. If that had happened, one might understand a company taking a different approach, even if it didn't work as perfectly as they might have liked. Thankfully, all MMO launches up to this point have been flawless. I don't remember any of them as frustrating experiences filled with glitches, lag, drop outs, or overpopulated starting zones.


The most important thing though is that, well i really have nothing else to complain about. My house is heated, I have a computer, television, full belly, maybe even a beer later. If I didn't stress out about getting into my MMO later than others, what would I post on the internet? I mean guys, 3 DAYS!!!! It's not like there is any real suffering out there, right? The woes of living in a modern and pampered civilization.


/sarcasm off


Sorry, after reading for a couple days all i have to say is... WOW. Really people? Read. Comprehend. Understand. Tomorrow you will be playing, and then you will be back here complaining that you got to 50 to fast, or that you think the quests suck. Folks like you who complain not being in the game yet are never going to be happy, and would gladly sue Bioware and EA if you could. I'm glad they have a team of overpaid lawyers to stop that nonsense in its tracks.


Oh, and they couldn't read either.


BTW, decemberToRember


Decemberites know what I mean. Where is my beer??

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So what your saying my money isn't as good as the next person just because they preorded before me.



Yes. You're not a precious snowflake that gets special attention. Your money didn't pay for early access, early access is a gift for pre-ordering. You want to skip to the front of the line because you think you're special.


I'm a proud Decemberist, I'm fine not getting in till the last of the invites go out, I procrastinated, I pay the price (or reap the benefits), same goes for you, get over it.

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We know the servers can handle a large amount of people, the last beta test had over a million online at the same time and the servers never missed a beat, they didn't need to spend three days to figure out that they would need a lot servers to handle 2 million people.
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If you really care about the whole World Firsts thing... go back to WoW. Personally I think this crap is not worth the developers' attention. 1% of the playerbase and all that.


The only issue I see going right now is the PVP exploit that allowed rapid leveling. That is something that should have been caught. Hopefully it has been fixed already? If not, BW should get on the stick and patch it.

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