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December Pre-Orders will get.... the shaft?


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Those who entered their pre-order codes or who have not joined the game are going to get...


PvP servers where people are already higher level than you.


Server queues (not only we waiting DAYS behind other people, but we have to wait hours to enter... and hope we dont crash and start all over again)


Waiting for an email system that MAY or MAY not give us time to play on SWTOR, even though we paid already.


Most of the world firsts were already done... so no more world firsts?


Hopefully, the forums will be of less people, like me, whining about not getting in...


The Problem that I see with this launch is no major MMO launch has ever used such a weird system. Name one MMO that has had a launch where it limits you on when you can enter. I bought a CE months ago - but because i did not enter a pre-order key I dont even get 5 days of early access?


Even Warhammer Online had 5 days of early access... and you were granted 5 days even if you enter the pre-order code the day of Early Access. There was NO INDICATION this game would be different then there was a website post (in December) that addressed this. Imagine that... December people who decided to either wait (like me) or buy at the last minute are the ones being penalized.


The worse part about this - is why was this such a secret. If I would have known my early access was dependent upon entering a pre-order code I would have done so in July. So, why did I get penalized for buying a game in July but not entering the pre-order code until December?

Edited by BoydofZINJ
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There has been no game that I know of that has allowed early access with even close to as many pre-orders as SWTOR has.


I'm also a late pre-order, have not gotten in yet, but I see now that even with them doing waves they are getting server queue times and stuff like that.


Think about it man, they open the flood gates, everyone enters - there is no technology in the world that can handle that amount of traffic all at once, servers are going to overload/overheat and break down and instead of 30-60 minutes queues you will have 3 day wait times for equipment to be fixed.


Everyone complaining needs to get over themselves, really. All it takes is a little bit of logical thinking and common sense to see why they are doing it this way.

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World firsts already done? I sincerely hope you're kidding. World bosses are a joke and the only people who cares about killing it first were the ones that actually wasted the time putting together a group and doing it. .



You can say that about the entire MMO genre, so why are you even here?

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I really don't understand why ppl keep posting that ppl get a head start in pvp and it's gonna suk. Doesn't every mmo give players a head start for playing before other ppl.. I mean if I just join WoW, is it supposed to be unfair that ppl played before me? It really makes no sense, stop whining please. You already lower the community.
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You can say that about the entire MMO genre, so why are you even here?
If he's going to complain about world firsts, the only ones that have been posted were screenshots and videos of a bunch of low levels zerging a world boss that drops two items. This means he is talking about raiding. And since nobody has legit hit 50 yet (without exploiting warzones), that means nobody has even raided. Meaning all the world firsts are still untouched.


Thanks for your constructive reply though, I hope your next is just as good.

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Those who entered their pre-order codes or who have not joined the game are going to get...


PvP servers where people are already higher level than you.


Server queues (not only we waiting DAYS behind other people, but we have to wait hours to enter... and hope we dont crash and start all over again)


Waiting for an email system that MAY or MAY not give us time to play on SWTOR, even though we paid already.


Most of the world firsts were already done... so no more world firsts?


Hopefully, the forums will be of less people, like me, whining about not getting in...


The Problem that I see with this launch is no major MMO launch has ever used such a weird system. Name one MMO that has had a launch where it limits you on when you can enter. I bought a CE months ago - but because i did not enter a pre-order key I dont even get 5 days of early access?


Even Warhammer Online had 5 days of early access... and you were granted 5 days even if you enter the pre-order code the day of Early Access. There was NO INDICATION this game would be different then there was a website post (in December) that addressed this. Imagine that... December people who decided to either wait (like me) or buy at the last minute are the ones being penalized.


The worse part about this - is why was this such a secret. If I would have known my early access was dependent upon entering a pre-order code I would have done so in July. So, why did I get penalized for buying a game in July but not entering the pre-order code until December?


LOL, god I love these posts, I guess I'll just go down the list...


1. PvP servers where people are already higher then you: You can't get to the first 3 starting planets for enemy factions, so this is a non-issue...learn to research the game your attempting to cry about.


2. Server Queues: It's launch, if you were not expecting server queues than your an idiot.


3. Waiting on the email: You know, email, and utilizations of said email have been around before TOR...I'm sorry you have to check your email? I'm not sure how this could upset anyone...


4. World Firsts Already Done: Boo-hoo. I'm so sorry you can't have your fictional character name on a fiction world first thing that people will forget...oh sorry, have already forgotten..


5. Less People On Forums: Eventually only subscriberes will be here! yay, so we can all make fun of the hippocrits who subscribe to a game they bash! So fun! Can't wait!


6. Warhammer Online (lol): Yeah uh, that game launched at maybe 100-300k pre-orders? At the most? This game launched with 1.75 Million. If you don't understand that not spreading people out in waves would of meant server meltdowns, then you are, once again, an idiot.


7. It was a secret!: Yeah, no it was not. As SOON as Pre-ordering became available, BioWare EXPLICITELY stated that Early Game Access would come on a FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE basis for Pre-orderers. If you can't understand what that means, this is, once again, not BioWares fault.


I ALSO pre-ordered in December. When I realized that people who pre-ordered before me we're going to get in before me (shocker, I know...) I was like, ok, I'm glad, they jumped on the ball before me, so they should be rewarded...I didn't freak out like some toddler waiting in line to get his toy, and the line isn't moving fast enough.

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What is this "no indication" bull about? I have a email received July 21st saying the wait is over, preorder now, entry will be determined by date of preorder, blah blah.


It was in the email. Probably elsewhere also. Go play outside or something.



And, in case you are wondering, no I did not preorder until Dec. Was my choice. And I'm not ************ now.

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All I can say is you obviously have never played any MMO at launch.


Warcraft was hell on azeroth for weeks after launch, as well as after every patch for the first few years.


I think people look back at other games with rose coloured glasses.


Stop the crying and deal with it, you redeemed last, therefore get in last.


And yes I redeemed in December too, and haven't got access either, but you know what, I deal with it.

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I'm more anxious to play the game than anything. Other people will have a heads up on me regardless if we start at the same time or not cause I like to enjoy the game. I'm an underdog kinda guy anyway so it all works out in the end. I just hope they don't force me into a pvp server because getting ganked/corpse camped while trying to quest sucks. I'm all too familiar with that.
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shoulda pre-ordered in july like the smart people


Here is the problem with that statement. I bought a CE in July. Never entered a pre-order code until December. I wont bore you with the detail. Name one other MMO that penalized people for entering pre-order keys later (or close to the early access time)? The worse part about this - is why was this such a secret. If I would have known my early access was dependent upon entering a pre-order code I would have done so in July. So, why did I get penalized for buying a game in July but not entering the pre-order code until December?

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for starters the lvl disadvantage u mention:

a) it will only affect u in world pvp (ganking) as i suppose pvp is in lvl brackets as in wow

b) u will have the advantage u speak of on all those entering after u, and there should be quite a few after the 20th.


another point is that PVP usually REALLY starts at endgame/cap lvl, and is faught in arenas/instances whatever, bewteen cap lvl players, so its not an issue. u might say that u wont start endgame pvp as soon as those who got inn before u but u will be there before many others who didnt preorder...


having said this there really is no point answering you point by point, you do realize your just giving in to the rage yes?

Edited by SushaBrancaleone
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Any of them where you couldn't play until the release date, ie, most of them.


Rift, you had May get up to 5 days of early access (same language). You literally could enter your pre-order code the minute of early access and get in.


Lord of the Rings Online also had the may get up to 5 days of early access. Same situation. You could enter your pre-order code early.


DC Universe Online (PC version, never played the PS3 version) had the same set up. May get up to 5 days of early access and anyone willing to put in the pre-order code at that moment or before had access at the same time.


Warhammer Online, Age of Conan, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes, Lineage 2, ble bla bla... all had the may get up to 5 days of early access. It is a pretty standard practice in MMOs. You enter the pre-order key, you can get in up to 5 days early. Name one MMO that was not like that?



Name one other MMO that used a different policy than the may get up to 5 days of early access and had this policy.


So when I saw the standard "May get up to 5 days" of early access... why should I care when i enter my pre-order code... I will get UP TO 5 days of early access. I did enter my Pre-Order code and I did not get those 5 days.

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So, why did I get penalized for buying a game in July but not entering the pre-order code until December?


It's not a penalization, rather a logical and effective method for staggering launch. Any early access time at all should be considered a bonus, as nothing has been guaranteed.


Penalization would be to deny you access AFTER the launch date of the 20th. See how that works?

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