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Rakata Power or Critical Adrenal?


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After a KP run last night I picked up extra mats to craft the rakata crit adrenal. I already have the strength/power/personal medpack crafted so the crit adrenal was extra with no real cost.


The question is: with the recent nerf to surge which one would be better for sustained boss fights? I haven't been able to find any definitive info anywhere yet and wanted to pose this question to the community.



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Then again, you don't need neither for PvE. PvP? Again, neither, go with the superior 15% Warzone Expertise Adrenal instead.


Disclaimer: You will go through these like candy if you rely on them primarily. I don't recommend doing this till you've completed all your champion gear, and have nothing else to spend wz commendations on.

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power has the highest damage per point ratio of any stat in game. what finny is the fact that people still think crit is worth a damn.


crit just has such high gains at low levels, and many dpsers have absurb crit damage bonuses they like exploiting.


i keep mine at like 26-28% atm in my pvp gear and it seems just perfect.

Edited by ShiroRX
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crit just has such high gains at low levels, and many dpsers have absurb crit damage bonuses they like exploiting.


i keep mine at like 26-28% atm in my pvp gear and it seems just perfect.


well i guess it does take a math wizz to figure out that increasing all damage all the time is better then increasing some of your damage sometimes...

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well i guess it does take a math wizz to figure out that increasing all damage all the time is better then increasing some of your damage sometimes...


well its not always the case smart guy. the rate of crit and the additional damage being added to these critical hits may average out to more damage on a target over time than stacking just power. this was especially true prior to the surge nerf. classes like ours which have both very high crit rates (precious Zen states!) and crit dmg bonuses on our primary sources of damage benefit greatly.


but because adrenals add so much to a particular stat for a short period, unless you have very little crit or surge on your gear, diminishing returns will prevent that 500+ to the stat from really adding a ton for that 15s of burst. where as power, as well know, has no diminishing, so you gain as much benefit as possible from that absurdly high stat boost.


power, crit, and surge all have a good balance that can reached on gear. also, power while very good is not the only source of +dmg/healing. its value will increase more and more with every tier of gear however as people are already reaching crit/surge ratios where pumping them further is not nearly as beneficial. but their immediate impact on damage is apparent at this tier.



even after the surge nerf, the power adrenal was only marginally better than the surge one (about 15-20 damage roughly) with +73% crit damage on my gear. surge makes very strong cases not to be ignored.



p.s. It's especially beneficial to replace some accuracy/power enhancements with surge/power ones or crit/surge ones ;) bioware has the tendency to put too much accuracy on sets. all part of the standard making first tiers crappy to give you somewhere to go later.

Edited by ShiroRX
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