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So Bounty Hunters have a Jetpack, but can't leap across the map like Sith and Jedi?


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If I give you the ability to charge with your jet-pack, I'm taking away your ability to rope me into acid/fire in Huttball followed by stunning me there to die... :D


Lol, No dice. My grapple is my best friend aside from my blaster.

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  1. Powertechs (Tanks) have the ability to Jump to the target or Grapple the target and bring it to them.
  2. Mercs have neither ability.

Well that sucks.


But back to the OP, Yes, I think all BH's (since we have Jet Packs) should be able to leap a good distance (like the Hot BH in the Trailer).

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If you look closely at the bottom of your jet pack it says 'REPLICA' and is not intended for actual use.


Seriously tho, if we could fly around in our jet packs: than troopers would want their drop shuttles, agents would want disguises, and smugglers would want to do the Kessel Run.

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the legacy ability Rocket Boost lets BHs use their jetpack to fly around for about 12 seconds at 110% speed... in any map environment except warzones, but only out of combat... just like in Episode 2!!


And costs 2 million...

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I agree with the idea of giving mercs a 15m leap-back ability. It fits the class nicely and from what I understand (I have a PT) those guys get rolled by melee all the time.


And as a tank-specced PT, I have to say that jet charge is my favourite ability in the game, across all classes. Combine it with grapple and PT tanks are kings of Huttball.

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Heres the big huge massive difference:


Bounty Hunter

Jet Charge 15s cool down leaps to enemy player has 3 second stun (does less damage) (20 points in Shieldtech tree)

-you can add a 30% 4 second speed boost (1 point) (21 points in shieldtech tree).

-Can only be used in one tree (Tanking)



Force Leap 15s cool down, leaps to enemy player stuns for 2 seconds (does more damage)

-You can add an 1 second increase to the stun effect (2 points) ( can be used in any tree)

-you can add 100% immunity to all interupts and movment imparing effects for 4 second plus 20% damage reduction (costs 12 point into vengence tree) (this can be done every 15 seconds)

_ you can add Obliterate 15s cool down using (15 points in the rage tree) (yes you can add all these things in one build) which allows you to jump to enemy target (deal good damage) and has a one second stun.

_ you can add a 40% 5 second movement speed increase to Obliterate (for 22 points in the rage tree) (yes you can have all these things in one build)

_this set of abilities allows a Juggernaut to get way more movement and damage resistance than a Powertech with a lot less points spent.



Please do not use Grapple as a counter because Grapple is our Force push and you do not want me to go there.


The big reason they moved Jet Charge so high in the tree (20 points) (used to be lower till it got nerfed) is so PowerTechs could not make hybrids much like the one shown here for Jugs _ we all know someone at Bioware plays a Juggernaut:D

Edited by Dajag
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A close quarters combat specialist with a jet pack that can only use it in what three situations? Jet assisted punch, death from above, and only if you follow a specific skill tree. Can you say "neutered" or "nerfed"? How about being able to jet within 10 meters of your target? Its not a force leap/stun move, it brings you quickly within flame thrower range and maybe put another qualifier on like only on incapacitated opponents. I would say that wouldn't upset combat balance.
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I know I know... but all BH's have a Jetpack.


You mean that thing on their back? I thought that was just the cannon thing for when they bend over to shoot that missile, which is kinda funny as the chest armor I have doesn't have that so it looks strange when my character uses that skill.

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i honestly think bounty hunters should be able to atleast float above the ground and instead of its quick run it does a burst of its jetpack

But the problem is then the bh becomes a too powerful force in a battle so they have to give the ability or somthing like it to all classes

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They need to give Powertechs the jet boost closing ability as a non specced skill. This would give the melle trees a much needed closing ability as well as further buffing the AP as they would be able to use it with the pneumatic boots skill, making them a very fast class. People may even use it more in PvP.

It would also free up some points for the ST tree users to spec elsewhere.


At the same time merc need to be given a long range version of Quell - why the do not have an interrupt is beyond me. Snipers have it, Sorcs have it, etc etc - so why not mercs.

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I'm not complaining because I see where the imbalance between BH and Trooper would be, but don't Bounty Hunters have Jetpacks?


It almost makes too much sense for a BH to be able to leap.



Just curious.


You're arguing concept vs. game balance OP. BHs wouldn't be balanced if they could all "force leap." As a counter example: Why is there a separation of Consular and Knight, or Warrior and Inquisitor? All Jedi and Sith are trained to fight with lightsabers, and trained to use force powers, so why not combine them into one super-class? Because it would make them too powerful in the game.

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