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Purple Crystals for Republic. Still no response from Devs!


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I actually like the fact that Sith have another color besides Red, and I play a Jedi Guardian.


I've always found it dull that the Jedi have Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Purple, etc. and the Sith are only identified by Red.


I like to see Sith have a second color. They may only use Red in the movies, but as OP already mentioned we are in a universe that takes place 3000 years before that. And I like the idea of Sith having the Purple color in this era.


So for me it's not signed... too bad for the people that like Purple. I like Sith having a second color.

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im .....confused...



doesnt the crystal drop from a world mob after following the chain to get it? ( get frozen water buff and all that) wich begs the question...why cant republic get it the same way?

That's magenta, not purple.
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I actually like the fact that Sith have another color besides Red, and I play a Jedi Guardian.


I've always found it dull that the Jedi have Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Purple, etc. and the Sith are only identified by Red.


I like to see Sith have a second color. They may only use Red in the movies, but as OP already mentioned we are in a universe that takes place 3000 years before that. And I like the idea of Sith having the Purple color in this era.


So for me it's not signed... too bad for the people that like Purple. I like Sith having a second color.


Who said sith have to stop having purple? It can be universal if red is also universal..

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Yes, I know, not again. Another thread. Yada,yada, yada.


Okay, for those bored about these threads, the options are simple, don't read it and ignore it:)


For those like me, who are still pissed off that Republic don't "seem" to have access to the purple crystal, some type of response would help.


So, let me get something out there straight away.


1. Yes, we all know how Mace Windu got his crystals.

2. Yes, we all know how Sam J got his.

3. Yes we know that 3000 years in the future, they "maybe" rare.

4. Magenta isn't purple.


This means nothing, as this game is set in the KOTOR universe where purple (and I am using KOTOR 1 and 2 as a reference), purple wasn't rare.


Also, it seems Sith NPCs can have them at every level so once again "immersion" would say they are not rare.


So my point is this, what is the design philosophy of making the Crystal either unobtainable by republic or so rare that 2 months into the game, no one on the republic has got one and that the Empire can have them at 50? What did they think, people will still play for months and months just to get a purple crystal if they leave it out for the Republic side?


Lets not let any Rep or Empire have it for their toons until 50, so forget about all the days played before?


I'm having a hard time understanding their reasons on this.


They also deciding to ignore the tons of threads on this which I find also bewildering.


Just give us some insight into this please.





Are you actually trying to use CANNON as the overall reason? Because if that is the case... I do not think you want to do that in this thread.


I mean, we are VERY LOOSE ON cannon right now with the KOTOR theme. From why you want a purple to the story and CANNON around it.


Your assuming they ignore things is kinda silly. Your just mad they do NOT answer you. There is a difference. Right now plain and simple, a color crystal in the game and or the reason you don't have it as a Rebel is low on the list of getting stuff in place I would hope.


The point is, there is sooo many things out of wack with CANNON excuse that this one is minor in the scope of it all.


But don't use CANNON as the excuse... if that was the case you would be building a saber for days.. maybe have to get crystal from a cave and so on...


I would say your better off just saying "I WANTS PURPLEZ LIGHT SABER TOO CAUSE IT LOOKS COOL"... because that would be more honest then the attempt at the CANNON comment.

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The devs have their hands full, trying to save their jobs.... Or actually more likely, looking for new ones, as the lead writer did, and the three devs who jumped ship for "The banner saga" a minor indy game.


Now what you should do is link the more understanding story of why he left and that he is not breaking all ties and is even writing the next story in the Old Republic Novel line.. and I think seeing his long list he is cooked from it.


He has been around... this does not remotely mean sinking ship silly... lol please...


THIS is someone moving on to do something else he loves... not exactly a OH I QUIT DUE TO FAILURE... oh no..



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Cosmetics shouldnt be endgame-pvp-raid&etc. stuff. I'm fine with travelling all over the world to get some rare crystals through 4-man grouping. But giving color crystals stats was wrong move. Instead they should add a power crystal slot to every weapon and an additional color crystal slot which requires no fee to replace, gives no stats. Just what it says: Color. And restrictions should be based on the light/dark choices not factions.


I actually like the idea of implementing a power crystal slot, separate from color. I disagree about the no fee to replace idea, however. Modifying your gear under any circumstances should not be free, imo.

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Are you actually trying to use CANNON as the overall reason? Because if that is the case... I do not think you want to do that in this thread.
No, he's trying to use canon, since, you know, that supports the idea of the republic having them.


He might want to use a cannon on bioware, since they're being so ridiculous about it.

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Are you actually trying to use CANNON as the overall reason? Because if that is the case... I do not think you want to do that in this thread.


I mean, we are VERY LOOSE ON cannon right now with the KOTOR theme. From why you want a purple to the story and CANNON around it.


Your assuming they ignore things is kinda silly. Your just mad they do NOT answer you. There is a difference. Right now plain and simple, a color crystal in the game and or the reason you don't have it as a Rebel is low on the list of getting stuff in place I would hope.


The point is, there is sooo many things out of wack with CANNON excuse that this one is minor in the scope of it all.


But don't use CANNON as the excuse... if that was the case you would be building a saber for days.. maybe have to get crystal from a cave and so on...


I would say your better off just saying "I WANTS PURPLEZ LIGHT SABER TOO CAUSE IT LOOKS COOL"... because that would be more honest then the attempt at the CANNON comment.


Hmmm, let me see. Who gave you the idea that I and others think that having a purple LS is cool? You don't have a clue m8. I want a purple LS as I like to RP and as Mace Windu was my favorite Jedi and I want to be able to have the look and feel of him. Do you not understand this? Why does this simple premise offend you and others, for you to post your utter garbage.


I understand about "canon" however, I loosely used it in that KOTOR 1 and 2 had purple LS (not the movies), as this game is based on the KOTOR universe where you played a JEDI. It's not an excuse its a fact m8 something that Bioware told us many times that TOR was going to be Kotor 3,4,5,6 etc.


Also no where was it mentioned that purple was going to be faction specific and if it is, my questions still stands as to what is the design philosophy on this. I.E. Why make it 50 only and why make it Empire. Why give low level sith NPCs it? Why have it in beta for all but not live?


Maybe if I understood this reasoning, I would be posting about this at all. I still may not be happy (not mad like you state) and I still have no plans of rage quitting because of this, however once again, as others on this thread have mentioned, they too would like an answer to this.


Isn't this what the forums are for? Haven't they discussed the White Crystal? The Magenta Crystal? Yet I see lots of threads on the purple crystal but they choose to ignore.


Oh and btw, were not "Rebels" we are republic. If your going to try and belittle me, then at least get your facts right. Canon/Republic.

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Well, this is certainly a new and interesting topioc of discussion. "I don't like my faction's unique items as much as I like the other faction's unique items, so obviously the developers favor the other faction and the game is broken...because lord knows I couldn't have just played the other faction instead" That about sum it up? Yep. Makes perfect sense. Never heard it before either.


Cheers. Cya m8. Get back under the bridge please.

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Will be fun...watch how fast nobody wants purple lightsaber crystals when the developers finally just say "fine, everyone gets it" and the game turns into a sea of purplelightsaber wielding clones with nothing unique about them at all.


No different to a sea of Blue, Green or Red lightsabers but at least we can have some hot Mace "Parties Over" Windu action!


it would be like any other cosmetic choice element of the game and I don't see how that could be harmful.

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Yes, I know, not again. Another thread. Yada,yada, yada.


Okay, for those bored about these threads, the options are simple, don't read it and ignore it:)


For those like me, who are still pissed off that Republic don't "seem" to have access to the purple crystal, some type of response would help.


So, let me get something out there straight away.


1. Yes, we all know how Mace Windu got his crystals.

2. Yes, we all know how Sam J got his.

3. Yes we know that 3000 years in the future, they "maybe" rare.

4. Magenta isn't purple.


This means nothing, as this game is set in the KOTOR universe where purple (and I am using KOTOR 1 and 2 as a reference), purple wasn't rare.


Also, it seems Sith NPCs can have them at every level so once again "immersion" would say they are not rare.


So my point is this, what is the design philosophy of making the Crystal either unobtainable by republic or so rare that 2 months into the game, no one on the republic has got one and that the Empire can have them at 50? What did they think, people will still play for months and months just to get a purple crystal if they leave it out for the Republic side?


Lets not let any Rep or Empire have it for their toons until 50, so forget about all the days played before?


I'm having a hard time understanding their reasons on this.


They also deciding to ignore the tons of threads on this which I find also bewildering.


Just give us some insight into this please.




From your post I am gathering that you just want a Dev to tell you "hello, we're working on it".


Other than making you feel better what purpose would them saying anything serve?

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From your post I am gathering that you just want a Dev to tell you "hello, we're working on it".


Other than making you feel better what purpose would them saying anything serve?



With respect, what are the forums for if not to communicate with developers and other players?


We are invited to ask questions all the time, we are given these forums within which to ask them.


The end result of me or anyone else simply "Feeling better" is of value to some of us.

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Will be fun...watch how fast nobody wants purple lightsaber crystals when the developers finally just say "fine, everyone gets it" and the game turns into a sea of purplelightsaber wielding clones with nothing unique about them at all.


See I don't get why your still posting. Oh wait I guess I do know, but I will bite.


You once again presuming that everyone wants a purple LS when they don't. What people want is the choice of colour for their LS.


Shesh, try and think through your responses m8, as someone mentioned above, don't we have a sea of red, green and blue at the moment?


But, what if everyone does get a purple LS, so what? How does it effect you? Not everyone is a Jedi you know m8.


I await your next foolish comment again which I am sure I will bite at :)

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From your post I am gathering that you just want a Dev to tell you "hello, we're working on it".


Other than making you feel better what purpose would them saying anything serve?


Where have I said that I want a response of "we are working on it"?


Have you not read my OP?


I am asking what the design philosophy in the first place was.


"Were working on it" is just as bad as saying "soon Tm" so that wouldn't be a response that would make me feel better.

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See I don't get why your still posting. Oh wait I guess I do know, but I will bite.


You once again presuming that everyone wants a purple LS when they don't. What people want is the choice of colour for their LS.


Shesh, try and think through your responses m8, as someone mentioned above, don't we have a sea of red, green and blue at the moment?


But, what if everyone does get a purple LS, so what? How does it effect you? Not everyone is a Jedi you know m8.


I await your next foolish comment again which I am sure I will bite at :)


Enough with the biting. Did you brush your teeth?


Let's make a deal...you guys get to have purple lightsabers and Sith get...glow in the dark clown shoes? Fair trade?

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Will be fun...watch how fast nobody wants purple lightsaber crystals when the developers finally just say "fine, everyone gets it" and the game turns into a sea of purplelightsaber wielding clones with nothing unique about them at all.


Sounds like nothing will change or affect the game if you ask me. Look at Champ and BM gear. All the damn same look if you ask me. So adding a more obtainable purple crystal will just make more people happy and sub another month.

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To all that don't care about the color...


why do you post on this thread then? If you don't care then why troll a thread of poeple who do? Oh because you're trolling, got it...




I've seen the magenta crystal on sale on gtn (republic side) for 350k on my server(prophesy of the five). It seems one guy on rep side is crafting them, i plan on buying one when i have a spare 350k on me. close enough for now.

Edited by Sconnoll
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To all that don't care about the color...


why do you post on this thread then? If you don't care then why troll a thread of poeple who do? Oh because you're trolling, got it...




I've seen the magenta crystal on sale on gtn (republic side) for 350k on my server(prophesy of the five). It seems one guy on rep side is crafting them, i plan on buying one when i have a spare 350k on me.


It's not even close to purple. It's more like pink. I gave mine to my Companion Nadia :rolleyes:


We can't settle for the magenta crystal we want full on PURPLE for Republic.

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