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Things had better get better


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Republic loses like 90% of the time in WZs.


It's not fun to lose most of the time.


In its current state, I give this game maybe 6 months before subs start dropping. It'll survive, but as a PVE game.


.. and this is the fault of the Imperials? Instead of blaming others for bad performance in WZ's maybe people should improve instead.

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Republic loses like 90% of the time in WZs.


It's not fun to lose most of the time.


In its current state, I give this game maybe 6 months before subs start dropping. It'll survive, but as a PVE game.


Your issue is server specific and not directly about pvp itself... The only way you will see changes is if 1: those imp people make republic alts on your server which they most likely will and you just have to wait till then or... 2: you teach fellow players how to pvp better which also takes some waiting. It's a luck of the draw, I split my imps and pubs on different servers. On both servers I see a fair division of wins and losses. You could also be experiencing bad luck on match pairing. Everybody's had at least a few days where they just get into bad matches over and over.

Edited by Wasbeer
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Republic loses like 90% of the time in WZs.


It's not fun to lose most of the time.


In its current state, I give this game maybe 6 months before subs start dropping. It'll survive, but as a PVE game.


I'm republic... On a bad day I win 60% of my games... on an average day I win 80% of them.... Stop being bad.

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But he have a point :p On my server we are the ones who win most of the time. We lost few matches from time to time but only if there was no healer on our side and reps have 2-3 trooper healers (since 1 i can deal with using my operative).


Reps just sux. People that love PVP want to roll with dark hood, cool mask and throw lighting on people.

They don't want white dresses and throwing dirt, sand and blue clouds...

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How exactly is Bioware supposed to make the Republic win more warzones? It just sounds like your Republic players just aren't as good as the Imperials. It' also just might be certain servers because on my server the Republic win frequently. World PvP is a different issue but you said warzones and that Bioware HAS to do something to fix the fact that the Republic lose, on your server, 90% of the time, or subs are going bye bye. Sure there might be a battlemaster difference due to some bad issues earlier in the game but, I geared up, and so did the Republic on my server, and before you knew it we were doing just fine. Also, I'm not trying to kiss Biowares *** or anything, I just wanna know how you propose Bioware fix your servers apparently bad Republic players. I can only think of either giving the Republic a buff or taking away the Imperials BM gear, but that would just piss even more people off.
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what would help is cross server pvp.


Overall, just based on horrible ability delays that plague almost all republic classes, republic is the underdog. Add to that the 3:1 overall pop imballance, and thus the Valor farm advantage sith get from Ilum buff, and the extra bags they get from dailies which many rep's just dont bother with any more and you just might begin to see how this is going to snowball.


While, clearly this is not true for all servers (some are rep dominated) - it is most certainly true for MOST.


Seems like BW thinks instead of X-servering the pvp its a good idea to just make more same faction WZs, cause you know...other faction that is losing 90% of the games (be it rep or sith) eventually just stops joining the que all together.

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On some servers things are really bad. Remember that many imps have been exploiting ilum/valor farming republic players.And we know on some servers the imps out nr the republic players more then 5-1.Now imagine most of those players because of the valor exploit in full battlemaster gear against low geard rep players, some of them are new players who gotten to 50 etc.So yeah OP have a valid point.


What the trolls in this thread who flame tend to forget, that even thou on your servers things might be fine on some servers things are really bad and is getting worse everyday.

Because rep players on those servers are giving up while the imps stay and keep farming the few rep who still exist. And all the while bioware doest nothing for the huge faction imbalance because they dont care.So yeah he has a valid point.


But i guess in a few weeks when even more republic players have left and the Empire players are alone on these servers and not even 1 WZ will pop then you will maybe get it and stop flaming and trolling the forums.Then the remaining imps on these servers will scream server merges, but with what ? those 19 other servers with mostly imps on them....

Edited by Lord_Karsk
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How exactly is Bioware supposed to make the Republic win more warzones? It just sounds like your Republic players just aren't as good as the Imperials. It' also just might be certain servers because on my server the Republic win frequently. World PvP is a different issue but you said warzones and that Bioware HAS to do something to fix the fact that the Republic lose, on your server, 90% of the time, or subs are going bye bye. Sure there might be a battlemaster difference due to some bad issues earlier in the game but, I geared up, and so did the Republic on my server, and before you knew it we were doing just fine. Also, I'm not trying to kiss Biowares *** or anything, I just wanna know how you propose Bioware fix your servers apparently bad Republic players. I can only think of either giving the Republic a buff or taking away the Imperials BM gear, but that would just piss even more people off.


At this point imho, giving all republic level 60 valor and a full BM outfit would be only fair. Considering how much they screwed the reps over with poor ability delays, bugs such as Alderaan cannon pointed at republic ship, and lets not forget the ILUMFEST that happend on most servers after patch 1.1.2 where most imperial players got BM in a matter of hours.


Mirror class imballances to date:


Death from above activates much faster than mortar valley,

Sage rock takes 2 sec to travel, causes GCD (cant use other skills till it hits), Inq mirror spell instant

Scoundrel kick = roots scoundrel in place, IA mirror move = instant...simlar crap with shutgun vs knife animations

Inq has a stun that ignores immunity (supposedly being worked on)


There is more crap just like this, mirror classes failed WAR, they will fail this game too and this list is by no means complete just the stuff i thought off the top of my head. Point is if republic is doing good on a server they just outplaying IMPs hard, by either leveling faster and getting an good jump on valor/gear farm or are just vastly superior players; or possibly there is a pop imballance in favor of republic (rare) so ilum control gives the reps on that server the gear/valor edge and thus now the imps are screwed and will never catch up.

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OP needs to change servers, I play imp on trayus academy and republic wins 90% of the warzones. They are fewer in numbers but have many pvp only guilds which run premades 24/7, a ton of battlemasters and the only rank 80 on the server. In order to get my daily wins I have to prey for huttball since it's the only chance to play against other dumb imperials. Edited by oldshatterhand
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OP needs to change servers, I play imp on trayus academy and republic wins 90% of the warzones. They are fewer in numbers but have many pvp only guilds which run premades 24/7, a ton of battlemasters and the only rank 80 on the server. In order to get my daily wins I have to prey for huttball since it's the only chance to play against other dumb imperials.


Considering the best part of this game is leveling, imo better to just wait for GW2...that game might actually be fun since you cant outgear your opponents, and servers are supposed to be rotating every 2 weeks so you dont end up getting ***** by the same L337 premades.

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what would help is cross server pvp.


Overall, just based on horrible ability delays that plague almost all republic classes, republic is the underdog. Add to that the 3:1 overall pop imballance, and thus the Valor farm advantage sith get from Ilum buff, and the extra bags they get from dailies which many rep's just dont bother with any more and you just might begin to see how this is going to snowball.


While, clearly this is not true for all servers (some are rep dominated) - it is most certainly true for MOST.


Seems like BW thinks instead of X-servering the pvp its a good idea to just make more same faction WZs, cause you know...other faction that is losing 90% of the games (be it rep or sith) eventually just stops joining the que all together.


On some servers things are really bad. Remember that many imps have been exploiting ilum/valor farming republic players.And we know on some servers the imps out nr the republic players more then 5-1.Now imagine most of those players because of the valor exploit in full battlemaster gear against low geard rep players, some of them are new players who gotten to 50 etc.So yeah OP have a valid point.


What the trolls in this thread who flame tend to forget, that even thou on your servers things might be fine on some servers things are really bad and is getting worse everyday.

Because rep players on those servers are giving up while the imps stay and keep farming the few rep who still exist. And all the while bioware doest nothing for the huge faction imbalance because they dont care.So yeah he has a valid point.


But i guess in a few weeks when even more republic players have left and the Empire players are alone on these servers and not even 1 WZ will pop then you will maybe get it and stop flaming and trolling the forums.Then the remaining imps on these servers will scream server merges, but with what ? those 19 other servers with mostly imps on them....


You both hit the nail on the head. On my server, there's really no incentive for me to PvP on my 50 Scoundrel, my character that I've had since EA. Almost every Imperial on my server has gotten Battlemaster through the abject disaster that is Ilum. Things were ok after the bracketing (it was about 55-45 Imperial) until Patch Day on Ilum when every Imp 50 on the server camped the med center for 8 hours and then BioWare refused to roll back the valor gained (because God forbid we anger the Imperial zerg). And then my class got flattened, which removed any incentive I had left.


My Scoundrel is now only used for HardModes and Operations, I haven't PvPed on him or been to Ilum in about two weeks and I don't regret it one bit. PvP in the 10-49 bracket on my alts is infinitely more fun than getting lightninged/tracer missiled to death by 8 Battlemaster Sorcerers/Mercenaries in every warzone and never being able to finish a daily.

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