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Patch 1.2 will save the pvp or not ???


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why do you think all the focus is on warzones? b/c they cant make open world same faction fighting lol. Look the new warzone its same faction pvp (from what little ive heard about it)


The number 1 issue related to pvp open world/warzones is wookies/alien species as a playable race. Do you think if they had wookies/alien races as playable race there would still be this much imbalance? Were paying for this in pvp now.


Gabe and them cant make open world same faction pvp and who would want that? who wants same faction pvp at all?

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I guess I just don't like developers putting so much emphasis on Battleground or Warzones, where you queue up for a ten minute battle and then sit around wait for the next queue to start up.


i disagree. having played other mmos in the past, i much prefer that i can be in an 8 vs 8 within minutes of deciding to pvp any time of the day.

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low pop servers are getting lower


They are getting lower but it's not really the exodus everyone speaks of, though I'm sure some have left entirely. Low pops are getting lower because many are re-rolling on better servers.


Dark Reaper and The Fatman for example, are still growing at a noticeable rate.

Edited by Abiza
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I mean I love bacon, donuts, pizza, pasta and MOAR BACON! but that doesnt mean putting all of it into a blender is going to be a good thing!


A bacon/donut/pizza/pasta/MOAR BACON! drink you say?


Shut up and take my money!

Edited by Tumri
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No, what's funny is I remember how the forums on WoW/Rift/etc. were full of "just killing time till SWTOR comes out, can't wait to ditch this POS game for a REAL MMO, WoW/Rift is dying, deader than dead, SWTOR is the future!"


Now it's "can't wait till GW2/Tera.TORTANIC-TORTANIC-TORTANIC!"


Exactly. Ill def be there for gw2 but people need to be realistic about the game its going to be. If you read some post media-beta threads its mixed feelings about the game. Its not all dick jerking like you read on the rest of the interwebs. Im not bagging it, im just sayin people need to keep a level head or their unrealistic expectations will let them down for another game.


Right now im looking for some enjoyable pvp that extends past constant warzones/pvp/arenas/whatever you want to call it. Ive lasted a few years with it and its time for something deeper and more substantial. I enjoy rpgs, and i enjoy competition. If something caters to those needs im sure im not the only one who will be content for a while.

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Because we are astounded the game can be this bad with this much money invested?


Game performance? Horrible. Which makes "world pvp" pointless.


PvP balance? LOL. Designed by some clicking idiot fail caster who got rolled by skilled melee in WoW (they all said they played WoW and some classes are direct ripoffs like sage/sorc being a dumbed down vanilla shadow priest with autoface) and made a game custom tailored so he could be "leet".


All you need to know about this game?


The most OP class/spec had it's counter nerfed half a week into the 50 bracket and none of the complaints (voiced by bad sages/sorcerers) were moved or threads shutdown.


Hybrid spec sorc/sage which have had threads which numbered HUNDREDS of pages, complaining about them and the resolve system? Moved to the class forum or shut down...


Bias and stupidity? No thanks. Best story people, most money invested. Same fail pvp designers from other games that FAILED. These people never should have been hired in the first place.


There have been thousands of complaints about resolve/knockbacks/stuns, and they have yet to even address it. That alone shows how clueless and biased they are. Not to mention 7/8 classes in the 10-49 bracket being a sorc/sage/commando/merc...


Those "metrics" don't mean anything though I guess.




If the game and development team is so horribly and utterly bad to you, why don't you just leave? Still waiting for a clear answer.


Obviously this game is beyond repair, and doomed to failure; stated by the geniuses that lurk these forums aimlessly. If it's so, why don't you all just take a break from MMO's and try out Battlefield 3 or something?

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If the game and development team is so horribly and utterly bad to you, why don't you just leave? Still waiting for a clear answer.


Obviously this game is beyond repair, and doomed to failure; stated by the geniuses that lurk these forums aimlessly. If it's so, why don't you all just take a break from MMO's and try out Battlefield 3 or something?


Yep ! BF3 is alot of fun each and every time :)

great pvp...

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The most OP class/spec had it's counter nerfed half a week into the 50 bracket and none of the complaints (voiced by bad sages/sorcerers) were moved or threads shutdown.


Hybrid spec sorc/sage which have had threads which numbered HUNDREDS of pages, complaining about them and the resolve system? Moved to the class forum or shut down...



1. Every Ops I talk to said that yes it was a nerf, but honestly it was needed from them. The honest ones will tell you they were critting for 8-9K. The still destroy l sorcerers now that they crit for 4-5K, at least the good ones due. Their sustained DPS should have been bumped a bit though.


2.Hybrid I agree and I play a sorcerer, somethings should be moved higher in the tree, mainly the root on overload imo. but have to be careful cause that means something else is coming down lower in the tree. and that tree is really hard to move things down to move what is a pvp talent only up...maybe they can just replace that talent instead of moving it.


and yes I play a sorcerer, but not that build im pure heals. I enjoy the PVP, I only wish the resolve system worked a little better, and agree that roots(not slows) should increase your resolve bar as well. I also wish it was resolve bar full decreased the last CC to half duration then made you immune. and sorcerers have some of the worst CC as far as filling the resolve bar.

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Hmm i think 3 maybe 4 types of people play swtor atm.


1. You have the die hard pvp'ers that only come for the pvp the rest of game is not that important.


These people will most likely switch to guildwars 2 the moment its released, now i pvp alot aswell and i do enjoy it unlike alot of other players but GW2 seems to interesting to pass up and has way more revolving around pvp then swtor has so bioware needs to kick things into high gear to compete with them.


2. The scifi fans, now there are not alot of really good scifi mmo's out there so bioware has a good chance to keep them in until anarchy online starts bringing out its new graphic engine in which i as a scifi fan will defiantly check it out since allthough its old its still a very good scifi mmo.


3. The star war fans, i dont think they will leave this game that easily, as long as BW keeps updating swtor these people will probably stick around and there are alot of them so even if all the pure pvpers leave this group will probably stay.


4. Is probably the casuals that just like mmo's in general, swtor is a nice game for the casuals the leveling is fast things dont take weeks to obtain. I know for those that can spend more then 6 hours a day on the game you will find yourself quickly asking yourself what to do next. But for these people they dont have that feeling and will probably continue playing aswell.


All in all, swtor is not going to die out so quickly however if bioware wants to keep the playerbase at this level they need to start adding and patching things soon. Not to mention to expand and improve their customer support service.


Will the new patch make the people happy, dunno i have not seen the patch notes only some text what we can expect but not solid patch notes. People that have already left will in most cases not come back that easily. However it will be a milestone where BW can show the current playerbase that they are working on problems and things will get better over time.


But BW should defiantly keep a eye on the release date of GW2 because its gonna draw HUGE amounts of people in and if they do get it right then every mmo on the market right now will be effected by it.

Edited by Garton
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the problem is, pvp in SWTOR was flawed from the start. by making a vertical progression system firstly based on luck, and secondly based on a grind, you'll never have properly balanced pvp. and unfortunately, unless they either reset valor gains, or stop valor being tied into gear progression (which won't happen), then the future of pvp is going to look very dark for any new player fighting those who ezmoded it before it gets "fixed".


there were so many avenues bioware could have gone down to make pvp viable, to make it fair, and to make it compelling. let's face it, warzones are quite simply a case of "whoever has the most battlemasters wins", while open world pvp ammounts to "let's all blob up and faceroll".


but why are they like that? why is instanced pvp (warzones) not set up so that when you enter, your stats are standardized? forget bolster buffing, just allocate stats on a per-class basis. it's really that simple. that way regardless of anyones gear, everyone is on an even playing field, and all that matters is how well you play together as a team. and bearing in mind that rated warzones are coming in a couple of weeks... well, without such a system in place, being rated highly is going to be more gear based than ever.


and then there's the open world pvp. bearing in mind that currently (and from launch) whenever you kill a player... whether you're in a group of 5, 20, or 50 people, killing just ONE player in your massive zerg will net everyone in that zerg between 20 and 200 valor. which is just wrong. the system as it stands actually encourages players to blob up into the biggest zerg they can, and kill anyone and everyone regardless of the quality of combat. they're ACTIVELY REWARDED FOR PLAYING BADLY.


to summerize:

  • allocate stats on a per-class basis in warzones, remove the bolster system, have a truly even playing field, making player and team skill more important than gear.
  • divide valor gained in openworld pvp by the players involved in the kill. if 100 people want to jump on a single player... fine, but they'll likely only get 1 valor each. this encourages people to roam around in smaller groups, finding even numbered fights... or heaven forbid, take on larger numbers than themselves.

Edited by Almghty_gir
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To be honest I don't think 1.2 will make any real difference beyond giving new WZ, and maybe some minor improvements and bug fixes.


Simply stated Bioware. On some of your servers PvP flourishes and on others it is dead. The ones where it flourishes tend to have regular Ilum battles, large numbers of DPS Battlemaster, and some healer / tank Battlemasters too. On the dead ones there is no real Ilum Battles, and there are just a few DPS Battlemasters.


It is too late for Bioware to change that, only their game designers seem to have that fantasy. The servers where PvP is as dead as a dodo will not be able to resurrect it post 1.2. It will just strengthen the ones where it already works out more or less.

Edited by Ewgal
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1.2 WILL save PvP.


Noobs will no longer face ''**** 5-0 IN 1 MINUTE AND FARM FOR 14'" teams, and the RNG system - FINALLY - dies. I am rank 67 valor, with 3 BM pieces apart from implants + earpiece.


I always play well and own anyone that faces our premades. The RNG system has made me quit playing on my main. And no, I did not farm valor in ilum, I warzoned almost all the way.


( Yes I have alot of time on my hands )


1.2, as stated above, will save PvP from the current state it's in : Only ''veterans'' or however the elite BM douches call themselves, currently have a chance to win. All newcomers need to put in 300% more effort to get the same rewards.


Bioware ****ed up huge by allowing an RNG system and non rated warzones in the first place.


Oh yeah ''We never thought PvP would be such a great deal''


No **** sherlock, we obviously only want to smack npc's for 8 hours / raid , because owning real people with skills is so silly, who would PvP anyway.

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Meh unless they fix the terrible performance in Ilum i wont be sticking around long term.


Haven't heard anything about it other then them blaming it on our systems. Which is strange because if it were system related turning down settings should have an impact.


Seems strange though I mean why stick with the engine during development if performance so terrible when say 50+ people on screen.

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Hmm i think 3 maybe 4 types of people play swtor atm.


1. You have the die hard pvp'ers that only come for the pvp the rest of game is not that important.


These people will most likely switch to guildwars 2 the moment its released, now i pvp alot aswell and i do enjoy it unlike alot of other players but GW2 seems to interesting to pass up and has way more revolving around pvp then swtor has so bioware needs to kick things into high gear to compete with them.


2. The scifi fans, now there are not alot of really good scifi mmo's out there so bioware has a good chance to keep them in until anarchy online starts bringing out its new graphic engine in which i as a scifi fan will defiantly check it out since allthough its old its still a very good scifi mmo.


3. The star war fans, i dont think they will leave this game that easily, as long as BW keeps updating swtor these people will probably stick around and there are alot of them so even if all the pure pvpers leave this group will probably stay.


4. Is probably the casuals that just like mmo's in general, swtor is a nice game for the casuals the leveling is fast things dont take weeks to obtain. I know for those that can spend more then 6 hours a day on the game you will find yourself quickly asking yourself what to do next. But for these people they dont have that feeling and will probably continue playing aswell.


All in all, swtor is not going to die out so quickly however if bioware wants to keep the playerbase at this level they need to start adding and patching things soon. Not to mention to expand and improve their customer support service.


Will the new patch make the people happy, dunno i have not seen the patch notes only some text what we can expect but not solid patch notes. People that have already left will in most cases not come back that easily. However it will be a milestone where BW can show the current playerbase that they are working on problems and things will get better over time.


But BW should defiantly keep a eye on the release date of GW2 because its gonna draw HUGE amounts of people in and if they do get it right then every mmo on the market right now will be effected by it.


Did you see the beta vids from last weekend about world vs world ?

Man its not huge but HUGE !!!

I can't wait to group up and swarm the map to gather ressources while protecting the caravan that bring supplie to our Keep. Then buy some blueprint of siege weapons and buils em around the castle we plan to invade !

If not sneak up around in underwater tunnels and reach hidden entrances... Any guild with voice chat will have a blast in there !!!. As for solo players, it will be easy to join in any battle on the map when each fight is marked...

I seriously doubt Bioware can deliver something 1/10 this epic...

sad but true.

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My concerns are twofold.


1> Game engine/hardware/optimization limitations of the core game. As long as these persist open world PvP (Illum) will continue to be terrible and never represent a AAA title PvP experience.


2> Learned behaviours. I think a LOT of very ugly playstyle dynamics have evolved in the early weeks/months of this game due to broken mechanics, i.e. kill trading, warzone quitting/overqueuing/afking, other forms of collusion, and zerg uber alles mindsets. Once these poor playstyle habits root themselves in a game it takes a MASSIVE change to the mechanics to encourage more dynamic, competative, and fun gameplay. I'm not sure if it's too late for SWTOR, but I'm honestly not very hopeful. The players who seek competative PvP have been frustrated, and in a lot of cases left. The players who seek epeen building and faceroll level competativeness have been rewarded for their playstyle and encouraged to keep at it.


Will 1.2 change those two items? Not in my opinion. And without change to those two areas I'm not really very hopeful for the success of PvP in this game.


And without PvP, I honestly don't think SWTOR will have a chance at having sustained end-game growth.


I hope BW surprises me. But I'm not optimistic.

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I thought Illum was going to be something like that, but everybody just does their daily and weekly missions and then queues up for Warzones. I guess I just don't like developers putting so much emphasis on Battleground or Warzones, where you queue up for a ten minute battle and then sit around wait for the next queue to start up.


That is not gonna change anytime soon, especially as games improve graphics. Fact is Warzones create less server stress. Modern AAA MMOs are too fancy for their own good and start crashing anytime you get 100 or more people in the same area (especially if there is combat occuring).

Edited by RocNessMonster
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1.2 will help PvP alot, ranked matches in itself will bring people in as long as its done right. I don't think PvP is that bad to begin with though. Is it optimal? no, but optimal is different for different people so they will never please everyone.
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Did you see the beta vids from last weekend about world vs world ?

Man its not huge but HUGE !!!

I can't wait to group up and swarm the map to gather ressources while protecting the caravan that bring supplie to our Keep. Then buy some blueprint of siege weapons and buils em around the castle we plan to invade !

If not sneak up around in underwater tunnels and reach hidden entrances... Any guild with voice chat will have a blast in there !!!. As for solo players, it will be easy to join in any battle on the map when each fight is marked...

I seriously doubt Bioware can deliver something 1/10 this epic...

sad but true.


Not yet, to be honest i tend to not watch that much and just play the game once it comes out and draw my own conclusion based on actual gameplay.


However ncsoft allthough not as involved with GW2 as in their own games does make some intresting pvp choices. I come from aion and allthough there are some very terrible flaws in the system for the western market. I had some very cool world fights and some kickass fun in it.


What they are going to do in GW2 for pvp is gonna make swtor pvp look like childsplay. And like i said i actually do enjoy the pvp in swtor but chances are GW2 is going to provide a much better experience.


Anyway no matter what happens bioware should be very aware of GW2 and should actually consider the moment its official release date is announced as a point of no return. They should get a lot of things right before then because people will move to GW2 or atleast check it out since its very hyped aswell. And offcourse there will always be people that will say GW2 will suck for whatever reason but those are the same people that probably left swtor or any other game aswell because they disagreed on a game mechanic or whatever. Some people will never be happy because they expect everything to be perfect, the painful truth is a perfect world only exists in one's mind and these people should probably just start playing games in it.

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Kids will always never be contented with what they have. They are always not satisfied. No game is ever perfect. If you guys have a mindset that GW2 is gonna the BEST and PERFECT game ever, we will wait a few weeks for people to reach the endgame and there will be a lot of complains. No game is perfect.
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Im not sure what to think but my impression is theyve written off ilum and are focusing on warzones which i hate and then the new warzone will be same faction fighting which is even worse.


im not a gw2 fan but that beta pvp looks like what this pvp should have been live? go figure but hey we have to move the ui even so maybe in 6 months well be where we should be now.


What really sucks is what a letdown iulm is and they just ignore it. All that advertising about ilum and its amazing and all this and the reality is its just a dried up dog turn on the lawn....


In GW2 Beta and LOL@at saying what this pvp should look like? really your in for a huge dissapointment come release time and be thankful for this game, but find out for yourself after 60 bucks wasted...

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