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Patch 1.2 will save the pvp or not ???


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It's funny how people are such an advocate against this game, and are so supportive of Guild Wars 2 like some petty highschool rivalry on these forums.


It's like... if you don't enjoy the game -- why even bother coming here? Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't you need a subscription to post on these forums?


Because we are astounded the game can be this bad with this much money invested?


Game performance? Horrible. Which makes "world pvp" pointless.


PvP balance? LOL. Designed by some clicking idiot fail caster who got rolled by skilled melee in WoW (they all said they played WoW and some classes are direct ripoffs like sage/sorc being a dumbed down vanilla shadow priest with autoface) and made a game custom tailored so he could be "leet".


All you need to know about this game?


The most OP class/spec had it's counter nerfed half a week into the 50 bracket and none of the complaints (voiced by bad sages/sorcerers) were moved or threads shutdown.


Hybrid spec sorc/sage which have had threads which numbered HUNDREDS of pages, complaining about them and the resolve system? Moved to the class forum or shut down...


Bias and stupidity? No thanks. Best story people, most money invested. Same fail pvp designers from other games that FAILED. These people never should have been hired in the first place.


There have been thousands of complaints about resolve/knockbacks/stuns, and they have yet to even address it. That alone shows how clueless and biased they are. Not to mention 7/8 classes in the 10-49 bracket being a sorc/sage/commando/merc...


Those "metrics" don't mean anything though I guess.

Edited by biowareftw
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By the time 1.2 comes people will be playing GW2 beta.


Oh well I signed for the beta today but I cant tell if this is going to be as good as it look..


I was "prepared to be blown away!" and **** happen with TOR pvp so...


lets hope Bioware fix the whole thing :)

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The implementation of ranked war zones will either make this game a mainstay for some time or really leave a bad taste in peoples mouth, and ppl like myself who are on the fence about an already lackluster pvp endgame will unsubscribe.


Not holding my breath that it will be done right, considering we have heard nothing about it.

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Mounds of issues wrong with this game, fortunately I can wait since I'm not the typical hardcore MMORPG person.


I will say the leveling experience was the best and make me play the game more than I usual would with an MMO.


I think the PvP system is terrible though. Worst end game PvP experience I ever had, general open world PvP was terrible. I didn't fight up against the other faction with any sort of regularity until about level 40+ on Voss. The factions are divided up too much, with them visiting the same planets during different instances doesn't help. Planets have an empty feel to them.



And to put icing on the cake we have mounds of PvP balancing issues and a terribly flawed Resolve system. I also feel that the game requires less skill to win in PvP situations with certain classes that are beyond balanced.


I never played Warhammer but among the Warhammer players that play this, the general consensus among them is that the PvP developing squad learned nothing from that game -- which started out great yet it's subscription based flopped due to unbalanced pvp mechanics.


I love star wars, I really like this game I hope Bioware gets serious about bolstering the game and PvP especially, but if not, well it will go down in history as the most MMO ever that flopped.


Story is great, but a great story, and voice overs isn't what keeps an MMO alive. It's the end game content, and quality of PvP that does that.

Edited by bamsmacked
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I'm really looking forward to Ranked Warzones. (Also, isn't there another warzone too?)


I don't really care about Open World PVP, but if they improved it, a lot of people would be happy, I guess..


You don't care about open world pvp....yeah well at least we could finally have a good reason to leave the crowded fleet... Right now pvpers just stand around waiting on a queue... Or imps drive in circles in ilum playing a gold farmers idea of "work".

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To save pvp in this game you have to have a clear and competent balance of classes. Thats the only real thing that is killing it for me. They can leave the resolve system alone. If you cant manage that then you need to step your game up a notch and learn how it works. IF you are stunned and 6 ppl attack your toon then yes you are going to die in the span of one stun. It happens all the time. Not a big deal. If they balance the classes, specifically sorc/sage and commando/hunter, then at least everyone would have a even shot at soloing any one of the other classes.
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To save pvp in this game you have to have a clear and competent balance of classes. Thats the only real thing that is killing it for me. They can leave the resolve system alone. If you cant manage that then you need to step your game up a notch and learn how it works. IF you are stunned and 6 ppl attack your toon then yes you are going to die in the span of one stun. It happens all the time. Not a big deal. If they balance the classes, specifically sorc/sage and commando/hunter, then at least everyone would have a even shot at soloing any one of the other classes.


I don't know how they can't balance thr already overly simplified classes as is... This game has the most simplistic non intuitive classes I've ever seen in an mmo.


Games been out two months and I can tell you already what every class does... So simple it's mind boggling..

Edited by Irishbrewed
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i just hit 50 a week ago and i dont ever wont to que for a war zone agian!!!fix open world pvp.get rid of the instances in illum so that we can have couple hundred toons up there ,make a reason for peeps to go to the pvp zone on tat missions or some thing i cant even rember the name of it .make it so pvp travels around the worlds to some degree.the current systum is crap,all this from a dihard pvper i think im going to do some flash points!!!
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1. no bounty hunting system. It never gonna happened here.

2. Only 3 WZs .

3. Limited Communciation. I want send tell to Imp when Im on reb side.

4. Ilum Lag.

5. Sicked of Vehicle. I want leave it out while I run in kil imp asap then jump on vehicle, speed off for lol.

6. Limited Weapon used. I want switchin to melee and ranged around. flexiable.

7. Biometic Crystal Alloy drop in pve only. I cant stand pve at all..

8. Here is all about GEAR. I prefer use skills, it more fun.

9. No Guilds War.

10. Unbalanced profs.

Im not stayin here till they fixed it..You can stay. up to u. Im checkin out GW2 and Dominus. IDK which one as long as there good pvp and bounty huntin system.

Edited by Alaska
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i just hit 50 a week ago and i dont ever wont to que for a war zone agian!!!fix open world pvp.get rid of the instances in illum so that we can have couple hundred toons up there ,make a reason for peeps to go to the pvp zone on tat missions or some thing i cant even rember the name of it .make it so pvp travels around the worlds to some degree.the current systum is crap,all this from a dihard pvper i think im going to do some flash points!!!


Yeah when you reach 50... really what happen is the "magic fade away" thing hehe

I can't find any words to describe my first trip to Ilum.. anyway.


What is we have at least 2 more warzones and some arena ???

(ppl could choose what to queue up)

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You don't care about open world pvp....yeah well at least we could finally have a good reason to leave the crowded fleet... Right now pvpers just stand around waiting on a queue... Or imps drive in circles in ilum playing a gold farmers idea of "work".


Lets say the numbers of Imps and Pubs is balanced... we could just rendezvous anywhere on some planet and make it happen like the old "Tarren Mill" or any world pvp...


I wish there was some kind of realm vs realm with merged servers or I dont know..

Something that bring Huge fights !

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Im not sure what to think but my impression is theyve written off ilum and are focusing on warzones which i hate and then the new warzone will be same faction fighting which is even worse.


im not a gw2 fan but that beta pvp looks like what this pvp should have been live? go figure but hey we have to move the ui even so maybe in 6 months well be where we should be now.


What really sucks is what a letdown iulm is and they just ignore it. All that advertising about ilum and its amazing and all this and the reality is its just a dried up dog turn on the lawn....

Edited by hargrave
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Im not sure what to think but my impression is theyve written off ilum and are focusing on warzones which i hate and then the new warzone will be same faction fighting which is even worse.


im not a gw2 fan but that beta pvp looks like what this pvp should have be live? go figure but hey we have to move the ui even so maybe in 6 months well be where we should be now.


What really sucks is what a letdown iulm is and they just ignore it. All that advertising about ilum and its amazing and all this and the reality is its just a dried up dog turn on the lawn....


Did you get "Blown away !" by Ilum hehe

I got Blown away From Ilum and will return if someday its more epic than the World vs World some company is offering us this summer I hope.

Sad but true ...

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Lol, so many naysayers. There's a lot wrong, but there's a lot right. Class balance is pretty good, and ranked will keep hardcores interested for now. Ilum on my server sounds better than every other one. On belgoths, both sides have their zergs, and use tactics such as flanking, scouting, etc, all the time. Guess everyone in this thread has no one to play with, or their server is heavily unbalanced.
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Im starting to get that CBF when it comes to playing now. AKA boredom. As much as i like parts of the combat system i have no motivation to get to 50, and have stopped enjoying the story which makes levelling by myself the same ole crap. Duo levelling helps a lot but its normally only you and who your grouped up post second planet.


Even on swiftsure most levelling areas have 40 ppl which being such huge planets (and awesome level design imo) is way too few. The worlds are just that, levelling areas, they dont all need to be populated but theres no real reason for people to ever go back to any planets at any stage unless a class quest briefly sends them back. Theres not even any world evens. Because they're all separate instances people dont spill out into the lower level areas like you normally see.


That combined with the fact that on all my characters i would have less than 10 world pvp encounters that werent actively (read seaching for 20-30mins) looked for. Id even be happy if there wasnt any real "meaningful" world pvp for now, i didnt roll on a pvp server so i can spend 30mins running around looking for a person to attack.


Then all the little things like that idiot friendly sorc spec that leads to having sometimes half of a warzone with scrub sorcs who spam aoe and lightning but can never cap more than 1 door at voidstar and results in an unenjoyable corpse run zerg fest. The fact that i can jump on my gunslinger and stop close to (or even some times the whole team) from capping by sneakily shooting vital shot on people with a pocket healer is bs really. I can do a solo suicide dot run on the zerg side of voidstar and be able to defend it for far too long. Tanks damage output vs mitigation levels are unbalanced, using bubbles on guarded players, breaking of a class by a flat nerf but offering no compensation in other areas to fill some of the gap it left. And so on.... its all been said before


All of little these things would be much more palatable if there were things meaningful world pvp, or even say more than 3 warzones and and questing paths between the 2 factions that crossed. The combination of all those small problems that chip away at peoples patience combined with the fact that the whole pvp system revolves around 3 warzones - or 4 after 1.2 - is too much for a large percentage of people.


No i dont think it will be enough of a change to turn around the pvp system in the game. 1.2 is something like what should have been released. I also dont think that the majority of pvpers leaving (hypothetically speaking) would break the game. I do think that the developers severely underestimated the importance of pvp to a large percentage of players and will result in a greatly reduced in game population.


When i play this game i sometimes think of that quote. All we need is 500,000 subs for 6 months before this game is profitable - or something along those lines. It seems to sum up the design philosophy for this game.



Edited by tweaq
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PvP.. heres the thing. People dont actually like losing but you cant have everyone win. So everyone hates PvP even when they say they want it... they dont really.


Which is a pity. kids these days eh? :p


Um what? I win like 90% of WZs (as Republic no less) and I can't stand this game's PvP. Rep even does well on Ilum on my server.

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Lol, so many naysayers. There's a lot wrong, but there's a lot right. Class balance is pretty good, and ranked will keep hardcores interested for now. Ilum on my server sounds better than every other one. On belgoths, both sides have their zergs, and use tactics such as flanking, scouting, etc, all the time. Guess everyone in this thread has no one to play with, or their server is heavily unbalanced.


I guess your lucky.. not all server have the same pop.


A free transfert could fix some balance issues. well maybe...

Each time I went to Ilum it was like a joke. and most of our players were afking lol.

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I think it is very likely too late.


PvP is made by the community. There have to be other Ps to have PvP.


With the mass exodus from this game that has already happened, it might not matter at this point. If there is no player base, it doesn't matter how awesome 1.2 may or may not be.


they sky is falling in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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When i play this game i sometimes think of that quote. All we need is 500,000 subs for 6 months before this game is profitable - or something along those lines. It seems to sum up the design philosophy for this game.TL;DR: NO


Never heard of this before...

im scared..

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