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PvP Gear


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As a pvp'er that is pretty much all i do. So you fellow pvp'ers have no reason to jump on me for what im about to say. Just hear me out or stay off my thread. BioWare, you've got a great game going, as your new video you just posted said, this is an amazing game, because it is. But, PvP needs some tending to, not the balancing itself, or the warzones, but the gear.


This is yet another game where gears means it all, i was under the impression that you could bring your skill to the warzone not your gear... In WoW if you didn't have the latest in PvP gear you'd get own'd same thing here in TOR....its crazy guys, just remove the expertise stat all together there is no need for it, let us FIGHT! Gettting gear then going back in when people are lvling alts that are barely 50 and pwn them... doesnt make much sense to me. You know, the games been out for a few months, so now everyone has their first 50 and are beginning to lvl alts because they want to see the other stories, (with good reason because the story in the game is OUTSTANDING!) with that being said, im sure they arent having fun when im in my battlemaster gear along with 3 other buddies and we are wrecking their faces over and over... So like i said really take into consideration what im saying, im sure you'll get a lot better of a response from the pvp'ers, there is no need for PvP gear.... there really isnt!



- Itisfinished Jedi Knight Sentinel - Server: Juyo

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Lol, I just posted on another thread...


Why must there be pvp gear and pve gear? Pvp gear's only purpose is to give a person an advantage over some one who does not have it. So, gear makes the player...Thought we were gonna be different here Bioware.


If you wanna know what pvp is suppose to be then pvp naked. That way pvp is actually a battle of skill and strategy, not who has the most gear....


I will never understand why I can not go straight from killing a boss in a raid to having a bit of fun in a War zone and expect to be competitive.


So your pvp team with "pvp" gear beats mine because we don't have "pvp" gear and that makes you feel like a winner. Silly.


You could actually be different here Bioware and have different avenues to get same gear and make everything balanced. This would be an original idea and I bet you it would make a lot of us people who enjoy both but cant put that much time in both, very happy.

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Other games have proven that even a tiny tiny advantage on gear will drive most people to go after it.


There doesn't need to be such a huge disparity.


I just dont see the point in letting gear make me a better player. If gear is the reason I win then....well I guess I pretty much suck. I mean really I can see two equally skilled players that the gear should make the difference but one or two shotting folks, there really isnt time to determine that. But even then why do raiders get the bum end of the stick just because a portion of their gaming time is spent in a raid versus warzone?

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I just dont see the point in letting gear make me a better player. If gear is the reason I win then....well I guess I pretty much suck. I mean really I can see two equally skilled players that the gear should make the difference but one or two shotting folks, there really isnt time to determine that. But even then why do raiders get the bum end of the stick just because a portion of their gaming time is spent in a raid versus warzone?


I couldnt agree more! ^

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PvP Gear


...should be effective for PvP and not so much for PvE, which makes no sense.


That's my suggestion. Do whatever with PvP gear for PvP...but nerf the crap out of it for PvE purposes (to be about equal to how useless PvE gear is in PvP against PvP geared people).

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...should be effective for PvP and not so much for PvE, which makes no sense.


That's my suggestion. Do whatever with PvP gear for PvP...but nerf the crap out of it for PvE purposes (to be about equal to how useless PvE gear is in PvP against PvP geared people).


I thats not my point, my point was to get rid of it, theres no need for it...

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I made the mistake of ignoring pvp entirely as I was leveling my Sage to 50. I started pvping about a week ago, and while I really enjoy it, I really hate expertise.


As a fairly soft character to begin with any one character with a dedicated pvp gear set has a tremendous advantage over me, and because I very obviously am not wearing pvp gear it doesn't take long for the opposing team to realize I am a big squishy target.


I really enjoy pvp, and I realize that I'm going to have to wade through a lot of **** before I'll be on even ground... but sometimes it's frustrating when the same 3 imps in every warzone just know that they can kill me in seconds.


I'm glad this thread was started by a hardcore pvper. Because I agree entirely... just make the tiers of pvp gear comparable statwise to the tiers of gear from ops and raids. That way there still is a slight gear advantage for people who took the time to grind one or the other, but it's not an insurmountable battle for those who don't have it.

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I made the mistake of ignoring pvp entirely as I was leveling my Sage to 50. I started pvping about a week ago, and while I really enjoy it, I really hate expertise.


As a fairly soft character to begin with any one character with a dedicated pvp gear set has a tremendous advantage over me, and because I very obviously am not wearing pvp gear it doesn't take long for the opposing team to realize I am a big squishy target.


I really enjoy pvp, and I realize that I'm going to have to wade through a lot of **** before I'll be on even ground... but sometimes it's frustrating when the same 3 imps in every warzone just know that they can kill me in seconds.


I'm glad this thread was started by a hardcore pvper. Because I agree entirely... just make the tiers of pvp gear comparable statwise to the tiers of gear from ops and raids. That way there still is a slight gear advantage for people who took the time to grind one or the other, but it's not an insurmountable battle for those who don't have it.


Precisely! ^ That was my point all along, this is the point im trying to get across to BioWare, and yes im a hardcore pvp'er, if im not raiding im pvping... and i love having the advantage, but its still not fair and i know it isnt, thats why im saying what im saying

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PVP gear and its expertise rating is an artificial barrier that this game doesn't need.


Yes, why give an "artificial" advantage which in turns just makes people not want to play. I love to pvp as well as other aspects of the game but the only way I will pvp in TOR atm is an alt pre 50. Which is silly for a person paying to play to be limited like that.


For a change, just make gear.....Let PVP be about skill, strategy, team work and most importantly, FUN. Also, why in the world do you have to always reform grp and are not even able to make a full guild grp. Your pvp part of the game will suffer if you don't change these things, which will mean the game as a whole will suffer. Which of course means, the money will suffer.


I am already seeing people in the guild leave the game, we quickly went to 150 members but are sliding back closer to 100. Not to be too technical about it but that is almost 1/3, or 30%, pretty nasty falling away.

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Glad to see this thread. I just hit 50 on my Shadow, and decided to try PVP because I'm pretty tired of quests/PVE.


Then I discovered this whole expertise thing. As far as I can tell, without PvP gear I'm pretty much just a free kill for the enemy. That also means I'm an obvious disadvantage to my team.


That sucks, Bioware. It's as if the whole system was designed as some kind of weird hazing process. "You must get rolled X times before you can participate in a meaningful way."

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Glad to see this thread. I just hit 50 on my Shadow, and decided to try PVP because I'm pretty tired of quests/PVE.


Then I discovered this whole expertise thing. As far as I can tell, without PvP gear I'm pretty much just a free kill for the enemy. That also means I'm an obvious disadvantage to my team.


That sucks, Bioware. It's as if the whole system was designed as some kind of weird hazing process. "You must get rolled X times before you can participate in a meaningful way."


Whats worse then that, is how long it will take and how much you have to endure to get some where close to the gear the original 50's of the game have. Some are valor rank 70 now, do you have any idea how much you have to pvp to reach that?


Basically, if you did not start pvping on Dec.13th and pretty much 23/7 (giving one hour a day for showers and food) pvp then you have no chance of participating effectively.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Whats worse then that, is how long it will take and how much you have to endure to get some where close to the gear the original 50's of the game have. Some are valor rank 70 now, do you have any idea how much you have to pvp to reach that?


Basically, if you did not start pvping on Dec.13th and pretty much 23/7 (giving one hour a day for showers and food) pvp then you have no chance of participating effectively.


Yeah... its sad :/

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