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Really an increase to endurance would increase our survival. I dont understand why Juggs have lots of endurance and are on par with our Strength. If anything give our gear more Strength...


Edit* As for talents increasing or giving increase offhand dmg and gor a charge would make Ataru form better( Not to mention fixing boss hit radius.

Edited by dvonflue
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1) Increase the range of vicious throw and deadly throw to 30m


2) Make our channels usable while moving. Catching my target with force choke at 9m and being able to close the gap while choking is very appropriate and it would make ravage not lame.


Any major changes to the class are not needed. There may be a case for some skill consolidation, but I'd argue you are likely to cause more problems then you'll fix.

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I would love to see rupture be able to apply a new Dot instead of just refreshing the old DoT. We put 3 points into a high level skill in order to refresh our rupture cd which is a very high price. While waiting to put on the new rupture is doable, we shouldn't have to, this also means that we have to wait for the new ruptures cd. Yes this would be a big dps/healing boost, but we paid for that with the 3 high level points. If each use of rupture applied a new DoT it would also be harder to dispel which is a huge problem against skilled players. Since the odds for refresh are rather low for VS and annihalate has a long cd unless stacked, ruptures applying new DoTs wouldn't be all that radical. The rage cost of each of these skills would also limit its upper limit damage, so I think that this one change would make a lot of sense. When I first started playing anni spec I was very surprised to find that this wasn't the way it already worked, it just makes sense for it to be this way. Edited by Oxirix
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I would love to see rupture be able to apply a new Dot instead of just refreshing the old DoT. We put 3 points into a high level skill in order to refresh our rupture cd which is a very high price. While waiting to put on the new rupture is doable, we shouldn't have to, this also means that we have to wait for the new ruptures cd. Yes this would be a big dps/healing boost, but we paid for that with the 3 high level points. If each use of rupture applied a new DoT it would also be harder to dispel which is a huge problem against skilled players. Since the odds for refresh are rather low for VS and annihalate has a long cd unless stacked, ruptures applying new DoTs wouldn't be all that radical. The rage cost of each of these skills would also limit its upper limit damage, so I think that this one change would make a lot of sense. When I first started playing anni spec I was very surprised to find that this wasn't the way it already worked, it just makes sense for it to be this way.

Yes, that's a good point. It makes one wonder why Deadly Saber stacks, but Rupture doesn't.

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Maybe you should re-learn Marauder mechanics before commenting.


have you bothered getting enraged slash and using it with Shi-cho berserk? You do know it turns your VS into a cleave that generates 1 point right? You can VS 5x with a full bar then pop berserk and VS 6x and build 6 rage. Given the fight lasts that long.




Oh and btw carnage turned into a sub par spec in beta when they took away a 6 second cd force scream. Then it was on par with annihilation and the whole tree flowed much better. I've played the crappy spec in beta and it made me a sad panda it got kicked in the balls so hard.

Edited by Paralassa
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have you bothered getting enraged slash and using it with Shi-cho berserk? You do know it turns your VS into a cleave that generates 1 point right? You can VS 5x with a full bar then pop berserk and VS 6x and build 6 rage. Given the fight lasts that long.

In the post he was referring to you misstated some things like getting Massacre for free with Berserk. It was a tad confusing. But yeah, we get it now. :)


I like a lot about Carnage. It's still my favorite tree, but Ataru just makes me all farty and bloated. That's really the main reason I use a hybrid spec now. It's not because I want to be a unique snowflake. No, Ataru is just that bad. I'd rather Gore my enemy and get low cost Screams every six seconds, a cleaving Vicious Spam, and 3% damage bonus and reduction. Even juggernauts' Shien Form and assassins' Surging Charge make Ataru look like a bad joke.

Edited by Paralassa
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have you bothered getting enraged slash and using it with Shi-cho berserk? You do know it turns your VS into a cleave that generates 1 point right? You can VS 5x with a full bar then pop berserk and VS 6x and build 6 rage. Given the fight lasts that long.




Oh and btw carnage turned into a sub par spec in beta when they took away a 6 second cd force scream. Then it was on par with annihilation and the whole tree flowed much better. I've played the crappy spec in beta and it made me a sad panda it got kicked in the balls so hard.


Try, try, fail again.


I recommend you re-read my post starting with the word "Fury".


I'm also interested in how you think a ShiiCho Berserk matters to a Carnage spec. I'm sure that will be an entertaining read.

Edited by Paralassa
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Some sort of non-casted, non-channeled, ranged disable. Be it a force push, force pull, whatever. We are, as far as I know, the only class that doesn't have one and it's a massive disadvantage in a lot of situations.


Tack the Crippling Slash debuff onto Deadly Throw. That way our snare is on a cd, and we can use it when we actually really need it: at ranged, and it doesn't take us 4 (!) global cooldowns to get into range and reasonably debuff a target. Other classes are POURING damage into their targets beginning at GCD1, we have to wait until GCD4-5 to start actually damaging them in any significant way.


Tweak Annihilate so that it completely replaces Vicious Slash at high levels for Annihilation. Lower the damage and remove the cd, or something.


Make offhand damage matter, even if this means reducing mainhand damage slightly. We're the one true dual wielding class, and our offhand adds a puny amount of damage.

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as much as I would love a knockdown as a Marauder, the time that it would give me to unleash damage on someone who was knocked down or CC if we had one of those abilities would make the class far too overpowered.


I would defintely like a pull ability though, it means Marauders would not be useless in huttball

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It seems like the general consensus is that we really need either limited immunity to stuns and knockbacks or a way to overcome them (Force Pull). I still think we need a very slight boost to our damage, as evidenced by remaining health after battles in Carnage vs Annihilation, but it's definitely not as big to me as the aforementioned issue. Edited by mrHaterade
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I'm not sure what your problem with carnage spec is other than it's fury generation being dismally slow, i do just fine as carnage in pve scenarios. Started running HM ops as carnage for funsies.


So to explain again how it truly works, Ataru form procs an off-hand attack, so it's tacked on about a full second after your initial strikes. Your guy will do his main one-two strike, then follow up with a goofy left hand hit from the side (most easily noticeable with massacre ofc). If you don't wait for that hit(or get moved from range before it connects) then you're not going to get the ataru strike, bloodfrenzy buff and you definitely won't receive the guaranteed FS crit.


Also, accuracy plays a huge role with carnage... you should be stacking it to high hell, until DR makes your face hurt... I'm at 118.5% accuracy with force attacks and my offhand still only hits 80% of the time. THAT is what's hurting carnage the most, offhand accuracy.


Oh and that stupid ravage talent in tier 6... what a waste of space.

Edited by Vakyoom
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So to explain again how it truly works, Ataru form procs an off-hand attack,


No, no, to explain how it truly works: you have to stand inside of boss cleaves in order for the Ataru strike to actually go off on large hitbox bosses.


That is why Carnage is bad for PvE, PvP discussion aside.

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No, no, to explain how it truly works: you have to stand inside of boss cleaves in order for the Ataru strike to actually go off on large hitbox bosses.


That is why Carnage is bad for PvE, PvP discussion aside.


if you're getting cleaved you're doing it wrong. sorry, i dont get cleaved lol.


But that's why i don't pvp as carnage... it's all about the guaranteed damage as you sit stunned or slowed, other than extra carnage immobilizes there's no guaranteed damage like the bleeds.

Edited by Vakyoom
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it's all about the guaranteed damage as you sit stunned or slowed, other than extra carnage immobilizes there's no guaranteed damage like the bleeds.

You said you don't understand my problem with Carnage. This is it exactly. It's not on par with Annihilation. If Annihilation outdamamges Carnage plus has the extra survivability, then there's a problem. That's my whole reason for thinking Carnage needs more damage output.


P.S: If you'd read the whole thread you'd know all that. You'd also know that I used Carnage from Day 1 to my 40's and again after 50. And that it's still my favorite tree. We all know how Ataru tickles... I mean strikes work.

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Try, try, fail again.


I recommend you re-read my post starting with the word "Fury".


I'm also interested in how you think a ShiiCho Berserk matters to a Carnage spec. I'm sure that will be an entertaining read.


yeah i misread... i read it as rage the first time >.<.



I was talking about the amount of damage you could put out at the cost of gaining 1 rage every hit, oh hey an attack that does like 2k damage to 2 targets and builds resources...

Edited by Paralassa
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Sure you don't. You're probably missing a lot of Ataru procs as well.


Lol no, you can circle around the boss without getting pushed out of range... the bigger problem would be knockbacks or pummel or something.


As far reading the whole thread, i know you're gripes and problems with carnage spec and i've read the thread in all its various glory. I know youre not hating on carnage i just don't see a dps loss from pve to pvp, i only see a fury generation issue. Ataru form doesn't bug out for me and we're killing bosses faster, haven't upgraded gear in a week or so either.


Yes there are plenty of crappy talents that weigh down the tree with pvp stuff that doesn't help your dps against bosses but that doesn't mean there are major problems with ataru form strikes. I don't see the problem with the strike, sure it could do more damage but i just don't get those issues described. Sounds like a problem between the keyboard and the chair to me.

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I'm not a high level marauder, but i think that there's a talent which need to be reworked, because it lacks of synergy with the marauder mechanic : Cloak of Annihilation.


In theory it looks great, it allows to use Cloak of Pain not as a defensive tool, but as a full part of the gameplay, because it shortens the active CD.

But in fact that's not so great. Why ? Because if you're not in PvE & alone, it's useless.

In order to use Retaliation, we must parry or deflect, and first, our avoidance rate is not our priority, but that's not the main problem.

The main problem is that in most of the cases, we cannot use it for many reasons :

  • Group-PvE : we aren't supposed to take damage, so Retaliation can't be used in theory
  • PvP : here we take damage, but an half cannot be parried or deflected because of their nature (Tech/Force), and for the other half we have a low avoidance rate and ennemies can have some extra precision which can erase our avoidance.

So most of the time, in my case, i cannot expect Retailation to partially refresh the CD of Cloak of Pain and i keep it as a defensive tool, and when i got lucky to have Retaliation ready, Cloak of Pain isn't in CD. My training points are wasted.


So here my suggestions :

  1. Reverse the effect : change it so that when Cloak of Pain triggers, there's chances (up to 50%) to make Retailation immediatly usable and available for the next 4 seconds (as if we parried, CD erasing in bonus).
  2. Change the triggering effect : the talent could trigger on dot's crit (not only bleeding effects, Force Crush would work), but not more than 50% triggering-chance, it could proc too often, so maybe with an internal CD. This idea have the side-effect, to make this talent really interesting for annihlition specs, a bit interesting for Rage specs but not a great thing for Carnage specs.
  3. Mix to two previous suggestions : dot's crit would make Retailation usable, but without internal CD because Retailation's 3-rage cost is quite limiting itself. It has the same side effect as the previous proposal. The interest for Carnage specs can be higher than with proposition #2, thanks to the burst potential of Retailation (not affected by GCD)... But this has nothing to do anymore with Cloak of Pain, so the name Cloak of Annihilation would be odd !





If there are some oddities in my text that makes my message diffucult to understand, sorry, english isn't my native language.

Edited by Altheran
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I don't see the problem with the strike, sure it could do more damage but i just don't get those issues described. Sounds like a problem between the keyboard and the chair to me.

Don't be so hard on yourself, you'll get it in time. ;)



  1. Reverse the effect : change it so that when Cloak of Pain triggers, there's chances (up to 50%) to make Retailation immediatly usable and available for the next 4 seconds (as if we parried, CD erasing in bonus).

Excellent idea! By the way, your english is better than that of many Americans'.

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The 3 things I would like to see:


1: Blurred Speed and Close Quarters become tier 1 talents. (Every build would benefit from this as a way to counter all the knock-backs of other classes)


2: Ravage should generate rage at 1 rage per second. (If we are going to be rooted by its use, it should give this secondary benefit since more then half the time it will either get interrupted or knocked back part way through its channeling.)


3: Ataru Form should have a 40% chance to PROC instead of 20% (Gives Carnage a damage increase without obsoleting the other talent trees)



Just my 2 cents as a part time lurker ;)

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Our survivability is based on damage because the faster we can dispatch our enemies, the less damage we take. Annihilation has sustained damage and heals, Rage has increased damage and defense, Carnage only has damage. If Carnage isn't consistently doing more damage than the other two trees then what else does it have going for it?
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