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Bioware Wen are we gonna get more char slots?


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I stumbled across this ... nice.


From the Community Q&A yesterday:


Aymi: You guys are including a whole bunch of things to motivate us to reroll and unlock stuff through Legacy, but if I’m playing on one server because the community is great, I’ll be limited to eight characters. You said during the Guild Summit you were going to think about it at some point, any update on that?


Daniel Erickson: We are 100% committed to providing more character slots per server in the future but unfortunately we’re not ready to talk about how that will work.


Source: Community Q&A: Friday March 30th 2012: Game Update 1.2 Special


So, yeah, I'm going to guess that we won't be seeing it with the implement of 1.2. But, hey, it is coming. Hopefully sooner than later. I can live with that.

Edited by Dolcia
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I guess release in 1.2 was a forlorn hope. With a big release like that they probably had to draw the line somewhere. Vut it's good to hear that will happen at some point.


Once people really start to get into Legacy--and the devs seem committed to keep adding to it--those extra slots really need to come in with their next release, if not a point release.


They've already made considerable investment of design time into all that branching content. More slots are necessary to deliver that content.

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I guess release in 1.2 was a forlorn hope. With a big release like that they probably had to draw the line somewhere. Vut it's good to hear that will happen at some point.


Once people really start to get into Legacy--and the devs seem committed to keep adding to it--those extra slots really need to come in with their next release, if not a point release.


They've already made considerable investment of design time into all that branching content. More slots are necessary to deliver that content.


I completely agree. It definitely should be sooner rather than later. In my opinion, the added character slots are almost integral to what they're offering with the legacy system. I am very glad that they're listening and that they're committed to making it happen. Hopefully it will happen not too far after 1.2 - it will desperately be needed.

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I completely agree. It definitely should be sooner rather than later. In my opinion, the added character slots are almost integral to what they're offering with the legacy system. I am very glad that they're listening and that they're committed to making it happen. Hopefully it will happen not too far after 1.2 - it will desperately be needed.


Yes. I know it won't be coming with the release of 1.2, which means that many players like myself will have an agonizing wait until whenever the frell they do add more slots. During which time, these players can't make any more of the characters that they're ever incentivized to make or have come up with. (Already was over the eight-per-server limit before the game even released, myself.)

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I know everyone is asking for 16 character slots due to the legacy system, but that is considering the 8 classes. 4 Republic / 4 Imperial. What about considering the races into the equation. There are 9 races currently, so would it not be better to have 18 slots instead of 16. This is just my 2 cents. Either way I would like to see more character slots. Maybe you could earn a slot every time you got 1 or 2 characters to lvl 50. Or offer an in game store where you pay with real cash for points to spend on what ever you wanted which would include additional character slots.


Need more character slots per server!




character: Rhudabon

lvl: 50 Sage Healer

guild: Legend

legacy name: Triststraw

server: The Courageous

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I know everyone is asking for 16 character slots due to the legacy system, but that is considering the 8 classes. 4 Republic / 4 Imperial. What about considering the races into the equation. There are 9 races currently, so would it not be better to have 18 slots instead of 16. This is just my 2 cents. Either way I would like to see more character slots. Maybe you could earn a slot every time you got 1 or 2 characters to lvl 50. Or offer an in game store where you pay with real cash for points to spend on what ever you wanted which would include additional character slots.


Need more character slots per server!




character: Rhudabon

lvl: 50 Sage Healer

guild: Legend

legacy name: Triststraw

server: The Courageous


I would much rather pay real money for character slots than have to grind up characters to get them.

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Based on a simple estimate, there are 48 general paths through the game (and I have no idea how many specific decision choices).


For each faction: 2

for each of the "classes" : 4

for each subclass: 2

there's good, evil, neutral: 3


2*4*2*3 = 48.


I don't expect to be given 48 slots on an individual server, plus this doesn't even include other potential categories (i.e. greed regardless of good or evil).


I'd settle for the 16 in order to do each subclass on the same server. But it leaves open the questions for future expansions and added classes (they could give us 16 now and add more later when they add classes).

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Based on a simple estimate, there are 48 general paths through the game (and I have no idea how many specific decision choices).


For each faction: 2

for each of the "classes" : 4

for each subclass: 2

there's good, evil, neutral: 3


2*4*2*3 = 48.


I don't expect to be given 48 slots on an individual server, plus this doesn't even include other potential categories (i.e. greed regardless of good or evil).


I'd settle for the 16 in order to do each subclass on the same server. But it leaves open the questions for future expansions and added classes (they could give us 16 now and add more later when they add classes).


Instead of capping the number of characters that you're allowed to have per server (and I'm not even sure if this is possible ...), maybe it would be better to give each account a cap. Say every account gets 32 characters, as an example, and players can choose if they want to spread those across as many servers as they like or they can condense them onto a single server? Just a suggestion ...

Edited by Dolcia
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Instead of capping the number of characters that you're allowed to have per server (and I'm not even sure if this is possible ...), maybe it would be better to give each account a cap. Say every account gets 32 characters, as an example, and players can choose if they want to spread those across as many servers as they like or they can condense them onto a single server? Just a suggestion ...


I think that's the best way to do it, really.

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I think in order for the legacy system to work well we need more characters. 16 would be fine, but 32 would make my life. Someone else said earlier that bioware was known to have games that make you want to play the game over and over (especially Dragon Age 2). With only 8 slots, I'm sad that we don't have the opprotunity to do the stories again. Especially if you were an evil sith warrior and want to be a good one now, or you were a jug and now want to be a maurader.



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During the live stream of the guild summit, they clarified they have no intention of increasing amount of character slots in the near or not so near future.


Are you serious? That is....extremely disappointing.


I want extra character slots so badly that I would pay RL money for them, tbh. Eight character slots is just not enough for me.

Edited by belialle
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Are you serious? That is....extremely disappointing.


I want extra character slots so badly that I would pay RL money for them, tbh. Eight character slots is just not enough for me.


Don't believe it, belialle.


This is from the Q&A session posted on March 30, 2012:


Aymi: You guys are including a whole bunch of things to motivate us to reroll and unlock stuff through Legacy, but if I’m playing on one server because the community is great, I’ll be limited to eight characters. You said during the Guild Summit you were going to think about it at some point, any update on that?


Daniel Erickson: We are 100% committed to providing more character slots per server in the future but unfortunately we’re not ready to talk about how that will work.


Source: Community Q&A: Friday March 30th 2012: Game Update 1.2 Special


That doesn't really give us a time frame, true, but at least we know that they intend to make it happen. Like all the changes we're seeing in 1.2 that have come from feedback, I think we just need to continue to stress how important this is to us and our game play. Hopefully, with enough players behind it, we'll see it sooner rather than later.

Edited by Dolcia
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Already deleting characters with 2days+ time on so I can make characters to get all four buffs. 16 slots would be IDEAL! I also really support the idea of get a character to 50, unlock a slot. So for every 50 you have you get one more slot to play with! (which would result in 16 slots).


I don't want to pay for slots.

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They've said that they are going to do a combination of pay and grind with the legacy content, so why not give people that want to do so the option to pay for extra toon slots, while allowing people that don't mind grinding the opportunity to earn slots through the legacy system? Get a toon to 50, get a slot....cough up some cash, get a slot. Just put a limit to the max number of toons per server....Just my 2 credits. :D
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i agree on additional char slot , from 8 to 16.


however the system should be implemented like this :


- extra character slot only open if you already maximize your current 8 slot.

- extra character slot only open for certain legacy level , tiered according to your llegacy level

- extra character slot only open if all your toon is above lv 20 in the original 8 slot space.


so there wont be a wasteful use of server memory with ppl rolling lv1 alts as banks filling 16 char slot

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i agree on additional char slot , from 8 to 16.


however the system should be implemented like this :


- extra character slot only open if you already maximize your current 8 slot.

- extra character slot only open for certain legacy level , tiered according to your llegacy level

- extra character slot only open if all your toon is above lv 20 in the original 8 slot space.


so there wont be a wasteful use of server memory with ppl rolling lv1 alts as banks filling 16 char slot


I kinda like that. But I have a slightly better idea built off of yours. You know how you can purchase certain legacy things with in game credits? Well make it where you can purchase additional slots, say for 3mil credits apiece up to 8 additional slots. That way you can have the ability to take advantage of the legacy system from both sides, AND it would be a huge money sink that would help with the economy.


It would also prevent players from just making 8 new chars for the hell of it. Makes you earn them and take full advantage of the game.


I personally would love to have up to 16 because I would like to have one of each character. Considering I cannot have an imperial agent that has both operative spec and sniper spec that way I could have one of each. I dont know, I would really like the ability to have more then 8 characters. Especially with the Legacy system.

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I kinda like that. But I have a slightly better idea built off of yours. You know how you can purchase certain legacy things with in game credits? Well make it where you can purchase additional slots, say for 3mil credits apiece up to 8 additional slots. That way you can have the ability to take advantage of the legacy system from both sides, AND it would be a huge money sink that would help with the economy.


I say again, this is not an idea any company serious about it's business practices would even consider. Hell, why not let us just pay our monthly subscription with in-game credits while you're at it?


An extra character slot is a service provided by the company, not a virtual item with no otherwise measurable benefit.

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Bioware, please don't forget about this issue. It's very important to a lot of people.


16 character slots will open up a whoooooooooole neeeeeeeeeeew wooooooooooooooooooooorld(I'm sorry I had to do it) of legacy stuff to play with.


With 16 character slots, finally, we will be able to fully create a interesting legacy tree with a tremendous amount of options along with our own unique spin on our own legacy tree. When all said and done, when you are staring at your legacy tree, you will create your own story for each character you create and how they are related. Why put a limit to that?


Let the players explore both sides of each story and enjoy the romances they provide. Don't shackle us with 8 characters per server because it's not enough, we need more, 16 more to be exact.


This issue won't go away, it's bigger than you think and there are lot of people that want this to happen. If 16 character slots happen, great things will happen. Please don't keep us waiting.

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I kinda like that. But I have a slightly better idea built off of yours. You know how you can purchase certain legacy things with in game credits? Well make it where you can purchase additional slots, say for 3mil credits apiece up to 8 additional slots. That way you can have the ability to take advantage of the legacy system from both sides, AND it would be a huge money sink that would help with the economy.


It would also prevent players from just making 8 new chars for the hell of it. Makes you earn them and take full advantage of the game.


I personally would love to have up to 16 because I would like to have one of each character. Considering I cannot have an imperial agent that has both operative spec and sniper spec that way I could have one of each. I dont know, I would really like the ability to have more then 8 characters. Especially with the Legacy system.



I'd rather just pay another $50 for 24 slots. I'm not overly thrilled about the concept of using in-game cash for something like this. If it came to it, I'd probably just buy credits from someone via paypal if I had to in order to fund the slots.

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As large as this thread has become, I'd like to address you directly, Noxsabe , as the OP.


Would I personally like more slots? Yes. My current setup is having one of each base class, the two mirrored classes being of opposite AC's, as such:


Sentinel <-> Juggernaut

Sage <-> Assassin

Commando <-> Powertech

Scoundrel <-> Sniper


But if I was given more slots I'd definitely use them. I wouldn't mind trying the Trooper storyline with a Vanguard or the Consular storyline with a Shadow, even if not for a long time. I also have trepidations about the Family Tree feature in the expanded Legacy system-- unless it is entirely cosmetic and optional, I worry it might hurt folks like me who have already used up all their available slots-- and for me, since all my toons are a different race to boot, I can't see any two of them being brother and sister, for example!


I do chafe a little at your insistence that replies only conform to what you'd like to hear. Conversation threads like that tend to end up boring. If you're not prepared to defend your viewpoint against critics who couldn't disagree more with you, then they're not going to want to listen to a word you have to say.


Note that I said that I personally would use the extra slots if given them, and I'd certainly cast my vote to get them if a vote were taken. But do I think we NEED them so desperately that I'd ragequit the game in ten seconds flat, if Bioware announced tomorrow that eight slots per server was the absolute limit, no ifs, ands or buts? Hell NO. If Bioware DID say that, I wouldn't be HAPPY but I could definitely LIVE with it. More than eight is definitely what I'd like, but it's by no means what I NEED-- and for you to say why you NEED them so badly, I'd want to hear your reasons, AND for you to be ready for me to try to offer counterpoints.


All that being said-- I may not need them, and I wouldn't miss them if we didn't get them, but if we're voting on whether or not they'd implemented, I'd sure say by all means, give us some more. I'd put them to good use, sooner or later, haha :D

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in game credits, paypal, legacy requirements I don't really care which i just want my 16 slots :/ my main problem is the fact that i already have a lvl 50 scoundral and a lvl 50 gunslinger so i mean i wouldn't be able to get all of the legacy benefits if i were to do the 4 republic and 4 empirials now unless i reroll one of them.... and i don't really feel like rerolling a lvl 50. sorta a reason that i cancelled my account (in addition with school has me too busy) i was sad to think that i would have to reroll one of them to get all the legacy benefits Edited by Mechkeaton
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