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Bioware Wen are we gonna get more char slots?


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Ok i said it before and i'll ask again, wen are we gonna get more character slots, and i'm sure that i em not alone in the matter.

and i really really need more slots!! i started to delete my lower level to remake other class yet to want to play/make the class again i'v just deleted :/

The storys are so great i don't mind doing them more then once! anyways i'v link to a few other threads where people are asking more slots so i'm not the only one asking.


Please give us an Official statement (are we gonna get more slots or not?)


Summary of more Character Slots Threads :









- i don't want to see "use search function" as reply, clearly i did use search.

- don't dare to reply "making alts is not the mmo way" or similar reply, you don't like alts fine keep that info for your self.

- Oh and no "8 slots is fine" reply either please, clearly 8 slots is not fine look at all the threads on this forum. the cry's for more slots is obvious by now.


all other reply's welcome :D support this again to clearly make the point!

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16 per server would be awesome... Playing light/dark side of each class on each storyline is too much fun. Taking away my ability to gear up my alts/companions is not fun.


man i would be very happy if we get 16 slots in total :p at-least i'll be hooked to the game for years then :D

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i know in many other games increased character slots were not always possible just due to memory/server architecture. im not against it, and if enough people cry for it its even likely to happen, but i wouldnt be looking for it soon. this is the kind of change that you may see in the first expansion 1-2 years down the line.
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Not against the idea, shouldnt be any great technical limitation to have more per server. I would like to see it to keep players happy.


Off course there are a lot of servers you could start other chars on, but appreciate that may not suit (perhaps a workaround for now though?).


I actually didnt know of the limit till this thread! I play Republic on one server and Imps on another so havent reached the limit yet.


Perhaps the upcoming dual spec I keep hearing about may help too.

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Pretty sure I signed one of those other threads, so I'll sign this one too. I need more characters.


Cool thx again for your support!


If others have supported in other threads please give your support here again Thanks...


You don't have to reply much an "Vote +1" will do fine!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm pretty sure I posted in each one of those threads already. And yes, 16 slots/server would be perfect. Make it a microtransaction for all I care! I will play longer leveling 16 characters on 1 server than I would leveling 8 characters on 1 server. I simply refuse to play on multiple servers, I find that HIGHLY inconvenient.

1) You can't chat with your friends while playing on another server

2) Relogging server during a playsession takes more time than simply changing character (and while it hasn't happened lately, imagine switching character and ending up in a server queue!)

3) While I play on one server, I won't play on the other. So the slot to create characters on that server is taken but only half used. It would be more economically efficient if some other player occupied that slot and fully used it, instead of me only half using it. You'd be running 2 servers for me instead of only 1, Bioware!


As for reasons to play the same class twice?

-There are TWO Advanced Classes to each base class.

-Each class story has at least a Dark Side and a Light Side variation (some, if not all, actually have a neutral variation as well!)

-There are small variations to the stories depending on whether you're MALE or FEMALE.


Sure, the latter two reasons might not be interresting to standard MMO players. But they matter a LOT to Bioware fans! Bioware fans are notorious for playing the same thing over and over in all kinds of variations. So you want to encourage the Bioware single player fans to socialize and take part in the MMO aspects of this game, but at the same time force them to switch server for their alts, effectively reducing the opportunity to build any meaningful relationships with other peoples, because in an hour they might be on an entirely different server anyway? That's really counter productive, sorry to say.


And no, this wasn't even a rant. Just summing up some simple facts and statements.

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I'd like 16 slots, because I want to experience the different paths that the characters can go. Actually I am playing a twink Juggernaut to experience the light side of the Warriors story (it's great and the female voice is fantastic!). I already played a money-hungry Mercenary to level 50 and I hope I can play an honor-code Mandalorian-style Power-Tech, too.

But I don't want to change servers for my Republic adventures, which will need 8 more slots on the server.



Make it 2 x 8 slots, so the character-selection-screen won't screw up. Just having an icon for Rep' and Imp's above for the switch.

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Defineately need more slots. Without the legacy system I would have used 8 for Sith and then 8 on another server for Republic toons.


With this new system I will be using 8 on my current server for all toons. After that I guess the game will be over.


Wouldn't have been an issue without the legacy system, but since I now know about it there is no way I will be creating toons on another server without the benefiits.

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Just started a new character on a different server since the first one is full. With no legacy, of course.


The entire Legacy system really demands a significantly greater number of character slots than now. Say you are at 50 legacy in one server, but want to try another AC you don't have yet. Without any Legacy whatsoever.


The utter magnitude of lack of foresight in some basic fundamental issues like having more character slots to accommodate Legacy, or being able to recustomize your characters appearance as a way to compensate for the primitive and anemic customization options just baffles me.

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Ok i said it before and i'll ask again, wen are we gonna get more character slots, and i'm sure that i em not alone in the matter.

and i really really need more slots!! i started to delete my lower level to remake other class yet to want to play/make the class again i'v just deleted :/

The storys are so great i don't mind doing them more then once! anyways i'v link to a few other threads where people are asking more slots so i'm not the only one asking.


Please give us an Official statement (are we gonna get more slots or not?)


Summary of more Character Slots Threads :









- i don't want to see "use search function" as reply, clearly i did use search.

- don't dare to reply "making alts is not the mmo way" or similar reply, you don't like alts fine keep that info for your self.

- Oh and no "8 slots is fine" reply either please, clearly 8 slots is not fine look at all the threads on this forum. the cry's for more slots is obvious by now.


all other reply's welcome :D support this again to clearly make the point!

This was already covered in the guild summit this week.




(under Legacy section)


BioWare is not going to add more character slots.


Stop asking.

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This was already covered in the guild summit this week.




(under Legacy section)


BioWare is not going to add more character slots.


Stop asking.


Way back in the day they also said there wouldn't be same gender romance arcs in the game. The audience balked. They backpedaled. There will be same gender romance arcs now.


These are the suggestion forums. We'll keep asking.

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More character slots please! In know this was discussed in the Guild Forum, but how can we explore the game fully, esp with the new Legendary system if we only have 8 slots?


I am sure there are many of us that are willing to pay real money for more-good for us, good for EA's shareholders!


Come on, BW!

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More character slots please! In know this was discussed in the Guild Forum, but how can we explore the game fully, esp with the new Legendary system if we only have 8 slots?


I am sure there are many of us that are willing to pay real money for more-good for us, good for EA's shareholders!


Come on, BW!

If we're going to resort to talking about paying real $$ for more character slots...then can we also talk about paying real $$ for an auto-loot mechanism?? lol




(shameless link to own thread)

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I think 8 slots is only a MINIMUM of what there should be because of the legacy system! Seriously do you have more than 8 people in your family? I would think most people do when I consider myself, my siblings, kids, parents and grandparents I am looking at 11 just in my relatively close family even removing my grandparents i still have 9 so what give with onlly 8 character slots! WE NEED MORE LEGACY(FAMILY) MEMBERS!!!!!!!


Bioware I love the idea of the Legacy system it is a wonderful concept however if you do not allow an increased number of character slots you will be diminishing the system before it has been fully realized to its potential, I know everyone is like more slots more slots. Here is a comprimise, what if as part of your Legacy once you got to a certain level of your Legacy you would unlock more available character slots great idea right???


Here are the Highlights

---Players want more character slots (I am one of them)!

---Most peoples family tree "Legacy" is more than 8 people.

---How about unlockable additional character slots at certain levels of Legacy???


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We'll need more slots when 1.2 drops. With the ability to create characters, as races not previously available to certian classes, I want to roll a Pureblood Jedi, or Trooper. But I already have 3 lvl 50s, a lv 40 and 4 in the mid 20s. I'm really not wanting to delete characters just to reroll and take advantage of the new Legacy system.... Edited by Longshott
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There definitely need to be more character slots. They mentioned the possibility of legacy quests that need characters in both factions, but I have already split mine between two servers for lack of slots. I also assume there will be new races and classes in the future, so 8 is just not enough.
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