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Why as a healer I refuse to PVP


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Bonus commendations and valor are based off of MEDALS.


As a healer on my best game I can get 10. Worst game 5. Average 7.


As a DPS spec I get average of 14... High of 16+ My low is 10.


I am spec heals for my guild ops and I don't want to respec just to gain more valor. I don't see why healers should be punished for PVP. However my friends that PVP always want me to go with them because they need heals... I just don't see a point trying to advance in an unequal system.



************ On a side note ************

I don't see why players complain about healer being unkillable. They are just bad players. I have 18+k hp and I get 4 shot all the time. Sent/Mar jumps in and stuns. I pop out already have taken 8k. I insta cast static I take another 3k in actual dmg as static got some of it. I cast my one insta cat heal get 1.3k on a crit (this is due to the %30 healing reduction or it would be more) mind you I have taken 11k already. I pop inervant get 1.2 on a crit then before tick 2 it is interrupted. Then I take another 8k. If I live I start to cast another heal but never get it off. I get killed by one dps player all the time in less than 3 seconds.


******** However on the other hand ******


Sometimes a bad dps player that does not interrupt or stun gets on me and I heal minutes straight until help arrives. I see how that can be frustrating but it is just about skill at that point.


*********** Conclusion **********

Healers need to be able to get as many medals as a dps players can. Respecing to dps or hybid to gain medals hurts the others I play with because they need good heals.

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Stop lying. You don't get 14-16 medals as a DPS because there are only 16 medals in the game, and about 4 of them are healer only. On top of that about 4 are tank only.


As a tank I get 6-8 medals per game. As a dps I get 4-6. Healers get about the same. So simply stop lying.

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As a 16 Sniper, I can get 6 consistently. As a 38 Commando Healer, I get 5-6 if I actively try to strike a balance between DPS and healing or 3-4 if I focus on purely healing. Make of that what you will.


Personally, I think there need to be a couple more medals that healers have an advantage in getting but anybody can earn with sufficient effort (like the kills medals, which DPS can get easily, but healers have to go out of their way for).

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@ the OP learn to differentiate the difference between a tank and a dps when it comes to medals....a dps can get 6-9 medals depending on the game and how it is played average is usually 4 (2.5k, 75k damage, quick draw, 10 kills are assured medals, then the assassin medal and 25 kill medals happen occationally but isnt assured, then the 1k usual but not that usual then 3k from time to time...then there is the 300k medal which is rare) now....tanks can get all of those medals + and extra 3 from protection but in order to get the 12 medals they must be really lucky
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After 1000 matches average top medals in a warzone I see is usually 9-10. Keep in mind what average actually means. I've seen 12 I've seen 13 before. I've gotten 12 as a tank. No one averages that high. Welcome to the forums. If people are doing their best to win tanks have the best chance at top medals. Hell if you're playing properly and working together for a win no one should ever get a solo kill medal.


On that note if feel sorry for the healer I run with she has to bust her *** to get 7.

Edited by Fan_Atic
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i run in a group with a vanguard, a commando and a guardian (im a dps shadow). We all get the same amount of medals. 8-10. the vanguard and the guardian ive seen as high as 14. the commando has been as high as 12 and ive been as high as 13. but on an average length map, 8-10 for all members is pretty standard.


Dont think we need to change the medals for a select minority. though more medals are coming with the next tier of gear

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Stop lying. You don't get 14-16 medals as a DPS because there are only 16 medals in the game, and about 4 of them are healer only. On top of that about 4 are tank only.


As a tank I get 6-8 medals per game. As a dps I get 4-6. Healers get about the same. So simply stop lying.


First off there are 18 medals i the game, learn to know the game before starting to flame please.


(list of medals if you want to see)


Medic – 2.5k healing from a single heal

Demolisher – 2.5k damage from a single attack

Trauma Surgeon – 5k healing from a single heal

Anihilator – 5K damage from a single attack

Quick Draw – Getting a killing blow on one player

Combatant – Dealing 75k damage

Destroyer – Dealing 300K damage

Healer – Healing 75K

Savior – Healing 300K

Defender – Earning 1k Defender Points

Warden – Earning 3k Defender Points

Assassin – Killing a player in a one-on-one fight

Shield – 5k Protection

Protector – 50K Protection (thanks meatballz/adlarn)

Guardian – 2k Protection since last death

Paladin – 10k Protection since last death

Commando – Killing 10 enemy players

Soldier – Killing 25 enemy players



Secondly to all the people saying that many medals is impossible, no it is not, in theory a assasin/the mirror can get ALL medals(18), i have never seen this happen irl, but i have seen a screenshot of a dude with 17 medals.


Thirdly I agree 100% with op, the medals system is unbalanced, i have made a thread with a few suggestion on how to improve the balance.


p. s. I will say though that such a high average that op is suggesting is exceedingly high, i don't believe him either tbh.

Edited by Forthehonor
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Secondly to all the people saying that many medals is impossible, no it is not, in theory a assasin/the mirror can get ALL medals(18), i have never seen this happen irl, but i have seen a screenshot of a dude with 17 medals.


Thirdly I agree 100% with op, the medals system is unbalanced, i have made a thread with a few suggestion on how to improve the balance.


I don't think an assassin can get either of the medals for large single heals anymore now that medpacks and shockfrozen water don't give credit as heals. Additionally, it would be VERY unlikely that they could get the 75k healing medal and pretty much impossible to get the 300k healing medal.


Otherwise, a pure DPS class still wouldn't be able to get more than 10 medals, because 4 of the medals are for healing and 4 of the medals are for tanking.

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I've found when healing that the lack of medals are 'usually' made up for with a WIN (bonus valor) AND MVP votes (more bonus valor).


Don't be so damn short-sighted OP.


This is as incorrect as what the OP said.


The MVP votes that went to the guy farming medals with 400k dmg don't make up for the fact that the healer is sitting with 3 medals while *contributing*.


It's more like this.


A well played tank that is actually trying to get medals should average 8-12 per round.


A well played DPS that is trying to get medals should average around 6-8 per round.


A well played healer who is trying to get medals will get 3-5 most rounds.


The point is this, why are they rewarding people with extra valor and comms for ignoring objectives and farming medals, but they only extend that reward to DPS and Tanks, while healers don't even really have the choice on whether to farm medals or simply contribute normally?


In short: the medal system is poorly thought out and poorly implemented, not surprising considering the state of PvP in this game. :)

Edited by Celebrus
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I've found when healing that the lack of medals are 'usually' made up for with a WIN (bonus valor) AND MVP votes (more bonus valor).


Don't be so damn short-sighted OP.


Everybody on the team gets the win, so why be the chump getting screwed out of valor? Most of the time, the healer only gets 2-3 MVP votes (at best), which is worth about half of what a medal is worth (1 MVP=0.2 Medals).

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This is as incorrect as what the OP said.


The MVP votes that went to the guy farming medals with 400k dmg don't make up for the fact that the healer is sitting with 3 medals while *contributing*.


It's more like this.


A well played tank that is actually trying to get medals should average 8-12 per round.


A well played DPS that is trying to get medals should average around 6-8 per round.


A well played healer who is trying to get medals will get 3-5 most rounds.


The point is this, why are they rewarding people with extra valor and comms for ignoring objectives and farming medals, but they only extend that reward to DPS and Tanks, while healers don't even really have the choice on whether to farm medals or simply contribute normally?


In short: the medal system is poorly thought out and poorly implemented, not surprising considering the state of PvP in this game. :)


a healer that is going for medals is healing and dpsing so they would get more than 5 medals: 2.5k heal 75k heal 75k damage quick draw assassin (since they are farming medals and is well played) 10 kills 25 kills and maybe even the 1k/3k defender....now a healer doing its job gets 3-5 medals.....but your right about the other 2

Edited by jonnyshadow
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