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Seeking Competitive Guilds


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My guild Matchless is scanning the talent around all servers to see what guilds are out there giving people a direly rough time. Are there good guilds on your server? We are trying to get a headcount from all servers. Please help us find out. We want to know so that we can find out whether to recruit guilds to come to our server or transfer off if transfers are made available.



Don't think we are what we are named? Come seek us on my stream, talk PvP with us, talk the future with us, play against us!


all you have to do is go to this link or look at my signature.

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Sith, the two I know of are RIP & Galactic something (can't remember the rest of the name.)


Republic we have Warpath, Critical Failure, & Synergy I believe Synergy is a PvE focused but they have some decent pvpers.


Those are the ones I see all the time, there may be more.

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I've pvp'd my toon from 10 to 49 and have pugged all the way. I have to say, that of all the republic guilds on Tomb Of Freedom Nadd server, A russian outfit called Ad spring to mind immediately. i have been fortunate enough to tag onto a few of their premades in the 10-49 bracket, my opinion, was they were highly organised and skilled.


If i could speak Russian, i'd apply to guild in a heartbeat !!


Of course, my opinion means absolutely nothing ;-)


I am sure there are dozens of highly skilled pvp orientated guilds on my server, but in that bracket, this particular guild stand out for me!


I'd like to tag onto a Desun premade too sometime, they were skilled pvpers on Chimmy (SWG) i see a few knocking about fleet from time to time !

Edited by Talluin
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Saber of Exar Kun has a small guild called Gluten-Free Gaming. Comprised of a Conqueror Marauder, Sorc Healer and a PT who is awesome, and a few others I have not met. Other than that idk any other really good people. The guild I mentioned are a small guild of friends who have PvPed over the years but they are awesome. Wait Powerr you know Stmp XD nevermind Edited by Naethion
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vulkar highway i have a small group of multi-time gladiators. we are around 70 valorish at the moment. its only a handful of us but we will have enough to do rated wz if its 8 people, and we plan to do it!


the server itself was quite terrible for republic in the early days as we kept getting 6v8 starts in wzs and ilum was also bad but recently for whatever reason we are doing much better. i think this is a combination of more people rerolling republic, gear gap being bridged, and we now have enough 50s that we dont start 6 v 8 anymore. i am pretty proud of the turnaround. we actually had 50+ people in ilum this week and were camping the imps, which is the first time its happened on our server


warzones i'd say republic has developed a real strong core here. we didnt' have many quitters and I think our dominance of warzones has gotten a lot of people to reroll and others to develop good habits. like i said i do premades mostly, but even when i solo queue in my experience we win a majority of games (at least 3/4)




in any case, good job vulkar republic!

Edited by bicuspid
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thanks for the replys lets keep them coming. I know STMP yes, not sure if he knows me as he acts like he has no idea when I am watching his stream. He is a good player but I havn't seen him play in a full pre-made I don't believe.
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thanks for the replys lets keep them coming. I know STMP yes, not sure if he knows me as he acts like he has no idea when I am watching his stream. He is a good player but I havn't seen him play in a full pre-made I don't believe.


Yeah, its more like a loose group que. I'm sure he could do well under a true pre-made circumstance. Other than him I'm from Crucible Pits, and the only large guilds there are Dara and Ruin.

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Yeah, its more like a loose group que. I'm sure he could do well under a true pre-made circumstance. Other than him I'm from Crucible Pits, and the only large guilds there are Dara and Ruin.


Understandable, although, large guilds are 99% more than likely not competitive and don't have competitive players, otherwise they would not be in a large guild

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Understandable, although, large guilds are 99% more than likely not competitive and don't have competitive players, otherwise they would not be in a large guild


Dara is a competitive PvP Guild, however they have a really bad attitude.... most of them do. If I could stand the east coast lag I would come over. Maybe sometime this summer. Goodluck with finding the competition.

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Dara is a competitive PvP Guild, however they have a really bad attitude.... most of them do. If I could stand the east coast lag I would come over. Maybe sometime this summer. Goodluck with finding the competition.


ahh cool, see you on stream :)

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