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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

This game is TWO MONTHS old.


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However this game is not Wow and expecting it to have the same features and play like Wow is NOT realistic. there is not one game on the market that has the amount of endgame content or features that Wow has.


Everquest I


There will be many years before WoW offers that much endgame content, Everquest 1 does.

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time?? to do what exactly?? patch in things that should have been there from the start


I don't give a rats *** what wow was like at launch, that was 7 years ago, I care about wow today, vs this game today, it doesn't deliver, they had 5 years to see what were the basics of mmos, what was considered standard, they didn't live up to it, and you say give them time?? way to enable the mediocre game to stay mediocre



You ppl just QQ you want everything 100% perfect ! mate this game is 2 month old mmo's become better and better with time each patch they add new content new options so just enjoy the game and wait for the new patches , you will see what i'm talking about after a year or few month's .

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You ppl just QQ you want everything 100% perfect ! mate this game is 2 month old mmo's become better and better with time each patch they add new content new options so just enjoy the game and wait for the new patches , you will see what i'm talking about after a year or few month's .


Where did I say perfect??? I didn't, when people complain about the game, most people go on about well at launch of this other game it was worse blah blah, you release a game TODAY it better be ready to compete with the current genre that is out there, because YOU WILL BE COMPARED to current date and time, they had 5 years, 5 years to see what others had done, and were doing or were going to do in the future

they seemed to have not paid attention to much, and were just having nerdgasm's over the voice acting, that gets old and boring after you hear it for a minute, then you space bar thru it all

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To everyone:

You can't compare an MMO to a new car

You can't compare an MMO to a new single player game

You can't compare an MMO to an MMO that has been out for 7 years.

You can't compare an MMO to anything that it has been compared to.



That is all.

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Where did I say perfect??? I didn't, when people complain about the game, most people go on about well at launch of this other game it was worse blah blah, you release a game TODAY it better be ready to compete with the current genre that is out there, because YOU WILL BE COMPARED to current date and time, they had 5 years, 5 years to see what others had done, and were doing or were going to do in the future

they seemed to have not paid attention to much, and were just having nerdgasm's over the voice acting, that gets old and boring after you hear it for a minute, then you space bar thru it all


They have had 5-7 years of development MONEY. DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE CONCEPT OF MONEY? EA will NOT give BW money for development until TOR itself MAKES MONEY. Why can't you people understand that.

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To everyone:

You can't compare an MMO to a new car

You can't compare an MMO to a new single player game

You can't compare an MMO to an MMO that has been out for 7 years.

You can't compare an MMO to anything that it has been compared to.



That is all.


And why ?


Whay cant i compare "an MMO to an MMO that has been out for 7 years." ?

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I love this game do not get me wrong. I believe it has a lot of potential but you can not ignore the 800l b gorilla sitting in front of you. That is lack of features in game. Guild banks, movable ui, combat log, character creation is weak, etc... I think they would have some if not all these features in game. I know a lot of us complained during beta on this.
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Where did I say perfect??? I didn't, when people complain about the game, most people go on about well at launch of this other game it was worse blah blah, you release a game TODAY it better be ready to compete with the current genre that is out there, because YOU WILL BE COMPARED to current date and time, they had 5 years, 5 years to see what others had done, and were doing or were going to do in the future

they seemed to have not paid attention to much, and were just having nerdgasm's over the voice acting, that gets old and boring after you hear it for a minute, then you space bar thru it all


They add something new in mmo's , for the first time i really enjoyed leveling on a mmo and i'm sure when you release a rpgmmo game you would focus on leveling then in the next upcoming patches you focus on end game content, that's the article point , that is my point


Support the game and i'm sure they will add gr8 pvp/pve content just how they made leveling so gr8 and fun .

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Didn't they spend over 100 MILLION TO MAKE THE GAME???


And how much has WOW made? OH at LEAST a billion dollars, considering subscription numbers from the last few years. So yea, you can't compare an MMO that has been out for 7 years and another that has been out for 2 months.

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And how much has WOW made? OH at LEAST a billion dollars, considering subscription numbers from the last few years. So yea, you can't compare an MMO that has been out for 7 years and another that has been out for 2 months.


Plus guys how big is blizzards bank roll right now.

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And how much has WOW made? OH at LEAST a billion dollars, considering subscription numbers from the last few years. So yea, you can't compare an MMO that has been out for 7 years and another that has been out for 2 months.


From the customers point of view you can, and you do.


If i spend 15,- per month for one game and the same for another. I will do it for the "better" one. And then it simply doesent matter how long a game is out. 2 Month, 2 years or even 10 years.


Almost every time, if there are 2 things for the same price, you take the better one (Exceptions applies).

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From the customers point of view you can, and you do.


If i spend 15,- per month for one game and the same for another. I will do it for the "better" one. And then it simply doesent matter how long a game is out. 2 Month, 2 years or even 10 years.


Almost every time, if there are 2 things for the same price, you take the better one (Exceptions applies).


And thats a fair point of view from the customer perspective. But the point still stands. WOW has 7 years of experience and a ton of R/D money behind it. To be honest, BW should have spent more money on the game and not as much on the actors. I love the story but they could have left out some of the voice parts. JUST MY OPINION. But again, WOW has more money and more development time to iron things out. IT IS NOT EASY TO MAKE AN MMO WORK. Many have come before us that have failed. Horribly. This one is not doing too bad right now. At all. For 2 months in, it's FAR better than STO, LOTRO or even WOW ever was. And yea.. i was there for all three ;)

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And thats a fair point of view from the customer perspective. But the point still stands. WOW has 7 years of experience and a ton of R/D money behind it. To be honest, BW should have spent more money on the game and not as much on the actors. I love the story but they could have left out some of the voice parts. JUST MY OPINION. But again, WOW has more money and more development time to iron things out. IT IS NOT EASY TO MAKE AN MMO WORK. Many have come before us that have failed. Horribly. This one is not doing too bad right now. At all. For 2 months in, it's FAR better than STO, LOTRO or even WOW ever was. And yea.. i was there for all three ;)


Dont get me wrong, i play swtor, and i like it. But not everyone is a.) an SW fan or just done with WoW. If you start an game new, the first thing i said applies. You play the "better" one.

Bioware has to keep this in mind. And i dont talk about endgame.



A new MMO MUST keep the player busy the first month (And IMHO SWTor does), so they start the subscription. It's an old rule, if players stop playing an mmo, they rarely come back.


The Problem i have with swtor are stuff like the interface, which is really crappy. I tried today to play with an resolution of 3960 x 1050 and know what ? he STILL closed the third window i opened even if there are tons of space to the left and right. Thats a no go, together with not moveable frames.

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I like how these fanbois only see the development time in terms of WoW's advantage over SWTOR. As though the TOR devs couldn't have seen WoW's development and learned from it.


SWTOR should have more features at release than WoW did in 2004. Otherwise what would be the point of new games? Do fanbois even know what logic is? The problem isn't that SWTOR doesn't have everything WoW does. The problem is that SWTOR has issues that should have been resolved long, long ago.

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I like how these fanbois only see the development time in terms of WoW's advantage over SWTOR. As though the TOR devs couldn't have seen WoW's development and learned from it.


SWTOR should have more features at release than WoW did in 2004. Otherwise what would be the point of new games? Do fanbois even know what logic is? The problem isn't that SWTOR doesn't have everything WoW does. The problem is that SWTOR has issues that should have been resolved long, long ago.


I never said there were not issues. Ever. Point to my post and tell me where i said that "SWTOR has not issues". Ok, now that that's over with, you can go back to telling me things i already know. Yea, there are always issues that need to be addressed in an MMO. EVERY MMO. EVERY DAY OF EVERY MMO THERE WILL BE AN ISSUE. SOMEWHERE. SOMEONE WILL FIND AN ISSUE. Deal? I do agree that BW did mess up with not putting enough money into fixing bugs that should have been fixed. Deal? Ok, now carry on.

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I hate that game. Good try though; it's cute that you think I care what you think of me.


Sure, we can play our sad violins for the developers because launching an MMO is so difficult and they deserve the benefit of the doubt. We should throw our money at them because they deserve it. We owe it to them for having put themselves out there to bring us this slice of heaven called TOR.


The reality is that I--and I assume many others--only have the time and money to invest in one MMO at a time. So we have to pick and choose which is most appealing...


Put TOR up against any current subscription-based MMO and its foundation begins to falter. I'm not at all claiming that TOR is a bad game, but I am suggesting that other games are a better value you for your money on the basis that they provide more... stuff to do.


Is it not a fact that there are other MMOs that are more polished and provide more content than TOR? Rhetorical question. Your insistence on using the "it's a new game" argument proves to me that you realize other games are more polished and offer more content.


So since you're arguing in defense of the developers and the game, give me some reasons why I should spend my money here and not on any other game?


EDIT - I love that when anyone brings up TOR's competition, but does not name names, the defense squad always brings up WoW. Yet in the same breath, they're the first to shout at you if you do compare the two...


After reading your post, I've came to the conclusion that you are a .... "bit behind the curve" in certain areas. Yea, that was nice enough.


Its pretty simple and I'll lay it out for you im simple words.


No game launches with the amount of content they will have 5+ years down the road. None. Zero. Zilch. Nada.


WoW launched with just as many raids as this game has. It launched with just about the same number of 5 man dungeons this game has. Rift launched with less than TOR and WoW did.


WoW gives you more content and "stuff to do' because its close to a decade old than being out of release. You cannot compare a game just released to that of one thats been in the market for ages.


Compare the following :


Vanilla WoW

Rift at launch

TOR at launch

AoC at launch

SWG at launch (el oh el)

Any other AAA at launch


Guess what? Its ahead or equal in the content department over every other MMO that has came out in the last 10 years at launch. And guess what? While you are qqing, you are still here, paying for the game or you wouldn't be posting.

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Dont get me wrong, i play swtor, and i like it. But not everyone is a.) an SW fan or just done with WoW. If you start an game new, the first thing i said applies. You play the "better" one.

Bioware has to keep this in mind. And i dont talk about endgame.



A new MMO MUST keep the player busy the first month (And IMHO SWTor does), so they start the subscription. It's an old rule, if players stop playing an mmo, they rarely come back.


The Problem i have with swtor are stuff like the interface, which is really crappy. I tried today to play with an resolution of 3960 x 1050 and know what ? he STILL closed the third window i opened even if there are tons of space to the left and right. Thats a no go, together with not moveable frames.


Oh i agree. The UI SUCKS and it really pisses me off to no end that i can't move windows around. But BW has said that they are looking at it for 1.2. So, ill hold out until 1.2. If it's not in 1.2 THEN i can unsub. And THEN i can come on to the forums and say they aren't doing anything. But before that, i can't. They ARE doing stuff to fix the problems people have. Are they doing it fast? Nope. Could be much faster. But they are working on it. Which is nice to hear.

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I like how these fanbois only see the development time in terms of WoW's advantage over SWTOR. As though the TOR devs couldn't have seen WoW's development and learned from it.


SWTOR should have more features at release than WoW did in 2004. Otherwise what would be the point of new games? Do fanbois even know what logic is? The problem isn't that SWTOR doesn't have everything WoW does. The problem is that SWTOR has issues that should have been resolved long, long ago.


1. Your signature is beyond old. More relevance please. Get with the times mang.


2. You don't have to be a "fanboi" to see that arguments from you and others are as shallow as a glob of spit on the ground.


3. I agree that TOR should have things like a equipment manager, dual specs, combat log, and movable / scaling U.I. It doesn't but some of the missing items are being implemented in a months time.


4. Sure, bioware can look at another game and say man it would be nice to have that, but this doesnt mean Blizzard is going to say "hey guys, here is our code, go use it in your game!". The developer's still have to implement the changes. TOR offers things that a lot of other games don't have. While they are missing many features, they still have some unique ones that others dont.

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What gets me is that you all compare this game to others forgetting a few facts along the way :


1) They had TONS of successful or mostly successful MMOs to look at , and find what people liked about them.


2) They had the cash to implement it.


3) They had a team that supposedly had experience.


4) They failed miserably on 1-3.


This isnt 2001 here folks. For the amount of Time and Cash they had I expect competence in design. They didnt deliver.


Now you can argue everything all you want, but it just makes you look like a bunch of morons. The game is heavily flawed, plays like 2002 console , and has the lasting appeal of decaying food. And yes. Its 2 months old.

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What gets me is that you all compare this game to others forgetting a few facts along the way :


1) They had TONS of successful or mostly successful MMOs to look at , and find what people liked about them.


2) They had the cash to implement it.


3) They had a team that supposedly had experience.


4) They failed miserably on 1-3.


This isnt 2001 here folks. For the amount of Time and Cash they had I expect competence in design. They didnt deliver.


Now you can argue everything all you want, but it just makes you look like a bunch of morons. The game is heavily flawed, plays like 2002 console , and has the lasting appeal of decaying food. And yes. Its 2 months old.

SO what you're saying is, it looks pixilated, can only be played at 1024X768, you can see maybe 4 or 5 people around you before you start lagging horribly and doesn't have HD graphics? Cause that's what the games from 2001 really are like. Want me to go back with you? Stop trying to sound smart, because i was there back in 01 playing those games, hunny. I can tell you what those games were like. Some of them were awesome. They looked awesome back then. Going back now, they look like crap, play like crap and have the architecture of crap. Need i go on?

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The OP is full of holes HOWEVER (<---- big however). WoW is irrelevant on many levels, not the least of which WoW released when the tech was a few advances ago.


The OP doesn't address issues with regard to the fundamental design approach itself. The most critical of these is, by its structure it doesn't lend itself well to community, or group play. Four-man groups with no companions isn't patchable. It's intended design.


The calibration of credits vs skills purchase is off on la la land. The list has a magnitude that begs for an extensive reworking of the game's fundamental underpinnings....server density...making the barn too big at the outset diluting the player base - rooky mistake, but corporate in nature.


This game requires so much work it's more than doubtful the professional and corporate mentality can remove the blinders...yes, patch after patch after patch we get there...but not with most of this.


See you in Guild Wars 2 (hopefully they won't be so short-sighted.)

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What gets me is that you all compare this game to others forgetting a few facts along the way :


1) They had TONS of successful or mostly successful MMOs to look at , and find what people liked about them.


2) They had the cash to implement it.


3) They had a team that supposedly had experience.


4) They failed miserably on 1-3.


This isnt 2001 here folks. For the amount of Time and Cash they had I expect competence in design. They didnt deliver.


Now you can argue everything all you want, but it just makes you look like a bunch of morons. The game is heavily flawed, plays like 2002 console , and has the lasting appeal of decaying food. And yes. Its 2 months old.


Yeah, eight hundred people, six years, and two hundred million is a "smidge" more than any other mmorpg I can recall coming anywhere close to having. On all counts.


I wouldn't say they failed miserably though. Subscription numbers have not plummeted anything like they have in many other mmorpg's by this point. At worst they just made some poor design decisions, in my opinion.

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SO what you're saying is, it looks pixilated, can only be played at 1024X768, you can see maybe 4 or 5 people around you before you start lagging horribly and doesn't have HD graphics? Cause that's what the games from 2001 really are like. Want me to go back with you? Stop trying to sound smart, because i was there back in 01 playing those games, hunny. I can tell you what those games were like. Some of them were awesome. They looked awesome back then. Going back now, they look like crap, play like crap and have the architecture of crap. Need i go on?


Actually yes , yes you do. I could give a rats arse about the graphics quality of the game, and lemme tell YOU sugar, this games graphics aint all that. Lag? hell read more , this game has lag as well, but again, LAG aint what we are talking about.


EQ1 , with all its flaws, beat the crap out of this game, flat out. Even with a book in your face, corpse runs and combines that didnt combine.


So yeah , tell me how the LOOK of a game makes up for crappy design? Flawed implementation ?

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