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Ilum Armaments


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I'm not sure if this has been discussed before but i personally find the armaments (or lack of) in Ilum to be an annoyance. It's fair to say that the purpose of Ilum is to provide an open world pvp area, but on my server, as with most others, the imperial faction grossly outnumbers the republic thus rendering this area largely void of action. That aside, the only way to complete the daily/weekly PvP quests is to collect armaments.


Is there a reason why, in what is supposed to be an MMO, there are roughly 15 spawns that have a relatively long respawn timer ? I am told they respawn once per minute but with so many players trying to collect them it is difficult to gauge. Why also does only the person looting the armament gain credit ? Could we please add more armaments to the area or make collection of an armament credit a group as a whole ? Pretty please ?


As it currently stands it can take hours to collect 30 armaments and it is not fun driving in circles around the same area. I know no-one is forcing me to do this quest but i am working towards the champion set and will take commendations anyway i can get them, especially when considering my luck with the champion bags (near 30 opened and no sign of an unassembled item).

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for the last time. ITS NOT ABOUT YOU! Its about the game/bioware and keeping you out there. If everyone could find their arms in 5 minutes.. there would be ZERO fighting on Ilum.


Last time I'm posting this. Until new content is added, EVERYthing is working as intended and it's just fine in most people's opinions. And no, you people who will inevitably post below bi($@ching about PVP are not the majority, no matter how many times you post.

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So your post makes you the majority, oh ok. All I hear is people ************ about having to run circles for 30 minutes a day in 1 small area. I don't hear them say, "OMG this is awesome I love the change from flipping bases"... to me that makes the people ************ the majority. Perhaps your server is different, who knows.


I would much rather see the implementation of more pvp quests and objectives to fill the zone. Armaments at one battle site over an entire zone like that is just wasting space. Put armaments at each battlefield, randomly on the map, and fill the map with objectives.


2 weekly and 2 daily pvp quests is a joke and everyone knows it. Give us more and give me a reason to return to Ilum and stop making alt after alt instead.

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for the last time. ITS NOT ABOUT YOU! Its about the game/bioware and keeping you out there. If everyone could find their arms in 5 minutes.. there would be ZERO fighting on Ilum.


Last time I'm posting this. Until new content is added, EVERYthing is working as intended and it's just fine in most people's opinions. And no, you people who will inevitably post below bi($@ching about PVP are not the majority, no matter how many times you post.


If this dribble is any indication of your average posting then perhaps stop posting altogether. I was simply asking for peoples opinions on the matter and if it had already been discussed you could of been courteous and said so. I am well aware this game is not about me and i never said anything to the contrary.


For the record i enjoy the PvP in this game. I am only collecting the armaments because there is already close to zero fighting on Ilum because of the faction imbalance (which is no ones fault).

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for the last time. ITS NOT ABOUT YOU! Its about the game/bioware and keeping you out there. If everyone could find their arms in 5 minutes.. there would be ZERO fighting on Ilum.


Last time I'm posting this. Until new content is added, EVERYthing is working as intended and it's just fine in most people's opinions. And no, you people who will inevitably post below bi($@ching about PVP are not the majority, no matter how many times you post.



If they want to keep people out there then they need to fix the lag, but since this is BW and they make single player games I don't think they can fix it.


GW2 is almost here!!!!!!

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So your post makes you the majority, oh ok. All I hear is people ************ about having to run circles for 30 minutes a day in 1 small area. I don't hear them say, "OMG this is awesome I love the change from flipping bases"... to me that makes the people ************ the majority. Perhaps your server is different, who knows.


I would much rather see the implementation of more pvp quests and objectives to fill the zone. Armaments at one battle site over an entire zone like that is just wasting space. Put armaments at each battlefield, randomly on the map, and fill the map with objectives.


2 weekly and 2 daily pvp quests is a joke and everyone knows it. Give us more and give me a reason to return to Ilum and stop making alt after alt instead.


I agree with your suggestions about the need for more PvP quests and objectives in this area, they are good ideas.

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for the last time. ITS NOT ABOUT YOU! Its about the game/bioware and keeping you out there. If everyone could find their arms in 5 minutes.. there would be ZERO fighting on Ilum.


Last time I'm posting this. Until new content is added, EVERYthing is working as intended and it's just fine in most people's opinions. And no, you people who will inevitably post below bi($@ching about PVP are not the majority, no matter how many times you post.


There already is zero fighting on Ilum. It's just people running around to gather their armaments. There's zero incentive to do anything else there except for a buff for a little extra valor from warzones.

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The issue with making them spawn faster, and the quest completion easier, is it will just make the disparity between the factions in PvP that much worse. Imps will end up with an extra champ/bm bag every day with little effort while republic players will more or less be shut out of ilum like they are now. Edited by Noleader
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The spawn time is nearly instant - a friend and I have sat alone at Ilum late at night and observed it. At any one time there are two or three armaments in the area. Once you pick one up, the box stays for a few seconds and then despawns. At that point, one appears elsewhere.


What this means is that if there are more than 2-3 people doing laps, it can be ages before you see one. It also means that if you stand on top of one of the spawn points and camp it, it'll spawn relatively regularly and you can almost guarantee you'll get it.


So it's not about upping the spawn timer, so much as upping the number of maximum concurrent spawns. That may also require adding a few spawn points to the map, however, to stop them popping in one place too regularly (and thus making the camping of them even more profitable.)


While the ideal situation is a complete overhaul of Ilum from the ground up, I think a good temporary fix would be to assign "Ilum points" to various activities. For example, pick up an Armament = 1 point, kill a player = 10 points, retake a cap = 2 points. Then add a timer where every two hours there will be 15 minutes of +500% valor (stacks with other valor bonuses) so everyone's there at once. Since it's hugely more "profitable" to kill people than flip bases or farm armaments, people will likely go for that option during the +500% time. It's not a perfect idea but I'm just trying to think of something they could implement relatively quickly without needing a lengthy redesign :)

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I do understand that the arms crates are devs way to keep us on Ilum and PvPing. None the less I find it to be a poor ideea and I would like to see a better one. Top of the hat would be to give each player that is in southern, central, northern zones 1,2 or respectively 3 / 3 minutes armaments for each zone his faction controls as long as that faction controls central. But BW might not like this as they will lose control of the absolute number of armaments handed out in a unit of time because the number would be dependable on how many players are in those zones.


Well, many of the players see Ilum as a "must to do, no fun" task per day since the feeling of a true war-zone, with a shifting front and tactical maneuvers, is absent. If BW brainstorms an idea that would give the players that feeling Ilum might be a fun place to hang out as a PvPer. Oh, and not on topic but, they should find some solutions to the performance issues that plagues the area.

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To me, a reasonable way to have fighting in ilum, and less frustration with the armaments would be to have every point you control spawn the armaments. That would encourage us to have more points, would allow for fighting, and allow the republic to actually do their quest. I realize there is a valor buff for points controlled but since it drops after one warzone it's really not that great of a reason to fight for anything but middle unless you are bored. As it stands now, Ilum is not at all about fighting the opposing faction for empire, it's about fighting empire for boxes while doing a 2 hour nascar run. For the republic, it's working a bit more as intended as they have to form an ops group and come fight in the middle, but at that point armaments aren't how they are completing the quest. I would love it if ilum was all about fighting in a warzone atmosphere similar to wintergrasp. I do have a caveat to that, however, Ilum needs to be about 50% the size or our speeders need to have a hell of a speed buff. It's hard to respond to an attack on one of your control points when it takes 5 minutes to get there.
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  • 2 weeks later...
So your post makes you the majority, oh ok. All I hear is people ************ about having to run circles for 30 minutes a day in 1 small area. I don't hear them say, "OMG this is awesome I love the change from flipping bases"... to me that makes the people ************ the majority. Perhaps your server is different, who knows.


I would much rather see the implementation of more pvp quests and objectives to fill the zone. Armaments at one battle site over an entire zone like that is just wasting space. Put armaments at each battlefield, randomly on the map, and fill the map with objectives.


2 weekly and 2 daily pvp quests is a joke and everyone knows it. Give us more and give me a reason to return to Ilum and stop making alt after alt instead.


I agree too man . I hope the bots notice this post and do something about it.

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