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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Healers unbeatable solo


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Healers on their own are fine... the problem I find (mostly because a lot of the pub premades i hit against are swarming with tanks n healers) are that because of the way pvp works the amount to kill them increases exponentially rather than linearly to the point that enough coordinated healers simply means people don't die.

1 healer isnt to bad 1v1. Doable but often takes way to much time (which in a WZ often means others have joined in and gang stomped you)

Tank + healer is a little trickier but still doable 2v2

Healer + Healer is stupidly ridonkulous to kill based on the way interrupts, resources and resolve works (you can only stop part of 1 healers healing and have to try and outdps what he does cast, 2 healers = good luck)

Tank + 2 healers requires suddenly 6-7 damn people to kill.

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You're right, when I'm playing my scoundral healer...I feel unkillable. I've had scoundral dps attempt 7-10 times in a single voidstar to kill me, only to fail every time even though I didn't have guard. I've had several people jump on me to try to burst me, only to escape and pop up somewhere else 10 seconds later spam healing my team again. When i'm playing my heal spec...I feel like I can't be beat.


On the other hand, when I play my Vigilance Guardian, Advanced Prototype BH, or Scrapper DPS spec (ALL melee dps...) I feel like healers don't stand a chance. They typically won't last longer then 10 seconds with me dps'ing them with ANY of my dps classes. It would seem like they just fall apart, as if they didn't even have a chance against me. My guardian starts out with a couple gentle taps to build some force, leading to them pondering if i'm a threat, then when I have full force I burn consumables and blow them up. My AP BH needs no build up time, I yank them to me, into a hazard if possible, but not needed and go into a burst dps rotation where they typically take of running hoping to outrun my dps to no avail. My scrapper...well, they can nerf the class, but they can't nerf me. My shoot first isn't really a threat, but by stacking power > crit > surge my back blasts crit 4.5-4.7k so they end up running around a lot, but it's only a matter of time before they have to stop to heal themselves (no gap closer is a pain...but if they are moving, they aren't healing themselves or others) in which case I can easily outdamage their healing.


My opinion...all you whiners that complain about healing...it's a L2P issue because even with my vigilance guardian and AP BH which people tell me aren't very good pvp spec's, I have 0 issues dealing with healers.


Are you also Batman?


I'd really love to see some screens of your magical 4.7k Back Blasts honestly as i actually doubt you can reach that damage even on a char with all his gear slots empty while stimstacking with expertisebuff

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the problem is, that the sorc is hard to beat because of three different heals. Even if you interupt one, the healer is healing himself with the next heal + static to avoid next damage.


It is not a healer problem it is a problem of the sense of interupt and the three different heals on the sorc/sage

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the problem is, that the sorc is hard to beat because of three different heals. Even if you interupt one, the healer is healing himself with the next heal + static to avoid next damage.


It is not a healer problem it is a problem of the sense of interupt and the three different heals on the sorc/sage



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OP are you even 50?!? The way you talk it sounds like you are still leveling. If this is the case ***? Go level somewhere else or go do some wz's or go do some fp's. At level 50 as sorc heals in all champ gear if I fight a melee in all champ gear I can't just stand there and heal myself while I lightly dps and kite them. It's a tough fight, and if they actually pay attention to what heals I'm casting and interrupt the right ones at the right time they can take me down with out to much effort. You have more then 1 interrupt and you need to pay attention to their resolve bar.
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the problem is, that the sorc is hard to beat because of three different heals. Even if you interupt one, the healer is healing himself with the next heal + static to avoid next damage.


It is not a healer problem it is a problem of the sense of interupt and the three different heals on the sorc/sage




Why is this so hard for dps classes to understand? I started as telekinetics/balance dps hybrid and I did fairy great damage overall. Healers are harder to take down as that's the name of their game. I respecced since the repub seemed short of Champion healers. But that's the point, survivability is their whole bread and butter.


Without the extra heals we get from going into that tree, what would you like us to have? A friggen picnic? "Here, you can have 2 heals like your dps counterpart, and when you get to the top of the healing tree, you get a high five."


I think not. This game is quite balanced. Get to 50, get to full Champ/BM gear, then come back to this thread.

Edited by JiUasp
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IMO, given two equally geared players, it comes down to having the right class/spec and making sure you interrupt/lockout the right spell. If you don't have the right skills and/or you just interrupt every time you see a cast bar without knowing what they are casting then you're more likely to end up with an unkillable healer.
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imo, given two equally geared players, it comes down to having the right class/spec and making sure you interrupt/lockout the right spell. If you don't have the right skills and/or you just interrupt every time you see a cast bar without knowing what they are casting then you're more likely to end up with an unkillable healer.



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I disagree with this thread...


Why. Simple.


A fully spec'd healer, if completely figured for Defence. Cannot do much damage, and cannot kill an opponent.


Yes we can survive for ages, but for heaven sake... why can't that be okay with you people. We can't hurt you?!


If a Healer is killing you and outhealing your damage, its because you are under-geared.


An equally geared enemy, can easily break down a Healers defences. It just takes longer than other players... and rightly so.


For Heaven sake, you people would have Healers absolutely useless if you had your way. We already get little reward for our healing efforts.


Leave healers alone, you love them when they heal you....

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To kill 2 healers at once you have to separate them. Force push is good for this, also another thing I like to avoid is filling someones resolve bar. So don't use any unneeded cc. One example is I dont let force choke tick the full amount. I also like to save it for when they are at less than 30 percent. Once you got one low, aoe slow and punt. The other wont be able to get close enough to help. You wont be successful everytime, but you can win. At the very least you have tied up two healers, still a win in my book.


Remember if you get rid of the bubble fast, they cant rebubble for 20s.


oh yeah last time I checked, I dont remember ever dying to two fully spec'd healers.

Edited by Sexi-wan
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It is not hard to take down a healer if you are a Sentinel/Marauder alone and you are using your abilitys to their full extent. It is not hard for a Shadow/Assasin to disable the healer from healing his team mates on his own.


Even if healers have 5 heals only 4 of them would be in use when you fight him/her alone.


Inervate/Healing trance, Resurgence/Rejuvenate, Dark Infusion/Benevolence Purge/Cleansing Mind.



Of these four you can interupt 2 and the best one to aim for is Healing Trance.


Both Rejuvenate and Purge are instant casts very small heals while Rejuvenate is heal over time Restoration gives you a small heal as it purges negative effects.


The area off effect heal will not come into play unless the Sage/Sorcerer wants to use it as a JACK. ;)


So basicly when you interupted the healing trance you should then go for choking the Benevolence that comes after Rejuvenate. Now the healer is about to get neutralized. You canceled two heals that could have saved his life but even canceled two heals that could have keept his team mates up. Its time to go in for the kill.

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Currently healers are simply unbeatable as a solo melee class.... MIANLY sages/sorcers that have that channeled heal that gives ridiculous amounts of health back, can knockback, bubble and 10 other defensive ways


The damage we do on healers is outhealed easily for specced healers and you can barely put them under 40% before losing your own powerpool if you are not a force user with 500 force or focus mechanic...


Their damage might be weak but they are immortal since sages cant die from your damage and have a lot of force to use compared to the limited powerpool classes like (assassin,op,bounty,sniper etc)... If you manage your powerpool well then you cannot do enough damage since they can outheal it in a second and have more time to do damage on you since oyu cant heal HAHA....


They can also even use consumables and be even more immortal than usual...


interrupt doesnt help since you may stop the good channeled heal but they are just going to spam their other 2-3 heals for slightly weaker effect and still survive AND USE THE CHANELED HEAL IN 4 SECONDS while you cant interrupt them....


Stuns or cc make them even more godlike since they can pull of a high heal if you have already used your cc breaker in the first attempt to cc>heal...



In short, healing needs to be reduced in this game to balance things out...


You don't use interrupt do you?

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And for fun...when theres a few sorcs/sages in a WZ...check score after wards and medals earned...at least 200k dmg and at least 200k heal and also the 2.5k crit heal/dmg.


its just not fair for the pure dps who can only farm half the medals....fix this unbalance asap..


the combo of great dmg and great healing is very bad for the game itself.

Edited by Friakin
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I honestly don't understand this weird rage towards healers now ...


You need them to be able to outheal DPS otherwise they would be utterly useless and you would gimp them ... which would end in noone using a healer spec in pvp (and that also would affect pve ... since noone wants to repsecc all the time)


And if the healer has to heal himself because you as dps bash the **** out of him, he is practically disabled ... so regardless if you can kill him in a reasonable time or not you are already helping your team, since the heals that would go to tank classes or other dps are now used to keep the healer alive.



Also a good dps can and will kill a healer ... it just takes some time and/or some well timed interrupts.

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an nice balance thing would be to massivly nerf the heals gotten from several healers in pvp...



so that having alot of healers wont be a guaranteed win.




heals from one healer is good 2 is great....3 a little bit better ...no diff.


currently a healer can pvp-tank 3-4 dps'ers and heal himself through it...that does the job for the rest of the healers team pretty easy

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Why is this so hard for dps classes to understand? I started as telekinetics/balance dps hybrid and I did fairy great damage overall. Healers are harder to take down as that's the name of their game. I respecced since the repub seemed short of Champion healers. But that's the point, survivability is their whole bread and butter.


Without the extra heals we get from going into that tree, what would you like us to have? A friggen picnic? "Here, you can have 2 heals like your dps counterpart, and when you get to the top of the healing tree, you get a high five."


I think not. This game is quite balanced. Get to 50, get to full Champ/BM gear, then come back to this thread.


I have no problem with healers. I play an operative as a healer and I have my instants and I am running around and heal myself like mad. I am fine with healers and healing.


But the most people write: interupt... That does not help against a good healer. That's all

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an nice balance thing would be to massivly nerf the heals gotten from several healers in pvp...



so that having alot of healers wont be a guaranteed win.




heals from one healer is good 2 is great....3 a little bit better ...no diff.


currently a healer can pvp-tank 3-4 dps'ers and heal himself through it...that does the job for the rest of the healers team pretty easy


LOL No they can't.

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Currently healers are simply unbeatable as a solo melee class.... MIANLY sages/sorcers that have that channeled heal that gives ridiculous amounts of health back, can knockback, bubble and 10 other defensive ways


The damage we do on healers is outhealed easily for specced healers and you can barely put them under 40% before losing your own powerpool if you are not a force user with 500 force or focus mechanic...


Their damage might be weak but they are immortal since sages cant die from your damage and have a lot of force to use compared to the limited powerpool classes like (assassin,op,bounty,sniper etc)... If you manage your powerpool well then you cannot do enough damage since they can outheal it in a second and have more time to do damage on you since oyu cant heal HAHA....


They can also even use consumables and be even more immortal than usual...


interrupt doesnt help since you may stop the good channeled heal but they are just going to spam their other 2-3 heals for slightly weaker effect and still survive AND USE THE CHANELED HEAL IN 4 SECONDS while you cant interrupt them....


Stuns or cc make them even more godlike since they can pull of a high heal if you have already used your cc breaker in the first attempt to cc>heal...



In short, healing needs to be reduced in this game to balance things out...


There are SO many things wrong with your synopsis of how a Jedi Healer works it is laughable.


FIRST: There is already a 30% heal debuff given in PvP when healing


SECOND: If you are a DPS class beating away on me then I am focusing FULL EFFORT in healing myself which means A) I am not DPSing you therefore no chance for YOU to die B) I am not able to heal others around me


THIRD: YOU can use the same consumables we can so thats an empty argument.


FOURTH: Once we run out of force power THATS IT. We will not heal as fast anymore so ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS WAIT IT OUT.



WE ARE NOT DPSING YOU! You are getting free hits in. You are not in a DPS vs DPS battle you are in a DPS vs force battle. IN ANY MMO the key to beating a healer 1 vs 1 is depleting their action/mana/force pool to nothing. Once you understand this the better you will do. Stop crying because you can't kill them in 4 seconds.

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It is not hard to take down a healer if you are a Sentinel/Marauder alone and you are using your abilitys to their full extent. It is not hard for a Shadow/Assasin to disable the healer from healing his team mates on his own.


Even if healers have 5 heals only 4 of them would be in use when you fight him/her alone.


Inervate/Healing trance, Resurgence/Rejuvenate, Dark Infusion/Benevolence Purge/Cleansing Mind.



Of these four you can interupt 2 and the best one to aim for is Healing Trance.


Both Rejuvenate and Purge are instant casts very small heals while Rejuvenate is heal over time Restoration gives you a small heal as it purges negative effects.


The area off effect heal will not come into play unless the Sage/Sorcerer wants to use it as a JACK. ;)


So basicly when you interupted the healing trance you should then go for choking the Benevolence that comes after Rejuvenate. Now the healer is about to get neutralized. You canceled two heals that could have saved his life but even canceled two heals that could have keept his team mates up. Its time to go in for the kill.




As a healer, I approve this message. I've been easily destroyed by this plan of action many times. Pretty much once you have a sage in your grasps, after using the tactics above, you should be able to decommission us. We are ony wearing underpants for crying out loud!

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Currently healers are simply unbeatable as a solo melee class.... MIANLY sages/sorcers that have that channeled heal that gives ridiculous amounts of health back, can knockback, bubble and 10 other defensive ways


The damage we do on healers is outhealed easily for specced healers and you can barely put them under 40% before losing your own powerpool if you are not a force user with 500 force or focus mechanic...


Their damage might be weak but they are immortal since sages cant die from your damage and have a lot of force to use compared to the limited powerpool classes like (assassin,op,bounty,sniper etc)... If you manage your powerpool well then you cannot do enough damage since they can outheal it in a second and have more time to do damage on you since oyu cant heal HAHA....


They can also even use consumables and be even more immortal than usual...


interrupt doesnt help since you may stop the good channeled heal but they are just going to spam their other 2-3 heals for slightly weaker effect and still survive AND USE THE CHANELED HEAL IN 4 SECONDS while you cant interrupt them....


Stuns or cc make them even more godlike since they can pull of a high heal if you have already used your cc breaker in the first attempt to cc>heal...



In short, healing needs to be reduced in this game to balance things out...


Healers are just as durable as they are in WoW. This is not something new. Why do they do it? Cus most healers are EMO baddies who failed at dps and rolled a healer to be OP anyways. When they can't survive a few dps on them they cry non stop on forums. Whatever though, we are used to it from other mmo's. Now the guard/taunt mechanic on top of that? Pants on head you know what...


SWTOR is like WoW with EZ mode ranged class with autoface (minus slinger/sniper whom are about as hard as a ranged WoW class). Healers that are even harder to kill. No diminishing returns and a broke resolve system where you can stunlock from ranged and the more of one dps class you bring (cough hybrid spec sorc/sage) the better you do.


It can all be fixed, but will it be fixed before pandas come out and everyone leaves? I don't know.


The devs seem really hard headed and clueless. The playerbase is primarily made up of one class who just calls you bad and tells you to l2p and whom will go ape@$^% when hybrid specced/sorc sages and heal specced sages/sorc are nerfed.


I intend to play long enough to tell them to all to l2p and QQ noob you got nerfed and I will take great delight at them trying to roll sentinels and marauders. Expect to see a lot of "this class is too hard" posts. Past that? Meh. Game needs a lot of work. Will give it a chance but...I am not going to look past all the idiocy that this design team has shown and continues to show.


The decisions on balance have been heavily biased and it is obvious what class most of the devs play. Hint. When dual spec comes out they will be able to switch between the best warzone dps and the best healer...LOL...


The fact they don't think resolve is broken shows they are all playing ranged. Maybe if they faced a team with 8 sorc (including hybrid and healers) and were subject to 8 stuns a minute, knockbacks as the only melee on the other team (everyone is just rerolling sage/commando on republic as well) that isn't just a guard bot for a healer?


They might see how broken this game is. Resolve doesn't seem broken when you are standing 30 yards away, have an interupt and noone plays melee in this game. You have 100 percent uptime as ranged minus interupts (commandos and mercs don't have one), so the knockbacks in addition to all the stupid cc isn't a big deal. It might seem like it actually works...


Blah blah yeah I lead dps on my sentinel, blah blah I can do more on a sage with a MUCH easier playstyle while half trying blah blah. I am bad you are good. Blah blah.


This forum is mostly sorc/sages who don't want nerfed so who cares what they think anyways. Enjoy sorc wars with a commando/merc alt and a dying game if this crap doesn't get fixed.


I could care less. Story/leveling was great. Already completed it. PVP? Horrible. I can play "that other game" for pvp, so they better fix their crap.

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Currently healers are simply unbeatable as a solo melee class.... MIANLY sages/sorcers that have that channeled heal that gives ridiculous amounts of health back, can knockback, bubble and 10 other defensive ways


The damage we do on healers is outhealed easily for specced healers and you can barely put them under 40% before losing your own powerpool if you are not a force user with 500 force or focus mechanic...


Their damage might be weak but they are immortal since sages cant die from your damage and have a lot of force to use compared to the limited powerpool classes like (assassin,op,bounty,sniper etc)... If you manage your powerpool well then you cannot do enough damage since they can outheal it in a second and have more time to do damage on you since oyu cant heal HAHA....


They can also even use consumables and be even more immortal than usual...


interrupt doesnt help since you may stop the good channeled heal but they are just going to spam their other 2-3 heals for slightly weaker effect and still survive AND USE THE CHANELED HEAL IN 4 SECONDS while you cant interrupt them....


Stuns or cc make them even more godlike since they can pull of a high heal if you have already used your cc breaker in the first attempt to cc>heal...



In short, healing needs to be reduced in this game to balance things out...


Scoundrels/Imperial Agents/Marauders/Sentinels can quite easily kick the everliving crap out of healers. I have a friend who is a shadow and all he does is targets the best healer in the group, gets behind them in stealth, "saps" them (come on it is), then when they break it stuns them and slaps the hell out of them.


Healers are easy to kill if you know what you're doing, and that's the point... it should be hard to kill well geared good players, and certain classes should have a hard time against specific other classes and be better against others.

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