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Healers unbeatable solo


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Currently healers are simply unbeatable as a solo melee class.... MIANLY sages/sorcers that have that channeled heal that gives ridiculous amounts of health back, can knockback, bubble and 10 other defensive ways


The damage we do on healers is outhealed easily for specced healers and you can barely put them under 40% before losing your own powerpool if you are not a force user with 500 force or focus mechanic...


Their damage might be weak but they are immortal since sages cant die from your damage and have a lot of force to use compared to the limited powerpool classes like (assassin,op,bounty,sniper etc)... If you manage your powerpool well then you cannot do enough damage since they can outheal it in a second and have more time to do damage on you since oyu cant heal HAHA....


They can also even use consumables and be even more immortal than usual...


interrupt doesnt help since you may stop the good channeled heal but they are just going to spam their other 2-3 heals for slightly weaker effect and still survive AND USE THE CHANELED HEAL IN 4 SECONDS while you cant interrupt them....


Stuns or cc make them even more godlike since they can pull of a high heal if you have already used your cc breaker in the first attempt to cc>heal...



In short, healing needs to be reduced in this game to balance things out...

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healers are fine, with all my CDs and a bit luck i can take em down solo (focus guardian).

i know on WZs u dont have ur CDs up all the time, but your not supposed to solo kill a healer on WZs, that would destroy their purpose

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i play a sage healer, and i pvp a lot..


I can understand your frustration but i must add that the kiting and running away aspect your saying here is not the same as "getting beaten in a 1v1 situation"



In a fight to death you would probably win. but in WZ environment we simply try go get away from melee so we can heal. wich in itself is a win for you.. the less time we spend healing others because we have to run and heal ourself the more you gain the upperhand.



PVP is a bit more complex than YOU vs ME.

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I solo healers np

lol, I see you never fought a healer 1 v 1, especially sages who will just use one of their other heals if interrupted- I'd like to see anyone try to 1 v 1 a healer on our server, once they get BM gear/Rakata they are pretty much unstoppable unless you got 3 guys on them.

Edited by Manigma
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It takes them a while but a good maurauder can kill me no problem. Undergeared ppl can just be ignored as I can just put up dots and heal through them. Healers should not be able to be solo'd. If you are Hitting/interupting/cc'ing a healer they r not healing any1 else, hence you have just taken them out of the game.


You said it yourself, they are healing themselves while you are trying to kill them, THEY R NOT JEALING ANY1 ELSE.


2 good skilled players will take me down pertty fast, and 3, I have no chance.


Working as intended.

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I don't think healing needs to be reduced, but I do think the players who spec deep into a damage tree should have the tools to take down a healer.


The sniper/gunslinger should have a healing reducer, and the dps trees should have an attack that increases cast times or drains the targets resource pool.

Edited by MrHotter
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ok I do agree that sorc's do very well as healers, but then talk about that particular class alone, dont say "healers need a nerf" cause trooper/BH healers are sure as hell not invinsible. Don't call for a "general healer nerf" when its not needed ..kkthx
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It takes them a while but a good maurauder can kill me no problem. Undergeared ppl can just be ignored as I can just put up dots and heal through them. Healers should not be able to be solo'd. If you are Hitting/interupting/cc'ing a healer they r not healing any1 else, hence you have just taken them out of the game.


You said it yourself, they are healing themselves while you are trying to kill them, THEY R NOT JEALING ANY1 ELSE.


2 good skilled players will take me down pertty fast, and 3, I have no chance.


Working as intended.


oh ye i forgot, i am supposed to run away of healers since i cant do anything to them unless i bring my guild to take them down like a raid boss...


Also marauder at least has a BLOODY HEALING REDUCING SKILL... other classes only have an interrupt that is useless against sages since they can switch heals since they have 3-4


Also healing theirselves usually saves them since someone by that time has already came and saved them or their dots ate all your health....

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Since they can't kill you just leave them alone...walk away from the fight and let them play in their sandbox alone. No one is making you fight them.


What would be stupid is sticking around and loosing when your could have gotten away. They will eventually wear you down if they are trying.


Go find a buddy and get him later if your the vengful type. :D


Edit: you can beat them if they are trying to beat you...but you have to interupt them...but if they are only using their heals then just leave the fight.

Edited by Hadlis
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Since they can't kill you just leave them alone...walk away from the fight and let them play in their sandbox alone. No one is making you fight them.


What would be stupid is sticking around and loosing when your could have gotten away. They will eventually wear you down if they are trying.


Go find a buddy and get him later if your the vengful type. :D


actually it is... ever heard of open world pvp which pretty much stops your leveling if there is a class like a sage healer that is immortal


ok I do agree that sorc's do very well as healers, but then talk about that particular class alone, dont say "healers need a nerf" cause trooper/BH healers are sure as hell not invinsible. Don't call for a "general healer nerf" when its not needed ..kkthx


i just did it to catch mroe peoples attention... sages/sorcers are the mian overpowered healers

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Since they can't kill you just leave them alone...walk away from the fight and let them play in their sandbox alone. No one is making you fight them.


What would be stupid is sticking around and loosing when your could have gotten away. They will eventually wear you down if they are trying.


Go find a buddy and get him later if your the vengful type. :D


Edit: you can beat them if they are trying to beat you...but you have to interupt them...but if they are only using their heals then just leave the fight.


If you ignore a healer in a warzone you will never kill anyone else either. Any healer that could keep themselves alive while being beat on by a DPS class will have no problem keeping another player up who has the chance to hit you back.


When I play a healer I like to kite 3-4 people while keeping myself alive. It sure helps the team win when you have a train of guys trying to kill you while the other 7 guys get to do objectives with little resistance.

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I can only assume you are playing a tankspecced Guard/Jugg and considering you dont even know how many heals Sage/Sorcs have... yeah


A respectable melee with decent gear has no problem harassing a healer so much he has to stop healing his team and focus on himself, so you are helping your team winning the WZ, whats the issue again here?


Oh, that you want to kill everyone solo, right

Do us a favor and play some CoD for the istant gratification you so badly need

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Currently healers are simply unbeatable as a solo melee class.... MIANLY sages/sorcers that have that channeled heal that gives ridiculous amounts of health back, can knockback, bubble and 10 other defensive ways


Please list all 10 defensive ways of healers not including bubble and knockback...

or are you just making stuff up?

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You're right, when I'm playing my scoundral healer...I feel unkillable. I've had scoundral dps attempt 7-10 times in a single voidstar to kill me, only to fail every time even though I didn't have guard. I've had several people jump on me to try to burst me, only to escape and pop up somewhere else 10 seconds later spam healing my team again. When i'm playing my heal spec...I feel like I can't be beat.


On the other hand, when I play my Vigilance Guardian, Advanced Prototype BH, or Scrapper DPS spec (ALL melee dps...) I feel like healers don't stand a chance. They typically won't last longer then 10 seconds with me dps'ing them with ANY of my dps classes. It would seem like they just fall apart, as if they didn't even have a chance against me. My guardian starts out with a couple gentle taps to build some force, leading to them pondering if i'm a threat, then when I have full force I burn consumables and blow them up. My AP BH needs no build up time, I yank them to me, into a hazard if possible, but not needed and go into a burst dps rotation where they typically take of running hoping to outrun my dps to no avail. My scrapper...well, they can nerf the class, but they can't nerf me. My shoot first isn't really a threat, but by stacking power > crit > surge my back blasts crit 4.5-4.7k so they end up running around a lot, but it's only a matter of time before they have to stop to heal themselves (no gap closer is a pain...but if they are moving, they aren't healing themselves or others) in which case I can easily outdamage their healing.


My opinion...all you whiners that complain about healing...it's a L2P issue because even with my vigilance guardian and AP BH which people tell me aren't very good pvp spec's, I have 0 issues dealing with healers.

Edited by Xippin
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Use your stuns, knockbacks, pulls, as interrupts--not just your "kick". Healers CAN be soloed, you just have to play smart. You can't just sit there and expect to dps people down all the time in PvP, you have to use tactics. Sages/sorcs are fine. If anything, other healers could use a little buff. If someone is in full BM gear and outplaying you, they deserve to kill you if you are in quest gear/partial centurion. Please don't beg for nerfs when you just need to step up your game.
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HAHAHAHHAHA man you CLEARLY have no idea what i am talking about since like i said interrupting doesnt work against healers... reread the op and interrupt section before talking plz


You are simply a bad player. Interrupts DO work on healers, in fact interrupts OWN sorc/sage healers. You just have to learn what to interrupt. Regardless, without guard a competent dps will still do more damage than a sroc/sage can heal over time. It will just take longer to kill them if you are a button mashing moron that doesnt interrupt/cc.

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You are simply a bad player. Interrupts DO work on healers, in fact interrupts OWN sorc/sage healers. You just have to learn what to interrupt. Regardless, without guard a competent dps will still do more damage than a sroc/sage can heal over time. It will just take longer to kill them if you are a button mashing moron that doesnt interrupt/cc.


lol obviously you have never faught a specced healer that didnt suck xD

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If you ignore a healer in a warzone you will never kill anyone else either. Any healer that could keep themselves alive while being beat on by a DPS class will have no problem keeping another player up who has the chance to hit you back.


When I play a healer I like to kite 3-4 people while keeping myself alive. It sure helps the team win when you have a train of guys trying to kill you while the other 7 guys get to do objectives with little resistance.


The op is not talking about WZ's....he is talking about 1vs1 match ups...in a wz there is always a few buddies around to help out.

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The op is not talking about WZ's....he is talking about 1vs1 match ups...in a wz there is always a few buddies around to help out.


ye 1v1 in open world is also a problem but wz is another...and in case you havent realised those ppl with you in warzones they are not your buddies, they are random internet people that dont know you at all and wont even attack healers if they dont see them...

So seeing the healer and trying to stop him yourself is pointless since you cant solo them and noneone else sees them


in before you say shout to the chat about the healer because its a fact that msot people do read the chat and act upon it xD

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lol, I see you never fought a healer 1 v 1, especially sages who will just use one of their other heals if interrupted- I'd like to see anyone try to 1 v 1 a healer on our server, once they get BM gear/Rakata they are pretty much unstoppable unless you got 3 guys on them.


The point of PVP is a team effort. You should not be soloing a healer in an attempt to kill them, you should be working with at least one other person to keep them busy so they can't heal others. Put the pressure on them = buying your team time/wins.


I'm a sage healer and let me tell you, I run out of force OFTEN, because we don't die, our force is gone within a few minutes of steady healing and then its time to either noble sacrifice (which also takes our life down each use) to gain force, or run away, break combat and meditate. You don't seem to realize that we specced specifically for those "2-3 other heals" while you were speccing for damage. What we lack in damage, yes, we have to make up for with our ability to stay alive during your attacks. Logic much?


It's a sacrifice we make for the good of our team. Perhaps if you took a more team oriented approach in PVP, you'd be victorious more often. Focus fire healers, problems solved.

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Because you cant kill healer 1v1 they should nerf them? You dont want any healers in pvp at all do you? Just because some pug dunno who to focus etc doesnt give you right to make some spec useless....btw healers are not OP....hybrid dps sorcerer is easy mode vs healer sorcerer...
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