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Some Die Fast Yet Others Seem Immortal


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As a PvP player I have noticed some Sent/Mara seem are easy to kite and kill while others take +3 players a good minute or two to down, the variance is massive!


This one Mara takes down +3 players before dieing, another dies before even hitting a player lol I don't get it.

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If they are watchmen/annihilation spec, ie the dot spec that lets them heal like a motherFer, then yah they are hard as heck to take down. If they have all their CDs too, its like slamming your head against a wall.


I came across one the other day as a tank, he ate me alive in huttball, and i barley got him to 85%. Trick is to not let them get to their target! not dots, no heals!

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As a PvP player I have noticed some Sent/Mara seem are easy to kite and kill while others take +3 players a good minute or two to down, the variance is massive!


This one Mara takes down +3 players before dieing, another dies before even hitting a player lol I don't get it.


Maybe the one who killed 3 people had guard and was being healed, and had all defense cooldowns up, while the others didnt get a heal and were not guarded were undergeared and were rage spec.

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Im a watchman sentinel, really crazy burn damage + slow on target, makes it almost impossible to run away from me... sorcs see me and go around...

even killing a batttlemaster asssasin/shadow tank spec isnt a big prob with all thier shields and immunity.

Snipers can mess things up for me... they can hit preetty hard but still everything depends on your skill and choices according to situtation.

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I notice sometimes for whatever reason people tend to leave us alone and focus on taking out others, not just healers either. That or people start running away. Personally after the healers I would go right for the sent/maras. a well played sent/mara can apply so much pressure I know i don't want them beating on my team/healers - because I sure blow theirs up ;P On top of that if you space/ use your defensive's appropriately then you are also extremely hard to kill quickly.
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Well, it depends on the person's character (toon/avatar). Assuming there is no exploiting or cheating happening staying alive for a short time against large amounts of damage isn't impossible.


  • Cloak of pain = 30 seconds of heavy armor (20% increase to kinetic and energy damage) and 20% increase in resistance to internal and elemental damage.
  • Predation = 10% increase to ranged and melee defense.
  • Undying rage = 5 seconds of 99% damage resistance vs all types (Rage talent: increase damage resistance of Undying rage by an additional 2%)
  • Force Camouflage = 4 seconds of stealth that boost movement speed by 50% for the duration (Annihilation talent: 100% damage reduction during force camouflage)
  • Obfuscate = reduce targets accuracy by 90% for 6 seconds.
  • Then of course there is saber ward = 50% increase to defense chance and 25% damage reduction against force and tech attacks.


(all of this is in the scenario that our mara is trying to stay alive not so much kill stuff at this particular moment.)


So a geared marauder that doesn't panic sees they are about to be focused. They pop Force camo, Unleash, Predation and run or at least try to get away.


Failing that they pop cloak of pain and use a medpack.


Then with cloak of pain about wear off they use obfuscate and saber ward. If they are biochem they will be using a defense increase adrenal.


If they don't get help before saber ward ends then they use Undying rage and stay standing another 5 seconds.


Then die.


So if the marauders you are fighting are geared (not panicked by being focused) and popping defense ability combos in an order such as this they will be harder to kill for all of 40 to 71 seconds depending on if they are using a defense adrenal to boost armor and which cool-downs they are stacking together.


In pve I like to think of it [(Cloak of pain) 30 seconds + (saber ward with predation) 12 seconds + (Obfuscate) 6 seconds + (undying rage) 5 seconds followed by (force camo) to stay alive] as a 50 second tanking combo, in that for at least 50 seconds you can tank just about anything but after that you are a boulder in the ocean.


Edit Annihilation spec: add another 10 to 15 seconds to that pve tanking and 5 to 10 more seconds to pvp tanking if the mara managed to get their dots going using berserk without using frenzy.

Edited by Lxkane
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it's all about using every single tool you have:


cloak of pain

saber ward


berserk (self heals)

force camo invulnerability

predation 80% movement buff

aoe mez

undying + rakata medpac


Warzone healing/adrenalin much better then rakata.


Undying rage -> Berserk -> W.Medpack and you have 5 seconds immunity which ends up with your 50% hp.

Edited by VictorLototskyy
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Snipers can mess things up for me... they can hit preetty hard but still everything depends on your skill and choices according to situtation.




Some snipers can melt away my hp in nothing flat. You can survive but you just have to be aware of the fact that you're dying, very fast --and to activate your 'oh ****' buttons


Warzone healing/adrenalin much better then rakata.


Undying rage -> Berserk -> W.Medpack and you have 5 seconds immunity which ends up with your 50% hp.


True but I'm being very tight fisted with my comms and I'm getting by with the RAkata. Oh by the way the CD on it is 90s ;)

Edited by HBninjaX
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Its all about gear, nothing else. It's all about the expertise. 5% only is a HUGE difference. You will murder a mara without any expertise, yet full BM they will be like punching a rock. However, any class in full BM is like hitting a rock usually... so it's not class specific. Just a class with better defensive gear (heavy armor) and defensive abilities are... thicker rocks.
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Its all about gear, nothing else. It's all about the expertise. 5% only is a HUGE difference. You will murder a mara without any expertise, yet full BM they will be like punching a rock. However, any class in full BM is like hitting a rock usually... so it's not class specific. Just a class with better defensive gear (heavy armor) and defensive abilities are... thicker rocks.


Yeah. I remember BioWare saying something about bringing the player, not the class. Shame they really meant "Bring the gear, everything else is optional. Unless you're a Marauder. Then you have to bring gear, a Naga AND skill."

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Well, it depends on the person's character (toon/avatar). Assuming there is no exploiting or cheating happening staying alive for a short time against large amounts of damage isn't impossible.


  • Cloak of pain = 30 seconds of heavy armor (20% increase to kinetic and energy damage) and 20% increase in resistance to internal and elemental damage.
  • Predation = 10% increase to ranged and melee defense.
  • Undying rage = 5 seconds of 99% damage resistance vs all types (Rage talent: increase damage resistance of Undying rage by an additional 2%)
  • Force Camouflage = 4 seconds of stealth that boost movement speed by 50% for the duration (Annihilation talent: 100% damage reduction during force camouflage)
  • Obfuscate = reduce targets accuracy by 90% for 6 seconds.
  • Then of course there is saber ward = 50% increase to defense chance and 25% damage reduction against force and tech attacks.


(all of this is in the scenario that our mara is trying to stay alive not so much kill stuff at this particular moment.)


So a geared marauder that doesn't panic sees they are about to be focused. They pop Force camo, Unleash, Predation and run or at least try to get away.


Failing that they pop cloak of pain and use a medpack.


Then with cloak of pain about wear off they use obfuscate and saber ward. If they are biochem they will be using a defense increase adrenal.


If they don't get help before saber ward ends then they use Undying rage and stay standing another 5 seconds.


Then die.


So if the marauders you are fighting are geared (not panicked by being focused) and popping defense ability combos in an order such as this they will be harder to kill for all of 40 to 71 seconds depending on if they are using a defense adrenal to boost armor and which cool-downs they are stacking together.


In pve I like to think of it [(Cloak of pain) 30 seconds + (saber ward with predation) 12 seconds + (Obfuscate) 6 seconds + (undying rage) 5 seconds followed by (force camo) to stay alive] as a 50 second tanking combo, in that for at least 50 seconds you can tank just about anything but after that you are a boulder in the ocean.


Edit Annihilation spec: add another 10 to 15 seconds to that pve tanking and 5 to 10 more seconds to pvp tanking if the mara managed to get their dots going using berserk without using frenzy.


^ This. All of it. Any marauder can last forever, as long as you know how to choose your battles and pop your CD's.

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Its all about gear, nothing else. It's all about the expertise. 5% only is a HUGE difference. You will murder a mara without any expertise, yet full BM they will be like punching a rock. However, any class in full BM is like hitting a rock usually... so it's not class specific. Just a class with better defensive gear (heavy armor) and defensive abilities are... thicker rocks.


Expertise is almost a worthless stat. it CANCELS out the other person expertise, thats it. So, at most, someones going to be doing 5-7% more damage than you if you come in with the bare minimum as you say.


Expertise has NOTHING to do with how fast you kill someone, or how fast you stay alive because EVERYONE has it.

Edited by Wekeltes
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Just to zero in on fights with Snipers/Gunslingers, if I can start the fight with them I will normally win it as I will pop Predation + Camo to close to melee, and then the Sniper is SOL as I will have taken no damage, and be in melee with them, Force Choke to break cover, and then burst down.


Snipers have entrench that makes them immune to cc while they in cover,so a good sniper will kill good marauder 8 times out of 10.He will end the fight with 30-10% hp left but its uphill battle unless you have caught him on the run.He will cc you->run a bit->cover and nuke you->cc again->rince and repeat.

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Snipers have entrench that makes them immune to cc while they in cover,so a good sniper will kill good marauder 8 times out of 10.He will end the fight with 30-10% hp left but its uphill battle unless you have caught him on the run.He will cc you->run a bit->cover and nuke you->cc again->rince and repeat.


i have encountered one such sniper out of maybe 20

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i have encountered one such sniper out of maybe 20


I would argue that as they are both pure DPS-characters, it becomes a cat and mouse game. The entire fight is determined by wits. Whoever can get the drop on the other wins. Whoever has the range advantage wins (as in, melee range for Marauder, long range for Sniper).



After they use Cover Pulse (knockback), they have virtually no way to stop you. Just Force Camouflage in there, and destroy them. They can't stop you anymore. They do have a knockback if they use a specced Ambush, but if you position yourself properly you can't get knocked back far enough.



In fact, if you lose 1v1 as a Marauder, you're either undergeared or you need more practice. I too once thought this class was garbage, but I've noticed it really requires a large amount of practice and this class does in fact have a steep learning curve.


Practice makes perfect.


(much different to hear that as opposed to "L2P NUB", isn't it?)

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I would argue that as they are both pure DPS-characters, it becomes a cat and mouse game. The entire fight is determined by wits. Whoever can get the drop on the other wins. Whoever has the range advantage wins (as in, melee range for Marauder, long range for Sniper).



After they use Cover Pulse (knockback), they have virtually no way to stop you. Just Force Camouflage in there, and destroy them. They can't stop you anymore. They do have a knockback if they use a specced Ambush, but if you position yourself properly you can't get knocked back far enough.



In fact, if you lose 1v1 as a Marauder, you're either undergeared or you need more practice. I too once thought this class was garbage, but I've noticed it really requires a large amount of practice and this class does in fact have a steep learning curve.


Practice makes perfect.


(much different to hear that as opposed to "L2P NUB", isn't it?)


im actually an operative, i just like to read all the class forums to keep myself up to date :p

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After they use Cover Pulse (knockback), they have virtually no way to stop you. Just Force Camouflage in there, and destroy them. They can't stop you anymore. They do have a knockback if they use a specced Ambush, but if you position yourself properly you can't get knocked back far enough.

Practice makes perfect.


(much different to hear that as opposed to "L2P NUB", isn't it?)


After cover pulse, they have a 4 second stun..then they can root you with leg shot...Then they can flash bang you for 8 seconds to get away.


What kind of snipers are you fighting? Lvl 10s?


A well played sniper is very tough to get down in 1v1, but as another poster said..those are few and far between.

Edited by Foxcolt
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