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'If' the game goes F2P, What happens?


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I guess it depends on how many derps are playing this game who buy ringtones or games for their phones or pay for pay-per-view or even pay money for upgrades to facebook games. :rolleyes:


Personally, I'm a what you see is what you get kinda guy. I like to pay a flat fee and have access to everything rather than being nickel and dimed for content, especially in a p2w environment. Quite frankly I would move on.

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Bioware runs a f2p game.


Dragon Age Legends on Facebook and Google+.


After playing the game f2p you can only play roughly an hour every 5 unless you buy gems. Gems are expensive.


My estimates based on playing the f2p version is 1200 bucks a year minimum. More if you upgrade your castle and buy gear for your character every few levels!!!


Pray this game never goes f2p.

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Bioware should have never picked on this MMO because I am pretty sure it's going to fail HARD once GW2, D3 and MoP comes out. GW2 alone delivers more than this game can ever dream of delivering. Bioware's name will turn into **** because of this game's failure. They should have stayed with SP games.


Riiight, cuz all those people I saw ranting about kung-fu pandas, extreme focus on PVP and a no auto attack class in an auto attack game were just my imagination. And thats just MoP


In D3 we have almost all incentive to actually play with other people removed and even if you want to, you can only have FOUR people in one game.


GW2 once again has a massive focus on PvP, or is this the game that calls it RvR? Regardless it's an almost completely different fanbase than the traditional MMO has, and like TOR its been hyped to hell and back and i guarantee will disappoint ALOT of people.

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Riiight, cuz all those people I saw ranting about kung-fu pandas, extreme focus on PVP and a no auto attack class in an auto attack game were just my imagination. And thats just MoP


In D3 we have almost all incentive to actually play with other people removed and even if you want to, you can only have FOUR people in one game.


GW2 once again has a massive focus on PvP, or is this the game that calls it RvR? Regardless it's an almost completely different fanbase than the traditional MMO has, and like TOR its been hyped to hell and back and i guarantee will disappoint ALOT of people.


I am no way defending GW2, but that game really stands out or at least to me. The first one was heavily focused on PVP but the 2nd one is not just PVP. It's more than PVP if you watch the videos at guildwars2guru website :)

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Riiight, cuz all those people I saw ranting about kung-fu pandas, extreme focus on PVP and a no auto attack class in an auto attack game were just my imagination. And thats just MoP


In D3 we have almost all incentive to actually play with other people removed and even if you want to, you can only have FOUR people in one game.


GW2 once again has a massive focus on PvP, or is this the game that calls it RvR? Regardless it's an almost completely different fanbase than the traditional MMO has, and like TOR its been hyped to hell and back and i guarantee will disappoint ALOT of people.


I actually haven't heard much about GW2, not that I've paid attention. That said, I doubt this game will fail anytime soon.

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Never understood some folks' inability to play more than one game. How about playing SWTOR AND Diablo III?


Why all the need to be in just one game? I guess if you feel you have to be playing the same thing all the time to stay "competitive" or some other such stuff, then I get it.


But I don't get it ;)

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I am no way defending GW2, but that game really stands out or at least to me. The first one was heavily focused on PVP but the 2nd one is not just PVP. It's more than PVP if you watch the videos at guildwars2guru website :)


I don't see Diablo really drawing people away, unless there's a major element that needs a sub. Nor do I think GW2 will. It'll draw some, sure, but that's to be expected. I think the fact that you pay for the client, then MTs at your disposal is going to provide people a lot of incentive to not drop their sub. As for MoP, well, read my sig.

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Never understood some folks' inability to play more than one game. How about playing SWTOR AND Diablo III?


Why all the need to be in just one game? I guess if you feel you have to be playing the same thing all the time to stay "competitive" or some other such stuff, then I get it.


But I don't get it ;)


If you're more of a casual gamer, you might not have time to play both, so you might choose one over the other.

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I am no way defending GW2, but that game really stands out or at least to me. The first one was heavily focused on PVP but the 2nd one is not just PVP. It's more than PVP if you watch the videos at guildwars2guru website :)


Too much hype on any game will make it a disappointment.


No MMO is perfect at launch and most don't get good until the 1 year mark.



People quit and when stuff gets fixed they end up coming back. Nature of the MMO market.

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What amazes me is that every new MMO release is hailed as if it's the Second Coming of Lord British, but almost every single one of these games end up to be disappoints. Some on a more massive scale than others.


Gamers never seem to learn.

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What amazes me is that every new MMO release is hailed as if it's the Second Coming of Lord British, but almost every single one of these games end up to be disappoints. Some on a more massive scale than others.


Gamers never seem to learn.


Who's Lord British? Is he one of the OD's? (Original Darths)

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Googled it but i cant really use the info placed there to make useful in aspect of this game.


I'm not saying nor implying the game will go f2p but..


What happens if it does, do we get free content etc? whats been the norm for other games which have gone f2p like dc universe for example.


Seem's a little unfair that players are getting the the same content without having to pay the initial start up of £30 or whatever it is now...


Any speculation?


They would severly ramp up the pay to own content patchs and add in a whack of microtransaction based equipment and items.


But Id so totally play this as F2P (and I refuse to play F2P games usually)

I probably will stop paying to play when my 6 month sub runs out though and cancel (unless F2P). Unless the lack of socialization, interaction issues are addressed and there is a verbal commitment that all future exansions will have much steeper leveling curves.


Right now SW:TOR is a top of the line, amazing single player game with some multiplayer content but completely misses the boat on the MMORPG aspects of interaction and socialization.


And EA (For me Bioware stopped existing when Drew Left along with all the original developers) has said nothing at all that hints at fixing the issue. Instead its all been guild junk and empty non commital promises.


Giving guilds stuff doesnt fix the anti socialization and lack of interaction as they already interact with each other. You got a million 10 person groups interaction with their 10 person cliques and no one interaction outside of the clique. THATS THE ISSUE AND PROBLEM! When you can get those player to shut off vent, turn on game chat, and take part in the community WITH OUT demands on the people to join the guild, then you will be addressing the real problems at hand. ONLY THEN.


So what happens when the games goes F2P is we might actually get more content releases each week (because thats how EA would make its money rather then its monthly sobs) and this single player RPG would flourish to very amazing and grand heights that it was predicted to hit as a MMORPG but came up short on.


Im NOT a fan of F2P, but right now, based on what ive seen and all Ive heard going forward, F2P might actually be best thing for this title.


I just dont see many people sticking to the paid subscription model past the 1 year mark for the current design.

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Who's Lord British? Is he one of the OD's? (Original Darths)


Richard "Lord British" Garriott, creator of the legendary Ultima series, one of the first and greatest PC RPGs ever created in the western market.


Without Ultima and Ultima Online (its MMO offspring), there would be no Diablo, no WoW and certainly none of the modern day Western RPGs you enjoy playing now.

Edited by Zelkin
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They would severly ramp up the pay to own content patchs and add in a whack of microtransaction based equipment and items.


But Id so totally play this as F2P (and I refuse to play F2P games usually)

I probably will stop paying to play when my 6 month sub runs out though and cancel (unless F2P). Unless the lack of socialization, interaction issues are addressed and there is a verbal commitment that all future exansions will have much steeper leveling curves.


Right now SW:TOR is a top of the line, amazing single player game with some multiplayer content but completely misses the boat on the MMORPG aspects of interaction and socialization.


And EA (For me Bioware stopped existing when Drew Left along with all the original developers) has said nothing at all that hints at fixing the issue. Instead its all been guild junk and empty non commital promises.


Giving guilds stuff doesnt fix the anti socialization and lack of interaction as they already interact with each other. You got a million 10 person groups interaction with their 10 person cliques and no one interaction outside of the clique. THATS THE ISSUE AND PROBLEM! When you can get those player to shut off vent, turn on game chat, and take part in the community WITH OUT demands on the people to join the guild, then you will be addressing the real problems at hand. ONLY THEN.


So what happens when the games goes F2P is we might actually get more content releases each week (because thats how EA would make its money rather then its monthly sobs) and this single player RPG would flourish to very amazing and grand heights that it was predicted to hit as a MMORPG but came up short on.


Im NOT a fan of F2P, but right now, based on what ive seen and all Ive heard going forward, F2P might actually be best thing for this title.


I just dont see many people sticking to the paid subscription model past the 1 year mark for the current design.


This is all TL;DR crap, whining and doomsaying.


Development of the game is different and (dare I say) more abstract than other MMOs. There's a reason why there's very little communication between the player base and the developers- they don't want to hear this useless drivel of non-constructive discussion that has nothing to do with making the game better. Instead, they've opted to go dark and focus in on posts that have value and help in making the game better. They have representatives who interact with the community at times, but they feel no obligation whatsoever to appease your useless raging and /unsub whining.


This game IS an MMO. You can rationalize it, flame it and try to debunk that claim as much as you want, but in the end, you don't matter, what you say doesn't matter (because it doesn't help anything) because there are 2 million people playing and enjoying this game and no amount of "THE END IS NIGH" cries you do will change that.

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Richard "Lord British" Garriott, creator of the legendary Ultima series, one of the first and greatest PC RPGs ever created in the western market.


Without Ultima and Ultima Online (its MMO offspring), there would be no Diablo, no WoW and certainly none of the modern day Western RPGs you enjoy playing now.


Ah. Both those games, if I got my dates correct, came out before I was really allowed to play video games.

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Ah. Both those games, if I got my dates correct, came out before I was really allowed to play video games.


Well, as long as you wiki'd them or something, did your research and offered up your respect, that's fine.


Most modern-day gamers were too young to play them, or don't remember their existence.

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Never understood some folks' inability to play more than one game. How about playing SWTOR AND Diablo III?


Why all the need to be in just one game? I guess if you feel you have to be playing the same thing all the time to stay "competitive" or some other such stuff, then I get it.


But I don't get it ;)


Same here. I play this game, Rift and LotRO.


I think you're right about the competitive aspect...makes sense to me anyway. Not being very competitive, I have no problem meandering my way through these games.


Different strokes, I guess. :)

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