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Did this game deliver on the hype?


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So we all know this game was hyped to hell before launch, now two months in do you think this game delivered on the hype?


Personally i think that this game was all hype and that is all. It failed my expectations, leveling up to lv 50 was great for the first time but being lv 50 for a month and a half i can say that this game is very boring. I even made a new alt at lv 40 and it the fun i had when leveling the 1st time is gone, i cant even do a single FP cause it takes a hour of my time to find a party and i still wont be able to get one either missing a tank or healer or both.


Personally I had no reall expectations , Had my friends not decided to play i'd be in vanguard still.


However I do like the game , but No didnt live up to the hype. Has any game?


Should it live up to the hype?


The hype mostly exists in your head as opposed to something tangible that exists for itself in the real world. I dont recall the hype including an explicit set of features that were'nt included at launch . Correct me if im wrong on this.


So the discussion becomes incoherent.


I was expecting a Star Wars themed MMO and I got it.


Hype I think is synonymous to Advertising , which used to be called Public Relations after its name was changed from the much stigmatized , " Propaganda"


Hype , or Advertising is by it's very nature an attempt at coercion

Edited by Blavatsky
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Personally I had no reall expectations , Had my friends not decided to play i'd be in vanguard still.


However I do like the game , but No didnt live up to the hype. Has any game?


Should it live up to the hype?


The hype mostly exists in your head as opposed to something tangible that exists for itself in the real world. I dont recall the hype including an explicit set of features that were'nt included at launch . Correct me if im wrong on this.


So the discussion becomes incoherent.


I was expecting a Star Wars themed MMO and I got it.


Hype I think is synonymous to Advertising , which used to be called Public Relations after its name was changed from the much stigmatized , " Propaganda"


Hype , or Advertising is by it's very nature an attempt at coercion


I was expecting the game the developers promised. Silly me.

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I was expecting the game the developers promised. Silly me.


what were you promised that you didnt get.


Not trying to be confrontational. I'll admit I didnt follow this game during developement or beta and just came to game with friends. So I really dont know.

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I have been following this game for 2 years prior to the launch pretty closely. The game didn't release the way I thought it would be. I was expecting a pure single player game and the only group content would have been the Flash Points and Operation. Always makes me laugh when people mention that the game wasn't what they expected because it feels like a single player game, when in the last 2 years that is one of the major points that was being talked about with this game.
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Too many people expect new games to be just as good as MMO's that have been out for years and I hate to say it, but that will never happen.


There is only so much time and money available for development before a MMO has to start earning its way. With that limited time and financing, companies make the best game they can. They try to improve upon previous game launches with new systems or unique features but truth be told their is only so much innovation a game can carry. The bread and butter will be the time tested systems that make MMO's what they are.


SWTOR launched better than any other MMO I've been involved with. It wasn't perfect, but it was good and playable. Mistakes have been made, some unfortunately being the same old mistakes every MMO seems destined to make, but for the most part the game is solid and enjoyable.


Hype is a two edged sword. It generates excitement but it also creates expectations that are often unreasonable.

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So we all know this game was hyped to hell before launch, now two months in do you think this game delivered on the hype?


Personally i think that this game was all hype and that is all. It failed my expectations, leveling up to lv 50 was great for the first time but being lv 50 for a month and a half i can say that this game is very boring. I even made a new alt at lv 40 and it the fun i had when leveling the 1st time is gone, i cant even do a single FP cause it takes a hour of my time to find a party and i still wont be able to get one either missing a tank or healer or both.



Absolutely impossible to live up to quarter BILLION dollar hype. Just the way it is. Good game, but great? No. I feel that it still has potential but that far too many resources were sunk into the voice acting ****, which frankly after a few hours of play (or ANY time spent on an alt doing the same quests) feels like a gimmick.

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what were you promised that you didnt get.


Not trying to be confrontational. I'll admit I didnt follow this game during developement or beta and just came to game with friends. So I really dont know.




They said that endgame combat wasn't going to revolve around a bunch of players beating on one giant mob. Umm... no check.


They said they knew the difference between sandbox and theme park and that they were going to find a happy medium between the two. NO CHECK. This is the most linear game ever.


They said the game wasn't overly instanced. Umm... other than Guild Wars this is the most instanced game ever.


They bragged about the billions of different customization options, totally obfuscating the fact that, in reality, your options are two genders, each with 4 human bodies with human faces, and different skin colors and hair styles.


They advertised how the consequences of your decisions were going to totally make this better than a SPRPG because there was no save button. Then they waffled and put in light-side / dark-side markers and the ability to escape-out and re-do any conversation if you don't like the outcome.


They said there were "huge open worlds that go on and on..." making it sound like the terrain was open rather than designed like a maze to hand-hold you from quest hub to quest hub.


They said being a "grey" player would be just as viable as being full light or full dark.


They said a lot of things that were either false or deceptive or got changed later.

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For me personally its failure has nothing to do with content.


Levelling is too fast.

Gearing is too easy.

Space is a pile of ****.

Everything is easy.



The list goes on for me as an old school player.


All those things are great for an altoholic like me. I really believe that most of the people upset are people that want to play one character and one character alone. But I've always wondered to what end?


Raiding to get bigger numbers to do more raids to get bigger numbers? This is somehow more fun than playing a new character which plays differently and may give you a different experience. Especially here where choices like class, gender, light/dark have real consequences to the story.

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Its a good game, but in no way did it live up to the hype.


I FEEL they suceeded in bringing true story to the MMO genre, but thats about ALL they really lived up to. Everything else feels like the same old thing.


I agree, but I really don't know what it is people want when they say innovation. Consider cars. No one would argue that cars have seen massive innovation since their invention in the early 20th Century. But most of the darn things still run on gasoline (petrol).


One of the biggest innovations in cars was the addition of seat belts. But that was an incremental change that didn't change much about the overall structure of the automobile. But it's probably one of the most important developments ever for cars.


Likewise, SWTOR innovates in that it creates a real and meaningful story around your character. In most other MMORPGs, your player is an adventurer, seeking fame and fortune for no better reason than to seek it. In SWTOR there's a point to all this killing ten rats and raiding the [raid boss] for [raid loot].

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They said that endgame combat wasn't going to revolve around a bunch of players beating on one giant mob. Umm... no check.


They said they knew the difference between sandbox and theme park and that they were going to find a happy medium between the two. NO CHECK. This is the most linear game ever.


They said the game wasn't overly instanced. Umm... other than Guild Wars this is the most instanced game ever.


They bragged about the billions of different customization options, totally obfuscating the fact that, in reality, your options are two genders, each with 4 human bodies with human faces, and different skin colors and hair styles.


They advertised how the consequences of your decisions were going to totally make this better than a SPRPG because there was no save button. Then they waffled and put in light-side / dark-side markers and the ability to escape-out and re-do any conversation if you don't like the outcome.


They said there were "huge open worlds that go on and on..." making it sound like the terrain was open rather than designed like a maze to hand-hold you from quest hub to quest hub.


They said being a "grey" player would be just as viable as being full light or full dark.


They said a lot of things that were either false or deceptive or got changed later.



Good post.thanks for the info.


personally i didnt know about these issues , can only say i enjoy the game currently.


But given the issues you raise , what a different game it would be , and better.

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So we all know this game was hyped to hell before launch, now two months in do you think this game delivered on the hype?


Personally i think that this game was all hype and that is all. It failed my expectations, leveling up to lv 50 was great for the first time but being lv 50 for a month and a half i can say that this game is very boring. I even made a new alt at lv 40 and it the fun i had when leveling the 1st time is gone, i cant even do a single FP cause it takes a hour of my time to find a party and i still wont be able to get one either missing a tank or healer or both.


No game will deliver on it's hype, that's why i'm always the pessimist about video games.



I went in to this game with no expectations and what i got was an oversimplified KotoR with a cheap mmo element tacked on it.

Edited by Ariacan
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I agree, but I really don't know what it is people want when they say innovation. Consider cars. No one would argue that cars have seen massive innovation since their invention in the early 20th Century. But most of the darn things still run on gasoline (petrol).


One of the biggest innovations in cars was the addition of seat belts. But that was an incremental change that didn't change much about the overall structure of the automobile. But it's probably one of the most important developments ever for cars.


Likewise, SWTOR innovates in that it creates a real and meaningful story around your character. In most other MMORPGs, your player is an adventurer, seeking fame and fortune for no better reason than to seek it. In SWTOR there's a point to all this killing ten rats and raiding the [raid boss] for [raid loot].


Lots of things COULD have been inovative, they just didnt do them.


I could go on and on about the illusion of "choice" in this game. WHen no matter what choice I make I essentially end up at the same outcome whats the point?


Quests can be inovative too. Not just kill X mob, or click X clicky object laying on the ground. Ive seen plenty of inovative quests in some of the smaller MMOs. Tracking missions, where you have ot actually scout an area and track down a target, gathering clues to find your next route.(WOuld be great for a Bounty Hunter), its already been done in MMOs.


One MMO I played had a town you could build up with resources, then you had to defend it against raiders/looters that attacked in increasing waves.


It had motorcycle races. THose were actual quests.


It had puzzels you had to solve. SWTOR has a few puzzles, but not that many to be honest. And non of them are particularly challenging.


It had random ambushes from your enemies. You could never predict when they were going to happen. You could be at the bank and someone would try to assassinate you.

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I know :) Best part is...it's going to be a CONSOLE game! That bit of news made my week tbh :)


where do you get that its a console game?


the gw2 faq says....


What platforms will Guild Wars 2 be available on?


Guild Wars 2 is being developed for the PC.



I want what your smoking :)

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where do you get that its a console game?


the gw2 faq says....


What platforms will Guild Wars 2 be available on?


Guild Wars 2 is being developed for the PC.



I want what your smoking :)


Google it. It was released within the last week that they are going to, eventually, release a console version of gw2

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i would say no , the game failed terribly and delievered a poor unfinished game. . it was over hyped by BW employees through the videos they post up on the website and fanboys saying stuff that aint true to drum up even more hype and at the end when the game was released only thing to show for all the hype was a voice over game and thats it. what a disappointment
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