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Where's the happy thread?


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As I sit here reading through the forums, I find that I have to search through endless gripes and trolls to find maybe one positive post. I see all these complaints from people who STILL PLAY THE GAME. Maybe it's me, but wheres the positive? What is it about SWTOR that is keeping you playing right after you click "POST" on your completely negative thread. Call me crazy but anyone care to elaborate?


I think a lot of these threads are peeps who want to see this MMO succeed and are making suggestions. Some are polite, some are constructive and some are...well, you know.


After a few dozen patches, I think we'll see more of the "happy" droids, er threads, you are looking for. ;)

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I think a lot of these threads are peeps who want to see this MMO succeed and are making suggestions. Some are polite, some are constructive and some are...well, you know.


After a few dozen patches, I think we'll see more of the "happy" droids, er threads, you are looking for. ;)



Very true, and I would think that these angry posts are people who want their complaints heard, by the community and the dev's.


maybe its the time I spent in customer service before joining the military but I cant help but think, "the dev's are people too!" and to sit and read a rant or rave from somebody completely destroying the game calling it "crap" and such that dev is looking at someone just dismantling years of hard work with no appreciation.


I guess the whole underlying reason I started this was to bring to light the honest issues with the game in a positive manner to maybe catch the eye of someone, and that person appreciating the constructiveness behind the comment or complaint and hopefully being more motivated to actually bring these issues to light rather than think "screw this guy" the entire time they read the post. Also not only to bring to light the issues but also make known what we as a community DO LIKE so that these features and such do not get nerfd or taken out completely.

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You're bashing up against human psychology here. It's a lot easier for people to think of something to complain about than it is for them to see the brighter side of things.


I see the brighter side of SWTOR. I am greatly enjoying this game and I have let everyone know that in many of the threads I've posted in.

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it being starwars got you into the game but what keeps you playing it? Again i really appreciate the CONSTRUCTIVE nature to your issues.


the fact that this a new game and there is and abundance of things that can change to make the game better. I'ts no where at the stage wow is today where blizzard has had MANY years to polish that game.


maybe its the time I spent in customer service before joining the military but I cant help but think, "the dev's are people too!" and to sit and read a rant or rave from somebody completely destroying the game calling it "crap" and such that dev is looking at someone just dismantling years of hard work with no appreciation.


The way i'm looking at the game now. Yes, they will be coming out with patches to fix the problems the game has. However, there are so many problems that the Dev's can only work on a few at a time. Give the game time and it will be as well rounded, polished, and possibly even beter than wow is at its current state. At least this i am holding out for. For this reason, I continue playing.


The biggest problem I have with the unsatisfied portion of the community would be when they say that they have leveled to the max level and have done everything they could possibly find to do. What did they expect to see happen? They rushed threw the entire game as fast as they could just too see what the end of the game has to offer and lost track of what the game fully has to offer. This would be the time to make an alt, take the time to play the game doing all those things that you missed out on and actually enjoy it. These are the same individuals that i could probably see being asked "did you actually taste the food before you inhaled it?"


I understand your issue with crafting and being stuck to one, but for people like me who dont quite get the advanced levels of crafting i think it makes it an easier pill to swallow when trying to learn. My skill in crafting is simply this: get blueprint, craft, RE untill upgrade blue print (prototype), craft prototype, RE untill advanced, craft advanced now what? ive read forums and guides on crafting and still do not grasp the full concept yet so it will be a WHILE before I will master ONE crafting skill let alone manage multiple.


I guess you could say there are different levels of being a crafter. There's the type that picks up something just so they can have some sort of hobby to do on the side. There's the type that picks up something thinking in the back of their mind, i want this because i heard you could make some profit. Then there's they type (myself included) that will pick up a craft (or multiple crafts in my case) that will try to find just about every single top end schematic. This way if you are looking for a particular item, you already know who to ask which means you will always have a constant flow of credits coming in.


You can also anticipate upcoming changes on your craft and get ready for them. My best example was when they changed they way glyphs worked in WOW where once you learned a glyph, you learned it forever and me being a max level inscriptionist with pretty much every glyph at my disposal. I made MASS amount of the rare glyphs and then when patch day came out, i posted all the glyphs i had already made on the auction house and made a TREMENDOUS amount of gold. I was starting to do this with jewel crafting before i left hording all the high end ore to prospect it in order to make epic gems to sell on the Auction house but whatever.


In my eyes, I really don't like having to rely on anybody else on finding what i need. I actually enjoy when others come up to me and ask, "hey.. are you able to make this?" and if i don't have it, i will find a way to pick up that schematic so later on, if someone asks the same question, I can which actually reminds me of another gripe i have about crafting... Why is it that it takes forever to craft an item? I know that if i want to make multiple items, i can just use 5 of the companions i have to craft the same item all at once but it just bothers me (something that ive learned to live with because i just find something to amuse me in the meantime) to have to tell someone yea, i can make that, gimme a 1/2 hour to 40 min to get it ready.



Edited by haliy
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If majority of the community is negative, that is not a good sign for Bioware.

I personally ended my subscription and stopped playing the game for a couple weeks now but regularly check by the forums when I am looking to see if the game is improving or not. I have done as "you people" say "Why play if you hate the game?".


Now I do not feel the game should deserve all negative criticism. Bioware has done an nice job with this game that kept me and a lot of my guild mates held on for a few months. Though this game doesn't feel like it can keep a person subscribed for years, it was a nice ride.


Many of today's common critiques go by the saying "We judge the game as it is presented to us, not how old or new it is".


Now I do not want to go comparing WoW and SWTOR like everyone does, but the game puts you in a situation where you are forced to if you are too used to WoW's gameplay. What I am trying to say is, that I miss the good times when:

-The game was your own world to explore, that "unknown area" feeling and feeling of being scared of what you will discover.

-Running into opposite faction players in the world and fighting for your life, once known as "World PVP"

-Being with friends, and having great moments sneaking into enemies cities and having a lot of players to interact with.


I will end it here before I aggravate any fanboys.

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The story lines, crafting, the graphics and game scenery - I love it in this game


Like many of you I played WOW for 7 years and then Rift, and raided


The only game bug I seem to have is this disconnect error 3000 - other than that it's great


My highest character is only level 44 and I did start playing when the game was first released.


I do play a lot - but I am not rushing thro content ( as I could have) as I am levelling trades and alts at the same time


I think perhaps this game does not suit people who really wanted to level fast and get to endgame raiding or PVP


I know in Rift and WOW - the very top end content was really only possible to players who were very experienced and prepared to devote a lot of time to the game - and only then probably 5% or less of the server


I think Bioware is aiming more at the large market of players who want immersion in story line and detail


Probably people who want to listen to the voice acting and follow the story lines - are getting a lot of enjoyment out of this game

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