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Complaining about the game? Start to act!


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So many people are complaining about the game and BW doesn´t seem to listen.


If you really want to keep playing thins game, you can do only one thing to raise the pressure on EA and BW..........cancel your subscription. As long as the money flows, there is no reason for change. Don´t give em time for like 3 months, act now, so they might finally wake up.

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So many people are complaining about the game and BW doesn´t seem to listen.


If you really want to keep playing thins game, you can do only one thing to raise the pressure on EA and BW..........cancel your subscription. As long as the money flows, there is no reason for change. Don´t give em time for like 3 months, act now, so they might finally wake up.


I take it you have cancelled your sub then?

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So many people are complaining about the game and BW doesn´t seem to listen.


If you really want to keep playing thins game, you can do only one thing to raise the pressure on EA and BW..........cancel your subscription. As long as the money flows, there is no reason for change. Don´t give em time for like 3 months, act now, so they might finally wake up.


Ah, pitchforks and torches everyone! Go go!

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If you really want to keep playing thins game, you can do only one thing to raise the pressure on EA and BW..........cancel your subscription.


This kind of high level logic just is amazing. It's like saying if you want to keep driving your car don't buy any fuel.

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This is actually true. Game companies usually dont take notice of what their base pop is saying until they start leaving.. They like to create the illusion that they "care about their players" - I assure you they don't. But they do care about profits.
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I only have to listen to republic players on my server which are more than enough.


Yah and cancel your subscription if you want to continue the game ist funny :-)


I did cancel my subscription today in the hope the FORCE will make the developers change their course.

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I just did and here is what I told them...


The story lines were worth playing through but the game is lacking many features that a new or next generation MMO is expected to feature. You can't launch a title and expect to compete with established franchises without all of the bells and whistles plus something innovative.


I realize it took Warcraft many years to develop and impliment a lot of its features but I find it hard to believe that it is the only game to feature flying mounts. Flying transportation through out the world is a huge game changer and adds a lot to the experiene and makes the constant back and forth between quests tolerable.


I don't want to sound like a WoW fanboy because I honestly haven't played since the Lich King and I have tried other MMO's with pretty similar results. I feel like my experience with MMO's has reached its conclusion. Maybe in eight years when you finish the game to be on par with your competitors I will try it again.

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So many people are complaining about the game and BW doesn´t seem to listen.


If you really want to keep playing thins game, you can do only one thing to raise the pressure on EA and BW..........cancel your subscription. As long as the money flows, there is no reason for change. Don´t give em time for like 3 months, act now, so they might finally wake up.


Your first line is not really correct.


Tell me what percentage of players post a new thread here and then tell me the percentage you think are complaining.

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So many people are complaining about the game and BW doesn´t seem to listen.


If you really want to keep playing thins game, you can do only one thing to raise the pressure on EA and BW..........cancel your subscription. As long as the money flows, there is no reason for change. Don´t give em time for like 3 months, act now, so they might finally wake up.


So your suggesting that BW isnt improving the game as we speak? and that by cancelling this will somehow force them to add in a patch?


I put it to you that you have it the wrong way round, Get your friends to start playing the game, this will add more revenue into the game allowing them to hire more developers.

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so if everyone cancels over the smallest thing then who exactly do you listen to first? so many people are throwing an absolute temper tantrum over so many things that where exactly do you draw the line? this is assuming of course that bioware can just snap their fingers and fix everything you want fixed right now, which is stupid.
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