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Star Trek online vs TOR (READ)


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Hold on, fanboys. This isn't a thread about how much better star trek online is than starwars. It is just a simple comparasion. This thread isn't meant to make you go out and download trek, it's just meant for us to realize that TOR needs some major improvements.



Now, about Star Trek online. As many of you know, Star Trek Online (Which I will abbreviate into STO from now on) Has gone free to play. I downloaded it, and was immediately blown away. The character customization is immense. You are even given the option to craft your own alien species. You pick your class (Which, to be honest, are more or less the same) and go on to name your ship. As the game continues, you gather more ensigns (companions) and even have the ability to customize your companions. The big sell point was space battles. They are hetic, fun, and beautifully rendered. You really do feel like your actions have an impact in the galaxy, you are given missions that arent all the same and are against many different enemies.



I am a lifetime subscriber to Startrek Online. I enjoyed it a lot, but currently it has gone very stale. Mostly because last year didn't see any real content, and PvP is barely supported. Occassional balance or exploit fixes, but they keep making backward steps after each improvement, and bugs re-occuring.


The highlights of STO probably are:

1) Space Combat

2) Featured Episodes

3) The Foundry

4) Character Customization


Even after the big revamp, Ground Combat still feels less satisfying. Space combat is really fun, but it is a little too gimicky with all those powers thrown around. The graphics are great, the atmosphere isn't bad.

In PvE, I found it came very repetitive, and you really want to fly an Escort so you can explode all this ships in 30 seconds or less, instead of having to circle them exchanging broadsides and whatever science-offensive powers you have for a minute. In PvP, things change, since both sides are now using their full arsenal of space powers to their utmost.


But the story missions are rather bland compared to TOR. The Featured Episodes really raised the quality, though.


But anyone missing endgame content in TOR - it's worse in STO. Yet, I know plenty of people that are always drawn back to (space) PvP. And it is pretty cool, flying your own spaceship and blowing up ships. It also has a lot of tactical depth, and a strong focus on teamplay. It is, unfortunately, also badly balanced and hasn't seen any additions since the first year.


And it's not just endgame content is lacking. The second faction, the Klingon Defense Force is badly underdeveloped. It has only what - 8 unique story missions? (Compare that to TOR's 4 class stories for each faction, plus faction missions for each planet). For F2P, they increased the starting level for Klingon characters so they don'T have to grind as much to endgame.


Difficulty-Wise, the game is also very weak. The AI really is not smart. You see NPC ships using their powers at the worst opportunity, basically nerfing their own damage potential! Of course, you also get the occassional weird effect (primarily in the Raid-equivalents) where some enemies one-shot you because of some weird critical that you can't predict or counter.


The Foundry is a way for the players to fix the gap, and may be one of the coolest features ever in an MMO. Allowing players to make fairly complex missions - set in the Startrek universe - for everyone to play is brilliant. Still, I somehow don't enjoy it as much as I probably should...


The F2P move of course introduced also Pay-To-Win elements. For all non-endgame ships, there are "+1" alternatives in the C-Store that are plain better than the in-game ships. At end-game, you still can get "different" ship and the special abilites they come with probably make them stronger as the regular ones as well. And of course, you have every reason to still buy lower tier ships, as they come with an item you can transfer to other ships to get more special abilities.





Actually, there is one other thing that I really like about STO, especially compared to other MMOs I tried.


The Chat system is well done. YOu have custom channels, local and zone channels. You have a single name people can befriend or tell you across all your characters, so it is a lot easier to stay in touch, even when switching alts.


I must say I also prefer not having different servers/shards to log into. You don't have to worry where you created your character, you can always switch to an instance that contains your friends. Of course, STO is very segmented and instanced with countless of different zones. Maybe that's the cost of the engine, I don't know. But I think it makes it a lot easier to socialize with others and form new friendships.

Edited by MustrumRidcully
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You clearly didn't explore much of the game then. There were several areas that required groups in order to complete the mission at launch.

You mean Fleet Actions and Deep Space Encounters?


You could actually solo some of those FAs. (And the DSEs you could definitely solo). And if you had multiple people, you really didn't need to coordinate much or anything. I may be wrong, but I believe Raids are not just about needing multiple players to beat a damage threshold, but actually to have them coordinate and work together. That's only required in the STFs, which came shortly after launch.


There are a total of 4 now, but the fourth is basically broken and is supposed to be changed to a regular mission at some point. The other 3 were revamped several times to "get right". I sometimes think that time would have been spent better on just creating new ones. (Though I suppose even with all the time invested in the revamps, it would have only sufficed for one new STF.)


I'm a huge Star Trek fan and even I lol'ed at this. The only decent Star Trek games ever made were Judgment Rites, a Final Unity and Elite Force. Heck, I even bought the collector's edition sountrack music CD just to play the mini-Borg game included on disc. And Star Trek Online...man. No way.


No love for 25th Anniversary?


Space combat in STO is, was, and always will be made up of two things: Holding down your A or D key to spin so you keep your strong shields facing your enemy and hitting your spacebar. That's it. There is absolutely no strategy or intelligence needed in space STO's combat system. It's inane, empty and totally devoid of any need to think, plan or strategize (just like ground combat). It's terrible.

Not true! At higher difficulty levels, you also need to cycle Emergency Power to Shields.

Also, Escorts don't circle. They just blow their entire load for 7.5 seconds to vaporize their enemies.


Mustrum "Defiant FTW" Ridcully

Edited by MustrumRidcully
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Someone didnt play STO when it first came out. I am also a lifer to STO and the game was unplayable for a year after launch.


So what you are saying is that everyone should unsub and wait a year or unsub and play a different game that in its current state has more to offer?


Do you say STO is now better than SWTOR and we should try it out, because after 1 year it has become so good?


I got one MMO: SWTOR, but I fail to understand the point you are trying to make. If you pay for something you pay because you want it and it is new or better than other products right?


If the next macbook is worse than the one already on the market or laptops from competitors , than who will buy it? You buy what currently is best and saying updates will fix things means that you know that other games are not updated?


I see this comment everywhere, but no one eleborates on it. Could you explain me why you say this?

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So what you are saying is that everyone should unsub and wait a year or unsub and play a different game that in its current state has more to offer?


Do you say STO is now better than SWTOR and we should try it out, because after 1 year it has become so good?


I got one MMO: SWTOR, but I fail to understand the point you are trying to make. If you pay for something you pay because you want it and it is new or better than other products right?


If the next macbook is worse than the one already on the market or laptops from competitors , than who will buy it? You buy what currently is best and saying updates will fix things means that you know that other games are not updated?


I see this comment everywhere, but no one eleborates on it. Could you explain me why you say this?


STO is now better than SWTOR yes. They have had a lot of time to work on it. The game went f2p because it was about to go under. The ONLY thing that kept STO from going bankrupt and closing was the star trek IP. Just like SWTOR. If this game wasnt star wars it would already be closed. Sub par 1998 graphics, bugged game play every step of the way and major bugs causing people to not even be able to login. This game is simply put a "mess". It should never have been released this early. STO was the same thing and it will always suffer for it. I have a STO sub and I havent played in a few months now.

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STO is now better than SWTOR yes. They have had a lot of time to work on it. The game went f2p because it was about to go under. The ONLY thing that kept STO from going bankrupt and closing was the star trek IP. Just like SWTOR. If this game wasnt star wars it would already be closed. Sub par 1998 graphics, bugged game play every step of the way and major bugs causing people to not even be able to login. This game is simply put a "mess". It should never have been released this early. STO was the same thing and it will always suffer for it. I have a STO sub and I havent played in a few months now.


Thanks for the clear answer. I agree with the growing sentiment that this game lacks content. Yes the missions are done well with each character having their own storyline, but nothing is unique, nothing is made by players it does not feel like a MMORPG not to me and the 3 pvp zones and 2 ops are getting boring.


I do think GW2 might be interesting because of the server vs server vs server. A friend of my used to play DAOC and mentioned that as being very fun (never played it myself). You cooperate with your server population and if at any time people need to cooperate there is immersion into the game world. The only way to properly cooperate in this game is in pvp and the ops, because the FP for just 4 man are too easy and very uncomplicated and also open world pvp is not working that well, these two aspects lack immersion.


The lead designers seems to have missed this aspect of a multiplayer game. There seems a lot of "inactive time" used for traveling after a wipe-out or just the "waiting" for a warzone to begin and this also does not help the immersion people want. Multiplayer customers are generally hard-core and the single player component is only enjoyed by a limited few and that part simply does not compare to real single player rpgs.

Edited by Stonewall_Jack
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It took me a while to stop laughing, seriously tears down the face and everything, with this comparison. I mean..>OMG!!! STO was about the worst game I've ever played. The only thing they got right with STO is the space combat, which is fun and exciting. HOWEVER, after you go do the same mission for the billionth time, even though its a different system even that gets dull.


STO was simply just horrible! If you thought lvling was easy here to 50, I did STO in a week. If you thought there was nothing to do here, you were about ready to kill yourself looking for things to do in STO at this same time frame. Oh..and crafting in STO? uhm..nevermind I really don't have the time to go into the abomination that it was/is. TOR's is by far better!


Ground battles...oy vey. their big instances....i stayed for the first three. About the worst designed dungeons I've ever played. Oh and for people who complain about the running in TOR; how about dying at the end of the maze in the dungeon and having to make the 5-7 run back from the beginning of the dungeon and by the time you get back things are respawning around you. Oh and top that off with horribly designed mechanics that make battles ridiculously irritating and if you finally get to the end of it and win...you get...wait for it....ONE...exactly one...no more...no less....but ONE item that you have a 1in 6 chance to win. yah..so 2-4 hrs/dungeon, die a ton of times and win...nothing. Great fun.



Anyway, I could go on and on and on and on and on but please don't bring up STO here and make comparisons you'll be laughed off the forums.

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^ The problem with TOR is that it was made to sell, not to have an enjoyable game. They focused on the, well, "selling points" Oh look its star wars! Look! its your favorite video game series' great return!


It was hyped into oblivion: Game reviewers "here's looking at you, G4" Saying that is game is innovative, and will bring new things to the industry.


Again, I'm not saying this game sucks. It's fun. But for how much it cost to make, I feel like we, the player base, have been somewhat lied to and underhanded. The arguments about it being a new game are invalid. With a 100 million dollar budget, a long development cycle, and such a household name IP, this game should be AMAZING. We were told it was going to be amazing. But we get this "meh". I feel the next game update will improve the game alot, but even so, I don't think the game will be able to last long enough for them to flesh out some really ground breaking features. Which leads to my thought that E.A knew that TOR might fail, so they just focused on getting everyone to buy the game, focusing development soley on marketing. I mean, with huge MMOs coming out in the next few months (longest a year) AND with the rumored starcraft mmo and the new warhammer mmo, The game, at it's current state, does not seem viable for a long shelf life. And the said thing is I think E.A knows this, and doesn't care at all. They reached their goal, make a huge profit at launch, and then just keep siphoning money until the torship sinks. I still have hope for this game, I really do, but things are looking grim.

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thing is nothing about STO was ever worth $15 a month. it is was and always will be a corpg trumped up as an mmmo with a AAA mmo sub price. the relentless cash shop development was insult to injury. the content development has always been a joke and still is.


teh foundry? it's down more than it's up.


conintual combat revamps? each one a half assed joke, i thinkt eh last one for ground combat added fps mode and bazookas/RPGs to a freakin star trek game.



i like to joke that PWE/cryptic might as well add ships from andromeda/firefly/babylon 5 to teh cash shop at this point because they can't make it any less star trek ish.


it should've been gw1 model from the start, or $10 sub price for what is was back then, has been since, and has become. teh fac *** took so long to get to f2p status is laughable,a dn the f2p model they are going with is even more lulz.


don't get me wrong, for about 6 weeks for 1-3 hours a night, i ahd a lot of fun playign the game at launch. i liek their random auto PUG system on normal missions, i liekd hte ship combat. i liked leoanrd nimoy's voice over bits even though eh was totalyl slackign on them. i liked the 2 or 3 missions that had anything to do with the tv/movie lore instead of comics and novels teh entire game continually dry humps.


they've added i beleiv eabout another month's worth of very casual game play time in term sof missions. in around 2 years of post launch development. this is because they've mostly been focused on pumping out $25 auto win ships and $5 rp clothign packs or autowin crew member packs.


i was thinking for a long time i shoudl resub for a month but always been too busy, and now that it's f2p, the restrictions on my account are so hilariously dimwitted compared to a normal f2p game(of which i've played a number and spent money on a couple due to being worth it- not just for pay2 win, but because the games were fun and worth spending money on).i figured i'd play it for a month, bang out all the content they've added to the game or until i got bored of the 2 dimensional repeitive game play.


i mean as a dumbed down sequal to SFC series, it's a lot of fun, if you can ignore the ground stuff as much as possible, but if you were looking for an mmo worthy fo the star trek IP than it's pretty lacking. given that it's pretty medciore overall in terms of the often just awful star trek games to begin with(star wars suffers from this too).


swtor on the other hand... great levelign experience, small con here for overtuning of mobs of equal level to players to and increasing degree on solo content. the crafting is fun to learn and does try somethign a bit new which is nice, btu falls flat on endgame, and has issues that naggle you so much with ui and interaction and such that over time they wear you down. but overall this is a game that deserves a $15 a month sub, though i think the box price tag was too high in retrospect.


th difference is, i was subbed to both for roughly 2 months(well i'm paid for a 3rd month in swtor), but i got a **** load more /played hours in swtor and never had to spend a 3 hour night grinding out suicide pvp matches with no chance of winnning or scoridng a single kill because of massive content gaps to teh tune of 4/10 levels only being covered by actual content in some tiers liek i did in STO.



STO fun? sure for a while, but too lite to be an mmo. swtor? mainly lackign in fun/fresh endgame stuff or well thought out endgame crafting, too many naggling issues. but overall swtor wins hands down as an actual mmo that's worth a sub while you play it.

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Ok, my comparison between STO and TOR...


Character Creation:

STO wins, hands down. Their customisation is far better than anything Bioware have offered for TOR.


Ground Gameplay:

Tough call. STO's isn't great, but it is not identical to WoW's gameplay, which, for me is a plus. In TOR, you gain new or improved abilities as you level, and they are the abilitie you use throughout your career as a Jedi or whatever. In STO, you get Kits, which are equippable items which give you a power set. You can carry multiple Kits around with you, allowing you to swap your abilities or powers as you see fit. So, for actual gameplay, I'd probably have to go with STO.


Space Gameplay:

STO. No questions asked. For one, it is multiplayer (really handy for an MMO), and for another, you actually get to steer your own ship. Plus you get to customise your own ship (how it looks, name/registry). I've not really looked at what you can do for outfitting your ship in TOR, but you do get quite a selection of options in STO from weapons, shields, engines, to various consoles which can either improve your ship performance (ie. +25% to phaser damage) or add a new ability to your ship (ie. the Grappler from Enterprise is available as a console to be fitted to any ship).



In STO, you get a pool of skill points which are spent on different abilities as you want to. in TOR, you gain abilities from a trainer as you level, and points to spend in 'talent trees' or whatever TOR calls them. I'd have to say I prefer the way STO does things.



This, I have to give to TOR. Because Star Trek is an IP that has stretched over hundreds of years, and has distinct fans for each era, STO is a bit of a mismatch of styles. You can have someone running around wearing a uniform like Kirk's alongside someone wearing Picard's uniform or Sisko's from DS9. At least in TOR, they picked a time frame and stuck to it (even if some of the tech is a little too close to the same tech 3000 years into the future for my liking).



STO does have a nice touch when it comes to storylines in the form of their 'Featured Episodes' which are released once a week for 5 weeks or so which cover a new story arc. the last one that they finished (called Cloaked Intentions) was brilliant (although so far I'm not too impressed with the latest one, episode 3 of which was just released). the problem with this is that there was a year between the current FE series, and the last one.


But, all that said, TOR's story arcs are absolutely stunning. I love the cutscenes and dialogue options.


For storyline, TOR wins, no question about it.



Crafting in TOR is pretty basic. It has some nice touches like critical successes giving bonuses to an item, and reverse engineering, but it is still pretty standard. The nice touch is that you can send your crew out to do these things while you take care of more important business.


Crafting in STO is also very basic. It also has to be all done yourself. Apparently, there are changes coming, but I have yet to see anything that really impresses me.


All in all, both score pretty low, but TOR does beat STO.



In STO, you get your Bridge Officers (kind of like Companions, but with no back story or real interaction) who form your away team. Each one has a couple of skills which you can customise as you see fit. You also get Duty Officers (which act a lot like crew skills in that you send members of your crew off to do little missions) but when you send a duty officer out, you don't lose access to any companion until the mission is done, like you do in TOR.


This one is tough. I like the Duty Officer system in STO, but I like the companion interaction and affection ratings in TOR.


I'd probably say that this one goes to TOR.. Just.




So far as I'm concerned, the two games are about on par with each other. Both have problems, and both have good points. The one thing that makes TOR worth playing over STO to me is the recent acquisition of Cryptic by Perfect Worlds. If you don't know who PW are, they are an asian F2P MMO studio, and as I'm sure we all know, asian F2P means Pay-to-win, and over the past month and a half, STO has made huge steps towards becoming P2W.

Edited by dazednconfuzed
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^ The problem with TOR is that it was made to sell, not to have an enjoyable game. They focused on the, well, "selling points" Oh look its star wars! Look! its your favorite video game series' great return!


It was hyped into oblivion: Game reviewers "here's looking at you, G4" Saying that is game is innovative, and will bring new things to the industry.


Again, I'm not saying this game sucks. It's fun. But for how much it cost to make, I feel like we, the player base, have been somewhat lied to and underhanded. The arguments about it being a new game are invalid. With a 100 million dollar budget, a long development cycle, and such a household name IP, this game should be AMAZING. We were told it was going to be amazing. But we get this "meh". I feel the next game update will improve the game alot, but even so, I don't think the game will be able to last long enough for them to flesh out some really ground breaking features. Which leads to my thought that E.A knew that TOR might fail, so they just focused on getting everyone to buy the game, focusing development soley on marketing. I mean, with huge MMOs coming out in the next few months (longest a year) AND with the rumored starcraft mmo and the new warhammer mmo, The game, at it's current state, does not seem viable for a long shelf life. And the said thing is I think E.A knows this, and doesn't care at all. They reached their goal, make a huge profit at launch, and then just keep siphoning money until the torship sinks. I still have hope for this game, I really do, but things are looking grim.


*sighs* You know what's wrong here? You people are so focused on picking out flaws that you just won't enjoy a game. Granted there are some that really suck and fail. I mean WoW for example. Yes, its still not the longest running MMO, but its up there. However, I personally hate WoW. Talking about repeatative, its worse than STO in the manner that at least STO comes out with new episodes(granted the time in between is horrendous). All WoW has is a bunch of hippity hopping floggers, waiting for a new expansion you have to pay for like its a new game, yet because its NEW and has a 2 hour plotline millions of people run out and wait 2 days camping out of their local gamestop to buy it. At least STO doesn't charge that, and TOR has all the specific plots, full dialog, expansive options to further things that are interesting instead of, 'go kill troll, kill dragon, now go grind for 12 days to get mats to make 1 weak enchantment for your +16 sword.'

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*sighs* You know what's wrong here? You people are so focused on picking out flaws that you just won't enjoy a game. Granted there are some that really suck and fail. I mean WoW for example. Yes, its still not the longest running MMO, but its up there. However, I personally hate WoW. Talking about repeatative, its worse than STO in the manner that at least STO comes out with new episodes(granted the time in between is horrendous). All WoW has is a bunch of hippity hopping floggers, waiting for a new expansion you have to pay for like its a new game, yet because its NEW and has a 2 hour plotline millions of people run out and wait 2 days camping out of their local gamestop to buy it. At least STO doesn't charge that, and TOR has all the specific plots, full dialog, expansive options to further things that are interesting instead of, 'go kill troll, kill dragon, now go grind for 12 days to get mats to make 1 weak enchantment for your +16 sword.'



I'm not busy picking out flaws, As I said, I like the game and I enjoy playing it. It's just hard not to pick out these things. But people think I am critizing the game just to be a critic. These comparisions are meant to be constructive. Oh, btw, this game, aside from the voice acting, is just like WoW, But with less content.

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You’ve officially lost me. When you say more options when creating your person, and naming your ship makes the game. For anyone who hasn’t played STO don’t, I bought and played it at release, and it was pretty bad. Cool concept for an MMO but implemented horribly.


Space combat is the exact same thing every time, this is even down to the number and type of ships you fight.


Away missions are well lets put it this way, if you though SWTOR had bugs try an STO away missions.


There is a reason this game went Free to Play at record pace. If we are saying character creation options are the end all be all for the game, then DCUO should have been amazing! You could have spent hours making your char just right, but in the end the game didn’t even allow the user to choose who they were healing, it was all done via “Smart Healz”.


Please stop making threads to compare every game vs SWTOR. If you do please don’t compare it to a game so badly done as STO.

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Well they waste all that money for adding voice to kill & fetch quests so no surprise there :/


My friend that was playing GW2 last weekend told me that you have 5 skills that match weapons you use. So you have different 5 skills if you use 2 swords. Different when you use 1 sword or some huge 2-handed sword. Different when you use gun and sword.


Now you can't even compare something like that to **** Bioware present us.


Same with PVP. Here we have 3 small and boring warzones + broken Ilum. There you have huge epic battle between 3 servers in world vs world vs world fights.


It's not even cross server like in many MMO where bunch of folks join to do something on battleground. There you have contests between servers. How more cool it can be ?


Point is - GW 2 will appear and 2 things will happen. Arenanet will fail and GW 2 will be forgoten or TOR will eat dirt and only Star Wars fan boys, people that don't like fantasy and some of Bioware fanbase will remain.


From last beta I think that GW2 have better PVE content with no stupid instances EVERYWHERE. Better PVP content and on top of that - better engine, overall graphic and combat system.


I just hope that ArenaNet will deliver but after GW 1 I'm sure they can.


Guild Wars 2 is a console game. That's who they're building it for...everything from limited skills to the **edit** ui and all 6 skill buttons. If you buy it for PC, get a gamepad.

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You’ve officially lost me. When you say more options when creating your person, and naming your ship makes the game. For anyone who hasn’t played STO don’t, I bought and played it at release, and it was pretty bad. Cool concept for an MMO but implemented horribly.


Space combat is the exact same thing every time, this is even down to the number and type of ships you fight.


Away missions are well lets put it this way, if you though SWTOR had bugs try an STO away missions.


There is a reason this game went Free to Play at record pace. If we are saying character creation options are the end all be all for the game, then DCUO should have been amazing! You could have spent hours making your char just right, but in the end the game didn’t even allow the user to choose who they were healing, it was all done via “Smart Healz”.


Please stop making threads to compare every game vs SWTOR. If you do please don’t compare it to a game so badly done as STO.



Again, another person who totally lost the point of the thread. And ok? This is the first comparison. The thread was meant to compare improvement, STO was able to improve and it was fun. The point of the thread was that if TOR doesn't make half of the imrpovements that STO did, It will not be as successful as it could be. Before you come crusading into this thread defending TOR with your life, you should read all that I have said. I put (READ) for people who might get the wrong Idea, saying that I believed STO was better than TOR.

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Again, another person who totally lost the point of the thread. And ok? This is the first comparison. The thread was meant to compare improvement, STO was able to improve and it was fun. The point of the thread was that if TOR doesn't make half of the imrpovements that STO did, It will not be as successful as it could be. Before you come crusading into this thread defending TOR with your life, you should read all that I have said. I put (READ) for people who might get the wrong Idea, saying that I believed STO was better than TOR.


I can agree with you..on some aspects. I listed most of them above I believe. I had STO from the start, I liked it. I still did until they went F2P. Then they turned it into crapbag only if you pay you get the exclusive stuff.


I don't, again, like WoW, I hate it. I will say aside from making you pay $30+ every year or so for an expansion, at least the drops IF you can ever get them after spending 20 hours in one instance you do get the epic drop but then usually who you thought was your friend steals it first. (No..sorry..I don't play WoW, never played past a lv 24 bloodelf thus that epic steal I mentioned, never happened to me and has no baring on my hatred for WoW) So you have to do it again, and again, and again.


At least yeah. STO does keep coming out with free episodes and the epic drops are available to anyone. TOR well you know..just do the flashpoints again till you get what you want or just use the GNT.

Edited by Kaylia
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I can agree with you..on some aspects. I listed most of them above I believe. I had STO from the start, I liked it. I still did until they went F2P. Then they turned it into crapbag only if you pay you get the exclusive stuff.


I don't, again, like WoW, I hate it. I will say aside from making you pay $30+ every year or so for an expansion, at least the drops IF you can ever get them after spending 20 hours in one instance you do get the epic drop but then usually who you thought was your friend steals it first. (No..sorry..I don't play WoW, never played past a lv 24 bloodelf thus that epic steal I mentioned, never happened to me and has no baring on my hatred for WoW) So you have to do it again, and again, and again.


At least yeah. STO does keep coming out with free episodes and the epic drops are available to anyone. TOR well you know..just do the flashpoints again till you get what you want or just use the GNT.


Do you really expect something different from TOR? Expanisions will probably be more expensive than WoW's! The drops were a problem, But usually the people I was with wouldn't do that or I just didn't care about them. (Never been in a 20 hour instance). TOR is a game of repition. WoW, Atleast, while having the same problem, gives a little variation in missions: With TOR, its always collect collect collect and kill kill kill. The problem I have with TOR is that it promised innovation, and it seems the only thing they brought to the table was fully voiced NPCs. (Which to me seems like a waste of money and effort, most people skip through the talking segments anyway)

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Do you really expect something different from TOR? Expanisions will probably be more expensive than WoW's! The drops were a problem, But usually the people I was with wouldn't do that or I just didn't care about them. (Never been in a 20 hour instance). TOR is a game of repition. WoW, Atleast, while having the same problem, gives a little variation in missions: With TOR, its always collect collect collect and kill kill kill. The problem I have with TOR is that it promised innovation, and it seems the only thing they brought to the table was fully voiced NPCs. (Which to me seems like a waste of money and effort, most people skip through the talking segments anyway)


Hrm...Alright fair enough. I suppose I can see where you are coming from. A bit. I like the stories though for each class. As I said I did play WoW for a bit but it got boring to me cause all it turned into was as you said that TOR is repetition. Granted, TOR there are aspects. When you do a certain class, say..Sith for example. You do missions, and some are specific. Then if you do say a bounty hunter, you get off Hutta, then you have the same areas as the Sith do. Like the Revan initiation, and going to the Estate.


However, they aren't all the same missions. The focus for the Sith is completely different than the BH. Its just the side quests that are the same. What I saw in WoW was EVERY quest was exactly the same no matter what class/race you picked. That's where my gripe lays. It only gets interesting if you buy the expansion which at that point costs you as much as the original game. ALL of them is yeah..kill kill, weeeeeeeee. There's no avoiding that.


At least TOR gives you choices, light, dark, for example, Black Talon. I never knew until recently if you pick light, and let the captain live, the entire rest of the flashpoint is different(until you board the republic ship) Can you say that WoW offers that kind of option?

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