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  1. I’m not really for or against the penalty, I don’t leave win or loose that’s enough for me. My concern is I got kicked from 3 Wz’s last night because I joined late, and the gate kept me trapped. I don’t mind joining a game late so I would have stuck around in all 3 games. Please fix that first! It will give a penalty to people who honestly don’t leave WZ’s just because they are down a point or two.
  2. Have all scientific advances not been called science fiction until they are proven to be true, throughout history. Is one more realistic than the other I don’t think so, in fact scientists have been inspired by both for years to bring things to life seen in both series. Let’s also not forget both series actually use a lot from REALITY and the work of some scientists. The TIE in Tie Fighter stands for Twin Ion Engine dose it not. That is a REAL engine that was used in space probes. There have been a number of neat little shows that comment on just how realistic both franchises will be in the near future.
  3. You’ve officially lost me. When you say more options when creating your person, and naming your ship makes the game. For anyone who hasn’t played STO don’t, I bought and played it at release, and it was pretty bad. Cool concept for an MMO but implemented horribly. Space combat is the exact same thing every time, this is even down to the number and type of ships you fight. Away missions are well lets put it this way, if you though SWTOR had bugs try an STO away missions. There is a reason this game went Free to Play at record pace. If we are saying character creation options are the end all be all for the game, then DCUO should have been amazing! You could have spent hours making your char just right, but in the end the game didn’t even allow the user to choose who they were healing, it was all done via “Smart Healz”. Please stop making threads to compare every game vs SWTOR. If you do please don’t compare it to a game so badly done as STO.
  4. I’ll admit for large raids I’ll give in and use TS, I can see the advantages of this tool. That being said it drives me insane when people insist on using it for a level 20-30 Flashpoint. I mean really you can pug this effectively without even typing “HI” into the chat window and yet they feel it requires such in depth instant coordination of voice chat!
  5. What would your stances do to PvE leveling for a Heal Spec sage? If you remove our ability to do any damage while healing we cannot effectively level. Granted as a heal spec I’m not exactly brining the rain with DPS, but it gives me and my companion the little edge we need to clear pulls. Your argument is based on PvP, please don’t destroy a fun healing class because you haven’t learned to kill them in PvP. Your problem is with hybrid spec, but it screws everyone who isn’t. I’m honestly not trying to be argumentative and no insult to anyone was intended, I am just asking people to think large scale at all aspects and not just about PvP which isn’t as important to everyone.
  6. Yes I will keep playing, I do enjoy the game. That being said once “The Secret World” comes out I’ll probably check that out just because I think it’s a cool concept for a game. No levels, No classes, No restrictions. I like the idea of a non linear MMO. I have no hate for BW as I said I have enjoyed the game to this point, I’m not blind to the fact there are bugs, but I understand new games have them.
  7. How much of it is really people dropping WZ because they are scared to loose, and how much of it is the dang respawn bug where if you don’t get out in time you are kicked. I’m all for a penalty if people quit WZ’s in progress but please fix that bug first.
  8. This kind of statement represents the common mindset of most players at this point. The thing is WOW got lucky, it filled the void in the gaming community left by the ageing games such as EQ1, UO, DAOC all of these were great games, and please don't get me wrong I won't hate on WOW. It’s a game people enjoy it enough said. All of the things people are yelling about WOW doing better, it in fact took from these other games to some extent. Over time they refined these items and placed them into game play to become what WOW is today. Was WOW perfect at least? No. Is TOR perfect at release? No. I think you diminish the potential of one game by comparing it to another that has had 7 years to refine itself. The game has been out for such a short amount of time, if you would rather play WOW or Rift by all means, if they were so great why are you here....
  9. Has won the thread we can all go home now....
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