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I used to be against LFG - Why I am now 100 % for it


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First off, you can look at my post history and see that I was against LFG/LFD. I don't need to back up these claims because anyone with a computer can check and verify this. Before, I thought that part of the fun of the game, and challenge, was finding the group - I still do. Before, I believed that some people could not find groups because they were not reputable, or maybe their skills were not quite up to par with what certain group leaders wanted. I still think that is possible. Finally, I thought that LFG/LFD tool leads and caters apathy. " Why care about my gear/rotation/damage when I will never see these people again ? All that matters is we make it through ". I also think this is still true.




What I failed to see before is that, even if these things are true..


It doesn't matter



It doesn't matter !


Why ?


1) People who don't need LFG/LFD still won't use it - they have guildies or friends to run things with

2) People who are apathetic are like that anyway. Any effect the tool has would be negligible on someone with a pre-existing mindset

3) Times have changed. People are a lot busier and MMOs are modernized. Players want to log in, enjoy a dungeon or some pvp, and go on with their day.


As a once staunch supporter of the anti-LFG tool group, I can with confidence say that I so now support it in full. I think there should be sanctions (for instance gear minimums easily attainable with some personal effort), and rewards (for the tanks and healers who do not need to use it). Anyway I don't want to ramble on, but it is something I have been thinking about.

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Personally, I think it would be enough to have an official chat channel for LFG regardless of where you are.


They only need to make level brackets in the chats. So that lvl 50 looking for Hardmodes dont get mixed with lvl 10s.

Edited by Richelieux
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Same here. When I was young and stupid I could waste 1-2 hours waiting for someone to do some stupid dungeon I wanted to try or something like that. I could spend 1-2 hours upgrading drivers, searching for solutions etc if I had any problems. I could play hour or two just wondering around chatting with people and helping them out.


Today 1-2 hours is MAX I can spend on playing something and not even every day. For past few weeks I can spend that hour or two every day. Sometimes even 3 because of the winter and only if I didn't have any programming stuff to do. But it will end soon.

So if I will look for some folks hour or two or I need to spend hour waiting for Warzone to pop-up - it's all my time I can spare.

So when my server was fresh and was filling in people I didn't even log in for a week. Then i canceled my subscription. It was impossible to do nothing except another booooring kill and fetch quest.


So today if someone tell me "that game sux because it last only 6 hours" I just say - WOW - that's around WEEK OF PLAYING. While few years ago it would be 1-2 days. I can't even imagine how today we could play games like Baldurs Gate that could last for 350 hours :|


So LFG is needed. I joined guild of casual players that have normal work so they play at evening. So now I will always have someone to play with. But any other time - LFG is needed.

Edited by DariuszPol
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First off, you can look at my post history and see that I was against LFG/LFD. I don't need to back up these claims because anyone with a computer can check and verify this. Before, I thought that part of the fun of the game, and challenge, was finding the group - I still do. Before, I believed that some people could not find groups because they were not reputable, or maybe their skills were not quite up to par with what certain group leaders wanted. I still think that is possible. Finally, I thought that LFG/LFD tool leads and caters apathy. " Why care about my gear/rotation/damage when I will never see these people again ? All that matters is we make it through ". I also think this is still true.




What I failed to see before is that, even if these things are true..


It doesn't matter



It doesn't matter !


Why ?


1) People who don't need LFG/LFD still won't use it - they have guildies or friends to run things with

2) People who are apathetic are like that anyway. Any effect the tool has would be negligible on someone with a pre-existing mindset

3) Times have changed. People are a lot busier and MMOs are modernized. Players want to log in, enjoy a dungeon or some pvp, and go on with their day.


As a once staunch supporter of the anti-LFG tool group, I can with confidence say that I so now support it in full. I think there should be sanctions (for instance gear minimums easily attainable with some personal effort), and rewards (for the tanks and healers who do not need to use it). Anyway I don't want to ramble on, but it is something I have been thinking about.


Welcome to the lightside!


Completely agree a rift/wow type lfg tool is badly needed!

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I played all the way to lvl 50 without trying a single flashpoint because I just did not want to spend my time standing around on fleet spamming chat.


LFG/LFD makes this game MORE fun and this game is all about having fun so I don't see why there should be a problem.


+1 for LFG tool.

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Plz no LFG, since blizzard brought that to wow, wow has never been the same and i really hope BW doesnt implent this function here in TOR


Care to add some facts to that? Or you just spew it out as every other brainless biodrone that simply hates WoW? If you dont want a feature, dunt friggin use it, I know its hard for you to understand(and many others), but if you enjoy spamming chat for hours on end, be my guest.

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Plz no LFG, since blizzard brought that to wow, wow has never been the same and i really hope BW doesnt implent this function here in TOR


Your right since wow added the cross server lfg it has not ever been the same! Its been 100% BETTER!


The devs have posted already that a lfg tool is being worked on. Another dev in a recent interview stated that cross server is also being looked into!


Glad to see swtor is working to make the game better!

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I dont think most people hate the LFG Idea,


It's that most that have seen what Cross Server LFG did to Warcraft, in which people just became real A-H0les and doing dungeons wasn't fun anymore


There is already a LFG in game, it just needs to be improved. I wouldn't mind queueing for a random FP, but server only, No cross server.



I don't want cross server LFG, PVE or PvP


If they do implement a pvp one I would say only lvl 50's, and only premades, that way it leaves us solo queue people to regular wz.

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Your right since wow added the cross server lfg it has not ever been the same! Its been 100% BETTER!


The devs have posted already that a lfg tool is being worked on. Another dev in a recent interview stated that cross server is also being looked into!


Glad to see swtor is working to make the game better!



low lvl dungeons are better, but once u get to end game stuff, It's nothing but complaining and making fun of others and it doesn't making queueing any fun.

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