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No Cross Realm LFG tool please!


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I am disappointed to see the cross realm LFG tool being talked about as a future addition to the game. I was really hoping to keep that out of TOR just because of it's ability to destroy community in a game. I would be all for LFG server wide but cross realm is a no go for me.
As a community purist, I'm not a fan of cross-realm LFG in general. But my side on my server has lost a lot of people over the last two months---we have typically a third fewer folks in the fleet these days than we did at launch. It's pretty difficult to find other players to run FPs & Ops, unless you are guildies and have planned ahead. But for the "jump on and do something fun" aspect of MMOs, the lack of ability to do this in SWTOR is really killing my desire to log in.


I love group PVE content and want to do more. I don't want to have to reroll.


Practically speaking, then, I'm now for a cross-realm LFG tool. I want to be able to log in, queue up and then run something fun. Playing alts endlessly or standing around at the fleet? Not as fun.


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Still firm in my position that cross server LFG tools for dungeons and operations does nothing to harm healthy communities and, at worst, only removes illusions of power from abusive server populations.


Agreed! The so called "community" is fantasy since they associate with their crowd and really aren't affected by the rest of "community."

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this is great!


i really can do that? no kidding? searching by word's it is clearly greatest invention of 21century

made by BW and DarthKhaos





Man you truly are sad. You said you read the guide. If you did I stated that the current tool can use some design improvements and until a better one is implemented use what is currently there. I have even in both that thread and this one showed concepts of a fully graphical one.


You can either sit, and complain or work with what you got until better comes along. We know your choice.

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You can either sit, and complain or work with what you got until better comes along.


I realize this isn't directed at me, but... in a previous post I detailed exactly what I did last night with the tool and beyond to try and get a group for Foundry... unsuccessfully. It doesn't matter how much I WANT to use what exists... it isn't being used and is completely ineffective as a result. Why can't you come to the conclusion that the only way the current system works is if every single person on a server uses it and that server needs lots and lots of people (conditions that would be very very rare).


Unfortunately, those conditions exist on your server only, apparently! I have not seen or heard it anywhere else.


Just admit that it is a flawed, sad excuse for a "tool". In 90% of the cases, it doesn't work. Please stop peddling the myth that as long as we just all band together and work really really hard that it will work beautifully. It has been in existence from the beginning, and it is used less now than ever before on my server (previous server high for usage at one time during peak = 3). I was the only one flagged on my server last night... ONLY ONE!


I really can't understand why you are such an apologist for this fail of a tool. You would think that you wrote the code for it and that's why you are so adamant that everyone just needs to be aware, then we could solve world hunger. Ain't gonna happen with this tool. Its bad! Very bad!

Edited by Meldwyn
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I completely agree with you. It is not being used. That guy didn't want to use it because you had to type in search parameters instead of click buttons or use dropdowns. (Too Retro.) Some because it doesn't auto create the party. Some more because it doesn't auto port you to the event. Others didn't even know it existed. Just because someone does not knew that a hammer exist or that it doesn't have a motorized piston driving the nail home doesn't mean the tool is bad.


IMO the playerbase has forgotten that things take time to develop. Whatever the reason why a all shiny one wasn't in at launch there is something that can be used. The reason I find the whole situation amusing is that they know the more people that use it the better it will work but refuse to use it then complain that it is hard to find groups. I have personally seen someone spamming in general and I see someone in lfg that would fill that roll in a warzone flagged.


Call me cold but I got no sympathy for this kind of thinking.

Edited by DarthKhaos
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I am disappointed to see the cross realm LFG tool being talked about as a future addition to the game. I was really hoping to keep that out of TOR just because of it's ability to destroy community in a game. I would be all for LFG server wide but cross realm is a no go for me.


you might be correct if all servers had high population, but since the majority of servers are mid population or less, theres really no community left to worry about destroying. As it is, you can find countless threads about how the servers are dying. i for one think of this as a blessing. ive always loved the LFG system in WoW.

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I completely agree with you. It is not being used. That guy didn't want to use it because you had to type in search parameters instead of click buttons or use dropdowns. (Too Retro.) Some because it doesn't auto create the party. Some more because it doesn't auto port you to the event. Others didn't even know it existed. Just because someone does not knew that a hammer exist or that it doesn't have a motorized piston driving the nail home doesn't mean the tool is bad.


IMO the playerbase has forgotten that things take time to develop. Whatever the reason why a all shiny one wasn't in at launch there is something that can be used. The reason I find the whole situation amusing is that they know the more people that use it the better it will work but refuse to use it then complain that it is hard to find groups. I have personally seen someone spamming in general and I see someone in lfg that would fill that roll in a warzone flagged.


Call me cold but I got no sympathy for this kind of thinking.


Nor we for yours.

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You said you read the guide. If you did I stated that the current tool can use some design improvements and until a better one is implemented use what is currently there.
i don't need guide to use simple search…


and too short string that filled by players as they like make results of search not reliable

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i don't need guide to use simple search…


and too short string that filled by players as they like make results of search not reliable

So did your research tell you that if you mouse over the LFG icon in the list it shows the entire comment?


Guess not...

Edited by DarthKhaos
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Please BW. All you have to do is look at what things like cross realm LFG, addons, dps meters, etc have done to the community in other games... Don't do that to this awesome game.


Don't bow to these MMO newcomers who have only experienced 1 terrible MMO (you know what i'm talking about) and think that's the way they all should be.


Do what you promised us and make the best game possible with an actual, thriving community and awesome Star Wars stories told in that awesome BW way!


You sound like a blizzard/wow employee sneaking in here trying to destroy swtor.


Ps: I play both games

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Nor we for yours.


You have no sympathy for us because we show no sympathy to you for your refusal to use what tools are available. Makes sense, I forgot to give you your entitlement, my bad.


Because it it not an instant button click, choose role, auto group set up you wont use the current LFG tool. Because you have to type in some descriptive letters, you won't use the current LFG tool. Because you may have to define more closely your search (What ? Me search?) criteria, you won't use the current LFG tool.


But you will complain and lash out because of what You Did Not Do, Use the current LFG tool that was provided.


Because of your lack of even trying to use the LFG tool as it was intended, and because it was not the same design, ease, function, method, style, and "instant' (lol) outcome as another game ( -----> that way), you say you need a LFG tool (THERE is one) and therefore must also have a X-Server LFG. Because you did not use the first, why should I even agree to allow the second? You are expecting entitlements when you have not even tried to use what is there, just complain it's not a "Clone" of "what you want" instead.


Yes, I'm cold and unfeeling in your plight because you never tried in the first place. It is not in me to give to those that will not even try and just want an "I Win" button at the click of a mouse.


If you so desire all these features that "all these other games have and SWTOR should never have been released without them because I say I want these features" then I ask a very simple question. Why are you HERE and not where you can get all your "Bells and Whistles" to play with?


This is SWTOR.

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If that was supposed to discourage me... it doesn't :D

The kind of people that would leave this game for... that... we're better off without them. Trust me.


Then I guess you wouldn't have much of an MMO.

Kungfu panda - MASSIVELY multiplayer

Swtor (post panda) - many multiplayer

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You sound like a blizzard/wow employee sneaking in here trying to destroy swtor.


Ps: I play both games


Actually, if one of the two of you fits that description, well, it isn't him.


Blizzard has said that they "can't get the Djinn back in the bottle" in regards to all of the addons, meters, tools that they have allowed into WoW. That they allowed too much and it is now too late for them to fix most of it. They have worked on some fixes, but they are few and far between, and mostly set to lower/stop ninja and Dual Spec looting items that they shouldn't, but it's a start.


May BW not fall into this same category with all the tools being given to the player base, just because I want, I need, I desire, when so far, no one has.


This does not reflect upon the trouble being faced with low Pop servers, which hopefully will be addressed without adding a X-Server LFG/anything, unless as Darth has said, it allows my friends I met there to come to my server, and it allows my to go to theirs. Otherwise look at the server pops and work out, if need be, mergers that equalize Imp/Rep sides as well.

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The LFD is one of the most successful tools ever introduced in a MMROPG, so successful that everyone uses except a select few. Everybodys complaint derives from how successful it was from it's intended purpose. Funny enough many guilds on my server would use it for pugs and they liked the tool as it gave them access to content with other guildies.
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You have no sympathy for us because we show no sympathy to you for your refusal to use what tools are available. Makes sense, I forgot to give you your entitlement, my bad.

You mean my $15 a month doesn't entitle me to voice my opinion and to lobby for what I want in the same way you foam at your mouth for yours? This might surprise you, but life doesn't work that way.


Because it it not an instant button click, choose role, auto group set up you wont use the current LFG tool. Because you have to type in some descriptive letters, you won't use the current LFG tool. Because you may have to define more closely your search (What ? Me search?) criteria, you won't use the current LFG tool.

Here's a clue for you; the best tool in the world is worthless if few people use it. I know it's not fair, but it is what it is.


But you will complain and lash out because of what You Did Not Do, Use the current LFG tool that was provided.

Let's try this again... The Ford Edsel, New Coke, the Chevy Volt, the SWTOR LFG tool. See a pattern? If people don't like something, it doesn't matter if it's the best thing since slice bread, people will shun it.


Because of your lack of even trying to use the LFG tool as it was intended, and because it was not the same design, ease, function, method, style, and "instant' (lol) outcome as another game ( -----> that way), you say you need a LFG tool (THERE is one) and therefore must also have a X-Server LFG. Because you did not use the first, why should I even agree to allow the second? You are expecting entitlements when you have not even tried to use what is there, just complain it's not a "Clone" of "what you want" instead.


Yes, I'm cold and unfeeling in your plight because you never tried in the first place. It is not in me to give to those that will not even try and just want an "I Win" button at the click of a mouse.

My, we do go on, don't we.


If you so desire all these features that "all these other games have and SWTOR should never have been released without them because I say I want these features" then I ask a very simple question. Why are you HERE and not where you can get all your "Bells and Whistles" to play with?

Humm... let's see now... if I like features from other MMOs I've played, would I want SWTOR to add them if it makes sense to do so...? Humm... let me see... let me see.


This is SWTOR.

This is a for-profit enterprise and their lifeblood is monthly fees from subscribers. If BioWare honestly believes giving every player s Death Star will propel SWTOR to 10 million subscribers, then there'll be 10 million Death Stars. It's fun and games to us, but it's just business to BioWare's major Investors.

Edited by Lowenblade
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Yes, it's SWTOR and not a different game, but they DID go with the typical MMORPG model. They DID go with the holy trinity of tank, dps and healers. On my server it seems to be very healer-heavy. There are some tanks around but not many. Now try to find the ones who happen to be logged on, looking for a group for something you are and get the run done without people dropping group, which pretty much ends the run.


I'm not talking about any other game, but this is my experience with SWTOR - it's hard to get anything done. General or trade is not full of chatty people having conversations and looking to meet people or learn about the game - it's all LFG spam and even that's fallen off massively.


And before you tell me it's hard to fill groups with a tank and dps's (I'm a healer) because I don't put in the time or effort or speak rudely to people etc let me explain this - I'm a stay at home mother who's children aren't staying with me currently. I have time in abundance for this game. 20 hour days playing? Not rare. And let me tell you this - it's still ridiculously hard, frustrating and often fruitless trying to get anything done. I can't imagine people who only have a set few hours or longer blocks on some days getting too much done.


Other people who had been playing longer than me had finished the content, were geared in the top-tier gear when I was just creating my first character ever. They all stopped playing, it seems, just as I was getting close to hitting 50. I hit 50 and can't even get a run finished to craft my synthweaving epics. Started runs? yes. Finished? no. The time it takes to get a group together means people's real life makes them unable to finish the run. Even posting numbers, like there's 40-60 people on Fleet at any given time is meaningless. Of those how many are looking to do the content I am, or anything other than logging in to do some crafting, check the GTN, talk to their guildies and log out? Or who aren't doing PVP instead? And of those who are, how many are already in groups with a healer? As I said, the server I play on is pretty healer-heavy. And yes, I have tried runs using healers as dps's.


The fact of the matter is there ARE other games out there, and like it or not SWTOR IS competing with them. I have other games on my PC. And what makes my choice for me each time I decide which one to log on? What I can do in each. I know I log onto SWTOR and I'll be standing around with no-one to talk to spamming trade feeling alone and dejected. Or I can log onto another game and have almost non-stop conversation and almost endless chains of doing things. Even if it is the dreaded farming which needs to be done every few months. Can people afford to spend the time and money on 2 or more games? Absolutely.


But is it worth it keeping them all active, updated and subscribed with your characters all maxed to the best of your ability? It is if that's what's getting done.


And as a fantastic game as SWTOR is, the areas where it's lacking make it feel horrible, almost like a stinker. I find myself logging in and doing something trivial just to remind myself that it's not all that horrible, that it is a great game. Because everytime I try to do anything on my max-level character it leaves me feeling like I've just wasted an incredible amount of time, effort and energy. Working on levelling a new character? It's something I've done a few times already and feels too grindy and like a waste of time and effort - what happens if they actually hit 50? Oh noes. And even then along the way I find myself going to you-tube to watch vids of class quests etc to SEE the epicness that is about to come up and what I'm working for just to motivate myself to get there. But like I said. I have other games to play. SWTOR is not my game of choice.


The fixes are so simple it's stupid. Some which would make it truly fantastic are more involved and time-consuming, but others just feel ridiculous that they aren't already there. Spend literally hundreds of millions of dollars creating a game and then taking these kinds of risks and making the game appeal to such a narrow audience seems like a collosal waste of money. Those people appalled by the sheer cost of the game's creation talking about how that money could have been used to greatly relieve world hunger etc might not have being dramatic - they really do have a point. And it's mind-boggling that they don't seem too serious about making that money back and having something positive to answer their creditors and investors with.


Sorry if all this has sounded too negative, but that IS how SWTOR makes me feel. And it seems like there is nothing I personally myself can do to improve the situation. I can't work out ways to play my character better, I can't improve my gear beyond what it is by myself without other people's help. And if I do then? Instead of feeling bad about failed flashpoint runs or complete lack of them it'll be operations. Or bugs in them. It all feels like I'm at the mercy of the game and on top of that it feels lonely. Oh, and crafted epics? The epics I can make other than the bracers and belt from the synthweaving trainer are actually itemized worse than gear with modifications from Corelia let alone cybertech-made/artifice mods. Logging in to gather materials to make orange gear after the patch so hopefully I can make some critted ones just doesn't do it for me, sorry. Exciting, but does that help me actually play? Nope. Was this game fun? Despite the lack of fandangled features it was. Incredibly. But that was then and this is now. Not only has my character changed, but the community has as well. Reroll to a different server? Done. And it isn't as exciting as people make it out to be. And on top of that it feels like I'm walking away from a character I put so much time and effort into. And one which could help my new character progress.

Edited by Darnu
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Your not alone people have been posting simular stuff all week long, you like myself just need to step back for awhile, play your skyrim etc and give Bioware some time to evolve their game. It will take a bit with all the voice acting but they will get it done, too much money to be made not too.
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People want to have fun, and they pay to do so. Sitting in the fleet for an hr yelling or sending whispers for flashpoints isnt fun for most. If adding a lfg tool helps form groups I am all for it, cross server is good if they dont have plans to merge anytime soon.
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Yes, it's SWTOR and not a different game, but they DID go with the typical MMORPG model. They DID go with the holy trinity of tank, dps and healers. On my server it seems to be very healer-heavy. There are some tanks around but not many. Now try to find the ones who happen to be logged on, looking for a group for something you are and get the run done without people dropping group, which pretty much ends the run.


I'm not talking about any other game, but this is my experience with SWTOR - it's hard to get anything done. General or trade is not full of chatty people having conversations and looking to meet people or learn about the game - it's all LFG spam and even that's fallen off massively.


And before you tell me it's hard to fill groups with a tank and dps's (I'm a healer) because I don't put in the time or effort or speak rudely to people etc let me explain this - I'm a stay at home mother who's children aren't staying with me currently. I have time in abundance for this game. 20 hour days playing? Not rare. And let me tell you this - it's still ridiculously hard, frustrating and often fruitless trying to get anything done. I can't imagine people who only have a set few hours or longer blocks on some days getting too much done.


Other people who had been playing longer than me had finished the content, were geared in the top-tier gear when I was just creating my first character ever. They all stopped playing, it seems, just as I was getting close to hitting 50. I hit 50 and can't even get a run finished to craft my synthweaving epics. Started runs? yes. Finished? no. The time it takes to get a group together means people's real life makes them unable to finish the run. Even posting numbers, like there's 40-60 people on Fleet at any given time is meaningless. Of those how many are looking to do the content I am, or anything other than logging in to do some crafting, check the GTN, talk to their guildies and log out? Or who aren't doing PVP instead? And of those who are, how many are already in groups with a healer? As I said, the server I play on is pretty healer-heavy. And yes, I have tried runs using healers as dps's.


The fact of the matter is there ARE other games out there, and like it or not SWTOR IS competing with them. I have other games on my PC. And what makes my choice for me each time I decide which one to log on? What I can do in each. I know I log onto SWTOR and I'll be standing around with no-one to talk to spamming trade feeling alone and dejected. Or I can log onto another game and have almost non-stop conversation and almost endless chains of doing things. Even if it is the dreaded farming which needs to be done every few months. Can people afford to spend the time and money on 2 or more games? Absolutely.


But is it worth it keeping them all active, updated and subscribed with your characters all maxed to the best of your ability? It is if that's what's getting done.


And as a fantastic game as SWTOR is, the areas where it's lacking make it feel horrible, almost like a stinker. I find myself logging in and doing something trivial just to remind myself that it's not all that horrible, that it is a great game. Because everytime I try to do anything on my max-level character it leaves me feeling like I've just wasted an incredible amount of time, effort and energy. Working on levelling a new character? It's something I've done a few times already and feels too grindy and like a waste of time and effort - what happens if they actually hit 50? Oh noes. And even then along the way I find myself going to you-tube to watch vids of class quests etc to SEE the epicness that is about to come up and what I'm working for just to motivate myself to get there. But like I said. I have other games to play. SWTOR is not my game of choice.


The fixes are so simple it's stupid. Some which would make it truly fantastic are more involved and time-consuming, but others just feel ridiculous that they aren't already there. Spend literally hundreds of millions of dollars creating a game and then taking these kinds of risks and making the game appeal to such a narrow audience seems like a collosal waste of money. Those people appalled by the sheer cost of the game's creation talking about how that money could have been used to greatly relieve world hunger etc might not have being dramatic - they really do have a point. And it's mind-boggling that they don't seem too serious about making that money back and having something positive to answer their creditors and investors with.


Sorry if all this has sounded too negative, but that IS how SWTOR makes me feel. And it seems like there is nothing I personally myself can do to improve the situation. I can't work out ways to play my character better, I can't improve my gear beyond what it is by myself without other people's help. And if I do then? Instead of feeling bad about failed flashpoint runs or complete lack of them it'll be operations. Or bugs in them. It all feels like I'm at the mercy of the game and on top of that it feels lonely. Oh, and crafted epics? The epics I can make other than the bracers and belt from the synthweaving trainer are actually itemized worse than gear with modifications from Corelia let alone cybertech-made/artifice mods. Logging in to gather materials to make orange gear after the patch so hopefully I can make some critted ones just doesn't do it for me, sorry. Exciting, but does that help me actually play? Nope. Was this game fun? Despite the lack of fandangled features it was. Incredibly. But that was then and this is now. Not only has my character changed, but the community has as well. Reroll to a different server? Done. And it isn't as exciting as people make it out to be. And on top of that it feels like I'm walking away from a character I put so much time and effort into. And one which could help my new character progress.



I have to say incredibly well said!

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Yes, it's SWTOR and not a different game, but they DID go with the typical MMORPG model. They DID go with the holy trinity of tank, dps and healers. On my server it seems to be very healer-heavy. There are some tanks around but not many. Now try to find the ones who happen to be logged on, looking for a group for something you are and get the run done without people dropping group, which pretty much ends the run.


I'm not talking about any other game, but this is my experience with SWTOR - it's hard to get anything done. General or trade is not full of chatty people having conversations and looking to meet people or learn about the game - it's all LFG spam and even that's fallen off massively.


And before you tell me it's hard to fill groups with a tank and dps's (I'm a healer) because I don't put in the time or effort or speak rudely to people etc let me explain this - I'm a stay at home mother who's children aren't staying with me currently. I have time in abundance for this game. 20 hour days playing? Not rare. And let me tell you this - it's still ridiculously hard, frustrating and often fruitless trying to get anything done. I can't imagine people who only have a set few hours or longer blocks on some days getting too much done.


Other people who had been playing longer than me had finished the content, were geared in the top-tier gear when I was just creating my first character ever. They all stopped playing, it seems, just as I was getting close to hitting 50. I hit 50 and can't even get a run finished to craft my synthweaving epics. Started runs? yes. Finished? no. The time it takes to get a group together means people's real life makes them unable to finish the run. Even posting numbers, like there's 40-60 people on Fleet at any given time is meaningless. Of those how many are looking to do the content I am, or anything other than logging in to do some crafting, check the GTN, talk to their guildies and log out? Or who aren't doing PVP instead? And of those who are, how many are already in groups with a healer? As I said, the server I play on is pretty healer-heavy. And yes, I have tried runs using healers as dps's.


The fact of the matter is there ARE other games out there, and like it or not SWTOR IS competing with them. I have other games on my PC. And what makes my choice for me each time I decide which one to log on? What I can do in each. I know I log onto SWTOR and I'll be standing around with no-one to talk to spamming trade feeling alone and dejected. Or I can log onto another game and have almost non-stop conversation and almost endless chains of doing things. Even if it is the dreaded farming which needs to be done every few months. Can people afford to spend the time and money on 2 or more games? Absolutely.


But is it worth it keeping them all active, updated and subscribed with your characters all maxed to the best of your ability? It is if that's what's getting done.


And as a fantastic game as SWTOR is, the areas where it's lacking make it feel horrible, almost like a stinker. I find myself logging in and doing something trivial just to remind myself that it's not all that horrible, that it is a great game. Because everytime I try to do anything on my max-level character it leaves me feeling like I've just wasted an incredible amount of time, effort and energy. Working on levelling a new character? It's something I've done a few times already and feels too grindy and like a waste of time and effort - what happens if they actually hit 50? Oh noes. And even then along the way I find myself going to you-tube to watch vids of class quests etc to SEE the epicness that is about to come up and what I'm working for just to motivate myself to get there. But like I said. I have other games to play. SWTOR is not my game of choice.


The fixes are so simple it's stupid. Some which would make it truly fantastic are more involved and time-consuming, but others just feel ridiculous that they aren't already there. Spend literally hundreds of millions of dollars creating a game and then taking these kinds of risks and making the game appeal to such a narrow audience seems like a collosal waste of money. Those people appalled by the sheer cost of the game's creation talking about how that money could have been used to greatly relieve world hunger etc might not have being dramatic - they really do have a point. And it's mind-boggling that they don't seem too serious about making that money back and having something positive to answer their creditors and investors with.


Sorry if all this has sounded too negative, but that IS how SWTOR makes me feel. And it seems like there is nothing I personally myself can do to improve the situation. I can't work out ways to play my character better, I can't improve my gear beyond what it is by myself without other people's help. And if I do then? Instead of feeling bad about failed flashpoint runs or complete lack of them it'll be operations. Or bugs in them. It all feels like I'm at the mercy of the game and on top of that it feels lonely. Oh, and crafted epics? The epics I can make other than the bracers and belt from the synthweaving trainer are actually itemized worse than gear with modifications from Corelia let alone cybertech-made/artifice mods. Logging in to gather materials to make orange gear after the patch so hopefully I can make some critted ones just doesn't do it for me, sorry. Exciting, but does that help me actually play? Nope. Was this game fun? Despite the lack of fandangled features it was. Incredibly. But that was then and this is now. Not only has my character changed, but the community has as well. Reroll to a different server? Done. And it isn't as exciting as people make it out to be. And on top of that it feels like I'm walking away from a character I put so much time and effort into. And one which could help my new character progress.


Nice read

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