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Khem val is totally useless and needs to die painfully.


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If you think Khem Val is useless, make an imperial agent and get Kaliyo (your first companion, also a tank like Khem Val).


Do that and you will realize Khem is a big diamond.


different type, hence different play style required. Kaliyo was very nice on some types of mobs and annoying on others. Personally, I prefer melee tanks, so I used Scorpio all the time after I got "her". There is a different reason why I switched tanks, but I wont say it here as it is a spoiler. But after it was all done, I had gotten use to the melee tanking. But, imo, all companions are fine the way they are imo. I've never had any issues with them.

Edited by Fallerup
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different type, hence different play style required. Kaliyo was very nice on some types of mobs and annoying on others. Personally, I prefer melee tanks, so I used Scorpio all the time after I got "her". There is a different reason why I switched tanks, but I wont say it here as it is a spoiler. But after it was all done, I had gotten use to the melee tanking. But, imo, all companions are fine the way they are imo. I've never had any issues with them.


Dont missunderstand me. I leveled from 1-50 with kaliyo just fine (except for a little time, you know).


Having said that, Khem is just better, not because he's melee, but because he just tanks better with equal level gear than kaliyo.


Leveling with Khem is easy mode after leveling with Kaliyo.

Edited by GengisKahn
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Khem is great.


Curiously, I discovered he was a better tank when I just put him in dps gear. This was after about level 35, I think.


(Healer spec Sorceror, soloed every 4man heroic up to Hoth, skipped a few there, managed a few after that, hit 50 and after that just used Khem for fetch and carry missions. Along with every other companion.)

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He has greens up to his level, and he is still crap.


I'm level 25 doing alderaan, the mobs there are all 28 and 29. I can take on 3 or 4 at a time no problem with Khem. Shield him, make sure essence drain or whatever is on, shield yourself and go to town. I'm madness spec and Khem still has some level 14 or so greens... I don't use the tanking stance on him, I use the dps stance. I can kill things my level without my shield going down on him. Andronikos is easier to use though since his damage is so much higher.

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Im sure it's been mentioned before and I wonder if the poster of this thread will even read this... but to all you other ppl: you dont have to spend a lot of credits gearing up your companion. You can always use recommendation currency on new gear / mods and choose companion armor as reward from quests. Even is the offered gear is an improvement for your own character, it might not be as big as for your companion.

And dont forget to equip it with 'armor-leftovers' if its any better, like earpieces; even though it might have willpower on it, it might still give more endurance than some old earpiece with a bit of strength you equipped it 20 lvls ago...

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I would have to agree with this thread totally Khem Val totally sucks unless u spend a lot kitting him out i have his quest reward armour, and hes lvl 50 and hes still useless, evven if i do heal him and try to rduce the danmage he takes.


hopefully there will be some companion armour vendors added at some point

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Khem is the best companion in the game, he's just have the best lines as well, mako for bh is good and I also like Vette and Jaesa for sw.

Khem needs to be geared @ 26 he had some good and some green and could handle champions easy, @ 39 he handles 2 elites and 2 strongs, he owns.

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Tank companions are bad, just plain bad. They work up until around 40, but as soon as you get a dps companion or healer companion you should use them.


The healer companion tanks better than khem, keeps himself up, helps you dps and keeps you up. If I pull groups with khem or any other tank comp I need to heal him, draining my resources, if I pull a group with a healer comp he tanks whatever I dont have on me while I focus the targets one at a time, ending most fights at 90-100% for both and wont have to rest. Get more than 1 strong with a tank pet and it usually dies unless you waste resources. Trying and killing a champion effectively with a tank pet is a joke, they do subpar damage and drain you, while you cant dps properly. You are better off tanking on your own and having a healer comp.


Khem and all other tank comps are also terrible if you bump into world pvp, heal comps are just far superior to any other comp imo.

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Khem is quite good actually! I have a level 45 damage sorcerer and I have used Khem all the time. I have just taken all gear offered to him after finishing quests and he's doing fine. At level 45 he has around 10500 hp and against most bosses/elites he does not even fall, usually around 10-20 % health left after battle.


The trick is is to shield him every time possible and use Crushing Darkness, Affection and area attacks when sending him into battle. Usually this leaves him around 80 % health after battle against 4 regular mobs and around 50-60 % against 1 silver + 2 regular. And Sorcerers should remember use CC when there are 2 silvers + others.


So Khem is good if you know how to use him. Even tanks need shields and some healing you know.

Edited by Zamppa
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Tank companions are bad, just plain bad. They work up until around 40, but as soon as you get a dps companion or healer companion you should use them.



well for one, on my sorc i used tank all the way up and once i hit 40 and got him the 40 pvp gear, all i had to do was bubble him and he did amazing.

for two, some classes cant quest with anything other than a tank companion

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As an assassin I switched to Ashara and found things alot easier. Specced out in might mods.


And compared to a friend who was levelling up a sorc, the fact that you can heal him is a huge bonus over an assassin. Whilst being perfect for a sorc, Khem is less than ideal for an assassin, and you're stuck with him for a long time. Andronikus isn't really that good either, so you have to wait until Ashara.


Ashara does the DPS and can take on strong opponents solo - but the problem is she can't always hold aggro like Khem can, but in any case I fare better with her than I do Khem.


Elites with good AI wail on me rather than Ashara, I often end the fight clinging on for dear life and Ashara is barely scratched, but hey whatever works. :D

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I use khem andi just get greens or blues to gear him. My guild's synthweaver makes stuff for me. That is also a good idea, take synthwaeving and gear both you and khem. Just understand, re your stuff, get the blue and purple schems. Guildie ran a test, at 42, purple and blue synth is better than modded oranges, and way cheaper. Khem just needs armour and a good vibrosword, and he rocks.
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if you are here to whine. you are done. get out of here.


if you want to learn how to use khem aka the best tanking comp in game, read the damn replies.


or, you can post a vid of how your bubble burst in 2 sec and khem dies in 4.


then we can laugh at your inability to cc

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Zero issues using khem with both a sorcerer and assassin.


People just don't seem to be willing to adjust their strategies to complement their specific companions.


Certain companions definitely work better with certain classes/specs but I do not understand why people say some companions suck. I've played every base class on the empire side and haven't run into a single companion that I think sucks. Any class can get through the game using any companion. You just need to know how to use them effectively and think of them as equals in terms of gear priority, sometimes holding off on your own to give them something they need.

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like I said, I used Khem Val almost all the time as assassin, because I like to be behind the target. only on bosses did I use the healer, with me tanking, because, while good, Khem was no match for bosses without healing, which is fair. Never got around using Ashara, maybe I'll try it out some time. But it is a PvP character so I'm usually not doing any PvE with her (female assassin). I might grind some daily now and then if I need cash for something, but I find PvP much better to farm cash because there is no repair cost, you only gain money. While ts no always much pr. match, it is effective. Edited by Fallerup
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Khem was Great up to About level 40, then hes Becomming more of a hinderince then a help since he keeps getting Killed very fast, ill need to spend a fourtune on him just to get him uber again.


Again, dont be bad...


get him lvl 40 pvp gear and hes an amazing dps and tank

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All tanking companions feel like they're weaker than a wet paper towel right now - and it's because they were nerfed across the board towards the end of beta.



Back when i was playing beta, all tanking companions received a bonus to armor rating while in their guard/defense stance - 60% to be precise. That's equivalent to the armor boost that player tanks get while in their tanking stance.


Having that 60% extra armor actually let them stand up to a few targets without getting wtfpwned in a few seconds, and without needing constant spam healing. The problem (according to bioware) is that healing-specced players were able to solo heroic 4 content too easily, so tanking companions had the armor buff removed. Now, they're useless to anyone except a healer specced player, and even then you still have to spam heal them in order to keep them alive, preventing you from adding any damage to the fight yourself.


I could see them cutting that armor buff down, but they shouldnt have removed it entirely.


They do have the armor buff: see Guardian Strike/Flameguard/etc. It's 20% armor upon attacking an enemy. They just don't have the passive armor boost via tank stance anymore.


Tank companions are just fine, though they could use a slight boost to Defense.

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  • 1 month later...
Did anyone who replied to this even bother to read my first post? Not just skim it? I am SURE that if I were to throw bags of money at the GTM Khem would be better then most player tanks, but I said REPEATEDLY I'm not willing to do that. So, read the OP, or just don't bother to reply, because you'll promptly be ignored.


I read your comment and I agree. Khem Val is worthless. Forget all the 'know-all' twots telling you to learn to play or you should buy this and buy that, and others going on about take this crafting skill and that crafting skill, blah blah blah! You will always get e-tards commenting with their condescending 'leetness' going totally off topic on how awesome they are, etc. None of their comments are even in the slightest bit helpful in the end.


In conclusion, I agree with you. Khem Val is a a rubbish tank unless you have credits falling out your ears.

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Apparently im fail at leveling an assassin >_> I HATED Khem Val. I geared him, gave him cookies and milk, made sure he brushed his teeth and everything and still found him to be trash. I ended up switching my tree to tank and using Adronikis when he was unlocked until I got Talos then it was game-over I win.


But honestly, I personally just HATED Khem Val, It got so bad I actually just started sending him out on missions and soloing (literally) everything...Amusing story, I died less like that -.-


Guess I couldnt use Khem effectively so relying on him as a tank was holding me back.




The only issue you can run into after not using Khem Val is a certain part in the story where hes required to be used. So dont totally ignore him after he gets sent back to the ship to rot in peace.


P.S. Spoiler Alert? Not really but kinda sorta? I dont really care but you cant say I didnt warn you, even after the fact crybabies.

Edited by MrScar
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