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The solution for warzone quitters


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1. Create a hefty, but OPTIONAL, penalty for quitting the warzone

2. When queueing up, there would be 2 options: queue with penalty for leaving and queue without penalty for leaving

3. Those two groups wouldn't mix, if you queue without penalty, you'll only play with people who opted out of the penalty


This way all the quitters can merrily play together quitting on each other while I can choose not to play with them.

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Or do like WoW and give a deserter debuff. Seems a nice way to do it, if you quit out or leave you get a 15 min ban from queing again, if done again before say 2-3 hours have passed double it, and again and again if repeatedly done.


The only trouble with this would be that if you joined a battle what is clearly a loss at the point of joining you will be annoyed. However you could of course have a tickbox or something to "Only join games not in progress". This would mean if people left then likey chance is the game is over for their team as people wouldnt be replacing them but still.

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Or do like WoW and give a deserter debuff. Seems a nice way to do it, if you quit out or leave you get a 15 min ban from queing again, if done again before say 2-3 hours have passed double it, and again and again if repeatedly done.



Brilliant! So those who quit before now will stay and do nothing, afk, walk around in stealth or "guard" the only Alderanian turret which won't help you to win! That solved everything!

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"Gladoss, titdiscus, Leoran: What do you plan to against Warzones’ AFK, more particularly about players who leave Warzones ? Will there be sanctions for this type of behavior?


Gabe Amatangelo: It is not sanctioned behavior. In Game Update 1.2 we will be making changes to the Warzone rewards system, which will de-incentivize this type of behavior. This will include the removal of the interim bag/quest system, the introduction of the direct purchase of gear from Warzone and Ranked Warzone commendations, 14 new objective-based medals and participation scaling the rewards. Additionally, players will have the option to vote kick idlers. Kicked players will not be able to re-queue for several minutes."



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Why am I punished for not wanting to be in any sort of fun?



It's not fun joining a WZ half over


It's not fun being a whipping boy for the opposing team


It's not fun sitting in a WZ trying your hardest with a bunch of inexperienced players who have never pvp'd in their life or have yet to get used to it.


It's just not fun sometimes to be "stuck" in a warzone.





In the end, penalize me all you want, it won't make a difference, if I'm not having fun I am trying to not do it.


The problem with pvp is that it is a catch 22, if you enjoy it then it is what you want to do, I love a good competitive match, but these matches I personally am leaving are where there is clearly no competition, it's literally a slaughter.

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Or do like WoW and give a deserter debuff. Seems a nice way to do it, if you quit out or leave you get a 15 min ban from queing again, if done again before say 2-3 hours have passed double it, and again and again if repeatedly done.


I don't understand why people say "Or do like WoW....". This isn't WoW. If people want WoW, they should play WoW.


And when WoW first implemented this, I stopped playing in PUGS and made a premade of Grand Marshals so that nobody leached off our gear.


...And there was more weeping and gnashing of teeth.

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Brilliant! So those who quit before now will stay and do nothing, afk, walk around in stealth or "guard" the only Alderanian turret which won't help you to win! That solved everything!


Actually it solves it more than you think, all those bads who are just AFKing or stealthing or guarding the only alderainian turret you own will be locked into that match for however long it takes to finish, and thus not not in group with other people endlessly quiting, and rejoining the que only to end up in the same warzone and then quiting then comming back and so on again and again.

But knowing if they left they would have to sit out for 15-30-1hr-2hrs whatever as a penalty would mean they might try to win or atleast farm up a few commendations. Rather than just continue to leave and rejoin what leaves your own team 1-2-3-4 players down on the enemy.

I was infact in 1 game today where i saw the same person who started the game leave 6 times because he left then ended up back in the same WZ.


I don't understand why people say "Or do like WoW....". This isn't WoW. If people want WoW, they should play WoW.


And when WoW first implemented this, I stopped playing in PUGS and made a premade of Grand Marshals so that nobody leached off our gear.


...And there was more weeping and gnashing of teeth.


As for the "or do like WoW" that i said before, if i wanted i could have gone back a few games before that had it before WoW. But WoW is a rather familier one for a lot of people to know as a reference.

As for premades i like playing in premades, but that still leaves 4 people who could be jerks who dont know what to do and will quit as soon as 1 thing goes wrong. And normally 1-2 of them are.

Edited by demonssword
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Let solo ques play together and then grouped ques together never should a group go up against a solo qued person then i realy dont care what they do with quitters. Untill they address that issue there will be a constant stream of quitters
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Actually it solves it more than you think, all those bads who are just AFKing or stealthing or guarding the only alderainian turret you own will be locked into that match for however long it takes to finish, and thus not not in group with other people endlessly quiting, and rejoining the que only to end up in the same warzone and then quiting then comming back and so on again and again.

But knowing if they left they would have to sit out for 15-30-1hr-2hrs whatever as a penalty would mean they might try to win or atleast farm up a few commendations.


lol. I love hearing this argument. "Oh it can't be that people don't want to play with other people who ignore the objective, THEY are the bads. IT'S THEM!!!!!!"


Nah bro. If they implement a deserter debuff. I won't quit, I will afk or help the other team out of spite.


Petty? Yep, I sure am! Poor attitude? Yep! I'd rather be a petty person with a poor attitude than a poorly-geared, crybaby leach that couldn't deal with the fact that people didn't want to carry him anymore.

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As for the "or do like WoW" that i said before, if i wanted i could have gone back a few games before that had it before WoW. But WoW is a rather familier one for a lot of people to know as a reference.

As for premades i like playing in premades, but that still leaves 4 people who could be jerks who dont know what to do and will quit as soon as 1 thing goes wrong. And normally 1-2 of them are.


A bad idea is a bad idea, doesn't matter how many games with differing mechanics implement it.


I'm a jerk. I don't like leaches. Sue me.

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Before they make any deserter buff or penalty for quitting, they should try to sort out all the dc me and others get in WZ.... its just annoying when we already won and then i dc....and it only have happened after the last two-three weeks, but loads of times the last weeks.


And no..its not my net or pc that is the problem.

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1. Create a hefty, but OPTIONAL, penalty for quitting the warzone

2. When queueing up, there would be 2 options: queue with penalty for leaving and queue without penalty for leaving

3. Those two groups wouldn't mix, if you queue without penalty, you'll only play with people who opted out of the penalty


This way all the quitters can merrily play together quitting on each other while I can choose not to play with them.


1. No.


2. No.


3. No.


Just play the game and stop worrying about what other people are doing. Really, get over it.

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Nah bro. If they implement a deserter debuff. I won't quit, I will afk or help the other team out of spite.


Same here. If I have to pay for this game then I'llplay it however I want. If you don't like it then you can scamper back to WOW where snobbery and idiocy reign supreme.

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Or do like WoW and give a deserter debuff. Seems a nice way to do it, if you quit out or leave you get a 15 min ban from queing again, if done again before say 2-3 hours have passed double it, and again and again if repeatedly done.


The only trouble with this would be that if you joined a battle what is clearly a loss at the point of joining you will be annoyed. However you could of course have a tickbox or something to "Only join games not in progress". This would mean if people left then likey chance is the game is over for their team as people wouldnt be replacing them but still.

What wrong with joining the game that pretty much already lost?

Was happens like 5 times then i've joined huttball and there was no way that our team will win it, and only 3 minutes left. Nevertheless was able to farm 5-6 medals in those 3 minutes.

I would actually love to join more of such matches.

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I suggest changing the dailies to something like "Participate and complete 9 Warzones." Have a loss count as 1 and a win count as 3. That way even losing will eventually get you what you need, it just takes a hell of a lot longer if you don't try to win.
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I suggest changing the dailies to something like "Participate and complete 9 Warzones." Have a loss count as 1 and a win count as 3. That way even losing will eventually get you what you need, it just takes a hell of a lot longer if you don't try to win.

Since then they've stop giving commendations and valor for lost WZs?

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What wrong with joining the game that pretty much already lost?

Was happens like 5 times then i've joined huttball and there was no way that our team will win it, and only 3 minutes left. Nevertheless was able to farm 5-6 medals in those 3 minutes.

I would actually love to join more of such matches.


That is why i said add a tickbox, not everyone wants to join a game in progress and like to have a fresh game that in essense is equal to start. Those who however dont mind the quick jump into a game and farm out a few badges or maybe be the game changer who turns everything around i am happy for them to do it, and infact i would do it. The main thing as i said before was that quiters will leave as soon as the most minor thing happens then at least in off-peak games (as in 4am-1pm atleast for my server) it is just they join, leave, join, leave, join, leave all the time. What that spot in the PVP system could have been taken up by someone who wanted to be there rather than someone who is just there to farm out easy gear like back in the days of WoW arena.

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