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**{Must See T.V.}** Sage DPS is SOOO Hard


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It also shows how little of Sage/Sorc damage is actually AoE. It is way less then people think.




Considering the screenshots people post of sorcerers are like 600K-800K damage or WHATEVER it is >500K damage, posting a screenshot of some ~200K+ damage with only TTshows exactly HOW HUGE OF A PERCENTAGE AoE accounts for those "high sorcerer damages."

Edited by Acyu
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Considering the screenshots people post of sorcerers are like 600K-800K damage or WHATEVER it is >500K damage, posting a screenshot of some ~200K+ damage with only TTshows exactly HOW HUGE OF A PERCENTAGE AoE accounts for those "high sorcerer damages."


Not on Alderaan. Those 600k+ screens are all Voidstar. ;)

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And watch the merc run out of ammo while the sage will just keep going...


you should wait for close to level 50 or 50 and learn your damage rotation. if after 50 you still think that a sage/sorc comes even close to your single target damage... oh my...


especially later with better gear, considering that at least half of the damage of a watchman ignore armor while nearly all damage of a sorc/sage is mitigated by it.....

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"Guy gets carried by team, hardly gets targeted and claims his class is OP.


More thrilling news at 11. "


Problem is, and this is exactly what the video shows, is that he can pull that kind of damage with 1 button and hardly any movement. Yes he gets carried. Yes the enemy it atrocious.


But can a Mara pull that kind of numbers with 1 button? Nope.

Can a PT? Again, nope, not a single button they can spam can give those numbers or even close. Sure he can hit Flame Burst 4-6 times before overheat puts a stop to that, and then 20 seconds of cooloff before he can do it again.


What people are complaining about is that Mercs and Sorcs can spam one button, over and over, and get quite decent results. When NO OTHER CLASS IN THE GAME can do the same. Either nerf them, or buff others. Otherwise it's just not fair.


Which is the whole point of the video.

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1) I looked at the OP screen shot before the vid and thought, "man he doing something seriously wrong. His damage is terribad."


2) Then I watch the vid and though, oh, thats why he did terribad.


3) Ive seen BH/Sents/maras top 500K in Aldaraan. Ive seen sorcs/sages in the high 300s.




Try again at your QQ. Spamming 1 skill while the rest of your team facilitates you just perching with a damage buff then claiming its OP to do average or worse damage is kinda....lolzy.


FYI: A DPS specced Sage should be able to pump out dps, the OP vid shows clearly they defiantly need a buff. :D


It be funny to watch a half dead, blind, quadriplegic Operative/Mara/Sin eat his face off he tried the same key bindings in a 1v1.

Edited by ImURmaster
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It be funny to watch a half dead, blind, quadriplegic Operative/Mara/Sin eat his face off he tried the same key bindings in a 1v1.


Can they do it with just one button on their hotbar? What button would you choose for:

1. Mara

2. Sin

3. Operative


Think well before you answer.

Remember, Mara by default has no rage.

Remember that Sin can only Thrash about 5 times before energy gives out, and he can't use stealth, that would require a second button.

Etc., etc.


See the problem yet? None of the classes you mentioned, with ONE button on their hotbar, would be able to kill this Sorc 1v1. That's the ultimate irony of this video that you just don't get.

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Problem is, and this is exactly what the video shows, is that he can pull that kind of damage with 1 button and hardly any movement. Yes he gets carried. Yes the enemy it atrocious.


But can a Mara pull that kind of numbers with 1 button? Nope.

Can a PT? Again, nope, not a single button they can spam can give those numbers or even close. Sure he can hit Flame Burst 4-6 times before overheat puts a stop to that, and then 20 seconds of cooloff before he can do it again.


What people are complaining about is that Mercs and Sorcs can spam one button, over and over, and get quite decent results. When NO OTHER CLASS IN THE GAME can do the same. Either nerf them, or buff others. Otherwise it's just not fair.


Which is the whole point of the video.



Ya or to put it short, the class takes too few skills to play, to get good numbers :)

That said, he deffently got carried by his team in this video. Still i see alot of people do the same **** as he pulls here, and it just gets annoying in the long run :(

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See the problem yet? None of the classes you mentioned, with ONE button on their hotbar, would be able to kill this Sorc 1v1. That's the ultimate irony of this video that you just don't get.




What you don't get is the OP is claiming that with just one button a sorc/sage is OP. Yet he's using a vid/ss with subpar numbers as his proof (LOL). I added further that his OP claim would even further be more laughable if you'd watch him try his "OP" kind binding setup in a 1v1.


A BH spaming TM would decimate him in ~20seconds if you wanna compare a 1 skill match up.

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What you don't get is the OP is claiming that with just one button a sorc/sage is OP. Yet he's using a vid/ss with subpar numbers as his proof (LOL). I added further that his OP claim would even further be more laughable if you'd watch him try his "OP" kind binding setup in a 1v1.


A BH spaming TM would decimate him in ~20seconds if you wanna compare a 1 skill match up.


my intent for this video is that with one button u can put up numbers that are decent and some sages/sorcs are just bad and need to L2P i shouldnt be able to out dps u with one button if u know what ur doing. this video is more of a sage dps is extremely easy to put up numbers no matter what u do. baddies are bad.

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What you don't get is the OP is claiming that with just one button a sorc/sage is OP. Yet he's using a vid/ss with subpar numbers as his proof (LOL). I added further that his OP claim would even further be more laughable if you'd watch him try his "OP" kind binding setup in a 1v1.


A BH spaming TM would decimate him in ~20seconds if you wanna compare a 1 skill match up.


Hahahaha! Don't avoid the question! :D


What ONE button would you choose, as Mara, Operative and Assassin, to beat a Sorcerer like that in a 1v1! Put your money where your mouth was.


And why are you avoiding the question? Because you KNOW, perfectly well, that like I said, NO OTHER CLASS IN THE GAME (except Mercs) can do those numbers, even in an identical scenario, with just ONE button on their toolbar.


You KNOW this. And yet you keep on arguing that everything is hunky dory. Let me guess? Sorc or Merc main?

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my intent for this video is that with one button u can put up numbers that are decent and some sages/sorcs are just bad and need to L2P i shouldnt be able to out dps u with one button if u know what ur doing. this video is more of a sage dps is extremely easy to put up numbers no matter what u do. baddies are bad.


What Im saying is that you your "decent' numbers suck. Low 200s is especially terribad considering you had you team facilitate you perching with a damage buff for most of the fight. I've done 300k+ in Alderaan PuG. 350k+ in Voidstar. 220k is terribad and all you proven is that using one skill gives terribad results.


Gratz, your right.


What I think your forgetting is that your supposed to be DPS class and TT is the staple skill that you build on in the balance tree (which you specced). SO your using the most talented buffed skill and getting subpar results. Not quit sure what your trying to prove other than if left alone with a damage buff you can use one skill and get subpar damage.

Edited by ImURmaster
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Oh! Oh! How about making a sniper video, where he's only using snipe?! Sniper's snipe does quite a damage and is spamable too...it'll rack up some high numbers, assuming there are people bored enough to carry such sniper.


Now one button crap aside, this thread is all about troll trolling trolls who troll other trolls in never ending cycle of delusions and obvious lies.


Simply put, no class is all about one button, no matter the amount of ******* claiming otherwise.


So let's end this pointless trollfest, because there are plenty of threads explaining in detal just why sorcs are OP as hell... And even more threads with sorc players explaining in detail just why their fotm class is underpowered.

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What Im saying is that you your "decent' numbers suck. Low 200s is especially terribad considering you had you team facilitate you perching with a damage buff for most of the fight. I've done 300k+ in Alderaan PuG. 350k+ in Voidstar. 220k is terribad and all you proven is that using one skill gives terribad results.


Gratz, your right.


What I think your forgetting is that your supposed to be DPS class and TT is the staple skill that you build on in the balance tree (which you specced). SO your using the most talented buffed skill and getting subpar results. Not quit sure what your trying to prove other than if left alone with a damage buff you can use one skill and get subpar damage.


i put up 450k+ in alderan and 550k+ in voidstar just fyi ur numbers suck this video was to show that people that play sages and get 130k dmg are clearly bad and need to start pressing buttons


Edit: and btw im 0/22/19 just fyi not full balance

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but u can cover without a hotkey on a bar


Cover - 1st ability.

Snipe - 2nd ability.


Bind them however you like, it will take the sniper TWO abilities to do what you want. And it still won't work, because like I said the sniper will be energy-starved very quickly.


Sage in the video?


Kinetic Throw - 1st ability.


That is all. Q.E.D.

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i put up 450k+ in alderan and 550k+ in voidstar just fyi ur numbers suck this video was to show that people that play sages and get 130k dmg are clearly bad and need to start pressing buttons


Edit: and btw im 0/22/19 just fyi not full balance


I missed that part where I said you were full balanced. All I said was you are talented in balance.


Sooo, you proven again with your own admission that using just one skill you do less than 50% of your potential.


Like I said, all you've shown is how to to do terribad damage in a WZ.


What was your point again? :D


You should rephrase your OP to say:


"Look I did terrible damage and reduced my potential by over 50% by using just one skill...I was totally surprised."

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Can't do it, bucko! Not with one button. Requires 2 - Cover, then Snipe. And Sniper would VERY quickly run out of energy, and not be able to do any DPS at all.


Well than, following your somewhat right logic, movement keys are binder abilities, so it's not one button, but five... That's snipe, ambush, takedown, default attack and cover. Oh and I don't actually need to move around as a sniper. AND, since I'm being carried by the team, I'll have sorcs on my team pull me around, there's always 4,5 of the on the team anyway.


You wanna neat pick more?! Brig it on, sucka!

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