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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

When did we all become afraid


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So why is it when 6 of my team mates quit trying and hide at left turret cant any of the empire players be a sport and go 1 vs 1. clearly you only see me and 1 other person still trying. Are all of you really that scared of a 1 vs 1. Your still going to win the warzone atleast you can muster up some courage and go 1 vs 1. I mean come on people lets grow a set. Speaking of this Sorcerers are the biggest group afraid of 1 vs 1. Everytime you get one by them self they run away. I know for a fact when we roll the empire and make them quit I find it extremely boring running them 6 vs 1. Maybe I just have more competitive spirit.
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As soon as bioware do something about it, to actually encourage ppl for solo/small-scale pvp on Ilum (and not only). Personaly i love for solo pvp on ilum, at least because that is actually pvp, rather then "slide-show of buff spammers". But let be honest, we all want fastest way to get daily done and thats how bioware make their 'proudly' Ilum.

So.... enjoy...

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I was actually talking about warzones. I go to Ilum when the imps are sleeping and farm my 30 armamnts. Ilum is just way to laggy to go when their are 20+ people. I just wish when a team is smashing the other team and they know that only 1 or 2 of us are even trying anymore they could just do 1 vs 1 till warzone is over. They know they won and its not like 7 of them killing me a few times is actually getting them more medals. I mean if 6 people attack me at once my 17,500HP goes pretty fast. So they arent getting their 300K medal that way.
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because the game programs us to only care about badges. if I have < 10 kills .. that 10th kill is all that matters. bad game design > humanity / common sense. add to that the sheer imbalance of gear in this game and the lack of brackets .. and the only sane thing to do when not in a premade is focus on collecting badges.
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So why is it when 6 of my team mates quit trying and hide at left turret cant any of the empire players be a sport and go 1 vs 1. clearly you only see me and 1 other person still trying. Are all of you really that scared of a 1 vs 1. Your still going to win the warzone atleast you can muster up some courage and go 1 vs 1. I mean come on people lets grow a set. Speaking of this Sorcerers are the biggest group afraid of 1 vs 1. Everytime you get one by them self they run away. I know for a fact when we roll the empire and make them quit I find it extremely boring running them 6 vs 1. Maybe I just have more competitive spirit.


Hmm, your tears fuel the opposition. Keep deluding yourself thinking you have a greater "competitive spirit." LOL

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Hmm, your tears fuel the opposition. Keep deluding yourself thinking you have a greater "competitive spirit." LOL


I not crying I just dont see the fun in 6 vs 1. when my team farms another team I refuse to partake in it. it doesnt show that I'm skilled by beating someone 6 vs 1. You only find out how skilled you are when fighting 1 vs 1. I get it Imps are scared and need the numbers game.

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They are medal farming. They aren't grouping up on you because they won't 1v1 they are grouping up on you because they're acting like sharks in a feeding frenzy.


seriously killing me once 6 vs 1 isn't medal farming. you cant get many medals if 6 people kill me once. I stop running in after 1 or 2 times. then with our whole team sitting at left turret do they come over and fight, of course not numbers are even then. so if they were real medal farmers they'd come over to left turret

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It's hardly being afraid. It's more along the lines of not being stupid. When the team fails to work together I will just camp the node until I see people working together as a team. I don't do it often but when I do it's out of frustration with my team not paying attention to those giving commands.


So if that's you, then you're part of the problem.

Edited by Draeb
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It's hardly being afraid. It's more along the lines of not being stupid. When the team fails to work together I will just camp the node until I see people working together as a team. I don't do it often but when I do it's out of frustration with my team not paying attention to those giving commands.


So if that's you, then you're part of the problem.


how am i the problem when 6 members of my team stop trying and camp a turret when we are losing. you dont need 6 people guarding left turret when no one is attacking it

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how am i the problem when 6 members of my team stop trying and camp a turret when we are losing. you dont need 6 people guarding left turret when no one is attacking it




"So if that's you, then you're part of the problem."



If that's not you, then you're not part of the problem.



Basically if no one is issuing commands then you do it. If someone is then you listen. Apparently when six people are on one node they either gave up because no one is taking a leadership role or they are just waiting for someone to take initiative.

Edited by Draeb
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"So if that's you, then you're part of the problem."



If that's not you, then you're not part of the problem.


You must be a bit slow. I clearly stated It was my team mates who quit trying. Lol


Let me say it again in big letters maybe u have hard time seeing



Edited by Ssfbistimg
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You must be a bit slow. I clearly stated It was my team mates who quit trying. Lol


Let me say it again in big letters maybe u have hard time seeing






When you can start communicating like a grown up then try understanding where I'm coming from in my first response, or not and continue acting like a child.

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