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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Best and worst names seen...


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Tall, blonde female bounty hunter: Barbie'fett


I was chatting with a group of people over general chat the other day on the Imperial Fleet and someone was talking about a player rage quitting during a flashpoint. I mentioned Rage'quit would make a dandy name for a sith. Someone said they were off to make it. Wonder if it ever happened. This was on the Harbringer server.


Darth Rage'quit has a nice ring to it. :D

Edited by ejadavidson
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I just spotted Welkin Gunther on the Red Eclipse server, which I thought was great. Squad seven, move out! :cool:


Though it does remind me... I never finished that game. I probably should should get on that soon.

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agent for a wait for it..... agent. Uganda was also a pretty weird name. For a trooper there was rager, so his name was major rager. For a guild Jawa killed my mom or something like that :jawa_evil: Edited by Receo
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For a trooper there was rager, so his name was major rager.


Is there a Trooper out there called Major Major Major?


Worst name: Medontknow Something, on my old server. I saw him on my new server: Medontknow Medontknow. It's an RP server, obviously.

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My favorite name for this game to date was my own


Trooper named Tk-fourtwo'one


I have been forced to rename this one many many times as it does violate the Star Wars Universe clause in naming toons.. eventually enough jealous people will report any variation of the name


So that toon has now been named :






Tk-fourtwo'zero (had to rename because of drug referance - gimme a break!)

Tk-fourtwo (Current variation, and likley to stick now)


I tried to keep the name - BW wont let me (or the faulkers reporting me)



For the best guild name I've seen for this game so far:


<Blah blah blah Spacebar>

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Is there a Trooper out there called Major Major Major?


Worst name: Medontknow Something, on my old server. I saw him on my new server: Medontknow Medontknow. It's an RP server, obviously.


I saw an agent named:


Title: Agent

Name: Agent

Legacy: Agent



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Lots to choose from but the one I liked the most that I've seen since moving to drooga's was guild name <ok who pulled>


funny names..body type 4 "fatmattdamon"


Pretty cool..gunslinger with title "the outlaw" clint'beastwood

Edited by Grimsky
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I haven't seen it yet, but I am positive that it has been done: Make a Trooper named Troll and get him past the class quests. There ya go. Name addition via Legacy is optional.


Heh. Major Troll. That would be funny.

Edited by Termorn
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