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Reasons why Servers no longer say Very Heavy ect ect ect


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In the beginning as many of us know the server queues where a pain and they where almost ALL full.. people say that since this isnt the case anymore that the game must be dieing...


IF YOU REMEMBER bioware said they where planning on expanding server space and making the queues shorter or none existent...


Bioware has done a good job on making log in a pain... That is one problem they have fixed along with many.. And there are still many they must fix But this game is continuely growing in numbers and dieing in numbers the game is at a stand still as more people join and more people leave.

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how do you know?


how do you have even the slightest tally of a numbers on a server?


I call BS on this speculation.....used too often, and always uninformed..


sorry. but gonna hold here until you provide source of traffic and population for this assumption.



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In the beginning as many of us know the server queues where a pain and they where almost ALL full.. people say that since this isnt the case anymore that the game must be dieing...


IF YOU REMEMBER bioware said they where planning on expanding server space and making the queues shorter or none existent...


Bioware has done a good job on making log in a pain... That is one problem they have fixed along with many.. And there are still many they must fix But this game is continuely growing in numbers and dieing in numbers the game is at a stand still as more people join and more people leave.



Edited by sDiesel
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Keep in mind that many people were on break from school, took vacation time or had set aside time from other games they were playing for SWTOR. I know quite a few people that unsubbed to finish Skyrim and wait to see if improvements are made. I know others that are so infuriated, they'll never be back. I'm still on the fence.


But a quick check showed over 400 people combined on Hutta, Korriban and Dromund Kaas. Remember the population caps on the SWTOR servers are hella low, compared to many other games.

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Cue the doomsayers saying "No it's cuz da gaem suxxorz and evry1 is leevin lololol"


It's cuz da gaem suxxorz and evry1 is leevin lololol!!!!!:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:


On a serious note though. It's really because people are unhappy and they're showing Bioware with their wallets.

Edited by DigitalDreamz
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You're asking the idiots to read and retain and that just isn't going to happen. Log in is much smoother than it was at launch. The only thing that really still bugs me is how long it takes to load in to any planet. Way too long.


15-30 seconds is long? :confused:

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In the beginning as many of us know the server queues where a pain and they where almost ALL full.. people say that since this isnt the case anymore that the game must be dieing...


IF YOU REMEMBER bioware said they where planning on expanding server space and making the queues shorter or none existent...


Bioware has done a good job on making log in a pain... That is one problem they have fixed along with many.. And there are still many they must fix But this game is continuely growing in numbers and dieing in numbers the game is at a stand still as more people join and more people leave.


You have any proof or anything else besides that Bioware said they did? Any?


The charts that show server populations do not show any large ajustments to show where a server cap was raised. It does show a steady decline each week. Or is that because they keep increasing the servers even though there is not reason too?


1 million people playing 4 hours a week and still there are people saying that they cant find a group and LFG needs to be added ASAP.


All the people asking for a server merge because their server is dead. Increasing server status wouldnt cause this problem because the same amount of people would still be in the game.


There are many signs that the game is loosing players and there are no signs that it is even close to the 1.7 that Bioware said.

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There are many signs that the game is loosing players and there are no signs that it is even close to the 1.7 that Bioware said.


No. There are many signs that people aren't playing as obsessively as they once were. None of those signs point to a decrease in subscription numbers.

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No. There are many signs that people aren't playing as obsessively as they once were. None of those signs point to a decrease in subscription numbers.


Reality check.. In your words, there are 'many' signs that players are not playing. (The obsessively) bit is irrelevant)


Given they're not playing, do you, with all your wisdom, expect them 'all' to re-sub? Or, would you say, there's a great chance, 'many' of them won't?

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500+ is "Standard" - I know this because I checked earlier and there was about 530-540 people on both Empire and Republic. YAY!


no it isn't 750 + is standard 530-540 is still considered light population


If you do a /who 50 and get 100 results you need to do /who 50 mercenary /who 50 powertech... etc etc.. I made a thread on server populations and did a lot of tests on different servers and took data from other people..


So trust me 530-540 is "light"

Edited by Mcfondles
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In the beginning as many of us know the server queues where a pain and they where almost ALL full.. people say that since this isnt the case anymore that the game must be dieing...


IF YOU REMEMBER bioware said they where planning on expanding server space and making the queues shorter or none existent...


Bioware has done a good job on making log in a pain... That is one problem they have fixed along with many.. And there are still many they must fix But this game is continuely growing in numbers and dieing in numbers the game is at a stand still as more people join and more people leave.


Happy Happy Joy Joy

Happy Happy Joy Joy...


The hills are alive with the sound of music...


I love you , you love me

Were a happy family...

Edited by GothicSaint
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15-30 seconds is long? :confused:


While loading a web site the average user belive after 3 seconds loading time the site is broken and try to reload or search for a other site.

And without raid or SSD some loading times can take over one minute.


If you add all the loading times while travling from one planet to another one (planet -> hangar -> space station -> ship -> space station -> hangar -> planet) it can take 5 or more minutes.


So yes, they are a problem ;).



OT: If BioWare rise the population cap and don't make it public ... (sorry) they would be stupid as it would be a GREAT succes massage:

"Daily news: we are happy to anounce, that our new optimized code allow us to rise the server cap by xx% which should greatly improve the expirience of every player!!!1111".


While I would be happy to see a news like this ... I did not see one :(.

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