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Are there differences between Sentinel and Mara?


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You sound bad for not having an ability keybound.


I have it keybound ... for the once every 6 hours where it's useful.


Naturally, I don't mention using Force Scream within a thousand yards of Watchman attack discussions, since using it in 0.0463% of attack sequences seems ...




Just like I don't mention Savage Kick or Pommel Strike. Ironically, I don't mention Bloodthirst (Valorous Call IIRC) either, even though I use that about 30 times as often.



But, to be sure, I do try to continuously improve my gameplay.


Since you all seem to have so much experience, praytell how you end up in these situations where your opponent has <1.5k HP, and you have already used your 15m execute, and your Stasis, and your Camo, and your Charge, and your Transcendence ...

Edited by EasymodeX
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I have it keybound ... for the once every 6 hours where it's useful.


Naturally, I don't mention using Force Scream within a thousand yards of Watchman attack discussions, since using it in 0.0463% of attack sequences seems ...




Just like I don't mention Savage Kick or Pommel Strike. Ironically, I don't mention Bloodthirst (Valorous Call IIRC) either, even though I use that about 30 times as often.



But, to be sure, I do try to continuously improve my gameplay.


Since you all seem to have so much experience, praytell how you end up in these situations where your opponent has <1.5k HP, and you have already used your 15m execute, and your Stasis, and your Camo, and your Charge, and your Transcendence ...



target low at range + dispatch down + 4+ focus. since 50% of imperials on my server are tank spec classes, this happens decently often. ill end up using storm once or twice per wz sometimes. so just about as often as inspiration.


if i know i can kill someone within 10m with storm + dispatch and i have the focus for it, id rather do that than using leap on a target so close to death, and save it to initiate the next dude.

Edited by ShiroRX
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target low at range + dispatch down + 4+ focus.


So why don't you use Transcendece to kill them then get to the next fight? Why didn't your Dispatch finish them? Why did you have 8 Focus remaining before using Dispatch? Why didn't you use Slash/Merc Slash/Caut before they got out of range, and then Dispatch?

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So why don't you use Transcendece to kill them then get to the next fight? Why didn't your Dispatch finish them? Why did you have 8 Focus remaining before using Dispatch? Why didn't you use Slash/Merc Slash/Caut before they got out of range, and then Dispatch?


Your situations are overly simplistic. I could've been stunned, flashbanged, rooted out of range. Tanks have saber wards, deflection buffs, part of the dispatch could've been shield absorbed, maybe im just taunted by another dude and that was enough damage lowering on dispatch not to kill the guy. who knows.


You have to adapt to the situation pvp has presented to you, not the one you dream up in your head.


I basically never use transcendence to try and kill someone. This is generally a colossal waste of 30 centering imo. The only time I use it is for objective capturing/defense purposes. Rarely will a situation present itself where I use it to kill. Just yesterday that happened actually, a sorc was very determined to run from middle when low on hp, i was overload rooted and he ran to the east side drop down w/ force speed to get away; i was angered by his arrogance, so i transcended to kill him (only because that particular situation robbed me of any LOS).


Besides that transcendence's activation range is terrible and is limited to party, so much of the time only I am getting any benefit from it when used in these situations.




Not to sound arrogant but my playstyle seems to be quite effective. There isn't another Marauder or Sentinel on Mandalore who does as well as I do.

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So why don't you use Transcendece to kill them then get to the next fight? Why didn't your Dispatch finish them? Why did you have 8 Focus remaining before using Dispatch? Why didn't you use Slash/Merc Slash/Caut before they got out of range, and then Dispatch?



Just ignore this, dont fall for the bait :).

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Your situations are overly simplistic. I could've been stunned, flashbanged, rooted out of range. Tanks have saber wards, deflection buffs, part of the dispatch could've been shield absorbed, maybe im just taunted by another dude and that was enough damage lowering on dispatch not to kill the guy. who knows.


So what you're saying is:


1. You were stunned/flashbanged/rooted out of melee latency-adjusted range (4-6m), but you were within 10m, and they barely had enough hp left, and they weren't able to run that last 4m to exceed your Blade Storm range.


2. In addition, you failed to take the situation into account between bubbles and taunts and defensive cooldowns. As a result, you executed an underkill sequence, misjudging the damage capability of Dispatch, and thus you're trying to make up for your error with a hugely inefficient ability, setting yourself up for much less damage if your target gets MiracleHealed or hits another cooldown.


3. You want to diminish your ability to fight the second target by dumping all your Focus on a poor attack, instead of conserving it and finishing your target with a Zealous Strike/Strike with Transcendence, initiating on the next target faster and partially negating their first defensive play anyways.



Sounds pro!


Like I said, the only time Blade Storm is relevant as Watchman is when you're finishing someone with a 50%+ dodge buff up that will get healed imminently, and you already made an error by pooling too much Focus (which does happen). And in that case you should have used Sweep first, and probably used Stasis to seal a harder burn or a kill.

Edited by EasymodeX
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My favorite line was misjudging the damage capability of dispatch. So my goal is to on the fly calculate their damage reduction based on what level of gear they have (each individual piece mind you), dispatch's damage at that particular moment (full juyo stacks, am i fully buffed, trinket active, adrenal active. exact +dmg numbers for each individual buff and how much they factor directly into dispatch with its coefficient), do the math in my head of all that with 1.5 seconds time. That still leaves the probability that it might crit, changing the entire calculation.



You're a funny guy. But keep handing out advice with no information about yourself so no one can challenge your credibility.


troll on brotha.

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So my goal is to on the fly calculate their damage reduction based on what level of gear they have (each individual piece mind you), dispatch's damage at that particular moment (full juyo stacks, am i fully buffed, trinket active, adrenal active. exact +dmg numbers for each individual buff and how much they factor directly into dispatch with its coefficient), do the math in my head of all that with 1.5 seconds time. That still leaves the probability that it might crit, changing the entire calculation.


If you can't judge the damage level of your Dispatch within an order of magnitude, pending the target's guard, defensive cooldowns, bubbles thrown on them, dodge buff or other ways to **** You Out Of Your Kill, you've got problems.


Tacking on horribly inefficient abilities because you over-estimated your finisher damage output is scrubby. Overkill > underkill.



You're a funny guy. But keep handing out advice with no information about yourself so no one can challenge your credibility.


Information about myself?


Why would that matter?


You think I should be like you and say "I AM THE BEST ON MY SERVER"? What difference would that make? Maybe I should be a kewl kid and add "WAR HERO" to my sig, because valor matters .



There are situations to use it, that's all I've ever said. Albeit rare, but they exist.




This. The only disagreement here is which rare situations are legitimate due to gameplay mechanics, and which are due to User Error, initiated by a silly attempt at trolling me, assuming that I did not have Blade Storm bound at all.

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Basically yes you are essentially correct in that I use blade storm maybe once per day.. Call it six hours if you like.


I used it last night. Alderaan warzone. I had just killed two people. I had used basically every cooldown I had to achieve it. All def cooldowns, camo, stasis, awe and zen. I had literally just dispatched one person to death, I had very little HP. Some sorc, also running on next to no HP knocked me back and rooted me. Every other Imp and Rep was dead.

They started to drop lightning on me. I had 4 focus. Blade storm - BOOM dead. One more global and I would have been dead.

That is when it's good to use any damn ability you have to achieve the desired effect. Namely them dead and me not.


Maybe we're talking around in circles here. As I agree that using it "as part of your rotation" or anything like that is utter fail as watchman. But I have a lot of love in my heart for that 10m range thing. It's saved my *** too many times.

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Ah thats good then cos I am the top marauder on the republic side of the WORLD! With laser beam eyes and a foot long ***** ;)


ROFL preach on brotha!!!! Im sure Easymode will have some 3 page essay with footnotes and a bibliography to validate why you shouldn't have used Bladestorm in that exact situation you described.


Probably something along the lines of


"Well why were you almost dead after killing 2 Imps and working on a third?" See you obviously didnt use your defensive cool downs at exactly the right time down to the millisecond. Also if you had picked your nose with your finger at a 65% angle you would'nt have been that low on health. Lastly instead of using Bladestorm to finish the third guy off you should have just defecated in your pants to scare him off thus allowing you to save that last 4 focus and not use Bladestorm since it should NEVER, EVER, NEVER be used under any cirucimstances what so ever".
Edited by Talonvore
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I have a marauder that i've been leveling occasionally.

I do find it easier but tbh i put that down to having a 50 sentinel. When i leveled my sent i had no idea about the class at all it wasnt until i started pvping at 50 that i bettered myself and read the guides, learned the class etc. So marauder is a cakewalk since it is a mirror class and i know what im diong this time around. I quite like vette as well.


Animation wise i prefer sentinel. The marauder has a kinda wooshyness about the animation. Its smoother then sent but don't feel as impactful IMO.

Edited by AngusFTW
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with sent u get pvp

with mara you compete for chests and sh*tball

give me a break with the walls of texts, this is all that matters.


1 more thing, Annihilate animation and effect shakes the screen and makes the mara scream. Merciless slash doesn't have that awesomesauce, in return it might be a bit faster - dunno.

Edited by muradi
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